The Mage Emperor

Chapter 34 – Catch me if you can

Catch me if you can

--- Leo’s pov (before Ishtar seduced Tanner) ---

How long does it take her to do it? I thought to myself as I stared at the empty street that led to Washington. I was waiting for Ishtar to finish her task under the shade of a tree, hoping that everything would go smoothly.

Well, considering that even I had trouble holding back myself when she used her stupid charms on me, I was sure she could easily seduce Tanner. I just hoped that she wouldn’t run into the guys who came from Leviathan to do something.

After a few hours passed and the sky started darkening, I realised that something didn’t go as planned since she had yet to come back. Afraid to lose my most important chess piece, I used my commandment to hide my presence and rushed into the city. Carefully sensing my surroundings, I picked up on Ishtar’s presence in a nearby hotel.

What the hell is she doing in a hotel? Don’t tell me that she’s still going at it with Tanner… 

Not afraid to see some adultery, I teleported to the corridor where her room could be found and used my senses to check who was inside and what they were doing. Confused by what my senses perceived, I opened the door and walked into the room.

“Isn’t that guy from Leviathan?” I raised a brow, seeing her sitting on the bed while some guy was kissing her legs madly.

“Oh, why are you here? Were you worried about me?” she chortled as she put her foot on the guy’s face and pushed him back.

“I need your help so yes, you could say that,” I muttered, seeing the guy rushing back to kiss her feet.

“That’s some strange pet you’ve got there, but you absolutely can’t keep him since he’s from Leviathan. Who knows if their souls could be tracked down? I think that we should leave before we get found out,” I said, hoping that my reminder would make her come to her senses.

“There is no need to worry about that. I seduced him while I was pretending to be some fangirl so he lost it without realising what was going on. Now that he’s under my control, he won’t be able to notify Seth or anyone else. Look, all he wants from me is sex,” she laughed, seeing that he started rubbing his crotch against her leg like a dog.

I knew that gods of sex could ruin people’s minds but I had never seen her doing it in person and I had to admit, it was kind of freaky. The guy clearly didn’t even know who he was or what he was doing.

“What’s his name?”

“Ethan. Bark for me,” she replied and the guy barked right away.

“Let’s make good use of him since you’ve managed to seduce him. It’d be a waste to let you fuck him all night,” I said as I walked closer to the bed.

Pointing at herself, she said, “Can’t you see that I’ve already dressed up? He’s just having illusions right now and to be honest, he isn’t my type. I prefer bulky guys but he’s more like a cute boy.”

“Well, I could still have a lot of fun playing with him if he was conscious but that’s not the case, so let’s just get to the point,” she said.

“I’m glad we agree. My only problem is that he’s probably some newbie since he is quite weak compared to the standards of Leviathan. He probably won’t be able to tell us a lot.”

Waving her hand, signing for me to stay quiet, she asked, “Ethan, tell me where your base is, Leviathan.”

“I don’t know, we are sent out through portals,” he said.

“And how do you go back?”

“We get a Return Stone every time we go out which can be used only once before it turns into dust. When the Return Stone is used, some high-ranking personnel opens a portal for us and we can go back,” he replied.

“Are those Return Stones tracked in any way?” I chimed in, hoping that I could take it from him.

“They are prepared and tracked by Seth.”

“Damn, we definitely can’t take it with us then,” I cursed in a low voice.

“Lean forward,” Ishtar added, probably getting annoyed by all the drool that covered her legs. As Ethan leaned forward, she put her legs on his back and continued the questioning, “How many people are there in Leviathan? How strong are you compared to the norm? How powerful are the strongest members and when did you join Leviathan?”

“There are about five hundred thousand residents currently and I joined only three months ago. I’m very weak compared to the norm-”

“When did you start learning new things and what did you do when you joined?” I chimed in since that also mattered. I wanted to find out how much time Seth needed to turn a bunch of newcomers into powerful magicians.

“Answer him,” Ishtar commanded, seeing that he didn't respond.

“They have handed out the first batch of learning materials one week after I joined but I spent the first two months by getting to know the place and how things went there. I started learning about one month ago but many things are new to me so I didn’t make too much progress.”

Like a good machine, he didn’t forget Ishtar’s questions either and continued responding to them, “The strongest members are the six Sentinels, followed by about two thousand Magisters, and thirteen thousand Warlords. Each of those people could easily destroy countries on their own.”

