The Longest Shortbus / Warhammer 40k

Chapter 23

One hundred soldiers or two of my squads. A bit more than half of them were augmented into super soldiers.

And that meant something, as being a supersoldier wasn't about just super strength and bashing some heretics' heads in. No, its main point was how each and every soldier had their minds, senses, and nerves tuned up so much.

Even if they weren't accomplished snipers before the serum? They were now.

And the equivalent of a dozen men with silence plasma rifles that were all but silent besides the sounds of people's helmets exploding when they shot their silenced energy weapons were the only signs of our movements.

We were a scalpel of surgical violence that killed off heretics from the back first and then when the main soldiers rolled up we would mop them up in an astounding explosion of violence as typically from the sides the super soldiers would shoot into the undefended middle sections.

And likewise, the mundane soldiers protected by energy shields and scary-ass Ogryns with viburnum shields would act as the hammer to smash apart any resistance we came through.

"Commissar. A Plague Ogryn is around the corner." A voice hissed out quietly and my lips twitched as I looked at the short catgirl that had snuck around to my side as she was the expeditions scout with her uncanny ability to sneak through the shadows.

'Felinids actually do turn into catgirls... The dark age of technology did do something right I guess.' I thought as I gave a judging glance to Ecris's lithe form in her tight-fitting Vibranium suit that highlighted her petite figure and the lovely cat ears and tail that were exposed but besides that, all that could be seen from her was her face as the rest of her body was covered in the body glove.

"Good work Ecris, get into position with the Spartan Lance," I spoke as during the Spartan laser's production I had changed its design slightly so that way I could make variants and the lance was one that focused on a more compressed laser that would penetrate armor and hopefully deal with corrupted bullshittery.

The catgirl/former felinid saluted and then she leaped through the air and her stronger hands with claws on the vibranium claws on the end of her fingers caught the ductwork above us and within moments she disappeared into the dark shadows of the Hive City's pipe work.

"She has potential." The Custodian spoke bluntly.

My lips twerked up into a smile as I was in a rather good mood as no one had died due to everyone wearing a Vibranium undersuit and helmets so although some had some laser burns that made them need to camp down during our expedition no one, had come anywhere near fatally harmed.

But before I could proudly say anything the Custodian Guard continued with that same blunt tone. "With some battle stims, she would fit into the Eversor Temple." 

I stilled at hearing that and I tilted my head to the side and asked frankly. "Should you be mentioning the assassin temples around me? Aren't they supposed to be top secret?" 

And for a change, the Custodian actually answered me directly as he stated flatly. "You have an odd habit of knowing things you should not as a mere Hive Dweller."

To that... I had no answer so I just looked away while Barghest and Adelieth came over to my section as the convoy was reloading and allowing our energy weapons to cool down.

"Boss! I smashed a heretic Ogryn just a bit ago!" Barghest happily announced making me nod before Adelieth reported more normally.

"Commissar ahead is the Plague Ogryn but also several cultists keeping it calm and at least a good hundred or so traitor guardsmen."

I gave a slight hum at hearing that before ordering. "Hmm... Then I want to try something. We will kill the cultists and then retreat slightly to allow the Plague Ogryn to rage while our men here set up a killing field in the hallway in front of us." 

Both Adelieth and Barghest shared a look before nodding and following along with me. But I could tell from Barghest as well, that she could hear Ecris the probably psychotic catgirl skittering across the ductwork and maintenance tunnels above our heads.

Going around the corner the entryway into the Leeman Russ plant itself was a killing field as it was a huge open courtyard obviously for tanks to be moved around and to allow materials to be moved to and from the facility with the huge main gate leading into the factor being firmly closed so I would need to hack into it to open it.

'At least, I can try once we clear out the courtyard.' I thought with a small frown as I took in the fortifications and hundreds of armor-wearing traitor guardsmen... And literally thousands of poxwalkers.

Then there was the Plague Ogryn. It was just sitting on its fat mutated ass with its disgusted cysts leaking its foul fluids everywhere as it was seemingly finger painting in a large puddle of what literally looked like its own diarrhea.

I gave Barghest a look and she grinned as she reached behind herself to the armored case she carried on her back and then after putting it down, she took out a large football that was seemingly made out of metal. That was a bomb.

A very heavy bomb that only Barghest and the other enhanced Ogryns could throw like a hand grenade as the larger American Football-designed bomb would slam into its targets and go off with an extremely powerful boom. As it was a fifty-kilogram bomb!

"Oi!" Barghest roared with her powerful voice cutting through the din of the traitors doing their filthy heretical dues. They seemingly looked on in confusion as Barghest pitched forward and after days of practicing throwing dummy metal versions of the football she yeeted that bomb straight into the back line of the traitor's fortifications and then we ran off turning around the corner as a massive "Boom!" Rang out behind us.

Hot air and debris hit our forms but we all had climate-sealed suits so we were unharmed and as the light and fire hit the turn I saw from behind me, perched within the ductwork/rafters was Ecris with her spartan laser and a silenced anti-material rifle beside her before I lost sight of her as we kept running back to the other guardsmen so when the traitors ran down this long hallway we would treat it like a killing field to prune their numbers.



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