The Mimic in Monsterland

64. Good News and Bad News

“And all that perks that come with it.” Len waved his hand in celebration. He even made miniature fireworks explode in his hands. The heaviness that permeated his words just moments ago vanished.

“Yay?” I said back. It was actually good news, news that would have had fist pump in glee, but I did not have the same bipolar ability Len had to shut off the gloomy thoughts that still swirled around my mind. But I could try to repress them again. That never backfires.

“So then what does that actually entail?” I asked, walking back down the street.

Len stood back for a second before exhaling and catching up to me. “The biggest and most useful for all of us is that you no longer require an escort to travel around the city. You are free and clear to explore to your heart’s content. Though I will say there are some places that probably won’t welcome you, and some places that are better left to see later.”

Now that news did lighten my spirits. The one thing I’ve wanted to do since I got here was just explore. Take in the sights of a fantasy city. Drink ale from a wooden mug in a tavern. Just really soak up the entire atmosphere. But I should ask about no-no zones he’s describing.

“What are these restrictions?”

He rubbed his scruffy chin. “I wouldn’t call them restrictions, well, except for the Gloom. You probably won't be granted access there for a while, but that's for the best. You’re a bit young to be going there. And not quite enough trauma or Aura control.”

“What kind of place is it? And what does Aura control have to do with it?”

“Mmm. That’s a talk for another time. Besides, why focus on where you shouldn’t go and when there are so many places you can go.”

Because human nature is a bitch. So rebellious. But Len was right, no sense in harping on the places like that. Especially ones that require Aura control. I hardly have an understanding of Aura in the first place, let alone controlling it. I spun a few thoughts on what a place would be like. Is it a scare house type deal? Daila and that dwarf both used it to be intimidating. Maybe the opposite, an amusement park. BUt what would trauma have to do with it? Ah whatever.

“Okay, there is something I’d like to ask?”

“Fire away.”

“Is there a map?” Laurel is not a small village and I’d rather not get lost. “I can get from the Guildhall back to Mrs. Warbler’s no problem, but the rest of the city I have no clue about. I mean how many districts are there?”

Len chuckled at my question. “Like seven, not entirely sure, never counted.” His head tilted to the left and up. “A map huh, not many of those lying around sadly. Most people are born, raised, and die here. Not many are like me, coming from a different Splice Capital. Aside from caravaneers. The citizens normally learn the layout in their first years at school.” He scratched his chin. “But I reckon I might have one somewhere among my things.”

My things… Oh Yeah!

“I do have one more big question.”

“Figured you have way more than one.”

“I do, but this one is a priority. Can I get my sword back?”

Len stopped walking and just stared at me. Then suddenly burst into laughter. A couple of people rushing around on both sides of the street gave us a multitude of crazy glances when they saw Len’s guffaw. He calmed down after a minute, wiping the tears from his eyes.

I didn’t understand what was so funny about it. It was my property and it had been bothering the crap out of me not having it. More so than the feather. I knew where it was. Back in the cave and from the looks of it, groups of splicers going out into the forest doesn’t seem very common. So it was more than likely safe.

But my sword was taken by that green lady or one of her lackeys. Wait, that means it's got to be in the big capitol tree. If I’m a citizen does that mean I can go and get it? Or maybe I could break back in. Go with another form and sneak around and find it. Hide as a log. Or maybe a piece of furniture. You know what I need to mimic some objects, it's been a while. Yeah and a little hijinks might be just the thing.

Len recovered from his fit. “Oi, ooh I needed that. It's so funny. Watching somebody embrace their vice without a shred of malice. Maybe the Gloom wouldn’t be that bad on you. Oh I wish I could do that.” He looked at me. “No.”

“What? I didn’t even say anything.”

“Yet somehow that look tells me everything I need to know.”

“What look?”

“That scheming and snickering look you have on your face. You want to do something stupid. Something like break into the Capitol Building and steal back your sword stupid.”

Was I that easy to read? “Maybe. And it wouldn’t be stealing, just reclaiming something wrongfully taken from me.”

“Mhmm sure. But actually that tree is going on the list of places best left alone for now.”

“Why? I’m a citizen right? Shouldn’t be a problem. It looked like plenty of citizens were there last time I went.”

“Yes, that is true. But. Lirae does not like you. At all. And stomping into her home would end very, very poorly for you.”

I scoffed. “It wouldn’t be stomping. More of a slinking, maybe even creeping.”
“No matter how creepy you are, it will be like stomping to her, trust me. You got lucky last time, Lirae wasn’t there. She doesn’t miss anything going on in that tree when she is. It might be best if you forgot about it.”

