The Midnight Owl

Chapter 121 - Hard to escape

Xu Wang never felt like fifteen minutes, so long.

He took his little friends and shrank them in the big army in a decent manner. Without the requirements of the rules, he had no choice but to step on the footsteps of his predecessors and stay away.

But no matter how careful you are, an intersection will still appear in front of the big troops step by step.

It was an eight-row intersection and the road was extremely wide. At this time, it was a red light. The longitudinal cars were parked, and the lateral cars drove in an orderly manner.

Xu Wang’s throat tightened and his heart fluffed.

Now as long as it is an intersection, he feels that there are black clouds over it, and the signs on the street are all Yin and Yang roads.


: The countdown is over and the stationery is lifted.

This ding is a life-saving straw, Xu Wang did not hesitate to drop the armor that he wanted to use!

[Someone used > yo ~~]

[Someone used for you ~~]

[Someone used you [[Anti] Thunder Ca n’t Move the Umbrella] ~~]

Click one armor, three prompts sound …

Xu Wang, Qian Ai, Chi Yingxue, the three fastest partners with the fastest hand or the strongest desire to survive, look at me, I look at you, speechless for a moment.

Wu Sheng, who also used armor, almost retracted his hand on the stationery box, thanking that he had been playing steadily and steady, not pursuing false speed, otherwise, he would now have four layers of protection.

Kang Jinxin looked up at the thunder-sharpening umbrella, and then turned his head to glance around the protective body’s righteousness and the shiny and reflective golden bell, which was suddenly full of security.

“Three is three, and the insurance point is good.” Xu Wang was relieved after thinking this.

The armor works together, and there is a few safety distances between the five and the front and rear donkeys, but they still follow the leader’s route, and they are still in the team as a whole.

The fellow donkeys turned a blind eye to the suddenly appearing armor, and the team was already surprised. Even if people die in front of them, they can continue to talk and laugh, and what more umbrellas and more covers.

With the armor, Xu Wang’s heart was hanging, and he settled down a bit, only to think of the man who had spoken with himself before the gas explosion.

“Do you suspect that he is a demon?” Xu Wang mentioned that Wu Sheng knew what his captain meant.

“It’s not doubtful,” Xu Wang looked back at the man who had fallen behind the team. “It just felt that the restaurant exploded as soon as he told me that the restaurant smelled delicious. The coincidence was too weird.”

Wu Sheng also glanced at him, and the man was chatting with a petite and delicate girl at this moment, and had a great chat.

Looking back, Wu Sheng said: “Don’t think about it first.”

Xu Wang is unknown. So, this is the task, what do you want if you do n’t want this?

I was about to ask, when the big troops stopped suddenly, Xu Wang looked up and understood Wu Sheng’s meaning.

The crossroads are here.

This is a ghost gate. It is the top priority to keep up your life with 120,000 points. As for the devil, who will love it?

There are 20 seconds left at the red light.

The donkeys walking in the front of the team stood still, almost blocking the roadside. Xu Wang in the middle of them was the second floor of the crowd, but at this point, Xu Wang was still in a state of consternation and protecting his teammates back two steps. With the donkeys who were walking at the end of the line, the last layer of the crowd waiting for the red light was at least two and a half meters away from the roadside.

The red light has 10 seconds left.

The horizontally flowing cars looked normal.

5 seconds.

4 seconds.

3 seconds.

2 seconds.

1 second……

Xu Wang’s heart mentioned his throat, and at the last 0 seconds, he almost held his breath.

The red light is off, the green light is on, the horizontal vehicles are all over, and no more cars come, but the vertical traffic moves slowly.

The team leader raised the flag and walked onto the crosswalk. While walking, he greeted back: “Hurry up and follow …”

Xu Wangsong sighed, and slowly followed the large army, with a cold sweat on his forehead.

The eight-row road is very wide, but the green light for 60 seconds is enough.

The donkeys who followed the leader walked a little fast, but the five of them did n’t have time, so they stepped forward step by step and steadily walked forward, and the five donkeys who had been swaying at the end of the team, including the cook who was chatting With the girl, I walked less slowly than they did.

