The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 250: Haru?

Haru awoke from his closed-door cultivation just as the effectiveness of the pills began to run thin. The effect they had on his body had weakened and he had no reason to continue to cultivate at such a slow rate. So he cut it short. Although he had already gotten way further than he had expected thanks to the advancement his dantian made in its efficiency.

He looked around the room to see if anything had changed and if anyone had entered since he had started cultivating. But everything remained the same and he could see the bolt on the lock was still latched in place. Although a light layer of dust had formed on the floor beside him. It wasn't anything too concerning since it was probably dead skin cells that had fallen from his body while he was sitting there. 

He then looked up at the clock to see that it was currently six in the morning. Although he didn't know what day it was and he felt disgusting and sticky from the dried sweat on his body so he once again used Kun's power to surround his body with fire and burn away everything from both his body and clothes. 

After he cleaned himself up he stood up from the floor and pulled out his phone from his pocket. He looked down at the screen and noticed that it was dead. He tried to turn it one but there was no sign of life. So he began to search for a charger. 

He hadn't been to this office before so he didn't have time to fill it with things that he might need so he hoped that there was one in a cupboard somewhere. But as he looked around he heard a little song play out from his hand as the display on the screen lit up and displayed the branded logo. 

"What? But it was completely out of battery…" He thought out loud as he looked down on the icon that showed that he was at one hundred per cent. He looked at it for a few seconds before summing it up to the fact that it might have needed a little bit of time to load up but it had never taken that long before.

As he looked down and it gained signal again after booting up, notifications came flooding through on the screen. All from different people. 

Suyin had contacted him and so had Zen, Andrew, Yun, and even his parents. They were all asking where he was and that Suyin had reached out to them to look for him. He read the messages one by one and replied to them to let them know that he was okay before stopping on the one from Yun. 

"What the fuck Haru… Why didn't you tell me that you were dating a famous singer!? You don't understand how much I look up to her for her music. But now you have ruined this for me. I will never be able to hear the words the same." Yun had sent with a bunch of crying faces. 

"Welp, Sucks to be you. Go find someone else to fangirl over." He replied before quickly moving on to the messages he was dreading the most. He wasn't sure what Suyin was looking for him for. But it couldn't have been good if she contacted everyone he knew to see if they knew. 

He took a deep breath before seeing what she had to say. 

"Hey! I have some good news. The schedule got changed and we are heading to Shanghai a week ahead of schedule. I will be able to see you again on Monday! I can't wait. I had so much fun last time so I want you to show me around." Suyin seemed excited but an hour later she began to worry since he didn't reply. 


"Are you okay, my love?" She asked but there was no reply. 

"I guess you are busy right now. So make sure you reply when you see this. I miss you a lot." She said a couple of hours later presumably before she headed to bed. 

"Hey, good morning. I hope you're doing okay. I will be free all day today. I have to pack for the trip. You can message me whenever you want to."

"Is something wrong? I'm starting to get a little bit worried. Did I do something wrong?" The messages from that point on showed that she was becoming more and more worried about him.

"Hi, I will be setting off today, so the signal might be bad. I hope you have a great day though. I love you." Was the only message she sent the next day. But the day that followed was followed by a wall of text. 

"I'm in Shanghai now! I was planning to come over to your house to surprise you. I got so worried that I called Zen to ask if he had heard anything from you. He told me your address. But when I got here there was this red hair girl who practically begged me to hug her. I didn't know what she was doing in your house so I questioned her a little bit. 

Sorry, Seeing another woman in your house made me feel jealous and I didn't know she was your cousin. But it turns out that we got along pretty well and she said I could stay at your place. But I didn't want you to feel like I was intruding.  So I'm back at the hotel now. 

Please come back to me soon." She wrote and then there were no messages for three days. 

"This isn't good. You have been on my mind twenty-four seven recently and it is keeping me up at night. Please, I beg you. Just come back. I hope that nothing has happened to you, but I can't help but think about all the possibilities. 

And I'm sorry for lying to you. But the schedule didn't change at all. I was laying in bed the night after we went our separate ways. But suddenly; my heart began to ache out of nowhere to the point where I was screaming in pain. I don't know why but I thought about you as my heart was burning. It made me worry so I wanted to see you again." She sent with a video attached that showed tears running down her face. 

And then there was nothing for two more days. He had been cultivating for a full week and it was unknown to him that Suyin was worrying the whole time. 

'She felt it when I died? How does that even make sense?' He thought to himself before immediately calling her to reassure her that he was doing okay and that there wasn't anything for her to worry about.

He felt awful for not letting her know in advance that he would be unavailable for a few days as he expected her to be too busy working to be worrying about him. But that didn't seem to be the case. He knew that she needed him right now.

The phone rang out a few times before she answered.

"Where are you right now?" Haru asked as soon as she picked up. 

It was six o'clock in the morning and the call had woken her up so she didn't have time to process what was happening. She had forgotten for a moment that she was worrying about Haru this whole time and thought that they had planned to meet as they did in the dream she was having before she was interrupted by the phone ringing. 

"Room 521 of the Wilson hotel…" She said, sounding tired and not quite all there yet. But that was all Haru needed to hear. As soon as she spoke he walked out onto the balcony and flew over right over to the hotel as fast as he could. 

"Wait… Haru… It's you. It's actually you! I waited so long. You finally came back to me." Suyin said, almost on the verge of tears as she spoke. She had been worrying a lot and even knew that something had happened to him. But she could have no idea that he actually died. And he had no plan of telling her. 

Telling her that cultivation was something that killed him would make her both upset and mad. And knowing Suyin she would try to convince Haru to give up on cultivation and be with her forever. But he couldn't. He was determined to meet up with Jasper once again. They didn't know each other for long. 

But he thought about Haru even when he was being attacked and warned him not to go back to the soul tempering grounds. There was no way he could give up on thanking him. And he also wanted to see the many worlds that he was told about by Li Jun and Lao. He wanted to know what it was like out there in the universe, out there in the higher realms. 

"Yes, I'm back. Now tell me does the sunset or rise on your side of the building?" Haru asked. He wasn't sure from the outside where room 521 was located but he assumed it was on the fifth floor which was the top floor of the hotel. 

"I see the sunset from my window. Why? What's wrong. You have to tell me all about it." Suyin asked before sitting up in bed.

"I will tell you, don't worry. Just go out onto your balcony…" Haru stated and then hung up before she could say anything else. 

"The balcony? Why the bal-" Suyin asked before realising he had hung up.

'What is this about? Isn't he excited to see me? He didn't even explain where he was for the past week…' Suyin thought before walking to the balcony and walking outside like he had asked her to.

She walked to the edge and then looked down, expecting something to be going on down below but as she looked down she heard a whistle come from above. She quickly looked back up to see the figure of a man floating in the sky with the sun painting a red light on his face as it rose over the mountains behind her.

She was in awe. She didn't know what to say. She hadn't seen anyone fly before in her whole life yet she was watching her boyfriend of four years floating in the sky in front of her.

"Haru?" She asked with a puzzled expr

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