The Midnight Owl

Chapter 120 - death

The team leader waited patiently for them to join the team. When the five people and the big army merged together, they waved a small flag and smiled brightly: “All follow up, you can’t leave the team.

As soon as the voice fell, the five people received new prompts–

: It is forbidden to leave the team, otherwise the submission will fail.

: After 15 minutes, stationery can be used, and the countdown starts.

Can it be used after fifteen minutes? During the countdown, can you bare hands?

Xu Wang opened the stationery box, and it turned out to be gray.

The large force has started again and continues along the walking path.

Without more time to think about it, Xu Wang quickly led the team to keep up.

This is a semi-business and self-occupied area, with busy traffic and fresh and delicate shops. They walked in the middle of the team, on the left side of the road, on the right side are these small shops.

The men and women in the big army, some in groups of three or five, left and right looking at each other, and some are in the form of single shadows, alone backpacks, walking firmly. The Xu Wang team also stood shoulder-to-shoulder and formed a small group, but there was no feeling of sightseeing at all. At this moment, it is one factor that keeps them close together-the desire to survive.

[Every event that breaks inertial behavior may be a precursor to death. 】

This is the survival formula that Wu Junshi summed up and put in any environment.

Since joining this sightseeing team, this sentence has haunted the detachment and became the most striking alarm.

What is “breaking inertia”?

For example, if you walk well, there is suddenly an empty can on the ground, you can choose to step on it, kick it, and bypass it, but no matter which one, it breaks the inertia that you should continue to move forward at a constant speed. Behavior, so it is dangerous.

By analogy, many trivial things can be fatal.

Xu Wangyue felt heavier and heavier, not paying attention, when did the leader retreat to the middle of the team, until Wu Sheng next to him greeted the opponent first: “Leader.”

As soon as Xu Wang looked up, he was concerned about the leader of the team with a smile: “Why don’t you look interested?”

You may die at any time, and you will not be happy!

Xu Wang felt guilty, but still cheered up, and gave the leader a smile: “We are not familiar with everyone, and we are embarrassed to talk casually.”

Life-saving is the first task, and finding the devil that caused the accident is the second task. Since the team leader took the initiative, Xu Wang certainly cannot afford to miss the opportunity.

Sure enough, the team leader opened the conversation: “Everyone is young, and they get along very well. We have a QQ group, and we regularly hold this kind of donkey friend event, the group number is XXXX …”

The team leader gave a breath to the entire tour group’s past and present lives. However, there is little useful information, and nothing is said about the background of everyone in the team.

“Leader—” someone shouted in front of the team.

The leader hurriedly stopped, and quickly walked back.

Xu Wang looked at his back, thoughtfully.

Wu Sheng saw this and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Xu Wang sipped his lips: “Do you think he is a little too enthusiastic?”

Wu Sheng followed his gaze and stared at the back of the team leader. After a while, he said, “Normally, the first thing that makes people suspicious is not the murderer.”

Xu Wang looked at him and nodded: “Yes, the movie is not in vain.”

In addition to writing formulas in these three days, his military division is to make up for all kinds of thrillers, suspense, horror, and detective films. The degree of wasteful sleep and forgetting food is comparable to preparing for the college entrance examination.

Behind the two, Kuang Jinxin stared at his arm for a long time.

Chi Yingxue glanced at her, frowned, leaned over and said coolly: “Six Sijin, don’t look at your hands, look at the road, otherwise you don’t know how to die.”

I was too absorbed in my own thoughts. Kang did n’t hear Chi Yingxue talking at all. I thought of something that looked up. I hurried forward two steps and chased next to Xu Wang, and asked, “Captain, what is the Finnish bath?” “

The Finnish Bath is a badge reminder of this level. A few days ago, the prompt was this, and it has not changed.

Of course, Xu Wang thought that all his teammates understood, so he didn’t discuss this hint. Now when asked by Kuang Jinxin, he realized that there is still a generation gap between the guys in Ben’s early 20s and others.

When he was a child, all the streets were filled with Finnish baths. Later, saunas with steam became popular.

