The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 202: Party.

A spiral of air began to form in the living room of Haru's house before they both emerged from within. Both Lao and Haru stepped out from the spiral of Air to see that they were now at home. 

"So where to next?" Lao asked excitedly. 

"Next? What do you mean?" Haru was confused by what he said. There wasn't anywhere they would be heading to next. He was planning on finding whoever sent those kids alone. He didn't want to kill anyone and he knew that would be inevitable if Lao tagged along. 

"Well, Someone tried to have you injured. It's only natural that we injure them in return right? An eye for an eye." Lao said with a smile. 

"I can do that on my own. I'm afraid that you will end up killing someone if you come with me." Haru replied.

"Ha, Kill someone? Me? Who are you kidding? I have great control of my strength. I wouldn't make such a simple mistake like that." Lao boasted but Haru didn't buy it one bit.

"Yeah, Control… Just like how you have self-control and can control your anger when someone mistakes you for a woman." Haru chuckled slightly before watching Lao's face as a look of rage formed across it. 

"Who's a woman!?" Lao shouted out.

"There's my point. It would be better for you to stay here and learn how to blend in more. You can watch that show some more." Haru said and then waited for Lao to speak but he didn't.

Lao bit his tongue with a frustrated look and then sat down on the couch. 

"Okay, Have fun. If you die out there, don't blame it on me." He muttered to himself before Haru walked out of the room to call Han and explain what had happened. 

Han seemed annoyed at the situation and said he would have someone deal with it. But Haru felt like he had to deal with it himself and insisted that he gave him the address of this Leung Li that sent some children to run him over. 

Han was hesitant but he concluded that it was better to keep Haru as a friend. He didn't know just how strong Haru was but he knew that he could defeat manifestation stage cultivators with ease. That was something that someone even at his stage would find difficult so he caved in and gave him the address of the Leung family.

Leung Li happened to be the nephew of the man that Haru had fought against with swords while at the resort. And he lied on his own. He was also a student at the same university that Haru attended so it would make things easier when tracking him down. 

He didn't want to go straight to his house just in case this was all a plan by the head of their family to try to kill Haru. So he first needed to gather information. He left Lao to watch the same drama show as earlier and left the house before taking off into the sky.

It was dark now so the chances of anyone spotting him flying over the city was low so he decided to do so to save himself a lot of time. He first flew to Andrews house to visit Yun. He thought that maybe she would know more about Leung Li since she had been attending the university, longer than Haru had.

He made his way halfway across the city within five minutes and then landed on the balcony to Yun's room before taking a glance inside to make sure that he wasn't interrupting her. 

As he looked in through the gap in the curtains he saw her laying on her bed and nodding her head as music blasted from her headphones. He knocked on the glass door to try to get her attention but whatever he tried she couldn't hear him. He then resorted to another tactic instead.

"Yun! Open the door to your balcony." He used his spiritual sense to transfer his voice directly into her brain to which she jumped up in the air like she had just seen a ghost and her headphones dropped from her head to the ground. 

"Hello?" She asked out loud, thinking that she was hearing things until Haru knocked on the glass door once again. She approached the door hesitantly after hearing him knock and then grabbed a hold of the curtains before pulling them open as fast as possible, seeing Haru standing on the other side of the glass waving at her. 

She sighed in relief before opening the door for him.

"Don't do that! You almost gave me a heart attack. I felt like the main character in a horror movie for a second. I thought that I was going to get murdered." Yun said while breathing heavily. 

"You thought you would get murdered yet you still went over to the door instead of running away? It seems like you want to be murdered if that is how you react to fear." Haru laughed slightly.

"Shut up! Wait… Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in Beijing And why didn't you just text me to say you were on your way over? Did you have to do something this creepy?" Yun was more confused now that Haru was there than she was when she heard his voice inside her head.

"I came back early. I did everything that I needed to do. And it was faster to just come here instead of letting you know in advance I kind of need your help with something." Haru said and then waited for her to reply.

"Oh, You need my help do you? What is it?" Yun asked with a big grin on her face. Her ego seemed to have been boosted by Haru asking her for help.

"Have you heard of a man named Leung Li?" Haru asked suddenly. 

"Leung Li? Of course, I have. Why what's up?" She was confused as to why Haru was asking about him. 

"Oh, it's nothing. I just need to talk to him about something. But I want to make sure I have the right person. Do you know what he looks like? Can you describe him to me?" Haru asked.

"You are a really bad liar… Maybe if you tell me what really happened. I will tell you what I know." Yun said and then turned her back to him before walking back into her room and sitting back down on the bed.

"Yun. Now is not the time for joking around. I'm in a hurry." Haru stated in response to her acting like a child. 

Although he wasn't actually in a hurry it would be a hassle if he managed to get the news that his plan had failed and Haru now knew his name. But given the young age of the people he hired to do this he figured they wouldn't want to report back to him right away out of fear. He had a day at most to find out more about Leung Li.

"I'm not joking. I happen to know what he looks like and where he is right now. So as long as you tell me what happened honestly I will tell you what I know." Yun smiled. She knew that she had the leverage to find out what was happening. 

"Fine whatever. He hired a bunch of kids to try to put me in hospital." Haru announced like it was no big deal.

"He did what!? Why?" Yun asked another question.

"I don't know… But I will make sure to ask him when I find him. So where is he and what does he look like?" Haru said. Yun looked up at him with suspicion for a few seconds. She knew he was lying once again but didn't question it. 

She knew that he would tell her if she poked a bit deeper but if it involved the Leung family it would be better if she didn't know anything at all. Her father had told her to be wary of them and if she knew that she was talking to Haru about something like this then he would burst a blood vessel so she decided against it. 

"Let me get ready and I will take you there." Yun smiled before getting up off the bed and pulling a dress out of her wardrobe and then walking into the bathroom. 

"No. You're not coming along. Just tell me where he is and I will go alone." Haru shouted through the door.

"Well, there is a party going on tonight. Half of the people from our university will be there and my dad said I'm not allowed to go on my own. So it helps both of us out this way.

If you don't take me to this party, then you won't find out where Leung Li is. And my dad will probably let me go if you say that you are taking me there." She shouted from the other side of the door as she started to get ready. 

"But this wasn't part of the deal. You were supposed to tell me…" Haru shouted back until the sounds of footsteps came from down the corridor. 

"Well, I changed my mind! You are taking me whether you like it or not!" Yun shouted back just as the bedroom door swung open. Haru turned around to see Mei standing in the doorway with her arms crossed.

"Yun, Shut up or else I will tell dad that you sneaked out again last night!" She shouted before realising that Haru was also there. 

"Haru? How did you get here? I didn't hear the doorbell." She asked, confused at how he had managed to get all the way to Yun's room without her noticing.

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