“Sentinels? Magisters? What are those? Tell me more about the Sentinels,” Ishtar said with a frown, hearing about that for the first time. It was the same for me, though. I wasn’t knowledgeable about the internals of Leviathan so this guy really came in handy.

“Those are rank names based on the magic power and mana capacity. Magisters mostly have the same rights as other people, despite their overwhelming power. Sentinels are the core members of Leviathan and there are only six of them, some with their own countries and territories outside of Leviathan. I’ve heard that one of them is a queen as well in some northern country.”

“Hmm- interesting. Do you know anything about those sentinels? Maybe the name of their countries?”

“I only know that one of them leads some large tribe in Africa and the other one is the queen of a northern country with an incredibly cold climate.”

“Oh, I know who they are,” I said happily. “We can look for their weaknesses in that case and since I’ve met both Lugh, the king of the African tribe and Mia, his wife, it will be easier to trick them. I guess I’ll make Adro transform to Mia and get more information out of him.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Ishtar nodded and then smiled mysteriously as she looked at Ethan. The poor guy probably thought that he was having a good time in bed with some beautiful woman but in fact, he was being used as a chair instead.

“What about Seth? What is his standing in Leviathan and what do you know about him?” finally having the chance to learn more about her target, she couldn’t stop herself from asking about Seth.

Rolling my eyes, I turned around to leave, “Make it look like you did something together and then leave as soon as possible. Once you leave the guy here, you should avoid Washington unless you have a death wish. Go and seduce another guy in another city so that we can start dividing humanity.”

“I know,” she waved her hand after me.

“Seth is the absolute leader of Leviathan, along with his wife, Lien. While Seth doesn’t know about this, many of us respect him and consider him a true god even among the reincarnated ones.”

“Oh? Just what I would expect from my future husband,” I heard that crazy woman’s laughter as I left the room. Honestly speaking, I didn’t care whether she would succeed with her plan or not and that was also the reason I didn’t tell her about Seth and his ‘standards’. As a matter of fact, I knew that she had no chance with him but this way she was motivated to help me which was a good thing. I needed her assistance to reach my goal and become powerful enough to do whatever I wanted.

After Ishtar sent the guy back to Leviathan, we waited for a few days to see what would happen but Seth and his people remained silent as if the thing that happened wasn’t a big deal. Considering that we couldn’t find out anything too important, I was sort of expecting this lackluster reaction from their side.

The only reaction they had was that Seth sent a few more people to Washington, probably hoping that they would be able to find us. If I had to guess, I’d say that he also visited the city but I wasn’t sure since I didn’t dare to enter when a bunch of high-ranking members of Leviathan were running around.

It was the perfect moment for us to make a move on the forces that weren’t affected by Seth’s soul force and weren’t affiliated with Leviathan. There were plenty of ‘smart’ leaders who didn’t want to depend on Leviathan and kept their distance which was perfect for me and other like-minded people who wanted to do something ‘bad’.

Since they were just common god incarnations and mages with no protection from Leviathan, we could walk around freely without the fear of being found and killed. They also had no way to resist Ishtar’s charms and my trickery so in just a few days, we’ve gathered five smaller forces under us.

After Ishtar sent a few of her toys to each of these forces as teachers and military trainers, they have started training our own forces. This was another reason I needed Ishtar. Her sex slavery was a really effective way of gathering people but I didn’t have that kind of ability. Sadly for her, my ability was much stronger than hers on single targets instead and I’ve turned everyone into my apostle when we joined forces so I could easily command them to do anything I wanted.

It’s kind of stupid that they believed when I told them that becoming my apostle would only provide them with a masking ability. Well, as long as I didn’t have to, I had no intention of commanding them since the longer a trick continued, the more power I would gain from it once it was found out. That was how I gained power from tricking others and up to this day, Seth gave me the largest boost by chasing Sylvanus for two years.

The best was that it wasn’t even an intentional trick since I thought Sylvanus would kill him once they met and that would be the end of the story. It was outside my expectations that Sylvanus would change his mind and that Seth would grow so powerful so quickly. It was certainly a miscalculation from my side.

