The Mage Emperor

Chapter 33 – Unsealed


--- Lien’s pov ---

“Mom is back!” Reiner ran towards me with his arms spread, shortly followed by Felice.

“Haha, I left just for a moment, how can you miss me so soon?” I laughed as I caught them in my arms and they snuggled up to me. Smiling at them, I teleported the three of us to the backyard and sat down on our cushioned bench.

Our backyard was another separate space that was hidden from outsiders’ eyes. It was the place where I trained my apostles and the place where Felice and Reiner played around when they wanted to do something outside. It was like a large plain with a few willow trees here and there to provide some shade and make the place feel a bit closer to nature.

Feeling my children's love for me was just as fulfilling as when my husband gently held me in his warm, loving embrace. Although I didn’t struggle with pregnancy and all its hardships for nine months, I still knew that these two little lives grew in my body and I was sure that I loved them just as much as any other mother did.

I honestly didn’t understand how a mother could hate her own child. A single month was enough for me to grow to love my babies infinitely, and after I gave birth to them, our bond grew even stronger. It was a shame that some women gave birth to a child irresponsibly only to ignore and discard them later because raising them was a ‘bother’.

“When you go, the house becomes empty,” Felice replied, climbing onto my lap. They were no longer surprised when I teleported them elsewhere, even if they appeared in a completely different place. After looking around for a moment and recognizing our backyard, she unconsciously put her tiny hand on my breast and asked, “When does Father come back?”

“Do you miss him?” I laughed lightly as I cuddled my cute daughter. Since it was warm both in our house and in our backyard, she was wearing a simple white dress while my boy had dark brown shorts and a black shirt on. They were so cute I couldn’t help but want to eat them up!

“Yes, he said he would teach us magic!” she said with enthusiasm. Closing my eyes for a moment, I used my soul force to check on him and see what he was doing. Sensing that he was in the middle of chatting with Tanner in his office, I withdrew my consciousness and opened my eyes.

“I think that he’ll be back soon but what if I told you that I could teach you something in the meantime? Do you want to surprise your Dad with your progress?” I asked.

Although they were only half a year old, they no longer required breast-milk and just liked drinking it from small bottles instead. They’ve also learned how to walk and talk and however surprising I found it, they could think ahead, even if their thoughts were very simple. Since they’ve grown so much, I talked about it with Seth and we decided that it was fine to start teaching them magic.

I had to admit that both Felice and Reiner went to Seth most of the time when they wanted something which I felt a little envious of, even though it was my own fault. Whenever we made a decision about their future, we talked it over with each other but it was always Seth who told them about it. This probably made them believe that whatever restriction they faced, they had to plead to Seth to solve it for them.

"Will you really?" Reiner asked happily.


Even now, it was obvious that they thought I wouldn’t teach them anything without Seth’s approval and despite Reiner’s happiness, he was seemingly doubting my words.

"My dears, I'm not always asking your father for approval when you see me ask him something. We discuss everything with each other and when I have a question, it's usually to let him know about my ideas and to see if he had any reasonable objections."

I knew that it was pretty much pointless but I just couldn’t help and try to explain it to them,  hoping that they would at least understand it once they got older.

"So will you teach us?" Reiner asked, clearly ignoring my words.

Flicking his forehead, I said, "I won't if you keep being this rude and don't pay attention to what I say. Also, do you think it's alright to forcefully demand whatever you want?"

“I’m sorry,” he sat back on his bottom, covering his forehead.

“I see you’ve learned to apologize, at least,” I shook my head, seeing the sorry look on his face.

Hum, so he does feel sorry for being demanding? I thought in my surprise as I confirmed his emotions with the help of soul language.

I didn't think that children could apologize for something honestly so I was really surprised and pleased with it. Adults just said ‘sorry’ but rarely meant it, even if they knew that they were in the wrong. It was true that children were emotionally dependent on their parents and they were often blatantly honest, but that didn’t mean they would really feel sorry for their wrongdoings.

It seems like Reiner is a bit hot headed and wants things immediately but has a good conscience. I'll have to pay attention to that so that he doesn't lose it as he grows older, I smiled at the thought of it.

Hmm, I'll also teach him through training why it's not good to be hot-headed and impatient.

