The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 28: The Clash

Well, I'm sorry I was late on my updates been busy with work recently. However, I am not going to leave you without anything. To the people enjoying my series, I'll be uploading four chapters today. Get ready! Things are about to get heated.


Time had passed since my intense conversation with Ryuji, and now I found myself confined to my cell once again.

Each passing day was a grueling battle to recover from the chief's gruesome torture sessions.

I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude that there were no genetic modifications during this period. The thought of enduring such modifications would have burdened my already battered body, prolonging my agonizing recovery.

I wanted to recover as fast as I could because I could feel something was amiss.

A persistent agitation had taken hold of me, like a storm brewing on the horizon. I couldn't shake the ominous feeling that something terrible was looming just around the corner.

It all started when I learned of Rick and Carlo's sudden absence from the facility. The last time they were gone for this long, the twins were thrown inhumanely into my cell, their bodies and faces bearing the scars of unspeakable horrors.

This time, however, their prolonged absence carried an air of foreboding, especially considering the deal I had struck with the chief after their departure. It was unsettling how easily the chief had accepted our agreement, raising suspicions in me that he was plotting something sinister behind the scenes.

…Life has a funny way of working sometimes. We often hear that overthinkers miss out on truly living because they get caught up in their thoughts. However, what people fail to acknowledge is the underlying reason behind overthinking. It's a defense mechanism developed by those who have endured immense trauma and disappointment, particularly at the hands of those closest to them. Overthinkers constantly analyze and anticipate every possible scenario, preparing themselves for whatever curveballs life may throw their way. Instead of being paralyzed by fear and sadness when faced with sudden adversity, they have already played out these scenarios countless times in their minds. So, when the inevitable happens, their response is simply, "Oh! So, it happened."

This brings us to this moment and as I lay in bed, being tended to by Eve and the twins, a loud bang reverberated through the door, interrupting the stillness.

I hid Eve as fast as I could and shielded the twins behind me.

That's when the door burst open, and Rick with a man I didn't know entered. He looked like he was in his early twenties, as tall as me, maybe even taller, and had a very sinister look on his face.

His eyes were scanning the surroundings, and he looked so suspicious that I knew his arrival smelled of trouble. Rick smiled in a malicious way and said, "Hey there brat! Say hello to your new cellmate, his name is Zane. Take good care of him from now on. Hahahahahahaah!"

Leaving this remark, Rick locked the door and left.

Just as I had expected, Zane wasted no time in unleashing his malevolence upon us. He reveled in his power, taking pleasure in tormenting me and the twins. His words dripped with venom as he taunted and harassed us, his intentions clear. I tried my best to ignore him, to maintain my composure, but his actions were pushing me to my limits. At first, I brushed off his provocations, focusing on shielding the twins from his revolting presence. However, when he attempted to lay his hands on them, something inside me snapped.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins as I lunged at Zane, catching him off guard. Our bodies collided with a resounding thud, and the fight that ensued was fierce and brutal. The clang of fists meeting flesh echoed through the cell, punctuated by grunts and the occasional crack of bone. Zane's movements were swift and calculated, his attacks fueled by his malicious nature. He aimed for vulnerable spots, seeking to inflict maximum pain. But I refused to yield. Every blow he landed only fueled my determination to protect the twins, to ensure their safety at all costs.

Blow after blow, we traded strikes, each one delivered with a mix of skill and desperation. The cell became a battleground, the air thick with tension and the scent of sweat and blood. The twins watched in awe and fear, their eyes wide with a mixture of terror and hope. As the fight raged on, I tapped into reserves of strength I didn't know I possessed. The pain in my body became a distant sensation, overshadowed by the burning fire within me. I fought with a ferocity born out of rage and a primal need to survive.

Zane's attacks grew weaker as I relentlessly pressed forward. I could see the fear in his eyes, the realization that he had underestimated me. With a surge of determination, I unleashed a flurry of strikes, each one landing with precision and force.

All the years of training, all the years of mock battles and simulation battles that I accumulated in my days in high school and in middle school, were beginning to show. The gap between our skills was too wide for him to bridge. He tried to block my attacks, but his movements were slow and clumsy. He tried to counterattack, but his blows were weak and predictable. He tried to retreat, but I was faster and more agile. He had no chance against me. I was the superior fighter.

As the fight reached its climax, I unleashed a devastating strike that shattered Zane's arm, eliciting a cry of pain, but I didn't stop there. With a surge of adrenaline, I delivered a final blow that snapped his leg, sending him crashing to the ground in agony.

Standing over Zane, my chest heaving with exertion, I towered above him, my gaze filled with murderous intensity. I wanted him to understand the consequences of his actions.

Through gritted teeth, I issued a chilling warning, "Consider this your last warning. Lay a finger on the twins again, and I'll show you no mercy. I'll kill you."

Zane, writhing in pain, managed to muster a defiant response. His words dripped with a vengeful promise, fueling my determination even further. You think this is over? Do you think you’ve won? You’re blind, so very blind. You’ve overlooked a crucial detail, a fatal flaw. I’ll exploit it, I’ll use it, and I’ll destroy you."

I narrowed my eyes, my resolve unshaken. I knew this fight was far from over, but I was prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

With a final, chilling glare, I punched Zane in the face knocking him out, leaving him lying on the ground.

As I walked away, the weight of my warning hung heavy in the air.

The twins were safe for now, but the threat of Zane's revenge lingered ominously. I knew I had to remain vigilant, ready to protect those I cared for at any cost.

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