Other than Seth, Aphrodite was also a good target. I’ve worked as her middle-man for a few years while we were in middle school and she thought that I was barely able to resist her charming abilities. It was a shame I had to end it because Seth found out about Thanatos and destroyed the way things worked in Light city. At that time, I knew he would clean up Balan as well so I was forced to reveal everything to Aphrodite, get the extra power, and then leave after killing everyone who could be a witness. Thanks to that, my powers were still a mystery to my enemies and my partners as well.

While Ishtar was busy gathering forces, I contacted Adro and moved to Africa. We spent a few days observing Lugh's tribe by disguising ourselves as various politicians. Thanks to Adro's abilities, we just had to kill a few women of high position and then he took their forms. Much to my surprise, even after we spent a bit over a week in Lonba, their tribe, Lugh and Mia haven't come back even once to check how things were going.

There were a few representative leaders instead who were doing a good job managing everything. The only problem was that they had no power which was a good thing for me because I could use my abilities without any complications. I've heard that Leviathan was the 'most magical' and 'mysterious' place in the world and many wanted to get in but only a few could do so. It seemed to me that the people who managed to get in didn't really want to get out all that often and Lonba was suffering from a lack of leadership exactly because of that.

After getting used to a good place, they probably felt that it was more of a chore to manage their own country instead of having a good time in Leviathan. If the other sentinels were thinking similarly, I could easily gather my own forces by taking over their countries. Seth surely wouldn't expect it either.

Since we could pretty much do anything in Lugh's country, I stayed there with Adro and started building up our forces while Kylie and Ishtar were working on the American continent.

I was expecting to see some results within the next two weeks.

--- Seth's pov ---

"I still find it hard to believe that this isn't real," Lien sighed loudly as she stared at the starry night sky of Leviathan.

"Um, we can make real ones in the future if that's what you want," I replied as I stared blankly at the street in front of me and caressed her arm.

We had a large terrace facing our backyard and a small terrace facing the streets of Leviathan. After tucking the kids in the bed, we decided to come out to the front terrace and breathe some fresh air in each other's company.

While I was talking, a familiar person crossed in front of our house, humming happily on his way to his home after a whole day of tiring work. His name was Michael, a 'normal' person who didn't chase power and had a bakery nearby. He did a great job preparing food for many people early in the morning and while it was probably tiring for him, he liked baking so it was a win-win for everyone.

Glancing to the side, he noticed us right away and stepped closer to the fence, leaning on it like some neighbour would do and greeted us with a smile, "Good evening, boss, Miss!"

"Hello," Lien and I replied at the same time.

“On the way home from work?” I asked.

“Yeah, are you taking a nap?" he nodded and then followed up with his own question.

"Hmm, something like that. We’re just doing some chit-chat while staring at the sky,” Lien replied, unconsciously cuddling up to me even more as she spoke.

“Haha, you’ve got to do that sometimes. How are the kids?”

"We've put them to bed," I smiled at him.

"Hahaha, alright then. I hope you can have a good rest,” he smiled back, pausing for a moment.

Seeing that he was thinking about something, I said, “What’s up? There is no need to hold back, just say what you want.”

“You’re quite attentive,” he winked at me. “I’ve been wanting to thank you for something and give you a present but that present isn’t with me so I thought about leaving…” he paused for a moment, quickly adding, “But it’s hard to catch you two since you rarely come out even if you’re free. Since you have noticed that I wanted to say something, I’ll do just that. I just want to thank you both for giving me an opportunity to live casually like this. I’m sure I would have never been able to live like this outside.”

“It’s nothing. Those who pass the test are most welcome here,” I waved my hand. Although there were quite a lot of people in Leviathan who weren’t powerful magicians but common folk, I never really thought about what kind of life they possibly had before they joined. Seeing his honest smile, I knew this place meant a lot to him, maybe even more so than to the magicians who came here. It felt nice to see someone thanking me from the bottom of his heart for something I did.

“It may be nothing to you but you have saved the lives of many people who are like me,” he replied as he stood up straight and took a step back from the fence.

“Alright. Now that I finally had the chance to thank you, I’ll take my leave and let you two enjoy this beautiful night,” he said as he waved his hand and left as quickly as he came.

“Good night," I used wind magic to carry my voice after him. Turning around on the corner, he raised his baseball cap and then continued on his way.

"I should have asked him if he had any leftover food," Lien muttered.

"Are you hungry?"

"Not really, I just want to eat something sweet," she replied.

