The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 184: Soundproof.

"Yes?" Haru asked as he turned to see all eyes were now on him. What did she want? They didn't know each other and as far as he knew he didn't do anything to offend her.

"Oh, sorry it's just that… You look familiar. Have we met somewhere before?" She asked with a look of suspicion. He knew that he hadn't met her before at all so he wondered what she was trying to get at. Was this a plot against him or something?

He felt the eyes of the people in the room on him and saw as some of them reached their hands down into their jacket underneath the table.

"No, I think you're mistaken. I haven't seen you before." He said and looked as the other people all remained tense.

"Is that so? You have this aura around you that feels familiar. Are you really sure that I haven't met you somewhere before?" The girl asked one more time to make sure that she was sure. Even she didn't recognise his face it was just the feeling that he gave her.

It was the feeling that a child would have in the arms of their father. It was a safe feeling like if he was close by she would be safe. 

"Then, I apologise for making a mistake. Would you like to join me for some tea? It's my way of apologising for confusing you with someone." She said with an honest smile. It had been a long time since Haru had seen a smile as honest as this. It reminded him of when he went back to the sect and met Remi again. 

"Tea? Sure I could use a drink." Haru said before feeling the people secretly looking at him direct death stares towards him. They were still trying to keep the fact that they were bodyguards hidden though. Almost like he wasn't a real target for them to be threatened by. 

They were still waiting for something else despite their cautiousness. A few of them glared up at one man who was stood by the counter drinking a coffee and looked for a sign. He lifted one hand and scratched his eyebrow and tilted his glasses downwards as not to cause suspicion.

But Haru felt the pressure he was feeling in the room ease up as they all relaxed and went back to mindlessly doing their own things. It was like they no longer felt like he was a threat just from the subtle sign of this one man. 

'So he's the leader huh?' Haru thought before walking over to the pair of girls and pulling out a chair and taking a seat for himself. 

"Who is he?" The little girl asked the older girl who then looked down at her with a smile. 

"I don't know he hasn't introduced himself yet. But that also means we haven't introduced ourselves to him, doesn't it? Would you like to tell him who you are?" The older girl asked the younger one with a warm smile. She cared for her a lot and that was clear to see. 

Haru had come to the conclusion that they were probably sisters and that was made obvious as the younger on pulled down the hood of the thick jacket to reveal her deep ocean coloured eyes that matched the eyes of the older girl sat beside her. 

"Sure! My name is Lan Tao. I am nine this year and I like to ride horses in my spare time." The younger girl smiled innocently like she thought that was a normal introduction. The older girl giggled and then gave her a kiss on the head. 

"Tao… I swear you are so cute. It's funny that you don't even realise it." The older girl said before looking across the table and back at Haru.

"Well hello there. Lan Tao. It is nice to meet you." He said back softly to which the younger girl smiled with her cheeks turning slightly red with embarrassment.

The older girl giggled and then reached her hand out across the table to shake Haru's. He took notice of it and then looked around to see if anyone was still looking at him before holding out his hand in return.

The girl smiled before gently wrapping her fingers around his palm and squeezing it a little as she shook it.

"And my name is Lan Yan. And you probably guessed that we are siblings didn't you?" She said and then smiled before she looked down at the younger girl with a bit of pity in her eyes. Something was wrong but she couldn't force her problems on to a stranger so instead, she smiled before looking back up at the young man sat across from her. 

"And your name is?" She asked since Haru hadn't said anything yet.

"Haru Kitagawa. It's nice to meet you too Lan Yan." Haru smiled once again to which she quickly retracted her hand away from him as her cheeks also shifted to a gentle shade of pink. It was the same reaction most people had when they met him after his looks had fused with Li Jun's so it didn't bother him as much as it should have done.

"Ahem, Likewise." Lan Yan smiled before looking away from Haru's eyes. She then stood up to pour him some tea. She pulled a cup off from the platter that was holding the teapot and then put it down on the table before picking up the teapot and pouring it into the cup and passing it to him.

Haru took a sip of it before putting the cup onto the table once again. 

"It's delicious, Thank you very much." He said and then was ambushed by a question from the younger girl.

"Excuse me… Why do you have a funny name?" She asked as she couldn't pronounce his name correctly. She was young after all and only had knowledge of Chinese names it wasn't like he expected her to pronounce his name but she called it funny. Haru smiled before answering. 

"My name? I guess it does sound funny, doesn't it? Well, I'm not from china I am from Japan. And my name is Japanese so that might be why it sounds funny to you." He explained to her but without missing a beat she asked him another question.

"Then why are your eyes so pretty?" She took note of the unusual colour to his eyes since it was probably quite unlike anything she had seen before. The older girl also looked at him with eyebrows raised like she was also interested to know the answer.

"My eyes? Well, I was born with them. I don't know how I should answer that." Haru couldn't think of what he could say to explain his eyes being that shade of blue other than coming out and saying that he was a cultivator and he was possessed by someone's soul fragment and his eyes didn't change back to their original colour. 

But he found it funny. At first, he was going to get up and leave for the next bus heading to Beijing but these kids were innocent. He didn't want anything to happen to them on their way to where ever they were heading so he made up his mind to stay and just take this bus instead.

It would be quicker than waiting for the next one and he was also curious to see why they had so many guards. He doubted many people would travel with so many of them so they must have been from some important family. As he sat there talking back and forth the man who was guarding the door walked into the room. Just as the bus pulled up to the glass sliding doors that were on one side of the room. 

"Enjoy your ride." The muscular man said with a monotone voice as everyone stood and began to line up to board.

"Well, It was nice talking to you Mr Kitagawa but we will take our leave now." Lan Yan said before taking the hand of her little sister and then walking up to the front of the line. She walked passed everyone else but not a single one of them said anything as she was the first to enter the bus.

Their seats were right in the middle of the bus so one by one as the other people boarded they sat all the way around them. Encircling the two of them perfectly. 

Haru's seat just so happened to be right at the back of the bus so he had a whole row to himself. As he stepped on to the bus he noticed the interior was lined with black silk and everything had a quiet feel to it. It sounded like the inside was soundproof since voiced wouldn't echo in the slightest as some of the people whispered to each other. 

Haru showed his ticket to the driver before walking past the group of strategically placed guards and the two young girls he had been talking with.

As he walked past he noticed that both of them ignored him entirely. They didn't even turn to look at him as he walked past them both. He didn't think anything of it before sitting at the back of the bus and waiting for it to set off. He pulled out his phone and noticed that he had missed a phone call from an unknown number

"Who is that?… Fuck that's probably Suyin, isn't it? I had better call her back." He whispered to himself before calling the number back.

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