The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 60: True Wealth: Love, Friendship, and the Gifts that Touch the Heart

Uploading two chapters today, however from next week onward it will return to one chapter per week enjoy. 

My heart raced as Ryuji handed me the boxes.

I felt a surge of anticipation as I gripped them in my hands.

One was heavy and bulky, the other light and slim. I chose to open the heavier one first, under the watchful eyes of the crowd.

Ryuji’s face lit up as he saw my choice. He leaned in and whispered: “Boss, this is my gift to you, and I know you’ll love it. But be careful, don’t let anyone else see it. It could get us both in trouble. We’re lucky they don’t do random checks here, or this gift would be a disaster.”

Ryuji’s words made me even more eager to see what was inside the box. I tore off the wrapping paper and lifted the lid. There, lying on a bed of velvet, were two magnificent kodachi swords. They were as black as the night, with silver and gold patterns on their handles. The blades shone like mirrors, reflecting my face. They were so sharp that they could cut through air. I couldn’t resist the urge to hold them in my hands. I grabbed them and swung them around, feeling their balance and weight.

I then told the twins to step back, as I wanted to test them out.

With the kodachis gripped tightly in my hands, I embarked on a mesmerizing display of skill. As I assumed my stance, the weight of the weapons felt reassuringly balanced. One kodachi held slightly higher than the other, my dominant hand ready to unleash its power. Feet planted shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, I exuded a sense of unwavering stability.

The air crackled with anticipation as I initiated a series of strikes, each one executed with precision and finesse. Downward cuts, horizontal slashes, and thrusts flowed effortlessly from my practiced movements. Control and accuracy were paramount, as I aimed to master the art of wielding these lethal blades.

But it wasn't just about brute force and technique. I sought to elevate my performance by honing my coordination and timing. Every strike synchronized seamlessly with my body's rhythm, creating a symphony of motion. The kodachis danced in perfect harmony, their deadly edges never colliding.

As the intensity grew, I pushed myself further, exploring the limits of my footwork and mobility. With each step, I weaved a tapestry of agility and grace. Moving forward, backward, and sideways, I seamlessly integrated strikes into my fluid motion. The kodachis became an extension of my body, spinning and rotating, transforming me into a whirlwind of blades.

In this captivating display, the kodachis became more than mere weapons. They embodied the essence of my dedication and skill, a testament to the artistry and discipline that defined my journey.

Mesmerized by the spectacle before them, Ryuji and the twins gazed at me in awe, their eyes filled with a mix of astonishment and admiration.

Suddenly, Ryuji burst out with excitement, unable to contain his amazement: "Boss, you're incredible! Where on earth did you learn those moves? And how did you become so proficient with them? I can't wait to spar with you once we're out of here!"

Unable to contain their own excitement any longer, the twins leaped up and down, their voices harmonizing in a chorus of delight: "Xeno, you're on a whole other level! That was beyond cool, it was mind-bogglingly awesome!"

Blushing at the twins' and Ryuji's praise, I responded, trying to downplay my abilities: "Well, my father started training me in martial arts and weapons when I was just five years old. After his passing, I continued honing my skills in various weapons, but I've always had a special affinity for dual wielding. It has been around 11 years since then and I haven’t skipped or missed a day of training. So, what you see is the culmination of years of practice and hard work."

As I explained the situation, the twins nodded in agreement, their eyes filled with understanding. Meanwhile, Ryuji stood there, his expression heavy with sorrow.

Curious about his demeanor, I asked: "What's bothering you, Ryu?"

He took a moment before responding, his voice tinged with regret: "Ever since my family's tragic demise, I became consumed by revenge. In the process, I neglected the fundamental teachings and principles my father instilled in me regarding swordsmanship. Hearing you speak now; I can't help but regret not practicing those basics and honing my skills."

A warm smile crossed my face as I replied, "There's no need to be so disheartened, Ryu. It's never too late to make a change or improve. Now that you recognize your mistakes and feel remorse, you can start working towards rectifying them and enhancing your abilities. When the time comes for you to awaken, you will have transformed into a sharper blade and an impeccable swordsman."

Ryuji's face lit up with a smile upon hearing my words. He responded, "Well, enough about me. Let's continue and open Lana's gift."

Encouraged by Ryuji's unwavering enthusiasm, I eagerly stowed away the kodachis, my curiosity piqued. With a swift motion, I tore away the vibrant gift wrapping, revealing a treasure within an exquisite overcoat.

Crafted from a fabric as enigmatic as the depths of the abyss, its velvety embroidery danced across its surface, casting a spellbinding allure. Its hypnotic charm held me captive, rendering me unable to tear my gaze away. It was a masterpiece.

Growing up in a humble family, I never received such extravagant gifts in my life. When I saw the presents Ryuji and Lana gave me, I was moved to tears.

I couldn’t believe or understand how much they had spent on them or how much effort they had put into getting them.

It was a gesture of kindness that I would never forget. I felt grateful and humbled by their generosity.

It made me realize that true wealth is not measured by material possessions, but by the love and friendship we share with others. It’s the bond that brings us together in this world, no matter the time or circumstances. It’s the memories we create, the laughter we share, and the moments we cherish. It’s the people who stand by us when we need them the most, and who make us feel loved and appreciated.

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