The Marine

Interlude: Armaki 2.1

Huge steps shook the floor as a man standing no less than nine feet tall, paced back and forth. Staring at his feet no one could see the horrifying visage on his face, but they all knew it was there.

“Vice Admiral Aramaki, please calm down!”

As the huge man's pace slowed the atmosphere room turned dark and cold.

“Calm down... what did you just say, Captain Havar? Calm down? I NEED TO SET SAIL!”

Turning his head and shouting his last words, Havar and other Marines’ expressions turned grave. Not only because this ‘Aramaki’ was fundamentally the most powerful person in the room, and in this general geographic area, but he was also widely respected by the men who served under him. They knew why he needed to leave, and it hurt them to stand between the Vice Admiral and his goal.

Havar: “I know Vice Admiral, but please wait! Headquarters has already dispatched Vice Admiral Comil and given you indefinite leave the moment he arrives! Just three days! Please just wait three days!”

Three days?! Aramaki sneered inside his head. It would take it would already take a month and a half for the fastest frigate in the Marines to sail to the South Blue. Considering he would not have access to anything besides his own medium size brigantine it was possible for the trip to take more than twice that long. Even that was assuming he would be able to sail straight across the Calm Belt without stirring any sea kings, wasn’t attacked by Pirates, and wouldn’t need to stop for resupply.

Turning his gaze from the floor Aramaki looked at the assembled group inside his office, which caused half of them to slightly rock backwards.

Aramaki: “I know my duty, Havar. I know my duty.” Repeating the line as much to himself as to the men gathering around him.

As if taking a que from the momentary pause, Havar jumped in and spoke quickly: “Vice Admiral, it’s not as bad as it seems. It appears Vice Admiral Comil will be arriving on a newly launched frigate named ‘Frontier Run’. It’s only a small sized frigate, but it’ll still be much quicker in the water than your ‘Riff Raff’. Furthermore, it doesn’t appear that Vice Admiral Comil has taken the vessel for himself, it seems only that his ship was in port for repairs. Then he was set to relieve you of command here.”

Hearing this news Aramaki took a sharp breadth. It did not alleviate his need to get to her as soon as possible, but it was good news. Even the smallest frigates were still three-mast vessels. His own ship Riff Raff was a brigantine designed to take damage, stay afloat, and haul arrested pirates. It was reliable and sturdy; however, it was just a two-mast ship and heavier than normal brigantines its size due to its modifications.

He had decided in an instant, come hell or high water he would sail out on the frigate named Frontier Run. Even if it weren’t a ship designed in a famous port or made from precious timber, it could take at least two weeks off his journey thus waiting a few extra days would pay off in the long run.

Aramaki: “Was that ship outfitted with a transponder snail?”

Aramaki had asked the question while looking at Havar, however another man spoke up. He was the bases logistical specialist and was ranked Ensign.

 “Vice Admiral, the ship should have been officially launched some four weeks prior to Vice Admiral Comil taking the conn. The ledgers say it was intended to be moved Base NW-BM4 in order to deal with the candy runners. Therefor it should be fully outfitted.”

Nodding his head slightly, Aramaki sat down in his seat. His long legs crossing the room in a few strides. As he took a seat his left hand rubbed the side of his head.

Aramaki: “Good work, Ensign.” After taking a breath he continued: “Ensign I want the code to that transponder snail as soon as possible. Alright everyone, shows over. Report back to your duties, all beside Commander Havar is dismissed.”

After a sigh of relief, everyone filed out of the room one by one. Havar, following the last man out, closed the door before returning to sit on the opposite side of Aramakis desk. He noticed his friends rage was still present, but at least he didn’t seem to be in threat of dereliction of duty.

Aramaki: “So what will you do?”

Havar looked to the side a bit before looking back to Aramaki: “Well, I suppose that really depends on what you plan on doing.”

Shaking his head back and forth Aramaki said slowly: “From what it looks like, she won’t be able to be moved. Thank the dragons she was near Base SB-T when they found the ship. I didn’t know of the base before, but it seems to be a Tier Three port and its area covers a large percentage of the timber produced from the South Blue.”

