The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 251: I was a little busy.

Haru smiled upon seeing the face that Suyin was making. She obviously never expected to see something like this and that was made obvious by her mouth hanging wide open with shock. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. 

They had conversations about cultivation before and Haru mentioned the fact that once someone became strong enough they would gain the ability to fly. But she didn't expect him to reach that point for quite a while. Even the cultivators her father employed wouldn't be strong enough to do something like that, Yet she was looking at Haru floating in the sky like an apostle of god descending from the heavens.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to reply. I was a little busy. Can I come inside to talk about it?" Haru asked before flying closer to the balcony and stopped at eye level with her.

Suyin just stared at him for a few moments before he came close to her. She then grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him closer to kiss him. 

"You need to stop making me worry about you so much. I might go insane at this rate. Of course, you can come in you big idiot." She smiled at him after pulling away from him after the kiss. 

Haru and Suyin both went inside and spoke about what had happened. Haru didn't tell her that he had died. He just told her that he went into closed-door cultivation for a few days. He apologised for not telling her beforehand but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. 

Since she first felt that something had happened to Haru she was constantly thinking about him and she ended up having nightmares every night that involved him. Things that terrified her. Haru could see that something was bothering her and asked her about it after clearing up the situation on his side. 

"What's wrong? You look like there's something else on your mind. Is everything okay?" Haru asked. He saw that she looked worried and he wasn't sure why. He had tried his best to make her feel better but she still looked concerned about something.

"Well… It's just that when I was here worrying about you I kept having this dream. It was weird and was exactly the same. Every single night I would wake up screaming. I was afraid that you were going to leave me." Suyin said with a sad smile. She was trying her best to put on a happy front but it was obvious that she was hurting. 

"It's okay. I promise that I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. But do you mind if I ask what was the dream about?"Haru was interested to know just what had gotten her so worried. He knew about the fact that she felt like he had gotten injured and found it a little bit strange. 

"Okay, but don't laugh at me. You might not find it as scary as I do but it is terrifying for me. 

I was laying on the floor and there was this intense White light surrounding us both. It was so blinding that it was difficult to see you. But you were kneeling down over me with tears running down your face. I tried to call out to you to let you know that it's okay and to comfort you but when I did it was like you couldn't hear me. 

Then after a while of just looking at me, you got up and turned around before walking away into the light. It felt like I would never see you again and I would be screaming out your name the whole time until I woke up.

It's been happening all week and it got so bad that even my manager heard me when I was sleeping on the bus." Suyin said while looking down at the ground as they sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'm not going to leave you any time soon. But I might be because there is something that I haven't told you. You probably realised that, didn't you? I bet you were wondering about to reason why I went to Beijing." Haru asked. He wasn't sure if she did wonder about it. But she didn't so much as ask him what he was doing while he was there so he thought that she was just keeping her feelings to herself. 

"How did you know? I have been thinking about it constantly. I didn't want you to feel like I was too clingy and wanted to know what you were doing all the time. But you didn't really tell me. You said that you were going there to meet somebody. I didn't think too much about it at first. But after a while, I began to think 

"What if he was there to meet with another woman." I don't think that you would do something like that but I couldn't help but think about it. I'm sorry…" Suyin looked down at the ground even further than she did before as she spoke. She felt embarrassed that he had seen right through her. She had tried to keep it a secret yet she couldn't keep it to herself. 

"You thought that I was there to meet a woman? You couldn't be more wrong. I was there to meet with an old man. The head of the hong family to be exact. I should probably should have told you this before but I didn't know how I would explain it to you so let me start from the beginning. And tell you about the catastrophe that will soon be coming to shanghai." Haru said before going into detail and explaining everything about the upper realms and the soul tempering grounds. 

Suyin looked shocked and was in disbelief. She couldn't believe what she was hearing but Haru wasn't one to make things up and she knew that no matter how insane everything he was saying was. That it had to be the truth. He then told her about the fact that he had gotten on the bad side of the demon clan and they had managed to track him back to earth.

And that the week prior one of them came to look for him but was killed by his teacher. Although he skipped out on the fact that Lao was a dragon. And then he told her about how he had recruited people to help him fight against them when they inevitably come to look for him once again. After he had finished his explanation he looked back at Suyin who was now staring at him. 

She didn't say a word but he could tell that she was mad. Her face was one of both concern and anger. 

"And why didn't you feel like this was something that I needed to know? Were you planning to keep it from me forever? What if something terrible happened and you died!? I would never even know about and I would be worrying constantly." Suyin raised her voice to get her point across but then went silent as she gave herself time to think. 

"I know you too well though. You probably thought that you will be protecting me by not telling me anything but that's not the truth. I would rather be hurt by what you tell me than hurt by the things that you don't tell me. At least I can deal with it if I know what is going on. 

But if you end up hurt and I don't know about it how do you expect me to do anything. I will feel way worse than if you just told me what was going on from the start." Suyin said and then waited for Haru to reply.

He took a moment to get his thoughts back in order. He didn't expect she would react like this. He was expecting her to go on a rampage and scream at him but she seemed understanding about the situation and knew the exact reason why he had failed to mention it before. He really didn't want to hurt her but instead, he ended up hurting her even more by avoiding the subject. 

She had been making up situations in her head since the last time they had met about why he had gone to another city in the first place. She didn't know what to expect so her mind raced for answers but now that she knew the truth she felt as though she could finally relax. Although she still needed to process everything that he had told her. 

"I know, I'm sorry. I was thinking that not telling you it would make you worry less. But now I can see that in fact, it made you worry more. I won't do it again. I will make sure that I tell you everything. 

But I do think that you should come and stay at my house. I put a protective barrier up so that no one could break-in. You will be a lot safer there than anywhere else and I can't bear seeing you get hurt." Haru said as he put his arm around her. 

"If I get to be by your side. I don't care where I am." Suyin smiled and rested her head against his chest. They then both lay back on the bed and spoke for hours until the sun started to set. Haru looked over at Suyin who had been staring at him for quite some time while he looked up at the ceiling. 

"Let's go get some food." He said before sitting up once again.

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