The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 185: Moonlight.

The phone rang out for a few seconds before a tired voice picked up. But the tiredness in her voice went away the second Haru spoke. 

"Hello, Is this the number for…." Haru was just about to ask if he had the correct number but he couldn't even finish his sentence before Suyin shouted back.

"Haru! I missed you so much. I wish you were still here… It's so nice to hear your voice. Are you okay? I tried to call earlier but you didn't pick up." She said as soon as she realised who had called her. 

"You're sure are excited to hear from me. Did you miss me that much?" He teased her a little bit since so sounded so happy. 

"Of course I am. It feels like it has been forever since I last heard your voice. Did you not miss me?" Suyin asked in return. 

Haru felt eyes all over his body as he realised how loud he was talking. The guards all looked up at him and gave disapproving looks like he was being disrespectful. 

But he didn't really care. Instead of giving in to the pressure from the others he sat back in his seat and relaxed a little before putting one of his legs over the other. He was now acting like the spoiled kids he hated so much but It was better this way.

If he was quiet and reserved for the whole journey they could get the wrong idea about him and think that he was there as a spy and end up shooting at him. Although he was confident that he could defend himself against them.

He didn't want them to think he is their enemy. He wanted to lie low and wait until something happened. Which he had the suspicion that it would or else this many guards would have been pointless in the first place. 

"Who are you kidding!? I missed you too. I didn't think that it would be this hard, living all by myself." Haru was practically shouting at this point with an overly raised voice since he knew everyone would be listening to his conversation anyway.

He wanted them to know that he knew they were listening to him. Which worked since one of the men called out back to him. 

"Excuse me, young man. But could you be a little quieter? I have a lot of work to do and you are keeping me from concentrating on it." A middle-aged man dressed like an office worker asked Haru with a gentle smile but his frame was way too big for a simple office worker. Haru could see the muscles on his body from under the suit he was wearing. All in all, it was a terrible disguise for them all to be doing this. It might have been better to just wear typical clothes a bodyguard would wear.

It's wasn't like people travelling with guards was a strange sight. Some people just needed the reassurance that their loved ones would be safe and if they had the money to do so then it was normal for them to have a bodyguard.

"Fine. Whatever old man." Haru said with a sigh, he was playing the arrogant young master role a bit too well as he noticed the secret guard bite his tongue with the veins on his forehead beginning to bulge. 

"Thank you." The guard said with the smile forcefully fading from his lips as the interaction came to an end and then turned back around to where another man nudged him in the arm and giggled slightly. 

"What was that about? Are you out somewhere?" Suyin asked after hearing a little bit of the interaction.

"Oh, it's nothing to worry about. Just some old man on the bus was asking me to be quiet. And yeah I'm heading to Beijing for a week." Haru announced loud enough for the man to hear on purpose to try to get a reaction but there was nothing. The only reaction he had were the veins on the back of his neck looking like they would pop at any moment. 

"Beijing!? Why are you going to Beijing? I thought you would be studying for classes or something." Suyin said with a curious tone to her voice. 

"I just have some business to take care of and then I will be heading back. It won't take long and I got permission from the teacher so everything is fine.

But enough about me. I heard your new song is doing well. You made it into the top ten within the first week of it being released. That's not something that happens very often. I'm proud of you." Haru said a bit quieter this time. 

"Why thank you. You were the one who inspired the lyrics so you should be congratulating yourself not me." Suyin giggled after she let him know that the song was written about him. 

"Wait… You wrote a song about me? You didn't say anything about that before I left." Haru said shocked by what she had told him. That was a big thing and he didn't know how to react to it. 

"You haven't listened to it yet? I thought you would have done that. If you did it would have been pretty obvious it was about you." She said with a hint of sadness in her voice like she wanted him to listen to it. 

"You were the one who told me not to listen to any of your songs until we see each other again. I wanted to keep my word and wait until we were together." Haru said, reminding her of the promise she had made him keep a few months prior. 

"I was just joking about that. I didn't think you would keep your word. But if you want to we can listen to my album together before it comes out. I will be going to Shanghai at the start of next year to do the very first live performance before the album drops." She let him know that she would be able to see him at the start of next year which brought a smile to Haru's face. 

"I will be able to see you again soon? I can't wait! I will have to show you around my new house too." Haru said excitedly.

"You bought a new house? Why? I know you have money saved up but you need to be smart with it. It won't last forever you know." Suyin said with a bit of disappointment in her voice but it didn't matter to her that much. Since she had already planned to support him in the future. 

"No, I didn't buy anything. Ugh… There was a little bit of trouble I got involved in a few days ago and the boss of the organisation gave me a house to sweep things under the rug." He told her to ease her but worrying but that only lead to more worrying. 

"You aren't fighting with anyone, are you? You aren't in Shenzhen anymore they have their own way of dealing with people there. I bet the criminals carry guns with them in shanghai." She wasn't wrong but that wasn't a threat to Haru any more. The only things that could frighten him were explosives and magic devices. He wasn't sure if he could defend against those.

A mage on their own wasn't a very strong opponent for a cultivator but a mage with a Lux was something else entirely. The Lux was made to replace guns but that wasn't all. They amplified the magic that was used to power them by tens if not hundreds of times. 

The last he had heard the military was developing a handheld weapon that could shoot a beam of plasma through a full thirty centimetres of steel. As long as he didn't run into anything like that he would have nothing to worry about.

"It's fine. We just had a little disagreement. Everything is settled now. He was a rather nice man and even asked me to work with him sometime in the future." Haru explained to her about how he wanted him to compete in a competition for him.

"Just a competition of martial arts? Nothing else? You're not doing anything shady are you?" Suyin asked worried about exactly what he was doing with his time alone in Shanghai.

"Yes, Just a martial arts tournament, There is really nothing to worry about," Haru announced to her gently to ease her worrying once again. He then looked up and notice that light was coming from underneath the curtains that were blocking the outside world from peering into the bus.

He peeled back one of the curtains to see that the bus was already moving and the city was nowhere to be seen. The soundproofing on the inside of the bus was so good that he hadn't even heard the sounds of the engine since he boarded so he assumed that they didn't move an inch yet. He didn't expect to be surrounded by trees illuminated by only moonlight.

"Okay, Then I have nothing to worry about… Hey, I will be busy tomorrow morning and I still haven't showered yet. I'm going to have to go and get ready for bed so can I talk to you tomorrow night?" Suyin asked.

"I was actually thinking about taking a nap. I don't know how long I will be stuck on this bus for so sure. I will speak to you tomorrow." Haru said before they both said their goodbyes and Haru was now left alone within the awkward silence of this bus ride. 

He leaned forward to the seat in front of him where a young-looking man with glasses was sat with clutching his briefcase in his arms. 

"Excuse me. Could you wake me up when we arrive at the next stop?" Haru asked of him. Even though the bus didn't go through any of the towns along the way to Beijing they would still have to stop so everyone could take bathroom breaks along the way.

And guessing by the time they would be making one soon so everyone could get what they needed to last the night.

"Urm… Sure." The man sounded confused but agreed to do so anyway. Haru then closed his eyes and lay down across the four empty seats at the back of the bus like he was lying on a bed and then drifted off to sleep with beams of moonlight shining down upon his face.

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