"I can give you something sweet," I said as I used my trait to create a table of chocolate for her but while I was doing so, she closed her eyes and shook her head, "Perv…"

“Raising my brow, I stared at her in silence as she opened her eyes and spotted the chocolate in my hand.

Staring forward blankly for a few seconds, she raised her hands to cover her face and asked, “You didn’t mean it the way I thought, did you?”

"I sure didn’t,” I chortled, brushing her hair behind her ear.

"I can't believe I thought of it even before you," she mumbled into her hands. Wrapping my fingers around her small hands, I gently pulled them away and uncovered her eyes to see her expression clearly.

She was as cute as I expected.

"While there was nothing perverted in my offer, that doesn’t mean I have no impure thoughts about you. In fact, I keep thinking about the time when I would finally get to undress you, even more so because you’ve finally dolled up yourself for me," I replied, running my eyes up and down on her a few times.

After we put the kids to bed, she changed her white dress to a much sexier dark purple one and put on black stockings with high heels as well. Knowing her, she should have prepared some matching underwear to make herself look even more seductive.

Raising her brows, she blinked a few times and looked at me in wonder. "Dear, it’s you who is always impatient and can’t wait for me to change clothes. I wouldn’t mind doing so even if I had to do it every day. But I would like to note that you tear my clothes off most of the time anyway so I don’t really get why you get so excited when I put on some sexy clothes.”

Of course, I tear them off because you make me so excited… I thought to myself. I rarely tore her clothes when she was dressed normally.

Ignoring her lack of understanding of why her clothes were torn when she looked too hot, I asked in wonder, “Wouldn’t it be too much of a bother?”

Smiling mischievously, she took my chin between her fingers and pulled me closer, "The insatiable hunger you show for me at those times is enough to make up for it."

“Maybe I’ll try to change my ways in the future if that’s true,” I replied as I grabbed her hand and gave a small kiss on it.

“Could you give me another one?” she stared at me, keeping eye contact the whole time.

Glancing down, I couldn’t help but stare at her sexy thighs and imagine my dick sandwiched between them.

“Feel free to touch it,” she mused, throwing her legs across mine.

Looking into her eyes, I grasped her meaty thighs and started caressing them with both of my hands, enjoying the texture of her stockings brushing against my skin.

"Haha~ You should see your face. I wonder what makes it so exciting for you to see me in high heels and stockings," she chuckled as she slid down and rested her head on the padded armrest.

“Do you like this?” she mused, slowly raising her legs towards the sky and showcased them to me.

Wrapping my fingers around her shin, I slowly ran them up and down on her legs a few times as I stared at her the edge of her thigh-high stockings cutting into her meaty thighs. It made such a great contrast with her fair white skin, maybe that was the reason I found it so arousing.

“I think I have a leg fetish as well now,” I replied as she put her legs across mine and fixed her dress in a hurry, knowing that another passerby was about to cross in front of our house.

“You have a thigh fetish, along with a fetish for slutty getups. That’s what you have,” she laughed at me, knowing well my preferences.

“Seriously, what makes your getup slutty?” I asked with a frown, honestly not understanding it.

“Isn’t it obvious, my love? If a woman dresses up like this for a man, she definitely wants to seduce him and that is a kind of action that is perceived as bitchy. In case you’re wondering why that is the case, it’s simply because bitches do the same on the streets with sex-hungry guys. They seduce them,” she replied, poking my nose.

“That… actually makes sense,” I muttered. “But I don’t think it’s slutty to seduce your own husband, is it?”

“Hubby, it’s still the same art but I honestly don’t care about any of that. If I want to please you or I desire your body, I’ll definitely work for it, whatever it costs,” she replied, placing her hand on top of mine. Gazing into my eyes, she pulled it under her dress and led my hand to her panties. Following the same momentum, I pushed her panties to the side and shoved two of my fingers into my wife, quickly pulling it back out and pushing it back again.

“Uhn~ that was great,” she bit her lips and continued staring at me expectantly.

"Good evening," this time it was a woman who noticed us while I secretly started fingering my wife under her purple dress.

"Good evening," I replied with a nod as I placed my right hand on Lien’s forehead. Although I stopped moving my fingers back and forth, I was still rubbing the top of her walls, knowing exactly where to find her G spot.

Slightly gasping for air, she just waved her hand and added a small ‘hello’ towards the end, barely responding to the greeting of the woman.

