The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 203: At ease.

"Well... Ahh," Haru struggled to come up with a reasonable excuse as to how he managed to get into Yun's room without anyone realising." But luckily for him, Yun finished getting ready and opened the door before her sister could probe for any more answers. 

"I called him over so we can go to the party together." Yun pushed her way past Mei and then turned to look back at Haru who was standing in the centre of the room, unsure of what he should do.

"What party? I didn't hear about any party." Mei asked suspiciously. 

"That's because you have no friends willing to invite you to one," Yun said with a smirk and then looked back at Haru.

"Haru, come one. I will ask my dad to drive us there." Yun said.

"You little bitch!" Mei shouted at Yun for mocking her like that but she too laughed. It didn't seem like she was too mad about it.

Haru then followed Yun down into the living room where Andrew and Nadia were sitting together and watching TV in front of the fireplace.

"Dad, Can you drop me and Haru off at the Serpentine resort? He said he would go with me to the party so you don't have to worry about me." Upon hearing Yun mention Haru's name. Andrew quickly turned around to see Haru standing there behind his daughter. 

This was the first time they had met face to face since the incident that happened the last time the two of them were at the serpentine resort. 

"What is he doing here? Didn't he cause enough trouble when he was there last time? I had to fill in stacks of paperwork thanks to the senior being injured when he was thrown from the balcony. What is going through his head?

Does he really expect me to let him take my daughter to a place owned by- Wait… Didn't Mr Ma say that he was giving the whole resort to Haru that day?

I forgot about that… Well in that case maybe I shouldn't be too worried about it. If anything happens to her I will take it up with Mr Ma." Andrew thought while staring at Haru with a menacing glare. He didn't seem to appreciate what was going on but then he changed his attitude suddenly and began to smile. 

"Haru is going with you? Well, in that case, I don't see why you can't go together. At first, I thought it would be one of those things where you just go to get drunk.

But if Haru is taking you then I guess it really must be a class event. You two make sure you have fun. Andrew your car keys are by the door." Nadia said when she saw Haru standing next to Suyin.

"I have to take them? Why don't you?" Andrew asked in response to Nadia telling him where he left his keys. 

"Because you're the one who said she can't go on her own. I might have been against it. But at least I didn't say that she couldn't go at all." Nadia quietly discussed with him as they were both still sitting on the couch.

"Fine, I will go already. I only wanted to make sure she would be safe. I know very well what kids her age do at parties like these." Andrew sighed and then walked over to the front door to put on his shoes. 

Haru and Yun followed slightly behind him. Both ready to leave already and none more eager than Haru. When he heard where the party was being held, he couldn't help but smile. He knew that he would be able to do whatever he wanted and no one would be able to retaliate.

But he did wonder if Han had told the staff about the transfer of ownership. The last thing that he wanted was his own security coming to throw him out if a fight broke out. He wanted to speak with him but he figured that now probably wasn't the best time.

Since Haru was about to pick another fight with one of Han's men he thought it would be best to give him some time to think things over. He would eventually have to pick a side if things got too out of hand and he was probably having a hard time considering his options. 

"Yun," Nadia said just as they were about to leave the room. 

"Yes, mom?" Yun turned with a sigh to look back at her. 

"I'm locking the doors at ten. If you're not back by then you will be sleeping outside." Nadia smiled as a frown formed on Yun's lips. 

"Okay, I get it," Yun said, this time picking up a white coat from the hanging rack at the front door and putting it on over her black dress.

"Say… Haru. How did you get into my house without me realising? If you had come through the front door then I would have seen you…" Andrew questioned Haru just before they all stepped outside to head to the car.

"Ah…" Haru scratched the back of his head. 

"That was my fault. I was doing homework on the balcony and I asked him to come over so we could go to the party together and then when he got here I wanted to tease him a little and said I wouldn't open the door and he would have to climb up if he wants to come inside.

I didn't actually expect he would do it. But you should have seen it. He moves like a ninja." Yun covered for him by quickly coming up with a whole story to explain how he had gotten inside on the spot.

