The Longest Shortbus / Warhammer 40k

Chapter 5

In the time I had landed on this world, there was something I very clearly needed to do. In order to keep in my own life. I needed my own source of power to control my own fate.

Having a decent gun to protect myself in the short term as I collected my own supplies and of course food was obviously imperative.

But staying a baseline human in the world of Warhammer 40K on a Hiveworld that's under the siege of Chaos Cultists... And possibly even Gene Stealers in the depths. No matter of weapons I make, can change the fact that I am a baseline human who can very fucking easily get sick due to the Nurgle essence within this damned Hive City.

'I get reincarnated with superpowers, slay monsters, and even recruit a subordinate... But wouldn't it be fucking irony that I die of pneumonia or some other disease due to Nurgle's taint?' I thought with a shudder at the not-unlikely event.

"Barg, should I make myself stronger with machines or more naturally?" I asked softly as the large Ogryn was licking the pale fuzzy brown... Essence of the corpse starch off the lid she pried open.

And in response, Barg grunted out. "Wats naturally?" She asked but had a kind of lisp that made it sound like she said 'Actuwalluly' or something.

I couldn't help a small smile as I gently explained how naturally meant something that wasn't too much or noticeably different as I considered my two more available paths of bodily improvement.

The first method of the mechanical route being basically going the Generator Rex route in using hyper-invasive nanomachines that would fill my body and allow me to interface with dozens of machines at once without strain. And likewise use the nanomachines to within seconds construct machines and other things around my body.

The second method of the mechanical route is more about the powerful cybernetics I would add to my body. I had the knowledge of the implants of Cyberpunk 2077 and I could integrate the best ones into my body while even enchanting the implants with magic to make them more efficient. Basically, this choice was more specialized improvements.

And on the only end was the 'natural' improvements.

First of course in line with how I made micro Vibranium weave outfits to protect myself. I could recreate the Super Soldier serum of Marvel through my Glimmer fabricators with them creating a Zeta Ray chamber to catalyze the Serum into use. 

The second option was far more extreme. Being a cross of technology and magic. I go full bore in becoming a minature Traveler from Destiny so with my body being heavily strengthened I could have the Light abilities that Guardians had.

"Boss?" Barg asked quietly for her and I looked up from my crouched position against the wall as Barg visibly chewed on her thoughts before saying unsurely. "Barg thinks ya should just do what is for da best for you." 

My lips twitched and I smiled gently before shaking my head and retorting with some humor. "Alright Barg, thank you I will do just that." 

At my snappy response, Barg giggled as she relaxed her head against the wall while I went back to my thoughts and came to a final answer.

'Making the Zeta Chamber and the super soldier serum is the best option as the Traveler Ascension ritual requires a large room which I don't... The storage area is perfect!" I thought with a smile before shaking my head in a reminder of how there were Poxwalkers and other Chaos forces all over there. 'So become a super soldier and if anything having a superhuman body will make the ritual even more potent.' I finished thinking as I walked over to the two fabricators before setting them both to make another set of fabricators for the night.

"Barg we are going to stay here for a few days while we have food and my machines are making stuff alright," I said with a bit of command in my tone and the Ogryn hurriedly nodded as she held up a can of corpse starch that looked like a small cracker in her oversized hand.

"Yessum! Barg listen to little Boss Un!" Barg answered swiftly and without hesitation.

I gave Barg a good look as I thought of something. 'The super soldier serum raises the target's body and mind to their maximum potential... Her becoming more intelligent is a given, but if she got the treatment, would she grow even bigger?' I thought with a shudder at the thought of an actual fucking minature titan running around calling me the 'Little Boss'

Then my stomach grumbled and I shuddered as the foul rations weren't settling at all in my stomach that well. But honestly, what could I expect from the looted food from a gangster/chaos cultist hideout?

Either way with Barg settled in with plenty of corpse starch to eat 'ewww' And myself having a good couple weeks of rations even if I could tell they were going to make me sick after a few days probably of eating them. I just settled in to let my Glimmer fabricators get to work making more of themselves and then I would double it up to make even more fabricators so after three days I would have a good 16 fabricators.

At 16 fabricators that would basically be a soft cap on the resources I could actually use as to supply the Gimmer for all the fabricators to be working, I would need to be pulling my own cart ladden with stuff along with Barg pulling her own cart filled with scraps to be used.

And so that's what we did. For the next literal week or seven days, a longhorn rang out haunting at the start of the workday to signify for people to get ready for work before the uprising happened. We stockpiled resources and basically just hid as I used the fabricators to make the Zeta chamber in several apartment rooms I cut into and made into a large central room.

"Alright, Barg. see that clock on the wall." I pointed at the glowing clock on the wall that had 500 on it. "When that ticks down to 000, you pull this big lever alright!? I will be asleep inside the large tube so I won't be able to hear you or anything. Once the lever is pulled I will probably even look bigger but don't worry alright." I spoke firmly but gently to the Ogryn who nodded slowly to my instructions.

"Will you be big like Barg?" She asked with her misshapen teeth opening up in a hopeful smile and I patted her arm as I answered happily.

"Maybe I will Barg. Maybe I will haha." I laughed at the end as she grinned at the thought of having a big friend who was so nice to her and didn't get mad when she broke anything.

I climbed into the Zeta tube and pulled over the oxygen mask that would regulate my breathing along with administering the anesthetic that would knock me out for the process of the Zeta Ray treatment... Other than the pain and my state of unconsciousness lowering the mental changes I would face from the treatment. There was also the major fact that I didn't want to be conscious of dozens of fucking needles shooting the serum into my veins!

My last thought as I watched Barg pull the big lever that was scaled up to her size to start the process was simple. 'I can't let the Imperium know I can mass produce super soldier though... Or should I?'

 Before I could go into depths as I realized Cyberpunk implants could be used to great effect to make normal humans into super soldiers. My mind drifted away with a series of clicking noises as the needles filled with glowing blue fluid came down onto my form.



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