So when the leader took half of the donkeys to the opposite walkway, and walked two or three meters away, Xu Wang had two rows of motor lanes on their side before they came across.

It was at this time that the roar of the engine of the sports car was heard laterally on the right side. How could it sound like running through a red light!

Xu Wang finally knew why he hadn’t seen a car in the horizontal direction after crossing the road for a long time, and the parking line was empty behind. The co-author is to leave the road for this dead sports car!

Instinct drives him, and he wants to run forward unconsciously, so that he can cross the remaining two rows of lanes at the fastest speed and reach the opposite side.

But the moment he lifted his leg, he hesitated.

The alert nerve made him turn his head to the right. The red sports car like flames has gone from far to near, and this is the last row!

At the same time, Wu Sheng also pulled Qian Ai who wanted to run forward, and Chi Yingxue held down Kuang Jinxin—for the danger, Wu Junshi was a rational instinct, and Chi Yingxue was a wild instinct.

However, the few people swaying at the end of the team accelerated their pace at the moment when they heard the engine sound, and they surpassed five friends in a flash!

“Don’t …” Xu Wang wanted to tell them not to run, but it was too late.

When they reached the last row of roads, the fiery red sports car also came over!

Xu Wang breathed for a while!

Unexpectedly, when he ran in the last chef, he was so helpless, he opened his arms and moved forward, even bringing the four people in front of him, he was on the walkway!

The fiery red sports car was behind those five people. Xu Wang was in front of them and rushed by, bringing up a whirlwind of extreme speed!

The five people who escaped from the dead finally stood firm and looked back, watching the dust rolled up by the sports car.

Xu Wang also breathed hard, as if he had just wiped his shoulders with death.

“Keep off, hurry on–” Suddenly anxious shouting came from the walkway.

When Xu Wang was startled, he saw a battery car for takeaway. He drove along the walking path. Before he could see clearly, the battery car had hit the five people who had just walked on the walking path!

Two of the five fell to the side. The cook, the petite girl and the other person were directly pushed back and fell back into the last row of lanes.

A few people fell into a seven-and-eight-element prime and couldn’t get up at all. Xu Wang just wanted to step forward and felt a gust of wind blowing on the right.

Subconsciously turned his head, only a touch of blue was caught in his vision.

Just listening to “bang-“, the three people who fell into the driveway were all hit and flew up.

At the same time, Xu Wang’s golden bell also felt a tremendous impact, so that he almost couldn’t stand.

The windshield of the blue sports car also shattered, but the speed was barely reduced, so it passed by in front of the five little friends.

Unlike the red sports car, from the beginning to the end, it has no engine sound, so quiet, like a ghost.

The three people crashed and scattered on different motorways, without exception, staining the road underneath. The cook who had talked to Xu Wang previously had half of his head deflated, and lay there softly, no longer breathing.

Xu Wang didn’t open his eyes and couldn’t bear to look at it, his stomach rolled.

The green light turns into a red light again.

The five little friends finally stood on the walkway.

In the last few meters, they seemed to have taken a trip to Yincao Difu.

The death toll rose to five.

The golden bell shattered, the thunder could not move the umbrella and flew, only Qian Ai’s righteousness was still around.

After walking for a long time with the big army, Xu Wang slowly came over.

“The armor is not foolproof …” he said to all his teammates, his face dignified.

Qian Ai patted her breast, like a guardian: “Don’t be afraid, at least my righteous body is still there.”

Wu Sheng glanced at him: “That’s because the attributes are wrong.”

Qian Ai: “Huh?”

Kuang Jinxin: “Righteousness against evil spirits, Brother Qian, your armor is anti-spooky at first glance.”

Xu Wang: “So it can neither prevent collisions nor be destroyed by impact forces.”

Qian Ai: “… Why didn’t you remind me when I used it before?”

Kuang Jinxin: “I think you want to use it to prevent demons and ghosts.”

Xu Wang: “As a supplement to the physical defense of me and Xiaoxue.”