Patting his little head, I pulled him into my embrace and said, "It's important to know when you're wrong and I can see that you do, so I'm still proud of you. With all said and done, let's get started."

As I finished talking, I removed the seals from their bodies, freeing their mana after half a year. They have been rotating their mana through their mana cells and mana veins for months so based on capacity alone, they were at the C rank. It was definitely unfair to other people that they became so capable in less than half a year but others didn't have mana cells in their bodies. They also didn't live in a place where mana was so concentrated that it liquefied…

Thinking about the person who granted me all these things I had, I could only sigh loudly, knowing that I'd never be able to repay it. It was lucky that I didn't have to. We loved each other mutually and I was pretty sure that granting him a loving family was worth more for him than anything he had given me. And it wasn't like either of us ever really waited and hoped that the other would repay something.

"We could start with theoretical things but usually it's pointless to learn abstract concepts without knowing the problem itself. For you to learn of these problems, you have to experience them in practice and then you'll find the knowledge I pass to you useful. You'll be able to apply them to those problems and overcome them easier."

"The first lesson will be earth and nature magic since they are all around you and they can heal and defend you," I said as I stood up in front of them and an earth wall rose out of the ground on my sides. A second later, a few vines shot out of the ground and wrapped around the earth walls.

"You can cast earth magic by sensing the earth beneath you and imagining it take another shape. Let's start with that since it should be easy for you. Just try to get a feel for your mana outside your body for now. Oh, and in case you’re having trouble, maybe try taking off your shoes and stand on the-” seeing a small bump appearing in front of both of them, I stayed quiet to let them focus, realising that my ‘worries’ were foolish.

“I did it!” Reiner jumped up happily and ran up to me, hugging my leg. Seeing that Felice stayed at her place but she was staring at Reiner somewhat enviously, I praised both of them, “Both of you have done well, but this is just the beginning.”

Hearing my praise, Felice started smiling secretly, as if she was afraid to show it. “Come here,” I smiled at her as I knelt down and hugged Reiner with my left arm. Nodding her head, she walked over with her tiny steps and put her arm around my neck.

“Listen, you don’t have to hide your emotions from the people that are close to you. It’s better if you let it out, you know?”

“But you and father often made different faces when strangers came!” she said loudly, clearly confused by what she had observed and what I said. I found it amazing that she noticed even such details at her age but I didn’t let it show on my face.

“My dear, did you hear what I said? You should show your true emotions to those who are close to you, which means your father, your brother, and me. There will be more people in the future who you can trust but the three of us are enough for now. We’re your family, after all, right? Reiner?” I smiled at him.

“Yes! Father said that I should protect and love my sister!” he hugged her with a big smile on his face.

“Your father is right,” I nodded upon hearing his words. Whether women liked it or not, men had a natural instinct for protecting their loved ones. That was why they wanted to look strong in front of women, to prove that they were reliable, and that was also the reason they didn’t want to cry in front of others, to hide their ‘weaknesses’. Different men coped in different ways with their own instincts, which women often found silly but lovely.

Well, there were also those women who had no feeling of success so they just hated men and looked down on them but that was their own loss. I’d never give up the warmth my husband could make me feel for any friend.

“Mother? You’re stangling me,” Felice cried out, followed by my son.

“That’s strangling, not stangling, alright?” I shook my head as I let go of them.

“I know!” she proclaimed.

Raising my brows, I looked into her eyes but she just turned to the side. “You’re really cute,” I laughed at her silent reaction and then stood up.

After teaching them all the elements one by one, I couldn’t help but wonder why my husband wasn’t back after more than half an hour so I checked on him using our connection while the kids continued practising. I was quite shocked to find out that he was in an aroused state, which made me wonder what was going on. I didn’t doubt him in any way, but I wanted to know why that was the case considering that I wasn’t around.

"Honey… Why do you feel aroused?" I asked through Link.

"This isn't what you think," he replied shyly.

"Why? What do I think?"

"That I'm aroused by another woman or something, no?" he asked, seemingly expecting that I'd be mad at him for it.

