The Longest Shortbus / Warhammer 40k

Chapter 6

I awoke to a certain mental clarity that I didn't have previously. That and I awoke to feel my body laying on the piles of blankets that had become my bed fully in the nude with a little blanket covering my legs and upper chest.

"Boss you awake?" A feminine voice spoke and my eyes snapped open as the voice was very different from Barg's voice which I had gotten used to in the last week with her.

My eyes snapped over towards the voice and my mind went dull at the sight in front of me. What was previously Barg the frumpy giant of an Ogryn could nicely be called something along the lines of a potato that had been dropped one too many times down the stairs. Had changed greatly!

She had a long golden mane of hair that reached her backside and her body was highly muscular with dense abs that you could rest a finger between and would have to coast over each ab to reach the next one. She had seemingly lost her frumpy appearance with her breasts absorbing the leftover fat and becoming mountains of perky joy that were held up perfectly by her strong back muscles.

And lastly was her face... She wasn't a potato shot out of a potato gun into a brick wall anymore! She looked good with heterochromia eyes with one being a ruddy red and the other being a bright green.

"Boss! You are awake finally!" Barg cheered and in slow motion I saw her pick me up and with a loud thumping noise I was slammed face-first into soft titties as Barg spun me in a circle as she cheered happily. "You looked really good after coming out of the big metal tube so I stuck the sticky bits into my own body and after taking a quick nap I look like this now. And I feel so much better now Haha!"

'She definitely got an intelligence upgrade.' I thought blankly as I relaxed into the overpowering hug coming from Barg so she didn't crush my spine if I tried to resist her affectionate hug.

With a couple more spins Barg put me down with a wide grin crossing her face and I realized that indeed... She had in fact gotten a bit taller as she had lost the slouch most Ogryns had with their frumpy bodies but with her slimmed-down body she was a lot skinnier than before.

"Boss, don't I look great now?" She questioned flexing her arms with that same infectious grin and I chuckled as I patted that cannon of an arm and said gently.

"Yes, Barg you look absolutely fabulous. Now how are you feeling with your changes?" I asked with some concern while Barg just tilted her head to the side cutely and quickly said how she felt just 'perfect'.

While Barg was happily going on about how she was so happy now at being able to open cans of Corpse Starch with her bare fingers now with the better dexterity and thinner fingers. I was inspecting myself now in a polished metal mirror and taking in my appearance while stretching my body in various ways to test my agility and flexibility.

'I gained a good seven inches in height so I should be around six foot eight or nine on a good day.' I thought and then I went over to the fabricators to start the process in making making my new arms and armor to take advantage of my new superhuman body.

"Oooh can I get some armor too Boss!? I really don't like getting shot cuz it hurts a lot!" She asked excitedly while bouncing back and forth slightly and I could tell that had all the enthusiasm and affection of a particularly attached Golden Retriever who just had her owner come back home from a long day's work... But that was her default setting!

Either way, I nodded as I hummed and took in Barg's form which was easily like nine and a half feet tall with her body being covered in thick corded muscle, and realized something... 'They are going to fucking think you are a female Primaris Space Marine.' I thought wryly before shaking my head and saying with a smile. "Alright Barg I will make you the best armor in the galaxy, and actually... Could we change your name to Barghest as this is a new major part of your life with such changes?"

Barg gave me a measured look before slowly nodding as she said slowly. "I... Understand what you mean boss. I was... Soooo dumb before and I am happy you gave me these changes. So I will accept your new name as my Boss!" She said firmly placing a fist over her heart and making that massive breast jiggle with the motion.

I took a breath and then began putting in the details for the blueprints for the Glimmer fabricators to get to work on the designs I had in mind for our weapons. First I was keeping the Suros Regime as my primary assault weapon, but I was printing out a modified Covenant-style plasma sword for a melee weapon.

For my armor, I started with a new Vibranium alloy weave body glove to go under my armor, and for the main body of armor, I went for mobility and further strength enhancement and turned to the Crysis Suit that could harden its body to damage, enhance my body, and turn invisibly by reflecting light away. Finally, to go over the Crysis Suit of armor I drew up the designs for a version of the Hulk Buster armor...

And then looking at the exorbitant costs for the Hulk Buster armor I crossed that out and remained content with just the Crysis Suit for armor.

"Alright, Barghest what do you want as a weapon for armor?" I asked curiously and she hummed as covered her mouth with a fist as she clearly thought about the question hard before she smacked her fist onto her opened hand as though having an epiphany.

"I want armor that keeps the pain away! I don't wanna get hurt and I don't want you hurt either! And for weapons, I want hmmm.. I want a weapon to smash, to cut, and then another weapon for distance to make things explode!" She said grandly while listing out her desires making me chuckle at how pure her desires were.

And honestly... I couldn't blame her, I didn't want to be hurt either, nor have her hurt.

But after a couple of moments to think I landed on a solution. First was the same Vibranium weave body glove which would protect her under the armor and keep the armor from chaffing, next would be Vibranium plate mail with inbuilt shield generators powered by an Arc Reactor at the top of her spine in the back. And lastly, her suit of outer armor would be built with an exo skeleton frame from COD Advanced Warfare but with higher-end materials so she could leap armor and use the powered systems to make the weight of the armor all but unnoticed.

"Now for your weapons, I got a Barghest-sized Gravity Hammer, and then for weapons... Hmm, I say a quad barrel plasma shotgun that regenerates ammo so you don't have to worry about reloading how about that dear?" I asked as I brought up the oversized shotgun that would look... Big! Even in the hands of a Space Marine or even Doom Guy and without a word I was given another back-breaking hug with my face buried into her breasts as she excitedly cheered after processing the information.

I gave an Ogryn an infinite ammo explosive energy round shotgun... I was now as she cheered out excitedly. "Jake is the super bestest boss ever!"



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