"Rub it harder," she said through Link, almost begging me to be rougher.

“I’ll rub it harder with something else in a moment,” I smiled at her, slowly brushing her hair behind her ear.

“What the hell is wrong with me? I’m feeling it so much right now,” finding it easier to communicate through Link, she continued making some rather alluring remarks.

Lowering my right hand, I stuck my finger into her mouth and watched silently as she started sucking on it feverishly.

“Mmm~ this tastes so good. Why does your finger taste like chocolate?”

“I thought you would love it more if it tasted that way,” I chortled, seeing her becoming greedier and greedier for it. Leaning closer, I whispered into her ear, “By the way, today my sperm will also taste like chocolate so you may want to drink it.”

“Only if you can resist your desires and pull it out,” she winked at me.

“Aren’t you being cheeky?” I frowned as I added two more fingers and started rubbing her pussy from the inside. Biting my finger, she held back her voice as another person passed by and greeted us. This time she didn’t even bother greeting him and just pretended to be asleep.

Glancing at the light bulb on the terrace, I used my magic to turn it off and hide in the darkness. Grasping her wrists, I jumped up from the sofa and pulled her onto her feet, shortly after pushing her towards one of the pillars that had a large Leander in front of it. Although it was tall enough to cover us from the direction of the street, it was still quite easy to spot us from the corners of our front yard considering that the bush wasn’t too thick and the stars and the moon provided quite a lot of light.

“Wait, what are you trying to do here? We’re still outside you dumb-” not waiting for her to finish, I removed my pants with magic and shoved my dick straight into my wife. 

“Ah~” she cried out in her surprise, her voice spreading a bit further than it should have.

“Just what the hell are you thinking?” she growled at me as I put my hands on her hips and squeezed her between the pillar and my body. Looking over her shoulder, I could see her right breast hanging freely so I quickly covered it with my palm and started massaging it through her dress.

Sniffing her fragrant hair, I pulled it out of the way and leaned closer to kiss her neck while she tilted her head in my direction to block me.

"No, Seth, wait a moment," she tried to refute but as soon as my lips finally reached her neck, she tilted her head in the other direction, giving me enough space to reach one of her most sensitive spots.

"We were caught doing it not long ago in Kyoto and you even brought that guy to Leviathan. It’s enough to have one person nearby who caught us doing it, do you want to repeat the same mistake again and increase that number?” she continued complaining while I started sucking on her neck.

Seeing that I didn’t bother stopping, she started again, “Seth, we really shouldn’t-” 

“Lien… just be quiet,” I interrupted her once again, quickly finding her clitoris to make her shut up.

“Mhn~ fine then, but if we get caught, I’ll kill you,” she mumbled in a low voice as I pinched her clitoris and ran my left hand up and down on her side, finally stopping on her hips. Maybe because she was feeling it too much, she covered her own mouth in a hurry and started moving her hips along with me. Pulling her dress up to see her ass, I could see that with each thrust I made, her ass jiggled for a moment before returning to its beautiful round shape and gave out a nice slapping sound.

“Your ass is infatuating,” I growled in a low voice, eternally amazed by its perfect shape.

“Slow down, someone is coming,” she said in a low voice as she turned her head.

“Well, you better stay low behind this bush because there is no way I’m going to stop,” I replied as I knelt down and pulled her down with me towards the floor.

“What does it feel like to squat into my dick?” I asked through Link as I laid down on my back and enjoyed the sight of my penis going in and out of her wet pussy.

Ignoring my question, she just continued riding me in silence, her hand still covering her mouth to hold back her voice.

“They are about to cross in front of our house. You should be careful because the Leander isn’t thick enough to cover us if they look this way and have good eyesight in the dark,” I warned her in advance, sensing that two guys were on their way home from training. They were S-ranked magicians based on their magic signatures so they could easily notice us if Lien made some noise.

Grabbing my ankles, she leaned forward until her chest reached the floor and continued moving by shaking her hips back and forth. Despite complaining about my idea and whatnot, here she was shaking it even at a time like this. Feeling her folds clamping down on my dick, I raised my head only to see Gil and Brian at the corner of our house as they chatted happily.

“They can’t see us! Especially not that idiot Brian!”

“You’re crushing my ankles,” I laughed inwardly, feeling Lien’s grasp on me.

