The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 58: The Path Unfolds: Stepping into a New Chapter of Mastery

As I returned to my cell, an electric buzz of excitement enveloped me. The air crackled with anticipation, and I couldn't help but wonder what had sparked this festive mood within me.

Was it the deal I struck with Albert, or perhaps the rare chance to escape the confines of my prison and venture into the courtyard? After enduring endless rounds of experimentation, torture, and grueling training, this leisurely outing felt like a breath of fresh air, a taste of freedom I had long been deprived of.

But in this moment, none of that mattered. All that mattered was harnessing this elated mood, riding its wave of euphoria, and propelling myself further into the depths of meditation. With unwavering determination, I settled into the lotus position, ready to unlock the secrets that lay dormant within.

Today's goal was to infuse every fiber of my being with the mystical energy of chi. I envisioned a vivid body diagram, aided by my trusted partner, Eve. Together, we embarked on the arduous task of infusing chi into my internal organs. Thankfully, the previous vessel infusion had already charged my heart, making the process of internal chi infusion faster and more effortless.

As I focused my attention, I felt the surge of chi flowing from my heart to my lungs, filling them with a newfound energy and vitality. Each breath became a symphony of air and chi, mingling and dancing within the confines of my chest. Guiding the chi further, I directed its cleansing power to my liver, purging it of toxins and impurities. A comforting warmth spread through my abdomen as the chi nourished and fortified my liver, breathing new life into its weary cells.

The journey continued, as I transferred the chi from my liver to my spleen, enhancing its remarkable function of producing and storing blood cells. A tingling sensation coursed through my left side, evidence of the chi's gentle stimulation and regulation. With purposeful intent, I shifted the chi to my kidneys, empowering them to filter and balance fluids with newfound efficiency. A coolness settled in my lower back, a testament to the chi's refreshing and rejuvenating touch.

One by one, I repeated this intricate process, infusing each internal organ with chi. My stomach, intestines, gallbladder, pancreas, bladder, and reproductive organs all hummed with vibrant energy, forming a harmonious network of energy exchange. It was as if my body had awakened from a deep slumber, pulsating with an undeniable surge of power and vitality.

Yet, one vital organ remained untouched—the brain. No matter how much I tried, the chi seemed reluctant to penetrate its depths. Was it because the brain held a special place as one of the sensory organs? Or perhaps it was the final dantian, the ultimate gateway to unlock?

Lost in contemplation, a familiar voice echoed in my mind. Eve, my ever-wise companion, shared her insights: "Young master, based on the data I've studied, the brain, being the body's CPU, must be the last to receive the infusion of chi. Only when all other processes are complete can the brain be harmoniously integrated. Infusing it prematurely could disrupt the delicate balance, leading to errors, mistakes, and potential bodily harm."

As her words resonated within me, I slowly opened my eyes, a profound sense of accomplishment and satisfaction washing over me. Another step on my journey to master chi had been taken, and I could feel the transformative effects coursing through my body, enhancing every fiber of my being.

Looking for the twins, I saw them sitting cross-legged next to me, their faces serene and calm. They were deep in meditation, so I didn’t want to disturb them. I got up quietly and stretched my limbs, feeling a surge of energy in my veins. I decided to make use of the time and work on my physical training. I grabbed the food that Ryuji had brought, which looked and tasted like cardboard, and wolfed it down. Then I moved on to my mixed martial arts and body-building routines, pushing myself to the limit. I felt a satisfying burn in my muscles as I finished my last set.

I was drenched in sweat, so I headed to the bathroom to take a shower. The warm water washed away the dirt and fatigue from my body, leaving me refreshed and invigorated. When I came out, wrapped in a towel, I saw that the twins had finished their meditation and were eating their meals. They looked up at me with bright eyes and smiled.

Hana was the first to react. She jumped up from her seat and ran towards me, wrapping her arms around me. She had some food crumbs on her cheek, which I wiped off gently. “You’re such a clingy koala, you know that?” I teased her. “And you’re so messy. Can’t you eat properly?” She pouted at me but then rubbed her cheek against my chest like a cat. I couldn’t help but smile and pat her head.

Ha-Eun was not happy with being left out. She walked over to me and tugged on my shirt, pointing at her head with a cute expression. She wanted me to pat her head too. I obliged her by lifting her up with one arm and stroking her hair with the other. She also snuggled close to me, making a purring sound.

I enjoyed the moment of pampering the twins, feeling their warmth and affection. But then Hana asked me something that caught me off guard: “Xeno, did you get taller and bulkier by any chance?”

I looked at her in surprise. “What do you mean?” I asked.

She nodded at me. “Yeah, you look different somehow. More…grown-up.”

I turned to Ha-Eun for confirmation. She nodded as well, indicating that she agreed with her sister.

I was curious about this change, so I asked Eve for an explanation.

“Eve, did I grow taller? And why?”

Eve’s voice came from my earpiece. “Young master, according to my scan you have indeed grown taller. Your previous height was 1-meter 80cm now you have become 1-meter 87cm. You have also gained significant muscle mass making you bulkier. My theory is that this change is due to chi infusion into your body and because of puberty young master. You are still a growing adult so fast changes may and will still occur.”

I was stunned by this news. I had grown seven centimeters in height and become more muscular without even noticing it. How was that possible?

I looked at the twins again, who were staring at me with admiration and curiosity.

“What?” I asked them.

They both smiled at me and said in unison: “You look cool, Xeno.”

Trying to hide my embarrassment from the twins’ compliments, I scratched my head and hurriedly asked in the most composed voice I could:” Do I?”

The twins seeing right through me, burst out laughing, and I couldn’t help but join in. It was a great way to start the day, with laughter and joy.

Little did I know that more surprises awaited me later on! 

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