The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 252: Dragon Housewife.

Haru and Suyin went out together for the remainder of the evening before finding themselves back at the serpentine resort. He had told her that he had been given the place by a friend. Which was kind of a complicated thing at the moment. But he then went around and introduced her to all of the people he had gathered there. 

Suyin went out of her way to thank everyone for deciding to help Haru by giving them a small performance to help boost their morale. They didn't know when or where the demons would show up so every noise that was heard was treated as if it was the demons attacking so everyone was restless and getting up and down at the sound of a pin drop.

It was mentally exhausting for them since cultivators didn't usually have so many unknowns before a battle. Haru on the other hand felt right at home. He had a pretty good idea of what was normal everyday sounds from the city and what would be the start of a demon invasion. Back in the war they constantly faced unknown factors when in the field so he had a little more experience of large scale warfare than the rest of the people there. 

They had only fought against other cultivators and not on a large scale. The only people that were as relaxed as Haru were the people from the upper realms and Lao who was too busy making sure that Meiling was having fun. 

He had taken a liking to her and was treating her more like a father would. Haru couldn't help but smile every time he saw them together. Haru and Suyin went back to Haru's house in the hills just in case they came during the night.

He wanted her to remain safe no matter what happened so he decided to take her back where he could be safe within the barrier that he created. There wasn't much else for them to do so they decided to head to bed as soon as they got back. 

But as soon as they awoke, Lao came over with Meiling. He had been sleeping at the resort because Meiling wanted to get to know everyone. She picked up a habit of remembering names and wanted to memorise the name of everyone that came to help out. She wanted to do something to help out with the situation but since she was too young there was nothing she could do. 

So in a way memorising everyone's name was her way of helping out. She thought that it would make things easier if someone knew who everyone was just in case someone died and they couldn't identify the body to return to their family. It was sad for a child to be thinking like that but death was nothing new to her. 

Haru and Suyin remained in bed until the sound of Meiling shouting echoed throughout the halls. As soon as she entered the house she jumped up and down on the couch since it was springy like a mattress and Lao had been letting her do that since she had come to live with them. Haru rolled over and tapped Suyin on her back lightly to wake her. 

She too rolled over to look at him and then smiled when seeing he was beside her and looking into her eyes. 

"Good morning handsome." She smiled even wider before kissing his lips. 

"Good morning to you too, beautiful. But we have to cut the greetings short today. Lao has brought the kid over." Haru said and then went quiet. Meiling's screaming and laughing could be heard from the bedroom and Suyin smiled before sitting up on the bed and wrapping herself in a dressing gown. 

Haru on the other hand walked to his wardrobe and put on his clothes before going down to meet with them. 

"What's up?" Haru asked when he saw Lao standing in the doorway to the living room.

"Well, I thought I should be the first person to tell you but the black star sects people are performing a Vision Leaping ceremony. And they are expecting to get results by tonight." Lao said with a neutral expression. 

He didn't seem to be worried so it didn't raise any red flags for Haru but he had no idea what a Vision Leaping Ceremony was. It sounded like a ritual of some sort and half expected them to be sacrificing goats or something so thought it would be better to ask instead of jumping to conclusions about what they were doing at his resort.

"A vision leaping ceremony? What's that?" Haru asked before walking past Lao and sitting down on the couch. He looked back up at Lao before his eyes were forced back down to Meiling who was jumping on the couch with her shoes still on. There was a little streak of mud on the corner of it where she had first jumped up. 

"Haru!!! Good morning!" She shouted while jumping up and down. 

"Good morning? I will good morning you in a minute. At least take your shoes off before jumping on my couches. Those are leather!" Haru shouted out. He had taken to the interior design of his house and enjoyed how everything was neat and tidy. The tiny mark on the couch ruined the whole house. 

Before she could even say anything he used Kun's flame to burn just the mud to clean it up. He could control the heat pretty well by now and didn't worry about wrecking the whole couch with scorch marks. 

"I'm sorry. I forget to take them off." Meiling apologised and then looked down after Haru had shouted. Lao looked down on him with anger for a moment before Haru asked him again. 

"So what are these vision leaping ceremonies? Is there anything that I should worry about? I don't want them to destroy the whole resort. I'm guessing that it has made me a lot of money so far. I haven't checked my account yet but I was told that it earns half a million Yuan per week.

I swear if they damage anything… I will…" He didn't know what to say. He couldn't do a thing to them since he needed their help but he would certainly make them pay for anything they destroyed. 

"It's nothing really. Just a ceremony that allows you to look out into the universe without going there in person. It takes a lot of Qi so all one hundred and sixty cultivators are using their Qi together to lighten the load and make it easier for them to succeed. 

They are just hoping to catch a glimpse of the demons to know how long it will take for them to arrive. It's been over a week since you had me kill that beacon. So they could be here at any minute.

It's difficult to determine though because they will need to fly here manually. The only transporters in the middle realm are owned by the human clan and the elven clan. The demon clan focuses more on physical training more than they do on technological advancements. But they should be heard by now honestly. It's strange. Maybe they know that we are prepared and are waiting for us to drop our defences?" Lao question why they had yet to appear before looking back at Haru for his opinion. 

"Hm… Well, I was told that the milky way galaxy as out in the middle of nowhere since the temple master of the soul tempering grounds had never heard of it before. So maybe they are lost?" Haru asked but Lao seemed doubtful of that assumption. He sighed slightly before Meiling ran over to Haru and grabbed his hands. 

"What is it?" Haru asked as he turned to look at her. 

"I'm hungry…" She said with a pout. Haru looked up at Lao who quickly ran toward the kitchen. 

"What do you want to eat? I will make it right away." Lao shouted back from the kitchen. Haru looked down at Meiling who was now smiling. 

'This sneaky little fox. She has him wrapped around her little finger.' Haru thought to himself as Meiling seemed to have known how Lao would react to her saying that she was hungry. 

"Lao. You are spoiling her too much. She is old enough to make her own food don't you think? She's taking advantage-" Haru said and got up to walk to the kitchen. But stopped as soon as he entered the kitchen. He was in shock. 

He was seeing something that he never thought he would see in his life. 

Lao was wearing an apron and was standing next to the oven with his hair tied back into a ponytail. He couldn't help but laugh at the sight. He was watching an ancient and proud dragon act like a housewife while under the command of an eleven-year-old girl. 

As Haru was laughing to himself. Suyin carefully walked downstairs in heels as not to fall. She had finished getting ready for the day and saw Haru laughing to himself. 

"What is it darling?" Suyin asked, finding it strange that he was laughing to himself. 

"Ah, it's nothing really. Just Lao has decided to make breakfast for all of us." He replied and then pointed over to the kitchen where he was clumsily cracking eggs into a bowl and trying to get the shells out of it. 

"Ugh, Men…" Suyin sighed with a smile before walking over to the kitchen to take over. She couldn't bear to watch him struggle over something as simple as cracking a couple of eggs. 

Suyin ended up making breakfast and Haru helped set the tables while Lao continued to spoil Meiling with his knowledge of cultivation. They then all sat down and ate before leaving for the resort once again.

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