"While I don't think that is the case, I must point out that there are many beautiful women and it wouldn't be surprising if you got excited upon seeing some of them. I can't say it would make me happy but I don't really care who or what you look at as long as I'm the one in your heart. As for your dick, with all honesty, I don't think that there are many women who could please you as much as I do, so I feel pretty safe. Did you get a satisfying answer?" I asked as I finished my explanation.

"It's kind of you to be so allowing and ignorant of it but I'm not excited because I saw a woman. You see-”

“Are you into guys now?” I chimed in.


“Animals then?” 


“Okay, okay, I’ll stop. So what’s up?” I laughed inwardly.

“It’s just that the moment I left the office, Tanner was visited by one of his girls and thanks to the spell I planted in his body, for spying, I know all about it. It's as if I was watching porn or something… and I can't even stop it. I’m afraid if I go home in this state, you’d soon end up in our bed," he replied.

“Hmm- while the second part is clear to me, what is porn? I have some hazy memories about some files being unearthed in Balan when I was still a kid and I think that it was some big news but I don’t remember what was in it,” I couldn’t help but ask him since I failed to remember it even after a few seconds have passed. I didn’t have the kind of memory I have now when I was younger.

“It’s the recorded form of other people having sex… though most of them include a lot of faking and they are recorded in multiple parts and then edited,” he said.

“How come you know so much about it?” I asked suspiciously.


“So?” I added after a few seconds of silence.

“You do remember that I started healing from my robotic behaviour and life-style thanks to my lust, right? At that time, I didn’t have you and some of my classmates watched it in class so I also looked it up later and until I came together with you…”

“Okay, you don’t have to continue, I can see where this is going,” I rolled my eyes.

“Anyway, that’s not the point here!” he added.

“So you can’t have me and you aren’t coming home. What now? Are you jacking off like in the good old times?” I laughed inwardly, expecting that he would start stuttering and end up saying yes.

“What? Hell no. I'm waiting for the evening surprise that you promised so I can't just go and rub one out. You should be prepared for an all-nighter after something like this," he replied.

What was I thinking? I should have expected that from this pervert, I covered my forehead.

“Mother, are you tired?” Felice came running up to me, seeing my expression.

“No, I’m just missing your father,” I chortled, seeing her cute worried face.

“Who’s missing me?” he asked as he appeared behind me, trying to play it off in a cool way.

“Dad, you’re back!” our daughter jumped at him with her arms spread. Catching her under her arms, he raised her into the air and then pulled her into his arms. Since I suddenly stopped talking to him to answer Felice, he probably couldn’t wait until I said something and used Link to spy on me and see what I was doing. Seeing the way he was smiling at our daughter, I knew that he forgot all about his lust.

“Weren’t you horny?” I chortled.

“I was but I can’t even feel horny after seeing this cuteness,” he replied as he hugged Felice.

“Good for you,” I smiled at the scene, knowing that once we were left alone for a few seconds, he would start behaving like a hungry wolf again.

“Hmm~ what is this I see? Isn’t your mana running free now? How much did you teach them?” he asked, glancing at me.

“I taught them elemental magic. They’ve been practising it for some time,” I replied, waving my hand.

“And how did you do? Was it hard?” he smiled at them.

“No, it is easy to control them!” Reiner also joined the conversation by answering his father’s question.

“Why don’t you show your father what you’re capable of? I’m sure he wants to see and while you’re doing that, let me open the door for my apprentices. They’ve come to receive their training,” sensing their presence, I stood up in a hurry and teleported to our front door.

As I opened the door, Rose knocked on my belly instead of the door and made a surprised face since her knocks surely felt different than what she was used to. Pulling back her hand in a hurry, she looked up at me with wide open eyes and said, “I’m sorry, Master! I was kind of spacing out as I knocked and didn’t notice that you opened the door.”

“Hahaha, silly girl, you don’t have to mind it. Just come in,” I smiled at her as I stepped to the side.

Once they all entered our house, I closed the door behind them and shooed them towards the backyard. “Master, we’ve all learned how to open portals so what are we going to do next?” Theo asked, tugging on my arm.

“We’ll continue practising space magic today but first, I have a small surprise for the lot of you,” I smiled at them.

