The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 11: Cosmic Cultivation Technique

Bane stared at Bai Xiao Meng, processing the weight of his words. The thought of undergoing a procedure that could end his life in a violent explosion was terrifying, but the alternative was stagnation and eventual failure. There was also a good chance that he would be sent back to Lysia for more training, and the thought of that sounded worse than dying.

Taking a deep breath, Bane squared his shoulders. "I'll do it. Whatever it takes, I'm ready."

Bai Xiao Meng nodded solemnly. "Very well. We will begin at dawn. Rest tonight, for tomorrow, you will need all your strength and resolve."

The night passed fitfully for Bane, his mind racing with thoughts of the unknown dangers ahead. When dawn finally broke, he felt a mix of fear and determination. He met Bai Xiao Meng in the garden, the morning light casting long shadows.

Bai Xiao Meng led him to a secluded part of the garden where a small, intricately carved stone altar stood. The air around it seemed to hum with a strange energy. "This is an ancient relic," Bai Xiao Meng explained. "It will help us channel the celestial energy directly into your body."

Bane took his place on the altar, his heart pounding in his chest. Bai Xiao Meng began to chant, his voice resonating with an otherworldly power. The air grew thick with energy, and Bane felt a strange, tingling sensation wash over him.

As the chant continued, a beam of light descended from the sky, enveloping Bane in a blinding radiance. Pain seared through his body as the celestial energy coursed through him, burning and reshaping him from the inside out. Bane gritted his teeth, refusing to cry out. He had endured much in his life, but this was unlike anything he had ever experienced.

Minutes stretched into what felt like hours, and Bane's vision blurred. Just as he thought he could endure no more, the pain began to subside, replaced by a strange, serene clarity. The light around him faded, and he collapsed onto the altar, gasping for breath.

Bai Xiao Meng knelt beside him, his expression a mix of concern and satisfaction. "You survived," he said softly. "Your body has begun to adapt to the celestial energy. This is only the beginning, but it is a promising start."

Bane nodded weakly, too exhausted to speak. He could feel a faint but distinct presence of energy within him, something that had not been there before. It was a glimmer of hope, a sign that he could indeed grow stronger in this world.

The next day, when Bane woke up, the feeling from the day before was gone. Refusing to fall into despair, Bane took up the lotus position on his bed, trying to concentrate on the feeling from yesterday. After an hour, Bane fell back onto his bed with a defeated sigh. He had been sure this was going to be his thing, but like everything else in this world, was out of his reach.

When Bane returned to see Senior Bai, the bearded child's disappointed expression mirrored Bane's own feelings.

"How could this not have worked?" Bai Xiao Meng pondered as he walked around Bane.

"This disciple doesn't understand either. I was sure that I felt something within my body yesterday. Yet, when I woke up, it was gone like it had never been there," Bane sighed in annoyance. "I even tried to cultivate when I woke up, but there was nothing there."

Bai Xiao Meng sighed as well. "Bane, I am sorry, but I don't think there is much more that I can teach you. I have tried everything in my power to help you attain a spiritual base, but nothing I have tried has yielded results," Bai Xiao Meng concluded, a heavy sorrow in his voice. "You are a puzzle that defies all known principles of cultivation and spiritual energy."

Bane felt a cold pit in his stomach. After all the pain and effort, the glimmer of hope had been snuffed out. "So, what now? Am I just doomed to be useless in this world?"

Bai Xiao Meng shook his head thoughtfully. "Not necessarily. Your unique condition might require an unconventional solution. There are ancient texts and lost arts that even I do not fully understand. However, there is one place that might hold the answers you seek."

Bane's curiosity was piqued. "Where?"

"The Labyrinth of Solitude," Bai Xiao Meng said, his voice grave. "It is a place where the boundaries between worlds are thin, and many mysteries reside. Those who enter may find enlightenment... or madness."

Bane straightened his shoulders. "If there's even a chance I can find a way to gain power and survive here, I have to try. Where is this Labyrinth?"

"It's located in the heart of the Forbidden Forest," Bai Xiao Meng explained, but shook his head. Even if you wanted to get there, it is not in this world. You must obtain power to rise into the heavens."

Like a carrot being snatched away, Bane let out a defeated sigh. "To get stronger, I have to go to a place that I have to be strong to get to. That seems a bit unreasonable, don't you think?"

"Cultivation is not the only path in this world. There are many other energies that you have yet to train in," Bai Xiao Meng explained, and while reluctant, Bane nodded, but something was gnawing at him.

"What happens if I can't find anything I am good at? It's not like I have a class like all of you. There is a chance that I might never ever be able to do anything, right?" Bane asked, feeling like someone out there was trying to play some grand trick on him.

Bai Xiao Meng's expression softened, recognizing the weight of Bane's frustration. "I understand your concern, Bane. This world is vast, and its mysteries are many. You may not have a class, but that does not mean you are without potential. Sometimes, the greatest strength lies in paths uncharted."

Bane took a deep breath, trying to find solace in Bai Xiao Meng's words. "So, what do I do now? If cultivation isn't the answer, what else can I try?"

Bai Xiao Meng pondered for a moment before speaking. "I think that you should return to Lady Lysia."

At the mention of the little elf girl, all the color drained from Bane's face. "Senior! I thought that we were friends?! How can you suggest that I go back to that little monster?! Do you know what she was doing with me?!! Just how many more spells is she going to cast on me this time?!" Bane cried out.

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