The Longest Shortbus / Warhammer 40k

Chapter 12

I stared at the Sister of Battle and then I physically had to hold back a groan of annoyance before I nodded and with a wry smile, I said. "Alright Barghest, put her in my bed and I will get her a stimpack." 

Walking over to the medical cabinet I grabbed the injector containing the hyper-aggressive injection of fresh Stem-cells and proteins that could even reattach limbs and I took it over to the Sister of Battle and injected the concoction into with a loud hiss as its payload was shot into her stomach so it could be evenly distributed into her ample wounds across her damn near nude form.

'What were the Orders of the Adepta Soritas again? I think there were six main ones and this sigil is familiar... But I can't remember.' I thought as I looked at the fist-sized tattoo of an emblem of a metal-looking military award that had a heart-shaped gem in the middle with a transparent skull residing within the gem.

And then it hit me as I mentally reviewed the Orders Militant of the Soritas as I recalled that all the Orders could be easily sussed out to their origin via their emblem for the most part. She was part of the Order of the Valorous Heart... And of fucking course Barghest brings the most zealous of the nuns with guns here to me. Just after I pulled some bullshit ascension plan.

'Whelp nothing left but to see what happens... I certainly am not going to kill her unless she tries something first.' I thought before signing and I looked at Barghest. "Were there any others as well? More of the Guard or Astra Militarum?" 

Barghest nodded slowly with her face turning sad as she said. "Yesum boss, they got smashed by a large squad of rocket-wielding heretics, and then in the fighting, they awoke a Deamonhost that the Heretics left in the area previously." 

The armor-clad giant woman didn't need to explain any further. A Deamonhost was something I was more than aware that I was not ready to deal with at this time and neither was Barghest as her Gravity Hammer and Plasma Cannon shotgun would only banish the Deamnonhost to have to reform later on.

With the Heretics on this world binding Nurgle demons into the weak pyskers they could capture, they would then leave the pysker randomly around the Hive city to be run into by Guardsmen and other forces that would then be attacked by the Deamonhost using the pysker body as a meat suit to tear through the humans and Ogryns without much if any issue.

And with the demon being a Nurgle demon being bound into the Deamonhost... That gave their host body stupidly strong resilience.

I took a breath and then I shook my head as I got back to work on my 3D Glimmer Printers. I was getting low on food and other supplies so I needed to make a trip to trade for special supplies I couldn't just make out of my Glimmer Fabricators.

And in that vein, I decided to go for the more mass-producible plasma weaponry of the Fallout Universe as I knew the market for Laser weapons here was over-saturated, to say the least. I used the Glock Plasma Defender model to form the base of both the rifles and the pistols I began making for the 3D Printers and after uploading the project I stepped back and exhaled as I brushed a hand down my face.

"Boss you ok?" Barghest asked softly as she came up from behind me laid a hand on my shoulder and tried to look at my screen and then there was a moment of silence before she said bluntly. "Blueprints have too many lines, makes my head hurt." And almost consolingly she patted my head as she beat a quick retreat to avoid having to look at my project while I groaned at being abandoned so cruelly.

However, our noises had seeming been enough as I saw out of the corner of my superhuman eye as our guest twitched and her breathing slowed as she awoke and began silently taking in her surroundings. "You are in a safe place sister," I spoke up softly with Barghest's head snapping to her from where she was reading her bible about the Emperor.

"Oooh! The sister is awake haha!" Barghest cheered happily and as I turned my chair over I saw her eyes opening up and begin taking in our surroundings.

The Sister of Battle after seeing that our apartment was more of an armory and barracks with the Imperial Aquilla embossed onto the walls for my peace of mind to keep out demonic eyes and ears. She visibly relaxed before she stiffened and as she spoke with a ragged voice. "My wounds and scars?" She asked holding up a hand and I realized that one of her fingers was a nub that was a good bit shorter than it should have been even for a pinky.

Taking a deep breath as I readied myself for confrontation I said bluntly. "My friend Barghest brought you here, and I healed you with an advanced medicine I made."

Her cold blue eyes snapped to mine and her eyes went to me and then Barghest before a frown crossed her face as she spat out. "Genetic experimentation." 

My lips twitched as I stood up and her eyes narrowed on me as she noticed I was seven and a half feet tall. A very good height for a baseline human but with the Barghest being Primarch height... That led her to believe I myself did my own gene splicing and I answered that thought frankly. "Indeed, Barghest here was an Ogryn before I spliced out and cleaned out the failing DNA in her body to make her the greatest form her human DNA could withstand without the likes of Astartes organ implantation."

Hearing Barghest was an Ogryn the Sister of Battle's lips curled before she visibly took a breath and asked bluntly as she sat up uncaring of her nudity as she stared me down. "And what have you done to me, will I become some horrid mutant or-" 

But I cut her off as I snapped out. "Barghest brought you here sister... I mean you no harm, I did nothing to you other than healing your wounds. My healing may have undone some of the long-term damages you have faced in your years of service to the Emperor and that's it."