Havar: “What is the rank of the officer overseeing the Base?”

Aramaki huffed at the question, he knew what Havar was asking him.

Aramaki: “It appears to be a Captain named ‘Blu Vestito’. A man of some local renown, although you know how the lower seas are. A lot could be hidden from the regional Commodore much less the Rear Admiral of the Sea.”

Like many HQ Officers, Aramaki had a low opinion of the Blue Sea Officer corps. Far too often had insignificant local Captains abused their authority, believing themselves to be hegemons, only to be killed by some no-name person. Then that ‘no-name’ would, out of fear of the Marines, turn to piracy in a misguided attempt to protect themselves. Once a person turned to piracy, there were no negotiations regardless of the injustice done to them, they would have to be hunted down to face cold justice.

In this way, Aramaki figured, the Blue Sea Officers were subversive to the goal of world peace and that thought soured his mood even further.

Havar: “Vice Admiral, you have been given indefinite leave from this base considering the extreme circumstances your family is in. I believe it shouldn’t be too hard to find yourself reassigned during this time.”

Aramaki wasn’t surprised by his partner’s formal tone. Havar was his best friend, but he was also a professional who lived for the Marines and upheld tenets of Absolute Justice. He knew that Harvar knew the importance of the base they were currently in and for Havar leaving this duty would be a hard pill to swallow.

Aramaki: “Listen Havar, depending on the situation of her and the child I may retire from the Marines. It is also possible that I will petition for a reduction in rank and reassignment. My final decision will come based on the realities when I get to the South Blue. However, before all that I will take the frigate currently being used by Comil and I will need a crew to sail with me.

I am not asking for you to come with me, the work done here is vital for Justice around the world and you have worked damned hard to become a New World Captain. However, but it remains so, I need you to whip up thirty sailors who will come with me.”

Without a hint of hesitation Havar replied: “Vice Admiral, if you issued the order, you would have half the base ready to sail by lunch. I’d figure the great majority of those would be willing to follow you to your next assignment. If you can promise me that you won’t retire, I’ll follow you myself to the South Blue and petition for a reduction in rank.”

At the offer, Aramaki was touched although he didn’t show it. He knew that despite being the junior officer in the Duo, Havar was much more hardline. Aramaki may have been that way himself before he met his wife, but priorities change when you have a family. Havar had never entertained the idea of having one, that was the largest difference between the two men.

Aramaki: “Comil will be able to handle most threats in this area, however he will need you to organize and council him. We also can’t have the more experienced men reassign to the South Blue. Ever since that red-haired tyrant left, we’ve been given the chance of a lifetime. We need to reassert control over the nations in the area before another one of Rogers’ bastards waltz in and sets up shop.”

Nodding his head with some reluctance Havar replied: “I agree, and we need to be mindful of the situation between Whitebeard and Kaido. The more they clash, the more pirate scum scatter. It should be possible to bring in a few of the major islands in the area under compliance, but eventually some stronger powers will come and threaten our position. Comil is a good man and a strong Marine, but I don’t know if he has the strength to take advantage of this opportunity...”

Just as Aramaki was about to reply, a certain logistics officer knocked on the door bringing with him a head-sized sky-blue snail.

“Sir, the code has been set, its ready to put you through”

Aramaki: “Prompt as always, good work Ensign Darragh. Commander Havar, see to my request, let the men know it will be at minimum a five-month journey round trip I need three navigators and helmsmen of at least Ensign rank, there is not to be any sailors with eight or more years’ experience. The rest can be your discretion.”

Nodding his head, Havar gave a solute before turning to leave. Watching his friends back, Aramaki felt a tinge of sadness as this would likely be the end of their partnership and wondered how long it would be, if ever, before they would meet again. In the coming days he would make sure to take time out of the day to speak with Havar more, since after he left, it was up to fate.

Standing up, Aramaki took the snail from Darragh. This was a Base Transponder Snail, it was as large as a normal man’s head, but in Aramakis giant hands it was only roughly the size of his palms.

Aramaki: “This is Vice Admiral Aramaki of Base NW-RH1. Put me through to Vice Admiral Comil. Over”

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