My nose twitched. “No way. It's mine and I want it back.”

“You hardly even use it.”

“It's the principle dammit.”

Len sighed. “Fine, I will look into it. No promises. Now let’s move along. People are staring at us.”

“I wonder why?!” I said sarcastically. My stomach growled loudly as if trying to get even more stares and suspicious looks.

We hurried away.


We continued our trek to the guildhall, but Len stopped us at a small cart. It turned out to be a food cart. An elderly man with a fox tail. It was the classic orange color, but its color seemed to fade and had gray hair running through it.

“Two of today’s specials.”

The elderly cook just grumbled in response. We sat down on the stools in front of the cart waiting for our food. The smell of flame roasted meat made my mouth salivate three times as much as it did earlier. When I was about to munch on those monster corpses. Which led me to ask Len something about it. I wiped my mouth and spoke.

“Is it wrong to eat…” I looked at the cook who was working. Maybe it wasn’t best to ask questions about Kniyan societal norms around a stranger. Len followed my gaze.

“Ah don’t worry about him, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about anything we say. Makes him one of the best cooks around. Plus the food’s not half bad either.”

The cook grunted out. “Yeah Yeah old man. The food is to die for. Happy?” The old man grinned again.

I still lowered my voice but asked Len, “Is it wrong to eat the monsters after a battle like that?”

He nodded his head. “It is frowned upon. But probably not for the reasons you think it is. It doesn’t have as much to do with morality as it does with law. You see in the event of a raid or break in like today, those corpses become property of the government. Before burning each corpse, a team of harvesters come out and collect as many beneficial and valuable materials as they can from the monsters. This includes meat, bones, claws, hides, and the like. It then gets taken to government storage to be cataloged.”

“So, it would have been commensurate with stealing from the government.”

“In short, yes. Now there is some flexibility, if your abilities benefit from a quick snack, no one will bat an eye. You're fighting, take any advantage so long as it doesn’t hurt other splicers.”

“What do they do with everything once it's been cataloged?”

“Some are kept in reserves in case of a true city shattering emergency, some are consumed by the government itself. The rest is sold back to shop owners and the masses.”

“Wow, that doesn’t seem very fair. Like if I kill five monsters and the next guy only kills one, seems a little wrong I’d have to pay the same for materials from those five monsters as his one.”

Len shrugged. “That’s how it is. Might be different back on Ea…” Len paused and looked around. “Back where you came from.” He finished in a hushed voice.

“It balances out when the Watchers' invoices come through.”

“The what?” But before I could get an answer, the elderly cook plopped two sandwiches in front of us.

“We’ll get to that. Eat.”

I was already three voracious bites in when he said that though. It was amazing. I don’t really know what spices they have on Kniyas, but they are insane. The food here has been the absolute best part of coming to Laurel. The meat was from a moose, but it was the most tender and juicy I’d ever had. Even better than Mrs. Warbler’s. The bread was so fluffy yet crisp on the outside. I finished before Len even completed his first bite.

“Garcon, another three please!” The old fox mumbled but went back to cooking.

Len snickered and tucked back into his meal without saying anything.


I quit eating after a total of six sandwiches. Those other three I ordered weren’t enough so I got one more, then another. I could have gone for another one but decided to try to restrain myself some.

Len sat patiently and spoke with the elder while I ate. A weird conversation filled with grunting that I did not care about in the slightest, the food was all I gave a damn about.

I stretched out on the seat and moaned in contented delight. Good food did wonders on my psyche.

Len joined me in the stretch before speaking. But sounded a lot more serious now.

“So Liam, there are some other caveats about your citizenship we need to go over.”

“Is it bad?” I asked worriedly.

“Well that depends on you. And it might be subject to change, so who knows about the future.”

I nodded at him.

“While you are a citizen and don’t have to worry about hiding anymore, you aren’t being allowed to join the Family Record.”

I titled my head. The family Record was that archive about all the genes in Kniyas. Rita, the crazy owl scientist lady explained it before. But is the mimic gene not being added a bad thing? From what Rita made it sound like, my gene was incredibly unique.

“What does that mean?”

“It means there are certain things you will never be allowed to do or else be severely punished. It’s only a few things but they might be valuable to you nonetheless.”

Now I was really confused, were they going to take my birthday away? “Like what?” I asked.

“You are prohibited from owning a home or property, barring weaponry and armor that is.”

Weird but I’ve never owned a house anyway, not back in Earth’s economy. Most certainly not on a grad student’s salary.

“You are not allowed to open a business of any kind.”

Was never much of an entrepreneur.

“You are forbidden from marrying and starting a family. And absolutely no children.”


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