“Can you give us a hint?” Chloe asked with glimmering eyes as she turned around. Realising that they probably misunderstood my words and started expecting some gifts, I couldn’t help but consider giving them something. Despite being my apprentices, I haven’t given them anything other than the house they lived in so I realised maybe it was time to reward them for their hard work.

I was quite sure that they wouldn’t find as much joy in our children’s capabilities as we did and seeing their unfair progression speed without any reward would rather just let them down.

“Do you have some spare weapons for my apprentices?” I asked Seth in a hurry.

“I don’t know. Although I’m making the materials for the weapons myself, I just pass them to Mazu who refines them so you should ask her. She’s our ‘treasurer’,” he replied, quickly adding, “Or I could make something more powerful for them in a few minutes if that’s fine with you.”

“No, you don’t have to make them more powerful for now. Just make some common weapons and ornaments for them. I have a feeling the girls won’t like weapons as much as some fancy accessories with your enchantments on it. Or I could make them myself if you entertained them for a few minutes,” I said, seeing that Rose was about to open the backdoor.

“Then you should make it for them yourself. It’ll probably make them happier. I’ll keep them here until then,” he replied.

“Okay~” I mused as I teleported to our secret warehouse. Most people thought that our house was normal and that we didn’t fill our house with separate spaces but they were all wrong. After we learned how to create mana, we didn’t have to worry about mana consumption anymore and turned Leviathan into a self-supporting magic island.

At the same time, we filled our backyard with thirty different spaces that went from the coldest climate to the hottest one, going as far as resembling hell itself. Although most of them were used as our secret place to have some fun together, those that had normal climates had some different uses as well.

One of them was a small space with a sand-covered island that was surrounded by the blue ocean. The small space had a glaring sun at the top of the sky and only the beautiful palm trees provided some cover. The island had a small hut in the middle of it which was full of materials that would have made people fight each other to the death in the past. It was a storage house for the materials that my husband created.

Naturally, none of those could be found in nature since they were all created by mixing whatever Seth believed to be useful in a material. Most of them had contradictions in their properties but thanks to magic, those properties could ‘coexist’ by changing depending on the situation and the user’s will.

He called them symbiotic metals and all of Leviathan’s weapons were created from them. Thanks to his incredibly rare trait, he was the only one in Leviathan who was capable of creating symbiotic metals. Well, as we’ve learned, traits and commandments were reproducible with enough knowledge of the soul realm. Since we have learned how to create mana, we had gotten much closer to re-creating traits as well.

Of course, neither Seth nor I had any intentions of sharing that kind of knowledge with others, even if we learned how to do it. Picking up the brick-shaped materials, I used my mana to transform their shape into various weapons and accessories. Picking up all the stuff I made with telekinesis, I teleported back to the kids.

My apostles were playing with our children while Seth was laying on his side on the bench, looking at them with a small smile on his face.

“Do you find it amusing?” I asked as I sat down on the armrest of the bench, right above his head.

“Kind of, but come and sit down,” he replied, raising his head for a moment to let me slip under it. Resting his head in my lap, he said with glee, “Ah~ it’s much better this way.”

Seeing his hand moving towards my thigh, I pinched his face, “Stop your hand right now. The kids are still here.”

“But they aren’t paying attention,” he still pushed his hand forward, slowly sneaking his hand under my dress. Feeling the tips of his fingers caressing my inner-thighs, I could feel my heartbeat speeding up like a bullet, almost making me forget where I was.

“Your stupid powers are affecting me again because I sure as hell didn’t get aroused so quickly when I was younger,” I grumbled in a low voice, slapping his hand away.

“Are you sure it’s not because now you know what it feels like and you’re expecting more of it?” he laughed, turning on his back and closing his eyes. Opening them a moment later, he added, “But damn, your jugs are providing me with a great cover from the sun.”

Rolling my eyes helplessly, I put my hand over his eyes and continued staring at our kids.

“I love you.”

“Me too~” I replied to his small confession.

“You look pretty in this white dress,” he continued.


“So can I put my hand between your legs?” he started laughing like an idiot while I covered his mouth with both of my hands.

“Mmmfh- mmmfh- alright, alright, I’ll stop,” he said as I pulled my hands away.