“It’s a dry steam sauna, the kind without steam,” Xu Wang explained to his teammates, how to come in detail, “a dry and hot small wooden house with hot stones in it, you put a scoop of water on the stones Once poured, the room temperature will rise … “

“Captain, I washed it, but the name didn’t match …” Let Xu Wang describe it like this, and the picture came across, immediately disturbing Kang Jinxin’s memory.

Chi Yingxue and Qian Ai also felt the picture together.

The former doesn’t care much about this, but the latter makes up for the extremely tragic death scene-closed, log cabin, high temperature, how dangerous it is to think!

“Wait.” Xu Wang suddenly grabbed Wu Sheng.

Wu Junshi, who was so good at listening to it, froze for a while, but he didn’t know how to get involved. Turning his head, he saw Xu Wang worried.

“You said,” Xu Wang asked seriously. “Small conditions suddenly asked me about the Finnish bath. Is it a suspicious incident that breaks inertial behavior?”

Wu Sheng was stunned for a moment.

A woman’s scream suddenly came from the top of five people’s head in the next second: “I am blind to marry you–“

The five people instinctively raised their heads and lived on the fourth floor above the store, because only his house ’s windows were open, and the window sills were decorated with potted plants. .

“Sorry? Then you remarry—” The voice of an old man roared back unwillingly.

The whole team stopped and raised their heads, listening to the lively ears.

The woman seemed anxious and screamed wildly!

The scream came from the house and the window sill. In a moment, the woman had rushed out of her body and was about to jump down!

The husband in the room should have hurried over and hugged her waist firmly: “I’m wrong, I’m wrong, calm down–“

“Go!” The woman was crying, exhausted, and never going back. She waved her hands vigorously and pushed away the flower pot on the window sill!

The flower pot hit the head of Xu Wang directly!

Wu Sheng’s eyes were fast and he pulled Xu Wang into his arms!


The flower pots shattered at the feet of the two, and the debris flew, splashing the ground.

“Don’t watch, let’s go!” Wu Sheng pulled Xu Wang and eagerly rushed to the other three partners.

Xu Wang, who had just rubbed his shoulders with death, was a little ignorant, and Mu Ran followed Wu Sheng forward.

The other three followed.

The big troops didn’t move, and they still watched the excitement. It seemed that the five of them were walking abruptly. But walking from the middle to the front of the team is not a foul.

Chi Yingxue had the slowest speed and landed at the end. Just one meter from the place where the flower pot fell, he heard a whizz from the head, like a kind of sharp blade piercing the air.

Before he looked up, he heard a scream next to him, so sad that it was no longer human.

He turned his head to look, just a few steps away from him, a donkey in the lively group, with a kitchen knife on the top.

The kitchen knife was embedded in his celestial cover like a watermelon. The blood was blocked by the blade of the knife and could not spray out. It only ran down the top of the head and down the brow.

He stared staringly at Chi Yingxue, his mouth slightly open, but he couldn’t make any sound except for the screaming.

The couple who quarreled and threw things on the fourth floor looked down, and when they saw something terrible, their lips shuddered and their faces paled.

The chopped youth crashed to the ground.

He hit his head at the foot of Chi Yingxue.

The donkeys were indifferent. Seeing no quarrel at all, I was very disappointed and moved closer to the team leader. No one looked at the dead corpse.

Chi Yingxue bowed his head, staring blankly at the corpse, fascinated.

Kuang Jinxin came over and dared not look at the body like he did, so he only looked at him: “Do you think it’s painful to die so much, doesn’t it hurt?”

Chi Yingxue did not speak.

“This level is really dead,” Kuang Jinxin sighed, “Don’t take it seriously.”

Without time to say more, he pulled Chi Yingxue and quickly caught up with the other three partners.

In front, Xu Wang and Wu Sheng have been chatted by a donkey.

At this time, they walked to the front of a small restaurant. They didn’t know what the shop was doing. The fragrance was strong. A man in the team who looked at Xu Wang’s age was talking from the beginning: “It’s quite fragrant, I don’t know What can I arrange for lunch today. “

Xu Wang hadn’t divided his spirits to find a demon, but was actively accosted. He immediately set up a watch. While perfunctory chatting, he secretly surveyed the man from head to toe. The more he looked at it, the more suspicious he was.

