The Mimic in Monsterland

72. Bloodlust, Worries, and Pocket Jerky

“Hhaah…Haaah…ha.” Slow panting dripped off my tongue. An overpowering amount of desire coursed through my veins. I slowly backed out of Eternal Shade, the side opposite to my target. Just before the shadows evaporated, I leapt away. The dwarf’s eyes stayed steadfast on the shadow, yet they turned surprised when he saw I was no longer there. He scanned around the area, but I was already attacking his right flank.

He raised his shield and twisted his body to block. I activated ES again, then immediately jumped out of it. The dwarf swung out into the empty darkness, but I was already gone, aiming another strike at his heel. The dwarf hopped back, but my middle finger claw caught the edge of his calf, creating another wound.

That sensation of craving doubled as the fresh blood seeping into my claws. Even more strength and energy flooded my muscles. ES swirled around me once more. The pathetic whelp was stuck guessing where I would emerge from. How about from above this time. I hopped straight up and out of the darkness. The dwarf looked from side to side. Too easy. My claws descended upon the dwarf.

But my claws met with wood again. “How?” I snarled out while trying to hop back from the blow, but two of my claws were firmly lodged in the shield. I put both my feet onto his shield and began pulling myself free. I noticed his sword moving a second too late. He stabbed my side.

Pain flourished in my side. My only counter to the blow was a quick scratch on the dwarf’s sword hand with my unstuck hand. But that was enough. Even more power surged in my body. I raised my legs up and stomped on the shield with as much might as I could muster.

It sent the dwarf skidding across the training mat floor. I took the chance to rush him again. I couldn’t let up. Furthermore, I created more shadows with ES right in front of the dwarf's face. He brought his shield up, yet the darkness faded almost as instantly as it arose. I spent less than a second in the bubble this time and had immediately slashed out at his sword arm.

Claws connected with flesh once again, and my face gnarled in delight. Yes! Bleed more. I awaited another flood of power, yet that addicting bliss didn’t come. “What?” My eyes fell where they connected with the dwarf’s body. The dwarf’s normally tanned skin now shined like that of silver.

It doesn’t matter, there is still flesh underneath this. I sent out a flurry of swipes and scratches upon the dwarfs' hardened skin. Open damn you. My body began slowing down after a minute of my onslaught. Fatigue peaked its nasty head into my head. But before I could brush it off, something collided with the side of my torso. The dwarf’s shield jammed into my side, knocking me to the ground.

I rolled on the ground for a second. Then rose to my knees, unbridled rage roaring in my head. How dare.

“Sorry about this.” Before I could comprehend the words, I felt a thump on the back of my head. And then nothing.




Fennel rubbed his knuckles. “Dang it, man, you’ve got a hard head.” Liam slumped onto the floor, passed out from the heavy blow Fennel just gave him. Fennel flipped Liam onto his back. He walked over to the counter, where he and Liam left their wet raincoats. He grabbed the large one that belonged to Liam. It was still a bit damp, but nothing too serious.

He returned to his sleeping acquaintance. Fennel rolled up Liam’s coat and put it underneath Liam’s head before sitting down next to the strange boy. He sighed and closed his eyes. “Sorry again, my new friend. That fight would have turned out worse if I didn’t stop you there.” Fennel just shook his head and then looked down at the cuts given to him by Liam. They were already closing up thanks to the training room and his own high CON. “What a terrifying ability. He kept getting stronger each time I bled.” The young dwarf sighed again.

Jaren told Fennel that Liam was to be joining his squad. They were going to have their first training squad training session next week. But Fennel was thankful he ran into the guy today. He liked having a firsthand experience of all his squad’s fighters. Many squad captains were perfectly fine only knowing about their people’s powers. But Fennel felt that actually experiencing the powers would help him form plans more effectively.

Fennel turned toward the sleeping Liam. His claws had disappeared. “Back to your base form, I guess.” He closed his eyes and concentrated on the Aura around him. He was taken aback for a second. He felt a huge amount of Len’s Aura. He opened his eyes and turned to the corner of the dojo, where he saw one of Len’s Aura flames burning. Fair enough, it is his guild.

He returned his concentration to Liam, blocking out Len’s Aura as best as he could. Liam’s Aura was peaceful, there wasn’t even a hint of imbalance or chaos to be found. He shocked Fennel. But in that fight, his Aura was positively monstrous. I thought I was about to watch him morph in front of my eyes. Yet here he is, sleeping like a babe. With Aura balance on par with Daila or Len. His Aura control is practically nonexistent, though. Daila will have a field day with him sometime soon. Even without sight, I could tell where he was the whole fight.