“It’s fun to tease you,” he added, seeing that my face was slightly red after his little thigh-caressing maneuver. Taking things a bit more seriously this time, he asked, “Did you have fun teaching the kids?”

“Mhm, they have learned to control the elements in no time and even though they still have a long way to go before they can say that they’ve mastered them, this was their first day so their performance was amazing,” I said, pulling my hand up to his forehead.

“That was within my expectations. I mean, they are connected with mana so getting a feel for something so minor should be easy for them. I imagine they didn’t use too much of their own mana either, did they?” he raised a brow, peeking out from under my chest.

“Yeah, they barely used their own,” I nodded.

“Have you thought about what to do next or do you just want to continue teaching them elemental magic before we drop them into the water? Even if I’m good at magic, I must admit that it’s probably better if I leave teaching them to you.”

“Your only problem is that you can’t explain stuff in a short and simple way because you always start going into the details and the exceptions and whatnot. It’d be enough if you just explained how to do something and once they’ve learned it, you could start your usual blabbering,” I said, brushing my fingers through his silky hair. It was so lovely to fiddle with other people’s hair, I had no idea why I felt that way, though.

“That sounds like a good reason why I suck as a teacher,” he chortled.

“The only reason I understood what you taught me was that I had some shallow experience in magic and I knew you quite well so I knew when to stop listening to you. I just stopped paying attention to what you said when you went into the details and learned them later,” I laughed, seeing that he didn’t mind my words.

“Aha! So you weren’t paying attention to your teacher?!” he exclaimed as he sat up, placing his left hand on the armrest and his right hand on the backrest of the bench, completely sealing my escape routes.

His chest pressed against mine and his face only inches away, he looked into my eyes in silence.

“Uhm… what are you trying to do?” I asked, unconsciously glancing towards his crotch. I knew that he had a small tent as soon as the kids left us alone and went playing but seeing it was another thing.

“Where are you looking at?” he smiled at me as I looked back into his eyes.

“Don’t do anything silly,” I warned him, looking past his shoulder to see if the kids were still playing.

“They’re busy,” he chuckled.

“I’ll just use my hand, it’s more fun if it’s dangerous,” he added.

“No,” I grabbed his wrist, unconsciously pulling on his hand instead of pushing.

“You aren’t too convincing,” he laughed at my mistaken reaction.

Looking away, I didn’t say anything since I really wanted him to do it but my brain knew that it was a terrible idea. Sadly for me, I just couldn’t say no to the combination of the desires of my body and the wishes of my husband.

Kissing my neck, he put his hand between my legs and slowly moved it towards my crotch. Gently poking my clitoris through my panties, he smiled at me hearing my small moan. Despite feeling normal not long ago, I started anticipating each of his movements like a sex-hungry woman who haven’t had anything for a year.

Taking a small piece of skin on my neck between his lips, he started nibbling on it while his left hand explored my dress. The tips of his fingers slowly moved across my inner-thighs, inching closer to the edges of my panties. He was breathing down on my neck quite loudly as he also tried to deal with his excitement.

“I’d love to do you right here and right now,” he said in a low voice, finally shoving his finger into me.

Shutting my legs on his hand, I couldn’t help but enjoy his squirming finger for a few seconds before replying, “I bet.”

I could feel him opening his fingers like a scissor and then closing them a few times before turning his wrist and pressing his fingers against the top of my folds. Grasping his arm with all my strength, I tried my best to hold back my voice since I really wanted to cry out.

“You can moan as much as you want, they won’t hear you,” he said.

Still feeling ashamed to feel so good from so little, I rather bit his shoulder and held it in. Glancing at his crotch from the corner of my eye, I felt tempted to tease him by grabbing his thing but I knew that we would cross the final line with that so I held my hands on his arms.

“Master, you’re back!” Rose shouted from afar, alarming both of us of their nearing presence.

“Hyun~” I couldn’t help but slip for a moment as Seth pulled out his fingers and laid back down in my lap as if nothing happened. Knowing that I was actually a sopping mess, I was forced to use magic to dry myself and my panties, and make the hickey disappear from my neck. Seth was really fond of making those… especially on my neck.

Clearing my throat, I waited for Rose and the others to get closer to us and asked with a smile, “Are you done playing?”