“I’ll beat your ass next time,” Brian said in a loud voice as he punched Gil in the shoulder.

“Dream on. Thanks to Seth’s teachings, you have no way to catch up to me,” Gil laughed at him.

“Sure, sure… you’re like his fangirl or something, you know? Let’s change topics. What about Ma’at? Have you done it yet? Or are you still being a pussy?”

“Shut up, I’m not going to tell you anything,” Gil replied.

“Ohoho~ what is that face you’re making? I no longer need your answer,” Brian laughed as he looked around, his eyes stopping on our front door.

“It’s lucky that he didn’t look this way. Just a bit more to the left and maybe he would have noticed us,” I jeered at Lien through Link who was still busy shaking her hips.

“Shut up, this is all your fault,” she replied, her voice sounding much weaker than her words.

“Hey, isn’t this the boss’ house?” Brian asked, pointing towards our front door.

“It is,” Gil replied.

“Ah, yes. Miss Lien is also really hot. I’d totally screw her if I could!” he raised his voice, obviously trying to pick a fight with me. Although he was a bit of an asshole for poking my sore spots, I knew he didn’t mean it so he was still alive.

“What the hell are you yelling? Do you have a deathwish?” Gil slapped the back of his head and dragged him away in a hurry.

Sitting up, I pushed Lien onto her front and started pounding her from behind, knowing that we were safe for the time being. Noticing her cute ear, I couldn't help but lean forward and gently bite the top of it. Feeling her pussy clamping down on me, I knew she was enjoying it so I continued nibbling on her ear. Since I found it a waste to grope her breasts with both of my hands, I slipped my right hand between her legs and pinched her clitoris, making her cry out loudly. Luckily, she was still covering her mouth else Gil and Brian would have surely heard her.

Raising her left hand, she grabbed the handrail of the terrace and looked between her legs to see what I was doing.

"Do you like what you're seeing?" I growled into her ear, followed by a small kiss on her neck.

Tilting her head to the side to let me kiss her as I pleased, she slowly reached between her legs with her right hand and pulled apart her pussy. Knowing that she was enjoying it enough to start playing with herself even though the street was right in front of us, I got a bit over excited and used pleasure touch on my dick, hoping to see an even stronger reaction.

“Ahhmmm~” I covered her mouth before she could cry out too loudly and then pulled my fingers through her hair, gently pulling on it along the way. Seeing that her hair was about to slip out between my fingers, I grabbed the end of it and pulled on it with a bit more strength than before, yanking back her head.

As the slight sense of pain rushed through the top of her head, I could feel her folds twitching and gripping my dick even more tightly for a moment, showing just how much she loved being handled roughly. Seeing her legs trembling, I gently pulled on her shoulder and she instantly got down to her knees, making it even easier for me to move.

“What’s up, dear? No strength left to stand?” I mused, seeing that she was feeling good and forgot all about where we were.

“It’s just so thick. It’s rubbing all my weak spots,” she clenched her fist and the handrail for a few seconds before going down to all fours.

"That's nice to hear. By the way, what do you think of what you've just heard?” I chortled as I thought about what Brian said. Her reactions were quite strong considering that we’ve just barely started and I had no intention of letting her go until morning.

“What should I think? He can dream whatever he wants but it’ll forever stay a delusion for him, at most. I'm your wife so only you can touch me this way," she said, her husky voice arousing me even more. She always knew what to say to please my stupid ego, though it was nice to know that she actually meant it.

“Hearing that is quite exciting, you know?" I muttered, my dick uncontrollably twitching inside her.

"Are you about to cum?"

“Yeah, it's hard to hold back when my wife is so cute,” I said in a low voice.

“Hey, can we turn a bit?” she pled to me so I stopped pounding her from behind and waited for her to change positions. Turning around, she pushed me onto my back and knelt down above me.

“Whose man are you?” she asked, licking her lips as she grabbed my dick and pointed it towards her pussy.

"I’m all yours, my dear wife,” I stared at her hand expectantly, hoping to enter her as soon as possible.

"It's fun to see you struggling with your lust," she laughed as she sat straight into my dick and put her palms on my chest. Slowly running her hands over my muscles, her breath turned quicker and her eyes hazy as she started swaying her hips.

“Hubby, I love you so much,” she moaned as her hands continued wandering around my chest and arms, her eyes sometimes stopping at the place where we were connected.

