The Marine

Prologue 2

As the world burst into a symphony of color and bent into angular shapes Bill felt a horrid weight pressed upon his breast and, with the shatter of glass or boom of thunder, fell into the great deep.


In a place of utter darkness, most fit to be called chaos, the soul of a man lay confounded. Not dead, yet impossible to be truly alive, the soul rode the currents of the deep.

Say first, nothing was hidden from view. As if on top of a mountain the soul of the man once known as William ‘Bill Ox’ Bullock could only witness ruin. The fiery gulf which lay bottomless, and not, expanded over the space of day and night.


In doom, knowing of lost happiness and everlasting pain, the creature, now known by no name, rocked along with the deep currents. Bearing witness to the fiery lake where lay abominations, strength undiminished but in torment, held an unholy communion that swallowed endless misery.

Rocking through the regions of sorrow, where peace and rest can never dwell, the only thing left to the creature were urges. Through floods, through drought, and through whirlwinds of fire. The creature’s eyes never stopped bearing witness.

Say second, how he had fallen, how changed. How long had it been since his last dissertation? It had been slow, yet the creature in both time and not time turned its being away from that fiery gulf.


Motionless on the flood, lying still for the first time in eternity and not, the creature no longer witnessed the horrid abominations. No longer held gaze across day and night.

Fixed anchor, strong against the current, the creature sought absolution. To a place where joy may dwell, to a place where reason may reign. For in this place freedom thrives, but freedom without virtue could only be paid for by the price of hell.

Say third, urged forward by madness and by reason, the creature began to evoke a long-lost name.


Consider the names now known. Roused from slumber, ego regained. From mortal or immortal minds stood a creature solid and weak. With and without form.

Not wanting power to mitigate, chasing away sorrow and pain and fear and doubt, the creature, no! The Man, who saw, whose eyes surveyed a vision of delight. United and moved, by force climbs, or ascends, to that sacred light!

He, for now he was more than a creature, walked with unsupported steps. Beat on all sides, yet endured, till at the precipice. Behind him cast that broad fiery gulf! At the surest signal, astounded and amazed, the soul of The Man known as William ‘Bill Ox’ Bullock lunged forward.

Say fourth, through Chaos, Order emerges.

This chapter was particularly hard to write. On one hand I don't want to give away too much, on the other hand I didn't want to sound to melodramatic

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