The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 29: How to Train a Disobedient Dog

The fight was over and I returned to the twins’ side leaving Zane passed out on the floor.

They stared at me with a mix of awe and worry.

They had never seen me unleash such fury and violence on anyone before. They knew I would do anything to keep them safe, even kill if I had to.

However, they also saw the toll it took on me. My skin, already fragile and cracked, was bleeding from new fissures. Additionally, bruises and cuts marred my face and body.

As I approached, the twins rushed toward me, their eyes filled with tears. They embraced me gently, their warmth and concern palpable. However, beneath their emotions, I sensed something else: fear. Trembling, they recounted the intense and violent scene they had witnessed, fearing for their own safety when I wasn't around.

Understanding their apprehension, I had already devised a plan to address the situation: teaching them self-defense. While it may not guarantee victory against Zane, who now lay critically injured with two broken bones, it would provide them with a sense of empowerment. Even with the best nanomachines at his disposal, healing such fractures would take time. So, for the time being, I wasn't overly concerned about their safety.

My thoughts were interrupted by a cough from someone standing at the cell door. It was Ryuji, who had evidently witnessed everything. His face displayed a mix of surprise and admiration, yet he refrained from commenting. Instead, he discreetly passed me food, fresh bandages, antiseptic, and Zane's prison clothes, which I draped over him while he remained unconscious.

Locking eyes with Ryuji, I whispered, "From now on, please refrain from sharing any information with me and minimize contact. I also need a rope from you. It's crucial that you keep what transpired here to yourself. I don't want the chief and Rick to rush in and treat Zane too soon. I know he'll return with a strong sense of vengeance, and I fear he may target the twins in my absence. If anyone asks, claim that every time you delivered food or collected trays, you found him fast asleep."

Ryuji nodded in affirmation and left.

As I concluded my conversation with Ryuji, I heard Eve's anxious voice in my ear. "Young master," she said, "after analyzing your body, I've detected serious injuries in various areas. I must take immediate action to treat your condition. Are you okay with that?"

A chuckle escaped my lips as I responded to Eve in a hushed tone: "Go ahead, Eve. Do what you need to do. Don't worry, I assure you I'm fine."

I paused for a moment before continuing: "Oh, and Eve, let's communicate through telepathy from now on. I don't want that deranged individual to discover your existence and put you at risk. Also, while we're at it, could you assist me in devising a self-defense training program for the twins?"

Eve answered:” Affirmative young master. Your wish is my command.”

As I rejoined the twins, I took their hands and guided them to sit on the bed. Suddenly, Ha-Eun's concerned voice broke the silence: "Xeno, are you okay? You're bleeding and covered in bruises. Does it hurt?" Hana chimed in, unable to contain her admiration: "You were so brave, Xeno. I think I'm falling in love all over again."

Hearing Hana's playful comment, I playfully tapped her on the head, while gently patting Ha-Eun's head. "Don't worry about me, Eve took care of it. However, I could really use your help changing my bandages. It's a bit of a hassle to do it alone."

Hana looked at me with a mischievous glint in her eyes and protested: "That's not fair! Why does Ha-Eun get a pat and I get a bump, even though I complimented you?"

I responded with a hint of exasperation: "Well, your compliments were a bit out of place and sounded like they came from a perverted old man."

Hana stuck out her tongue in response and said: "Okay, forget about that. Can you clean your wounds with water and antiseptic? If not, I'd be more than happy to help you!"

I playfully bumped Hana again, and we all burst into laughter, breaking the tension that had filled the room.

After a while, I regained my serious expression and addressed the twins, "Now that your bodies are recovering and your health is improving, Eve will create a training program for both of you. I will also personally train you in self-defense, so get ready. Also, when Ryuji returns with the rope, I'll separate the cell and hang covers as curtains, so that sick monster over there won't see what we're doing during your training."

I paused for a moment, pointed to my neck, and added, "Oh, I almost forgot! If I'm not here and that psycho bothers you, aim for this spot on his neck. He'll pass out instantly. And when I come back, I'll take care of him, so don't worry."

The twins smiled, visibly relieved by my words. They looked at me with newfound admiration, as if seeing me in a whole new light.

I then added: "Starting now, you'll be sharing the same bed. You'll sleep on the one above mine, allowing me to watch over you and protect you whenever needed. Rest assured, as long as I'm alive, no one will harm you."

Concluding my conversation with the twins, I heard Ryuji's footsteps nearing the cell door. I quickly retrieved the rope from him and began the process of separating the cell and hanging the covers. By the time I finished, and when that beast would wake up, he would be unable to see a thing.

As time passed, the twins and I enjoyed the meal Ryuji had brought.

Once we finished eating, I began to hear stirring from the floor where Zane lay unconscious. His groans echoed with the pain of his broken bones and the beating he endured.

Suddenly, he erupted in a fit of curses, calling out my name with venom: "Xeno, you'll pay for what you've done, you piece of shit! I'll take everything important to you and destroy it. Do you fucking hear me, you animal?"

I really couldn’t take his barks any longer so I got up went to where his tray of food was placed and took it over to him. I then proceeded to dump all the tray’s content all over him and said in a chilling tone:” I have had enough of you! It seems that you don’t understand the gravity of your situation. Let me enlighten you then.”

Closing the distance between us, I placed my foot on his broken leg and warned, "From now on, any sound you make will result in this."

I pressed down on his broken leg, until nothing but his screams of agony could be heard.

I continued, "Every time you bark, this is the pain you'll endure. Every time I hear a peep from you, I'll inflict such torment that you'll long for death. As the saying goes, if a dog doesn't listen, you train it. Also, when your presence or screams become too unbearable, I'll easily knock you out. Do you understand?"

Though Zane's face contorted with murderous rage, he looked at me, biting his lips so hard that blood trickled out, and simply nodded.

With a satisfied smile, I remarked, "That's a good boy."

Then, leaving him to fend for himself, I returned to the twins.

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