I took a breath to calm down as I put on a more relaxed expression I saw Barghest holding her holy book and said. "Even in the darkness of the Underhive we still believe in his Holy Light and I would never harm one of his warriors without a very good reason."

She chewed on her thoughts for a minute, and honestly, I think that if she had a weapon she may have tried to kill us before asking any questions. But Barghest was clearly something else to her and I was an unknown to her.

But in the end, she spoke after a moment of silence. "Then I wish to leave, may I take a knife to defend myself?" 

And without a beat, Barghest asked with honest confusion. "But you are naked sister? Momma always said never to show your boobie and lady bits to someone who isn't your husband or a doctor like Boss?"

I couldn't help a snort as the Sister of Battle actually smiled at Barghest before she realized she was smiling at a 'mutant' or my genetic experiment but she still answered flatly. "I am a Sister of Battle, my nudity will not affect my mission. Will you comply and hand me a weapon or need I take one?" She demanded.

For a moment I stared at her and then I smiled evilly as I said with a teasing smile. "No. Barghest, the Sister of Battle has obviously hit her head repeatedly in battle so sit next to her and make sure she can't move. I am going to make her a new set of power armor and a set of weapons." 

Even as Barghest carefully sat beside the stunned Sister of Battle who yelped as Barghest's large hand landed on her stomach to keep her pinned to my bed. I just hummed a little tune as I heard her yelling at me. "What is the meaning of this? Restraining a member of the Adeptus Ministorum is a death sentence!"

But I just chuckled as I took out a measuring tape and began taking measurements of the woman. "Yeah well, I am a human... Letting another human go out into heretic-infested streets filled with evil and monsters all but naked and only wielding a knife is no different from me killing you myself, so shut up and let me save you, sister." 

Her eyes darkened before she suddenly laughed in my face as I measured her neck and at her laughter, I met her eyes and she stared into mine before saying. "Why is a scientist like yourself here in the Underhive? Why are you being wasted here if you can make her who is not some twisted abomination?" 

My lips twitched into a wry smile and I answered flatly. "Because I don't have a fetish for red robes and I worship ideal humanity in the holy Emperor and his sons, not machines themselves."

And as I said that, I could see a light in her eyes as she seemingly understood something. She found a common ground with myself and she didn't squirm at all as I took her measurements. Until I had two last spots and I stilled before saying. "Please excuse me... You have a very prodigious bust so I need to make sure you can actually breathe with the armor." I said and Barghest moved her hand so I could manhandle the Sister of Battle into a sitting position so her large breasts naturally sat at attention for me to properly measure to make a suspension system in the holy titty plate. 

"Your power armor, do you want enhanced strength, invisibility via making your form transparent, enhanced agility allowing you to leap and run at great distances, or something else?" I asked as the Sister of Battle gave me a knowing look seeing my appreciation for her fine form.

"My name is Adelith Mirestri... And I prefer enhanced strength to carry more ammo and swing my chainsword into the flesh of the Heretic." She said zealously and I made a humming noise before I paused at hearing the word chainsword.

After a moment I stood up and walked over to my own kit and took a thick sheet of spare plasteel I was saving to feed into the Glimmer factory I flexed my wrist and a loud crackle of energy rang out as I activated my energy sword. "How about an energy sword that carves through Heretics like a plasma gun shoots through armor?" And then I slashed through through the inch-thick plasteel wall almost effortlessly.

"Don't like chain swords to be honest so let's give you an upgrade and what do you do for ranged?" I asked and she blankly answered. 

"Bolter or Flamer?" I nodded and then I took one of the Plasma Defenders that were scaled up and I held it out to let her see its side profile.

"Good, then this will act as both. It's a far more toned-down Plasma gun but although its penetration isn't as strong as the normal ones... It won't explode in your hands from merely shooting it three times in a row without dunking it in water. I made it so efficient that in the time it takes for you to reload it after fifteen shots, it will have cooled down a good deal."

I then took a breath and said finally. "Now... I will arm you well sister, but I just ask you to be patient as your armor is being made by my fabricators as you can see." I said pointing at the wall of three dozen at this point 3D printers working in concert to make the parts for her armor where the larger printers would take those parts and begin putting them together in an assembly line.

And she finally broke the silence as Barghest went back to reading the Imperial Bible under her breath. "And what will this cost? Such gifts are not given in good faith even from the Mechanicus unless you bring them something they wish to study."

I rolled my eyes and said with a shrug. "Put in a good word for me to whoever is in charge so I can sell my weapons to you guys? Give me supplies so I don't starve to death as I refuse to eat Corpse Starch... I don't know, what else to ask on the spot like this haha." 

Adelith chuckled and made me choke as she laid back down to relax with her large breasts bouncing with her flopping down exhaustedly "I thought you would ask for a breeding opportunity to spread your bloodline with the Sister's as most Militarum who meet a Sister will try their luck in gaining our attention during glorious battle."



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