The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 12: The Path Unseen

Bai Xiao Meng chuckled softly, though there was sympathy in his eyes. "I understand your hesitation, Bane. But Lady Lysia’s methods, while harsh, might be exactly what you need. She has a way of seeing through to the core of a person's potential. Besides, she is also deeply knowledgeable about different kinds of magic and might be able to help you discover another path."

"But Senior Bai! That woman is a demon! She is just going to use me for target practice again and keep healing me until I go insane!" Bane lamented, pulling at Bai Xiao Meng's robes in a pleading manner.

Bai Xiao Meng placed a gentle hand on Bane's shoulder, his eyes filled with understanding. "I know it's difficult, Bane, but sometimes we must face our demons in order to grow stronger. Lady Lysia may be harsh, but she is not without reason. Trust in her guidance, and you may discover hidden strengths within yourself."

Bane sighed heavily, feeling the weight of his options bearing down on him. "Alright, Senior Bai. I'll do it. I'll go back to Lady Lysia and see what she has to offer."

Bai Xiao Meng nodded approvingly. "That's the spirit, Bane. Remember, true strength comes from within. Embrace your journey, no matter how difficult it may seem."

Bane left Senior Bai’s, but didn’t head to see Lysia. Instead, he walked out of town planning other children that were doing various tasks. The people in the village had somewhat gotten used to him being around, but everyone acted cold and distant for the most part. On the other hand, no one stopped Bane from leaving the town, so he didn’t mind.

‘Things are not going very well for you, and I am sorry. I don’t know what Onyx did to your body, but while you can’t feel or notice anything, there are changes happening in your body,’ Eve explained as Bane walked back out the grassy hill he had first appeared on a month ago.

“You keep saying that, but it is really hard to believe,” Bane said as he laid down in the spot he had appeared in. “Yet, without being able to see or feel the changes, do they even really matter?”

Eve was silent for a moment as she tried to piece together an explanation. Over the last month there had been no sign of Onyx, but everytime Eve tried to help Bane or give him advice, she would become restricted and unable to talk.

‘All I can say is that you should learn as much as you can while you are here. I have a bad feeling about this place, but it isn’t because of the people. This place shouldn’t be an island, but a place outside of space and time that was sealed off for some reason. None of the players from my time ever figured it out why it was like that, but if it is still part of the world now, then something in the next ten years is going to cause this to happen. When it does, it is likely that you will be stuck here with everyone else, and that is something that you can’t let happen.’

Bane nodded to himself. “If I get stuck here, then everything that happened in the past will repeat, I know.”

As Bane lay there, contemplating the weight of Eve's words, a sense of urgency washed over him. He couldn't afford to waste any more time. If there was a chance to find a way out of this world, he had to seize it.

With newfound determination, Bane rose to his feet and began to make his way back to town. The journey felt longer this time, each step weighted with the knowledge of what was at stake. As he walked, he couldn't shake the feeling that time was slipping away, and he needed to act fast.

When he finally reached the town, he headed straight for Lysia's quarters, steeling himself for whatever trials awaited him. As he approached the door, he took a deep breath, trying to calm the nervous flutter in his stomach.

Knocking hesitantly, he waited for a response. Moments later, the door swung open, revealing Lysia standing there with a raised eyebrow. "Back for more punishment, Heaven's Blessed?" she quipped, her tone laced with skepticism.

Bane squared his shoulders, meeting her gaze head-on. "I'm here to learn," he said simply, trying to keep his voice steady. "Whatever it takes."

Lysia regarded him for a moment, her expression unreadable. Then, with a curt nod, she stepped aside, allowing him to enter. The room was sparse, with only a few pieces of furniture and a small desk cluttered with scrolls and books.

"Sit," Lysia instructed, gesturing to a wooden chair. Bane obeyed, feeling a sense of apprehension building within him. He had no idea what she had in store for him this time, but he was determined to see it through.

Lysia took a seat opposite him, her piercing gaze never leaving his face. "You're different from the others," she said finally, her voice low. "I can sense it. There's a darkness within you, but also a spark of something else."

Bane tensed, unsure how to respond. He had never been good at hiding his emotions, and he doubted he could fool someone as perceptive as Lysia.

She leaned forward, her eyes narrowing. "Tell me, Heaven's Blessed, what are you hiding?"

Bane hesitated, unsure how much he should reveal. But something in Lysia's gaze urged him to trust her, to lay bare his fears and insecurities.

"What do you want to know? What was I like in my past life?” Bane asked, and Lysia nodded without taking her eyes off him like he was a snake about to strike. This reaction baffled Bane, since he had it in good standing that this little girl could kill him six times over before he could react if she wanted to.

“Fine,” Bane sighed. “I was a thief, and I killed people to get what I needed or wanted.”

Lysia scoffed. “Hardly surprising since that line of work is the reason when no one trusts you around this town.”

This made Bane grit his teeth. “I didn’t come here to save one town, nor do I care what any of you think of me. I hate pussy footing around all of you, and your arrogant attitudes. I get it, I am useless, and everyone hates me just because of your made up past with others supposedly like me, but clearly nothing like me! What happened to my speedy and heaven defying progress? What about the ease in which I was supposed to rise up? Isn’t that what you said?!”

Looking down at his small hands, Bane continued. “It is clear that I am no genius, nor do I have a class or any cheat skills. Yet, you all still treat me like a wolf in sheeps skin, just waiting for my chance to pounce! What is the best solution to this? Beat and abuse me until something finally does happen? Then what? If by some chance I do get this power, then how do you think this ends for all of you?”

At his words, Lysia started to cast a spell and lance’s made from ice circled Bane, but he kept staring into Lysia’s eyes.

“Is this a treat?” Lysia asked calmly, but the ice lance’s kept slowly moving closer to their target.

Bane rolled his eyes. “Sure. Just kill me so I can see if the respawn function is really broken.”

“And if it isn’t?!” Lysia demanded, but Bane shrugged.

“Then I guess this will be goodbye. Nothing is better than something you don’t want,” Bane retorted, and the spell around him collapsed as Lysia seemed to calm down.

“Maybe you should try to help the people around you, and people might become more friendly. Since you have come here after trying to steal from us, you have done nothing but leech off us without offering any help,” Lysia growled, but then pointed to a shelf of books. “I suggest that you start offering to do what you promised, and when you have free time, you can study these books. Each of them I have collected from the people of the village and they should all contain the basic information of all the types of magic and mystical energies that we can use.”

Bane was shocked by this, but kept his surprise to himself. It seemed that Lysia had taken the time to collect these books for him. Maybe she didn’t completely hate him, but Bane knew bringing it up would spell doom for him. Maybe he should try to help out, considering that was part of the deal for him to stay and get trained in this village.

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