The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 39: Go to my parents‘ house

The magic school is located in the magic city of Dillashick.

Or we rather could say that it is a country.

Surrounded by large countries on three sides, the magical city is an independent city that does not belong to any place.

It is a land ruled by the immortal sorcerer Grey Lewa, who is said to have lived for an unbelievably long time.

With the great man at the center of the city, people gathered and prospered, and it became a large city.

All kinds of people and things have gathered here, but one thing in particular has gathered: sorcerers.

Many sorcerers from all over the world.

They were seekers who wanted to be taught by Grey Lewa, who was challenging the depths of magic, where they could feel the mysteries and miracles, as well as a bit of desire and darkness.

As a result, a school of magic was built and has been there ever since.

And having bounced back from repeated negotiations and wars of invasions by the major powers, we are now on a path of harmony.

“It’s amazing. In short, it’s a city that survived a war between the Empire, the Holy Church, and the New Kingdom with only Grey Lewa.”

“Really? That Grey Lewa is an amazing person, isn’t he?”

“That’s right. He is said to be the world’s most famous supreme sorcerer, so I guess there is no sorcerer in the world who doesn’t know him.”

The journey had only just begun.

On the way, one of the maids asked him what the magic school was like, and Kunon told her facts based on the materials his father had prepared for him.

Kunon himself had already read the book two or three times.

He wanted to read through it two or three more times, or even four or five times because he was very excited about it.

To be honest, I already remember everything that’s written in the book.

“They’re sometimes called master magicians, or those who follow angels and demons.”

“I see. A magician who follows cute angels and cute demons?”

“I feel like putting “cute” on it changes the meaning. Not that I don’t like it.”

“You have to hate it. Kunon is a cute angel. You have to be careful.”

“Really? Not a demon?”

“If you were a demon, we wouldn’t be so close.”

The two of them laughed at each other.

The journey is going well so far.

The carriage ride continued.

The view from the window was still a little strange for Kunon.

The sky was purple with swirling clouds.

The endless white grasslands were covered with a silvery powdery substance fluttering in the strong wind.

Only the water in the distance was a color I remembered.

– But it was still the first view of the Marquis of Gurion that I had ever wished to see.

The journey would take three weeks to a month.

And after arriving at the magic city, we have about a month to spare. During this time, he plans to complete the admission procedures and make preparations.

The journey was slow and easy, and it took about five days to reach the Marquis of Gurion.

” – It’s been a long time.”

Kunon, who was blind, had rarely left the grounds of the mansion.

The only place that Kunon went to when he was a child was the Marquis of Gurion’s estate.

Or, to be more precise, it was the place where he would return from his excursions.

It’s my parents’ house.

The mansion in the royal capital is a separate residence, and this is where the Gurion family originally resides.

“It’s been a long time, hasn’t it? It’s been about four years?”

“Oh, it’s been that long already?”

Since he had become devoted to magic, he seldom moved from his separate residence in the royal capital.

His father, mother, and brother sometimes came back for work in the territory or to socialize with other families, but Kunon did not accompany them.

He said that the last time he was here was four years ago.

“Why did I come back four years ago?”

Speaking of four years ago, it was probably around the time when he was learning magic from Genie.

It was before I became Zeonly’s apprentice, so it must have been around the time when I was obsessed with making eyeballs. If that was the case, there was no reason for him to leave the compound in the capital.

Four years ago.

I have a vague memory of coming home with my family, but I don’t remember doing anything.

I must have spent all my time training in magic, reading, and researching. It was the same as usual, so it didn’t leave any impression at all.

“What? Did you really forget?”

“What? Forget what? Did I?”

“You heard that your family’s library was large and might have books about sorcery, so you forced the Master and Mistress who had work to do, and even Ixio to come back with you.”

“What? Did I?”

“You were saying: ‘I won’t stop dancing until you say you’ll go with me!’ Have you really forgotten that weird dance you were doing? The dance that was neither social nor provocative nor sensational?”

“Oh, I remember when we danced like crazy. That’s the one. I forgot why I was dancing though.”

“In the past, Kunon was always tired from all the research, magic, and swordplay he was doing, saying it was not good enough. I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know that you were not the only one who was a little nervous about this. Ixio as well.”

I didn’t know.

No, I didn’t remember.

Apparently, Kunon had been giving people a lot of trouble for something he didn’t remember.

“By the way, about that dance…”

“I don’t remember. What was it like?”

– Kunon had learned the basics of ballroom dancing with the help of an illustrated instruction book, Baroness Fuller’s lessons on etiquette, and Milica’s help.

I don’t think I’m good at it, but I have got the form.

“The dance itself is fine. I want to appreciate the fact that you kept a straight face the whole time.”

“A straight face?”

Kunon imagines.

I saw myself dancing in front of my family with a straight face in a creative dance that could not be called social, provocative, or sensational.

“So your father brought you home because they were struck by your serious face and sincere dancing.”

“Yes, I’m sure they did.”

It must be wrong.

It wasn’t sincerity that was conveyed, but rather Kunon’s exhaustion, as he seemed to be mentally exhausted.

The carriage is heading towards Gurion’s house without a second glance.

He would be spending two nights at his parents’ house.

Then he would leave the maidservant there and meet the new servant who would escort him to the magic school.

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