The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 40: A substitute maidservant

I returned to the Gurion household.

As Kunon was getting off the carriage, a familiar voice called out his name.


It was the voice of his beloved grandfather.


The old gentleman opens his arms with a flourish.

The grandson is running, but it looks like walking up to him like a normal person.

After a strange pause, the old gentleman and Kunon hugged each other and were happy to see each other again.

– Edrew Belland.

He is the father of my mother, Tinariza, and the grandfather of Kunon, and is currently acting as the estate manager here at the Gurion family house.

He is what we call a housekeeper.

He can’t be absent from the estate while Arson is working at the royal castle, so Edrew, who is already free, is living here at his request.

However, although it is called acting on behalf of the family, he does not have any real authority since he is fundamentally a member of another family.

He is just a housekeeper.

He is fifty-eight years old and in the prime of life with adorable grandchildren.

He lost his wife at an early age, but now he is a leisurely bachelor who lives for his hobbies.

“Oh, you’ve grown up!”

“I can’t stay the same as I was yesterday.”

“Oh, yes, right! I don’t really know, but you’re right!”

It had been half a year since we had seen each other.

Edrew comes to the Royal City from time to time, so I see him occasionally.

“We’ll go to town after we get some rest! Grandfather will buy you anything you want!”


” – Acting Lord, I have a letter from your daughter.”

“I’ve prepared some sweets for you! Come on, come inside!”

” – Acting Lord! I have a letter for you from your daughter! If you don’t take it, I’ll be very angry, so please don’t hesitate to accept it!”

The grandfather smiled happily as he invited his grandson to join him.

If you were to look at him as an ideal grandfather, he would get a very high score.


The way he turns his back on the letter from his daughter, which is sure to contain something unwanted, is that of an old man who has chewed through both the bitter and the sweet, who has the courage to turn away from what he doesn’t like.


Edrew slumped on the sofa, sniffs with a pouty face.

“You want me to keep it under 500,000 Nekka, right? It’s not a child’s allowance.”

When Kunon was taken into the common room, Edrew took one look at the letter from his daughter and said, “This is it.”

The maid of honor, who had followed him and insisted on receiving the letter ten times, thought that this old man was still the same.

The letter from Tinariza must have said, “This is the maximum amount you can buy for Kunon.”

If she didn’t, he might seriously buy a house or land.

His mother, who had a soft spot for Kunon, made sure of this, so it must have been something substantial.

In the first place, even 500,000 Nekka is a lot of money.

If you are a servant of the Gurion family, it is a little more than a two months salary.


As soon as Kunon called him, the cunning expression on his face, which had been hateful and arrogant, turned into a good-natured old man. He is a dexterous old gentleman.

“Oh, what is it? Are you sneaking around? Do you want me to secretly buy you a big ship? I’ve got that kind of money.”

What’s the point of buying a ship now? The old man’s financial strength was troublesome.

“No, first of all, please call my new servant. I want her to take over from Iko.”

“Oh. Right! …… Well, you’re going to magic school, aren’t you?”

Yes, I will not stay long.

We stopped here only as an inn on our way to the magic city of Dillashick.

It’s not like the grandson came here to play with his grandfather.

And to bring a servant to replace Iko, the maid of honor who was not accompanying us. I’m here to pick her up.

“I won’t see you for a few years. I’ll miss you.”

“Grandfather, you promised not to say that.”

He doesn’t remember making such a promise, but Edrew nodded sadly, “Yes okay…….”

” – Call me.”

Ordering the maidservant who was waiting by the wall of the room, she left the room – and soon the footsteps of two people came back.

“Introduce yourself.”

Edrew commanded, and one of the maids responded.

“I am Linco Round! I am eighteen years old! My motivation for applying was the rather good salary! I’m running for office because I need money for my future marriage and to open a store. Also, my sister recommended me!”

– Linco Round.

“Nice to meet you. You’re Iko’s sister, right?”

Yes, she is Iko’s sister.

It was her sister’s recommendation that she works here as a servant of the Gurion family, and it was also her sister’s recommendation to go to the magic city for the next few years.

She is a woman who often recommends something.

“I have afianсe, by the way, so I refuse to sign a mistress contract! If Kunon’s fianсe hates me, she’ll probably kill me, so I can’t do that either!”

“You can rest assured that your fianсe is in good hands. My fianсe is more important to me than three meals. You should take care of your fianсe too.”

“Yes! Can I make her…… more important than three meals……?”

Apparently, Linco’s fianсe may be less important than three meals a day.

Kunon had heard from his maidservant that she had a sister.

Four years ago, she had not yet been in the mansion, so this was the first time Kunon had met Linco.

After talking to her for a while, Kunon immediately liked her because she seemed to be as cheerful as Iko.

I don’t think I can stand to be with a servant who can’t joke with me all the time.

It was also nice to have a fianсe.

No matter how old you are, you never know what will happen to a man and a woman. It’s a good thing that we both have someone to cherish more than three meals a day.

Her face is similar to Iko’s.

The magnificent black horns on her forehead also match her sister’s.

And then there was Edrew.

The huge horns that stretched out to the left and right were as magnificent as the great demons seen in the illustrations.

The girl looks like a hero, and the grandfather looks like a demon.

Well, I guess it’s useless to worry about those things that only Kunon can see and have no substance.

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