Fennel got up and walked over to the counter and picked up the now empty water jug. He walked to the mess hall and into the kitchen. He filled the jug up and returned to the training hall. He placed it near Liam.

He thought about the strange house filled with morphs again. He really wanted to talk to Len or Jaren about it. Morphs were supposed to be reported if found, but Fennel hesitated. He kept remembering the little girl’s face. She was turning at such an early age. And that girl from the Gloom ended up helping him. He was torn and wanted advice from his mentors on what to do.

But those infernal old men shooed me away almost as soon we were at the bottom of the wall. I only barely caught Len saying something about Councilor Lirae being pissed off. Which seemed to be her default response to anything Len said. I’m just glad she’s never gotten mad at me. I’m fairly certain I’d soil my britches.

Fennel shook his head and then laid down on the mat a few feet away from Liam. He closed his eyes and let the healing waves of the training room overtake him. He used a bit more stamina than he thought. He fell asleep shortly after.




“Leave me out of your harebrained schemes, ye bastards!” Herman slammed his hand on Len’s desk. “It's bad enough you’ve got Fen wrapped up in it. But my job is to report directly to the Council on all matters about the wall. Rickard has already tried climbing down my throat about it this morn. I can’t blow him off anymore without hurting me and mine.”

Len shifted in his chair. They were sitting in his office in the guildhall along with Jaren who sat next to the distressed dwarf. They gathered to talk about the origin of the hole blasted into the side of the wall yesterday. He sat up.

“I understand Herman. I’m not asking you to lie to Rickard or anyone else. Just to…hold back for a time. All I need is two days. Maybe less.”

Herman shook his head in defiance. “And I’m tellin yah I can’t. They have a right to know that the wall was blasted open by them Ferals.”

“We don’t know that for certain.” Jaren spoke up. “It just kind of sorta almost certainly looks that way.”

Herman turned to the half elf. “Not a single one of the monsters in that break in were fire attuned. I read the report last night. None of the monsters were even tiered high enough to have elemental powers at all. Just a bunch of fours and fives running around. That wall would never, and I mean never, come break against anything less than a tier eight.” Herman closed his eyes and cracked his knuckles. “There’s too much mystery surrounding this break in. I have to go to the council about it. They need to start formulatin’ something now.”

He rose from his chair and walked over to the door. He exhaled right as he opened it. “I can give you until the afternoon. That’s the latest I can go.”

Len stood up. “Thank you, Herman. I understand. Give my best to Rickard, no doubt he already knows you’re here.”

Herman scoffed. “Bloody high levels and your duplicity. Wish you’d leave us common folk out of it.” He walked out the door of the office with a wave. Len slumped back down into his chair. Jaren chuckled. “Talking like his family doesn't sleep in the Upper City.” He turned to Len, “Do you really need two days?”

“No, I already have somebody checking around the Gloom. I’ll probably get some info this evening or tomorrow when she reports back.”

“Is it your new recruit?” He leaned over the desk and covered his mouth. “Or your best kept secret?”

Len rolled his eyes. “You know, the thing about best kept secrets is they are really best kept secret. Not talked about.” Len rubbed his forehead. “But you’re right, it is the latter. I’m meeting the new recruit tonight. She’s far too wet behind the ears for that level of chicanery. And too entangled with that snake, Mort for that matter. Will have to do something about it down the line.”

Jaren shrugged and bit into a piece of his patented pocket jerky. The man always had some on his person. He pulled another piece out and offered it to Len. But before he refused, he head jerked to the door of the office. He smiled. “Good for you, kid.”

“Mph wut?” Jaren said in the middle of chewing.

“Looks like our proteges are about to get some practice in.”

Jaren swallowed the morsel he was working on. “When did they get here?”

“Sometime while we talked with Herman. But they were just beating up a training dummy. One of the Reptans I think. Nothing terribly interesting. But now it looks like they’ve decided to spar.”

Without missing a beat, Jaren made a wager. “10 gold on Fennel, winning in under a minute.”

“Sure, I’ll take that bet. I say it takes about three for him to beat Liam.”

Jaren laughed at the answer. “Not going to bet on your star apprentice.”

Len shook his head. “Nope, no way Fennel loses. Liam is prone to over exert his stamina. And even with his forms, Fennel's got four levels up on him.” Len grinned. “But things will change when he catches up to Fennel, and trust me he will catch up quick.”

“You won’t see me arguing. Liam’s powers have more potential than I’ve ever even thought possible.” Jaren got up from his chair and made for the door. “Well come on. I’d like front row tickets to this brawl.”

“Yeah yeah. And let me guess, I have to do the concealment this time.”

“Hey, it's your guild, bud.”

“That it is.”

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