'Impressive. I don't think I'm so creative that I could come up with something like that. And it looks like he bought it…' Haru thought as he switched his gaze between Andrew and Yun. 

"If you say so. Well then hop on in." Andrew shrugged it off and then pointed over to a black SUV in the driveway. 

Haru and Yun both got into the back while Andrew started the engine and then drove them back across the city towards the serpentine resort. As they arrived Yun got out and just as Haru was about to, Andrew grabbed his arm. 

"I know you are strong. But if anything happens to her I will-" Andrew began to say but Haru cut him off. 

"You don't need to say anything. If anyone hurts her they die. Is that right?" Haru asked Andrew who was still squeezing his arm. 

"Die? God no. No one needs to die. I just want you to make sure that she doesn't get into any trouble okay? Keep an eye on here please." Andrew's tone changed instantly. 

Haru seemed to have judged him too soon. Andrew looked like the stereotype of a gangster with his large frame and tattoos but that wasn't the case. The only thing that he cared about was his family and keeping them safe. Which was probably the reason he became a cultivator in the first place.

"Okay, I understand. I will make sure she stays safe. You have my word." Haru said before Andrew let go of him and he got out of the car to hear loud music coming from within the building. 

"Goodman. Make sure to tell me if any trouble occurs. I will be here as fast as I can." Andrew said before starting up the engine again and then driving into the distance. 

Haru turned to see Yun was still waiting for him. She smiled and then waved him over to the line of people that were waiting outside. The security was doing a full search of everyone on their way in and making sure that they had invitations so the line was starting to fill up with other students from their university.

"What do you think is taking them so long?" Yun asked. 

"They are just making sure that people aren't taking weapons inside and have invitations," Haru announced. He then looked down at Yun who gasped audibly.

"Shit. I left my invitation to the car. Wait here. I will call my dad to bring it back." Yun exclaimed in a panic. To which Haru sighed and then looked over at the front door once again and noticed that there was another line of people who were getting into the resort faster than the others. 

That was when he spotted someone familiar. The guard at the door of the other line was the very same guard that had tried to shoot Haru the last time that he was there. Haru grinned sinisterly. The problem was solved just as quickly as it emerged. 

"It's fine to come with me," Haru said and then stepped out of the line and walked straight up to the front door.

"Haru what are you doing? We have to wait in line like everyone else." Yun whispered as she reluctantly followed behind him. Until they approached one of the rope barriers to stop people from cutting in line. 

Haru began to unclip the metal clasp from the post and then walked through. 

"Sir, Please get to the back of the line-" The guard stopped in his tracks as he saw Haru guiding a young red-haired girl past the barrier.

The guard tensed up and sweat began to drip from his forehead before his face grew pale. 

"Hey, are you alright? Hey sir! Please go to the back of the-" Another guard asked the first and then saw Haru cutting in front of everyone and immediately went to deal with it but the first guard grabbed his arm and pulled him back. 

Haru smiled as he closed the rope barrier back up and looked at both of the guards. One of them had a confused expression and the other was terrified. 

"At ease soldier. You don't mind if I jump ahead do you?" Haru put his shoulder on the terrified guard's shoulder and asked. 

"Not at all, sir. You are free to head inside." The guard said through a quivering jaw. 

"Okay then. Have a nice night, gentlemen." Haru said to both of the guards before looking at the angry crowd that was shouting in disapproval. 

"I've been waiting here for hours! Get to the back of the line!"

Upon hearing the words Haru smiled and headed inside with Yun.

"Who was that?" The second guard asked, confused. He didn't know what to think about the situation. He couldn't kick them out now that they had been permitted to go inside but he sympathised with the people who were all waiting patiently. 

"That was the new owner of this place." The first guard said to the other who then chuckled in response.

"Wait… You're serious?" He asked after seeing that he was the only one laughing. 

"Yes, Now do me a favour and tell the manager that the boss is here and warn all of the guards not to get in his way. I don't want to see a repeat of what happened last time." He said.

"Last time!? That young man is the one who!? Yes right away! I will tell them!" The second guard quickly ran off to inform the staff of Haru's arrival as Yun looked up at Haru with confusion.

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