After going through so many levels, Xu Wang hasn’t been so cautious about which NPC level. Even in many levels, he feels that NPCs can also be friends. But here, he couldn’t trust any one person, who looked like a devil.

“I’m a cook and I’m concerned about eating.” The man talked to himself very much, hahale.

Wu Sheng, who was watching from the side, frowned suddenly, and sniffed his nose twice, as if smelling something.

When the man saw this, he ridiculed: “You also think it is sweet, haha.”

Wu Sheng’s eyes fell to the door of the hotel, his eyes sinking: “Gas!”

Xu Wang and Qian Ai together: “Ah?”

Wu Sheng didn’t have time to explain, and shouted directly: “Get down-“

The three of them were lying on the ground. Jin Xin, who had just rushed to meet and hadn’t figured out what was going on, was pushed back by Chi Yingxue against his back! In an instant, they both fell to the ground!

Just after falling down, I heard a huge explosion, very close, so close that the eardrum hurts, and the body can clearly feel the shock wave!

Chi Yingxue pressed his head to the ground, and Kuang Jinxin could see nothing. Only the broken glass and other debris could be heard, crackling and falling to the ground.

Something flew past their scalp, with a sense of cold wind, making Kang Jinxin stand upright.

The choking smoke enveloped a few meters, and it faded for a long time.

Stepped down late, but also dangerously escaped the donkey friends, and got up one after another.

Five little friends also got up.

The restaurant that had just smelled fragrant was completely unrecognizable in the gas tank explosion.

The door and glass were completely destroyed. The store had burned up. The dust of the explosion was scattered, and the thick smoke that was burning was still rolling.

Kuang Jinxin covered his thumping heart and turned to watch Chi Yingxue, deliberately teasing: “You move faster this time.”

Chi Yingxue patted the soil on his body, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, concentrated on playing with it, and took it very seriously … pretending not to hear it.

Moreover, Jin Xin didn’t look at him angrily. This man had to be frightened. When he saw the pain, his desire to survive came.

“You can’t use your mobile phone here, what are you doing with it.” Qian Ai climbed up slowly, panting and panting.

Chi Yingxue looked at the phone again and again. At the end, he was relieved: “Fortunately.”

After finishing the speech, put it back in his pocket, his face at ease.

Qian Ai suddenly discovered that the man had not pressed the phone from the beginning to the end, and suddenly: “Don’t, you still look in the mirror at this time!”

“…” Kuang Jinxin couldn’t help laughing.

He was wondering just now, what did Chi Yingxue use his mobile phone, because he was worried about his face.

Looking at Chi Yingxue who wandered back to you again, Kuang Jinxin felt the difference between him and Yan for the first time.

In today’s situation, if you change the king, you should be too excited. The man wished that the more danger came, the better, and the harder the battle, the better, but he was the only one who did not pay attention to his face.

Of course, Chi Yingxue is not all about beauty. He also likes cakes, leisure, and vomiting in his heart, and then occasionally makes a sentence, which can make Qian Ai want to use force.

Chi Yingxue, Yan Wang.

Two completely different people are in the same body. Until now, Kuang Jinxin still feels that the dual personality is amazing. Therefore, he always doesn’t want to be close to Chi Yingxue, and wants to ask him, what is the feeling of dual personality, what’s the matter.

But the captain said it was impolite to spy on the privacy of others like that. He had to hold back these curiosities, thinking, not asking.


Behind him, another person fell to the ground.

The five little friends froze, followed the big troops walking in front, and turned back together.

Behind the team, another person fell. Triangular broken glass plunged into his neck, cut off the artery, blood gurgled out, and flowed along the floor tiles to the feet of five people, dazzling red.

Besides, Jin Xin was cold all over.

If Chi Yingxue didn’t press his head just now, the scraps scraping past his scalp might be in his neck now.

The person who fell to the ground slowly lost his breath, but his eyes were still wide open.

The wind stopped.

The sun is still climbing towards the highest point at noon.

Within fifteen minutes, two people died.

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