The Longest Shortbus / Warhammer 40k

Chapter 13

The Sister of Battle seemingly took a power nap while my printers were at work as it made the N7 Series of Power Armor from Mass Effect as it was a rather regimented power armor I could mass produce with its nature, though its power core needed to be exchanged for a different one that didn't run off of Ezo as the production of Element Zero was prohibitively expensive and complicated.

More importantly, I couldn't make Element Zero without a specialized space as its production made a bunch of exotic energy the human body couldn't handle even with Barghest and my own augments.

But besides her armor, I set aside the Plasma Defender that was done printing along with a stack of energy cells and then got to work making a new plasma sword.

Though as I was working, I realized that if I was going for Fallout stuff and was willing to make even more Glimmer fabricators, I could help the Guard if I began mass producing Fallout-style Power Armor in either the powered more bulky versions that acted like small mechs in Fallout 4 or 76 or the slimmed down versions people could wear with more specialized training from the earlier games.

'Thoughts on making mass-produced power armor can be left for when I make contact with the Guard that doesn't end with myself being shot in the face.' I thought wryly as I sat in a meditative position with a skull-embossed rosary in my hands with Barghest sitting in front of me with her hands also intertwined with the rosary we shared.

"O mighty God Emperor, eternal ruler of Mankind, We beseech thee, hear our fervent plea. Grant us strength in the face of adversity, Courage to stand against the tides of darkness, And resolve to vanquish all who oppose thy divine will.

Bless us with thy guidance, Emperor, Illuminate our path with the light of your wisdom, Shield us from the horrors of the Unborn, And lead us to victory in the crucible of battle as your swords.

For in your name, we find purpose, In your name, we find salvation, In your name, we find the strength to endure. Emperor of Mankind, we pledge our lives to thee, Forever and always, in your service, we shall be."

Three times we repeated the chant and I found my inner light moving to an unseen tune as it danced to the hymns that countless millions if not billions speaking, screaming, and begging in this galaxy at the same time with their souls shouting out to the Emperor of Mankind.

Finally, as we continued to say the chant for the fifth time our chants seemed to have awoken the Sister with Adelith walking over and sitting down beside me and Barghest with her hand gently falling around ours as she copied our prayer that she had heard after being awoken.

After we finished the prayer, Adelith's hands tightened on mine as she said bluntly. "While speaking the holy hymns of this world church... Your eyes were glowing with golden light."

I closed my eyes and taking a breath I said softly as I rolled the powerful prayer beads in between my fingers as they were made in my Glimmer factories that broke down the spiritual essence of the Nurgle Blessed Ogryn we dealt with. So it had more spiritual weight behind it and a more direct connection to the Emperor.

"I am touched by his light and grace... He did not make me a matchless warrior due to there not being any Astartes legion recruiting from this world, but he gave me the greatest gift he could." I looked at the Fabricators and held a hand at them saying. "He granted me a shard of his infinite wisdom."

Adelith Mirestri gave me a long look as she slowly said. "Saying that in front of me... Is a very brave thing to say, especially with my organization's history with people saying they have been touched by his Grace."

I raised an eyebrow as I stated bluntly. "He gave me his wisdom on how to make Astartes and perfect the human genome, he gifted me his knowledge of the old technology of the dark ages. He gave me purpose in allowing humanity to uplift itself from the evils plaguing this galaxy... Though that requires me to survive this planet or even to scale up my production to such a level." I finished with a sigh shaking my head and then I went still as I heard my printer die down.

"Your armor is done. Let's get you into the undersuit and armed in his name Sister Adelith." I spoke as I gently took the rosary from her even though she clearly looked reluctant to let go of it and I kissed it before tucking it under my tight shirt as Barghest and I led her to the arms and armor.

"Alright, so knowing you likely don't know my weapons at all. I stayed relatively simple with the plasma pistol instead of a full rifle which is a lot more complicated. Next is your energy sword, and finally your power armor." I spoke as I introduced the gear to her and then grabbed the neuro-linked body suit that would read her body's nervous system and devour her sweat to fuel itself. 

I let Barghest help the Sister put it on before I came back in to help her put on her armor while Adelith asked questions about the armor. "The armor has a reflector shield that can take pebble-sized shots going an appreciative speed of light. The shield is best for physical things with energy beams and effects draining it more." 

"Now give me a jumping jack to test flexibility," I ordered and the Sister quickly jumped well past three meters in the air with the armor's enhanced joints throwing her further with her movement! And with her helmet off I could see her eyes widen as she jumped high enough to be taller than Barghest making me smile.

"Again! Don't let the jump surprise you." I ordered and like the soldier she was, she did it again, and this time she didn't jostle in the air and gave a proper jumping jack so I next had her do a couple of burpies where you dropped down to a quick push-up and then when finishing the push up you would jump up with your hands going up to do another jumping jack and when you landed you fell into doing another push up and repeated the process.

I nodded seeing little to no issues with her range of motion so I asked to make sure. "Any issues Sister?" 

Her eyes snapped to mine and she said. "No sir!" And her face twitched at saying that but I didn't say anything and went on to explain how her gun was linked to her helmet so while she wore it, she could have an ammo counter for each clip along with an aiming reticule for where the gun was being aimed.

With everything explained I walked over and then with a loud hissing noise, my Crysis suit rippled like water before it snapped over my body hungrily before solidifying onto my body with Adelith looking jealous as Barghest hefted her plasma shotgun/canon and her gravity hammer while I strapped my energy sword to my hip while hefting my Suros Regime into my hands while a thought struck me.

'Wait... I have some conceptual Rot in the essence of Nurgle from the Corrupted Ogryn we killed, I can actually make Thorn now if I wanted to?' I thought before shaking my head as I spoke to clear up Adelith's clear confusion. "Alright, let's get going. We are going to escort you to the Guard or wherever you need to go if you do have important information to deliver... And I hope to trade some weapons for supplies as we are almost out of food."



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