The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 59: Bonds: Celebrating Birthdays and Unveiling Surprises

I chatted with the twins for a while, enjoying their company and learning more about them.

We talked about everything and nothing, passing the time with laughter and stories.

I was curious how long I had been meditating, so I asked them. Their answer stunned me. They said I had been in a trance for five days straight, and that Ryuji had been checking on me.

He didn’t disturb me, though. He just brought us food and left.

He also told the twins that he wanted to talk to me about something. I wondered what it was. Ryuji usually left me notes under the plates if he had any information to share.

Hmm, what was so urgent that he needed to speak to me in person? I didn’t have to wait long to find out.

Soon enough, the door was knocked, the hatch was opened, and the trays of food and supplies were slid through. It was Ryuji himself.

He saw me and grinned.

“Hey, Xeno! Good to see you, buddy! How are you feeling? Any progress? And wow, you look different. Did you grow taller and bulkier?” he asked.

I smiled back at him and said: “Hey, Ryu! I’m feeling great, thanks. I made some breakthroughs with my powers and training. And yeah, I guess I did grow a bit. It’s all thanks to the chi and the hard work. Listen, Ryu, I need you to do me a couple of favors, okay?”

“Sure thing, Xeno. Anything for you, man. What do you need?” he said.

“First of all, I need you to start practicing meditation. And I need you to get Lana to do it too. It’s very important for later. Trust me on this. Second of all, I need you to look after two people for me. One is Albert, an old butler who is a test subject here. I made a deal with him, and he’s going to join our crew, our family. The other is the scientist who got locked up recently. I need you to take care of her too. She’s going to be a valuable asset for us, and I need her skills and creativity. Plus, I couldn’t just leave her alone in this hellhole, since I feel responsible for what happened to her and her assistant. I’m going to write her a letter later, and I want you to give it to her when you deliver the food. Can you do that for me?”

“That’s easy boss anything else?”

“Why are you suddenly calling me boss? And what’s up with you today, Ryu? Got a fever?”

Ryuji's eyes lit up as he spoke.

"After witnessing your skills and spirit last time, I was humbled. I realized I had been like a frog in a well, ignorant of the wider world and those with greater power. But it wasn't just your power that amazed me - it was the grace and flow of your movements. Soft yet hard, slow yet fast - you moved like wind and water. I was mesmerized. And I made a decision - I will follow you as a brother and subordinate. You'll have my loyalty and respect, and I'll follow you on your journey through hell or high water, as your sword."

He paused, then pulled out two boxes hidden under his cart. A smile spread across his face as he said: "We apologize for the belated birthday greetings, but happy birthday Boss. These gifts are from Lana and myself. Lana also said to tell you she'll give you your other birthday present when she sees you."

I was stunned. "Hold on... how did you know when my birthday was? And the gifts, why? What other gifts? I'm shocked enough by this surprise already!"

I couldn’t believe my ears. Ryuji had just sworn his allegiance to me, calling me his boss and brother. He had also brought me two boxes, wrapped in colorful paper, and said they were birthday gifts from him and Lana. How did he know it was my birthday? And what did Lana mean by her other gift? I was overwhelmed by this unexpected gesture of kindness and friendship.

“Ryu, you’re amazing. You don’t have to do this for me, you know. You’re already my friend and brother, and I appreciate you more than you can imagine. How did you find out about my birthday? And what are these gifts? And what other gift are you talking about? I’m already so happy with this surprise, you have no idea.” I said, trying to calm down my racing heart.

He chuckled and said: “Well, boss, I have my ways of finding things out. You know I’m good at hacking and snooping around. And these gifts are just a token of our gratitude and respect for you. You’ve done so much for us, boss. You’ve given us hope and strength. You’ve shown us what true power and skill are. You’ve inspired us to follow your lead and become better versions of ourselves. You’re not just our boss, you’re our hero, boss. And we want to celebrate your special day with you. Lana also has a special surprise for you when she sees you. She says, ‘Tell Xeno that I will give him his other birthday present when I see him.’”

I was speechless. I didn’t know how to react to his words. He had just praised me so much, and made me feel so valued and appreciated. He had also made me curious about Lana’s surprise. What could it be?

I looked at the boxes in his hands, wondering what they contained. I felt a surge of excitement and gratitude.

“Ryu, thank you so much. You’re the best friend and brother I could ever ask for. I can’t wait to see what’s inside these boxes. And I can’t wait to see Lana too.” I said, smiling from ear to ear.

He smiled back at me and handed me the boxes.

“Happy birthday, Boss. Enjoy your gifts.” he said.

I took the boxes from him and opened them eagerly.

Inside the first box was…

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