The Longest Shortbus / Warhammer 40k

Chapter 24

The heretics had to leave their previous holdings and killing ground to chase us and obviously, they sent the horde of Poxwalkers to soak up our munitions. So knowing that was the case the guardsmen switched to the Fallout Laser Gatling Laser to lay down a blinding stream of red bolts of lasers that fried the corrupted zombies.

"While the Guard holds the killing zone, we take the side tunnels and pincer them!" I called out with Barghest, Adelieth, the Custodian, and our troop's superhuman marksmen following in my personal death squad as we took one of the side passageways to the main entryway of the Leeman-Russ Tank Factory.

With surgical precision, we slaughtered the odd poxwalker and guardsmen that were guarding or trying to likewise pincer our position as we pushed in through the Hive Cities winding tunnels so that we came out near the factory's main courtyard but if the main exit which was our killing field was at the 12 O'clock position.

Then we entered more at the seven O'clock position well behind the bulk of the forces that were trying to push very unsuccessfully through the hail of seemingly endless laser fire that had pinned them down in the two or three minutes it took us to all but sprint to our new positions.

"Sir. The Plague Ogryn look." One my of enhanced guardsmen spoke gruffly and I looked over and focused where he was pointing and frowned at the sight before me. It looked like the cultists were driving the Plague Ogryn into carrying the top bulkhead of a tank in its arms like a huge shield and they were obviously trying to have the the corrupted Ogryn act as a battery ram to push through the onslaught of laser munitions being shot in their direction.

Nodding I bit my lip before I put a hand to my waist to click a priority alert button to the sniper squads and in a split moment as the loud buzzing noise went off, a series of harsh cracking noises went off as three dozen snipers with superhuman enhancements made their shots with explosive rounds going off like hand grenades after they mildly penetrated whatever they had impacted.

The Plague Orgyn's head after being targeted by more than ten of those snipers... Didn't exist as I saw three spartan lasers especially punch fist-sized holes through the Ogryn's head from various positions in hidden alcoves in the factory's courtyard.

"For the Emperor! Purge the unclean!" I roared out knowing now was time to act as the hammer to the anvil as I clicked another comms button on my waist to tell the main force to begin pushing up as we destroyed their backline.

Barghest opened things up by yeeting another one of those oversized American Football-shaped bombs straight into a cluster of turrets mounted in front of the factory and the resulting explosion went off blindingly until my visor shaded the resulting plasma bomb she threw that literally went off with heat and force that could only be found in a small nuclear detonation.

"The plague grandfather's love is eternal!" A voice screeched and even within my climate-sealed suit I could feel the thick stench of rot and decay hit my nose.

From the main factory was something I had dreaded that wasn't just lesser Plague Ogryns, Chaos Spawn, and the odd blessed Guardsmen who earned a fart from Nurgle and had some mutations.

A large grotesque man just shorter than Barghest in her armor but still shorter than a Plague Ogryn, his form was clad in a large dark robe of darkened human skin that obscured his appearance. But he was holding a large rusted metal staff ordained with countless spikes over its form but atop the staff was a crystal glowing with a fel green light that had the symbol of Nurgle glowing within the crystal.

A Plague Sorcerer!

Without an instant of hesitation, I pointed my upgraded and more powerful Suros Regime at the Plague Sorcerer but even as I raised up my gun a shimmering green shield of corrupted pysker energy rose up in front of the pysker that blocked the hail of my gunfire.

"Be careful." The Custodian grunted and then with a blur of movement even to my own senses he charged forth directly towards the Plague Sorcerer as the Custodian knew that allowing the corrupted pysker any time to cast its fel disease and vermin-based spells would only result in casualties which could include myself.

But even worse than that was a series of roars as from behind the Plague Sorcerer from within the opened massive door leading into the factory's main building where the completed tanks would roll out of. There were three more Plague Ogryns as well as two Chaos Spawns whose mutated forms were just impossible to properly analyze that rushed out of the factory.

'More and worse than I expected... But I planned for this operation to go tits up.' I thought as I knew that the Leeman-Russ factory was one of the most important facilities here in the Hive City of Tertium. So it was obviously going to be ardently protected!

I took a deep breath as I focused on my Inner Light and with glowing golden fire covering my form I ignited my form fully as I enhanced my Suros the same as any Destiny Hunter would enhance their sidearm when they use their Golden Gun technique.

Booming noises rang out as slowly I pulled the trigger of my fiery rifle and from its barrel came long lasers of burning gold flames with all three bullets slamming into the psychic shield surrounding the Plague Sorcerer.

The first bullet exploded in fiery flames over his shield pushing him back, the second one exploded as well but visibly shattered the green glowing shield. The final shot then hit the Plague Sorcerer's chest and then instantly passed through with a bowling ball-sized charred hole being shot through the huge Plague Sorcerer's chest.

But I could feel my light being exhausted at using such a powerful technique with so little practice even though it was well worth it. The Custodian wasted no time in using its Guardian Spear's bolter on the end to blast a couple more holes into the Plague Sorcerer before he got onto the poor bastard and within a moment the Custodian smashed his spear's blade through his head and then properly bisected him across the waist and chest in three clean sweeps with his spear.

'I know he is a Nurgle sorcerer... But is cutting his head off along with his body in half twice needed?' I thought flatly but any thoughts were cut off as one of the Chaos Spawn leapt up through the air on its mutated tentacle-covered legs towards me and with a snapping hiss noise I readied myself as I took out my plasma sword all the while Adelieth's chain sword roared furiously as she had charged into one of the Plague Orgryns while Barghest was fighting another Plague Ogryn in melee.



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