“Yes, we were playing catch with Reiner and Felice. They were absurdly quick for their body size. Can they enchant their bodies?” she asked.

“They have that ability innately,” I nodded.

“Is Master sleeping?” she whispered, noticing that Seth was laying in my lap with his eyes closed.

“No, I’m just resting,” he replied, opening his right eye.

Climbing onto his belly, Felice laid down on him and imitated what he was doing.

“Hahaha, what are you doing?” Seth laughed, brushing her blonde hair to the side. It has grown to her shoulders already so she was starting to look more and more girlish.

While I loved my children and I found them cute, I still found it hard to switch from all those erotic thoughts and ideas so suddenly. I could see that Seth was behaving naturally around them and he had no ‘tent-trouble’ but I honestly didn’t get how he could switch his ‘mind’ so quickly.  Well, he has always been like that and he never ceases to amaze me with it.

That sudden change in context was what made him special but hard to understand for most, including his teachings. Since he was forced to sit up under Felice’s relentless squirming, my lap was freed and Reiner immediately aimed for it, taking over Seth’s ‘headrest’. Hugging my son from behind, I rested my chin on the top of his head and looked at my apostles.

Finally collecting my thoughts, I said, “I came a bit later because I prepared some gifts for you and I have a small announcement as well.”

“First of all, I’d like to tell you all that today I’ve unsealed our children’s mana and started teaching them magic. This means that they’ll also take part in your lessons but considering their young age, I won’t be as harsh with them as with you lot, for now. I will be if both Seth and I deem it necessary but that will depend on their behaviour as they keep growing.”

“Are they going to spar against us?” Rose asked, seemingly excited by the idea.

“Well, later. They’re too young for that at the moment,” I replied, feeling Reiner’s small body in my arms. “Don’t forget that they aren’t even a year old yet…”

“Ah, I’m sorry for getting ahead of myself,” she said, bowing lightly.

“It’s fine,” I waved my hand.

“As for your gifts, I’ve personally prepared a few enchanted items for all of you, though the materials were naturally provided by my husband, like for all the enchanted stuff in Leviathan,” I said as I opened the small space I temporarily created for them.

“You can go ahead and select whatever you like,” I added as I pulled out all the weapons and accessories with telekinesis. After making a large table grow out of the ground with nature magic, I put the items on it one by one and added a small description under each of them.

While my apostles were looking at the weapons and accessories in amazement, Reiner jumped onto the table and sat down at the handle of a sword. Seeing him reaching towards its handle, I grabbed him under his armpits and pulled him into my embrace.

“You aren’t allowed to touch those for now.”

“Why?” he asked as he looked at me in wonder, unconsciously raising his thumb to his mouth. At least, he didn’t stick it into his mouth…

“Because it’s dangerous. I don’t want you to accidentally cut yourself and believe me when I say that it could cut you very easily. Once you grow older and gain some experience by using practice weapons, I’ll let you hold a real one,” I replied.

“Ah… you should listen to your Mother. When we started out there were many times when my sword slipped out of my hands or I accidentally couldn’t stop my hand and hit my partner with it for real. It was lucky that we were using blunt weapons and nobody got hurt seriously,” Corey followed up with a short example. He was the older one of my two male apostles.

“I won’t cut myself,” just as I would expect from a kid, he simply ignored our warnings and wanted to touch it anyway. 

“Brother, you should listen to Mom,” Felice spoke up for us, much to my surprise. Turning around in my arms, he stared at her for a few seconds before nodding his head.

I can’t believe this. Does he seriously listen to her more than to me? I know that we’ve always told him to love and protect his sister but isn’t this a bit too much? Whoever tries to become my daughter’s lover will better have balls of steel because with my husband and Reiner around, they’ll probably need it…

Well, I guess it’s only because they spend most of their time together and they are of the same age so he listens to her more.

After my apostles were done picking their weapons, I took the leftovers back to our hidden island and started training them along with my kids. Seth just sat on the side in silence while we were training but I often noticed that he was staring at my back. It was a bit hard to focus on what I was doing considering that I knew my husband dressed me down with his eyes many times over. At the same time, I kind of enjoyed it.

I had to admit that deep inside, I couldn’t wait for the night to arrive.

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