Wu Sheng: “I almost praise your comprehensive meticulousness.”

Qian Ai Black Line: “You have added too much drama to me …”

“Don’t hold a small meeting.” The leader did not know when he came, and he was dissatisfied. “I didn’t hear anything I said?”

Five little friends froze.

The team leader didn’t sigh, and said: “It’s too dangerous on the road, it’s just a little longer, and so many things happened.”

The five partners just wanted to say that you still know the danger!

The leader has smiled like a spring breeze: “Next we take the subway.”

Five partners: “…”

Qian Ai: “No, that leader, do you want to think about it again? Dangers on the ground and underground are even more unsafe!”

Leader: “The subway is the safest means of transportation.”

Xu Wang: “Safety is useless. Now we cross the road at the traffic lights and we will all die!”

Leader: “The subway does not need to cross the road.”

Wu Sheng: “Think again.”

Leader: “It has been well thought out.”

Chi Yingxue: “Can I leave the team?”

Leader: “No.”

Kuang Jinxin: “We ran along on the ground.”

Leader: “The subway fare is included in the tour fee. This is a mandatory consumption item.”

Xu Wang, Wu Sheng, Kuang Jinxin, Chi Yingxue, Qian Ai: “…”

In the speaking room, the team had reached the entrance of the subway station, not counting Xu Wang, there were 27 people left.

In this case, even one more nonsense, you may die because of distraction. The little friends dare not entangle with the leader, concentrate on it, step down the stairs, and step into the subway station step by step.

The sun has risen to its highest point and it is noon.

At noon, the subway station was a scene of an early morning peak, crowded, crowded, crowded, crowded, crowded.

The sunlight on the ground can’t reach the station. On the contrary, the cool air of the central air conditioner is given enough, blowing the cold and shady back of the people.

The tour group squeezed into a car entrance in the middle of the platform, and the number of people waiting for the car continued to increase, consciously or unconsciously exerting thrust on the people in front.

“Don’t be crowded, the car hasn’t come yet–” Qian Ai shouted unbearably, but with little effect.

However, they are in the middle of the waiting crowd, there are many layers of people in front of them, and the platform also has a safety door. Even if the person waiting at the front is at most attached to the safety door, there is no danger of falling the platform.

It’s just so crowded, it makes people breathe dull.

At the end of the empty subway track, cold wind blew-the subway was coming.

The thrust of the waiting army suddenly increased, and the person in front could not bear it anymore, shouting “Don’t push, don’t push” …

The subway is roaring in this noisy chaos.

Finally, when the car stopped, the safety door and the subway door opened almost at the same time. When the bus people crowded, the people who wanted to get off can only rush out.

Fortunately, not many people got off the bus. Soon, it was a booming scene where everyone squeezed together.

The five little friends were squeezed apart. Although they were in one door, the front and rear positions were also different. Chi Yingxue and Kuang Jinxin somehow squeezed to the front. Wu Sheng and Xu Wang were in the middle. Qian Ai fell backward.

When all four got on the bus, Qian Ai was still crowded outside the car. Seeing that the carriage was full, it was getting harder and harder to get on, and almost all the tourists in the tour group got on the bus, and Qian Ai was anxious.

If you can’t get up, you will be forced to leave the team!

With a deep heart, Qian Ai took a deep breath and slammed into it!

Qian Ai’s head hit and all the people in the front row were pushed into the subway. The already full car was filled with five or six more.

This time it was completely full. Qian Ai, who was stuck at the end, was stuck outside the subway door, and she was only one position short of being able to enter!

The sound of closing door sounds.

Qian Ai was shocked, and subconsciously stepped back.

If you leave the team, you will leave the team. If it is caught between the security door and the subway door, the car will be directly twisted into a patty when the car is opened!

But the feet backed away, but the body didn’t move!

Qian Ai turned back sharply. Those who didn’t get in the car but still tried to get on the car, no matter whether it was closed or not, they were still pushing him!

The subway door in front of me and the safety door behind me started to close slowly …

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