Poking her clitoris, I just closed my eyes and enjoyed the warm feeling around my penis. Missing the beauty of my wife after a few seconds of that darkness, I opened my eyes to look at her riding me. Brushing her hair to the side, I ran my fingers down on her front and ended up grabbing her ass.

"Do it," she smiled down at me, knowing that I was about to cum.

"Uh- here you go," I grit my teeth as I felt my sperm shooting out of my balls thanks to the pressure on my dick.

Raising her hips, I could see my cum-covered dick coming out of her pussy while she was smiling at me like the lewd woman she was.

"Let's put it back in," she said as she sat back on me in a hurry.

"We should continue it elsewhere," I said as I stood up and hugged her tightly to keep her up.

"Do you plan to carry me to bed while you're still inside?" she asked.

"Yeah, it would be a waste to pull it out," I nodded as I opened the door with telekinesis and brought her straight to our bedroom to continue…

--- next morning ---

"What should we do for breakfast?" I asked Lien as I glanced at the top of her head. She was using my arm as a pillow while snuggling up to my side.

Slowly running her fingers down on my ribs, - "muscles are kind of amazing" - she muttered, followed by a kiss on my side.

Poking her nose, I said, "I wasn't asking you about your muscle fetish, my silly wife."

"Hmm? What fetish? I just find human bodies amazing," she muttered, blankly staring at my side, still caressing it with her small hand.

"My love…" I started, thinking that I should warn her that if she continued caressing me for too long, I would end up continuing where we left off twenty minutes ago.

But after seeing her dazed expression, I shut my mouth and just let her enjoy her snuggling time. It wasn't like I wasn’t enjoying it…

"Is this making you horny?" she asked, stopping her fingers.

"No," I replied, and blocked Link to hide the truth from her. My commandment was quite troublesome at times like these but I'd rather suffer a bit in silence than to ruin her fun.

"You're lying," she said blandly, starting to move her fingers again.

"I'm not. Believe what you want," I replied.

"I can see it on your face, oh… you also shut me out of Link… I wonder why,” she rolled her eyes as she noticed a moment later.


"Haha, no matter how long or hard you stare, you can't lie to your wife," she said proudly.

"Fine then, I lied. But don't mind it, just continue your stuff," I said.

“I’m doing just that,” she muttered, shortly adding, "Let's make some eggs. The kids should eat more protein and eggs have a lot of that."


"Are you also too lazy to get up?" she asked after about twenty seconds passed in silence.


"Then stay here. I'll go prepare food for everyone," she jumped up from the bed.

"Don't you want to rest as well? Let me help you," I said as I sat up but she rushed back to my side and pushed me down.

"You just stay here and let me do it," she said.

"It's nice of you that you want to spare me from 'extra work' but I don't want to make you work alone while I'm laying in bed.”

“Working? Seriously? Even if I was a completely normal, mortal human, I wouldn’t find it hard or tiring to make breakfast for my family, much less with my body. Surely, you didn’t mean what you’ve just said,” she rolled her eyes.

While I knew that myself, I sort of wanted to help anyway but seeing that she wanted to do it alone, for me, I laid back down and closed my eyes.

“I’m waiting for my food,” I said.

“Good then,” she chortled as she turned around to leave.

Since I knew she was showing me her back, I opened my eyes in a hurry to catch a glimpse of her round bottom before she left. “White a nice ass,” I whistled after her.

Turning around in the door, she smiled at me, her brows slightly raised. Pressing her breasts against the doorframe, she pushed out her ass and stuck one of her fingers into her mouth, slapping her ass at the same time. I could see it jiggling for a moment before it returned to its original shape.

“Have fun fapping,” she stuck out her tongue and left me alone.

“You were mine the whole night, I don’t need it!” I shouted after her.

“I can hear that you’re lying!” she shouted back, knowing me too well.

Hmm, I should do something with my hormones or something. I swear my commandment would make me feel lust even if I had no physical body…  it would create something for me to make me feel it! I couldn’t help but shake my head as I thought about it.

Well, let’s put that aside for now. It’s more important to find out who are the god incarnations that entered Lugh’s tribe.

Thanks to finding out more about commandments and traits, I found a way to spot god incarnations by scanning their souls. Although I wasn’t at a level where I could copy commandments, I could still easily spot the difference between a common person’s soul and a god incarnation’s soul. God incarnations’ souls had all kinds of strange patterns on them, even if they were weak.

With my knowledge and proficiency in magic, I created a formation that could spot that difference and notify me whenever a god incarnation crossed over the borders of my spell. Since I knew that my enemies were all god incarnations and that they weren’t afraid of entering cities, I started laying down my new spell, making my first two targets Skadi’s and Lugh’s countries.

While I had no idea who entered Lugh’s territory, I believed it was fine to check them out. It wouldn’t take more than five minutes for me anyway. Making my way to the kitchen, I stopped in the doorway and smiled upon seeing my wife preparing breakfast.

“Why are you up?” she finally raised her head after breaking up another egg and looked at me with a smile. Her smile soon distorted and her eyes opened wide - “What the hell?” she shouted in her surprise.

Seeing her covering her eyes and turning away while blushing, I looked down only to realise that I forgot to dress up.

“I told you to take care of it yourself. We were doing it all night, it’s not healthy to-”

“No, I’m sorry. I just forgot to dress up,” I laughed, seeing that she was trying hard not to look at my genitals. After making a new set of clothes that could help me in fitting into Lugh’s tribe, I cleared my throat and said, “Anyway. I’ll be leaving for a few minutes to investigate something. I’ll be back soon, okay?”

“Just go already, you pervert… exhibitionist,” she grumbled, waving her hand.

“Oh, but you seemed to enjoy the view quite a lot,” I chortled, seeing that she was being cornered.

Appearing in front of me, she grabbed my dick and squeezed it tightly as she looked deep into my eyes and then gave a kiss on my neck. “Be careful who you are teasing, honey~ I’m not a teenage girl anymore. Just because you managed to surprise me with your perverted move, it doesn’t mean I’m going to keep blushing and stay shy.”

“Uh… can you be a bit gentler?” I forced a smile onto my face, feeling that she was crushing my meat.

“Have a safe trip,” she gave a small peck on my lips as she let go of my dick and then cleaned her hands with magic.

“I’m looking forward to my breakfast,” I replied and then teleported to Lugh’s capital city. I knew that quite a lot of people knew my face in Lonba so with a quick spell, I changed my face and decreased my body size to fit into the crowd. After making a quick scan through the city, I couldn’t help but frown, considering that I couldn’t find any god incarnation in the city.

Since my formation gave the sign that they were here, they definitely crossed over it but I still couldn’t sense them, probably because I wasn’t close enough to them. Still, there was only one person who came to mind when I thought about who could avoid my senses.

It’s good that I hide my aura most of the time else they would have spotted me the moment I came here. Anyway, let’s assume that it’s Leo or one of his companions, what would they want to do in Lonba? I’ve covered this place with my soul force while most of the other tribes nearby are still under Sylvanus’ control. Lugh and Mia spend most of their time in Leviathan and Lonba’s population is greater than five million.

If they could cause discord between Lonba and the nearby tribes while my soul force is still ineffective, they could definitely start a fire. Are they here for that reason? It would surely benefit them and make them stronger so it seems plausible.

Remembering that they’ve also acted against Tanner and that there were quite a lot of smaller villages and powers around Washington, I realised maybe they never intended to target Tanner himself.

Now that I think about it, Tanner wasn’t affected by any spell but he still seemed to be deeply in thought, even though I was sitting there in front of him. He started paying attention to me only after I brought up my spell to him and that he could perform better in bed… which may be normal for some men but still, it’s a bit strange when I think about it.

While I wasn’t as dangerous and bloodthirsty as some of these smaller forces believed me to be, none of them was as calm and composed when my magic power was released as Tanner seemed to be the last time.

If he fell in love with Ishtar or something like that, and she did the same to the other leaders in the surrounding areas… wouldn’t men start fighting for their dream woman? It’s not like there aren’t enough examples of it in history.

As I continued pondering, I came to the realisation that my enemies were most likely planning to charm male leaders to ignite the flame of war between the small forces that still weren’t affected by my soul force and the bigger forces that were under my control.

In that case, they would definitely go for some high-ranking position where they could make bad decisions for common people.

After making up my mind, I went straight to the center of the city where the leaders of the tribe resided and scanned the building once again.

Sensing a single person in the building who was a god incarnation, a smile instantly crept onto my face. It was time to catch some fish...

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