The Mimic in Monsterland

73. A Chat Between New Friends and Old

My eyes fluttered open, but shut quickly after the harsh light of the room collided with my retinas. “Ow.” I squeezed them shut, trying my hardest not to let any of the painful light in, but that led to a whole other fresh pain. My head was pounding, especially the back side. I rolled on to my side, but felt something shift under my head.

I braved opening my eyes again to see my raincoat had been folded up and put under my head as a pillow. Well that’s nice at least. I rubbed my face. How did I end up like this? Fighting someone. No, it was sparring. Right, Me and Fennel. I tried to remember more, but kept coming up empty. My attention was stolen by the sound of rustling behind my back. I sat up and investigated, at least after the throbbing died down from moving that quickly.

Once the pain calmed down, I turned and saw Fennel sitting, stumpy legs crossed, a couple feet away from me.

“You up?” Fennel asked.

“Yeah, what happened? How long have I been out? I peered out one of the windows in the training room. Rain still poured outside, but it didn’t look like it had gotten much darker.

“Not long, maybe thirty minutes.” Fennel responded before he scratched his arm. “Truth be told, I’m not certain either. I kind of passed out too. The past couple of days have caught up with me. But as to what happened, we sparred.”

I rolled my eyes, which hurt a little. “I remember that, you dork. I’m more interested in how I ended up on the ground, passed out. I keep trying to remember what happened, but it’s all hazy for some... Ow!” I touched the back of my head while I spoke and winced in pain. A good sized lump formed on the back of my skull. Not nearly as big or bloody as the lump given to me by that giant storm bird. I suppressed a shiver at the memory of my first near death experience. At least on Kniyas. I do worry if I ever have to fight a giant soap bar monster. I’d have no chance.

Fennel turned his head away from me and rubbed his neck. “Sorry about that. Our sparring match got a bit…heated, to say the least.”

I tried to recall what happened in the fight from start to finish. My head had cleared up after talking. I used Tigris form. Neither of us made much ground after a flurry of attacks, then I used Eternal Shade a couple of times. Oh god, tell me I didn’t say something stupid or embarrassing.

“Did I say anything weird?” I asked in the hopes my hubris filled form didn’t piss off my training partner.

He shook his head. “No, not that I can think of. You didn’t say much of anything during the match. You mumbled something about teaching a lesson in your sleep a few minutes ago. Why?”

That damn cat form. For the life of me, I can’t figure out why I always think about teaching lessons. It’s so dumb. Fennel’s head tilted; he was waiting for an answer. Ah! Screw it.

“It has to do with my forms. Along with my tropes, my…thought processes, I guess, alter as well.”

His ears perked up as his eyes darted back and forth in thought. “How so?” Why did that get him to start cooking?

“Hmm. It's easier to explain if I use Ursa form as the example.” I told him about the first time I used the form. How I couldn’t quite speak well or think straight. And how easily angered I used to get (still do) in the form. Then a little about how I don’t have many thoughts in general in the form. Complex ones that is.

“What about your other forms?” He asked.

“They all do, some not quite as drastically as others. Like Apis form, the form you saw me in when Daila and you helped me out at the big tree building. I get really easily distracted and bored in that form.”

Fennel smirked. “Yeah, I remember that day. I swear you were drooling at the prospect of running around the rooftops.”

I laughed. “Guilty as charged. Still want too, honestly. I can’t tell you how often I’ve just walked away from Len when he started explaining something Apis didn't find entertaining. But out of the three, it's the easiest for me to get back on track.”

Fennel nodded his head and mumbled under his breath. “Results from the Aura shifts maybe?”

“Aura shifts?” I asked.

He panically shook his head. “Nothing! What else about this Apis form?”

Weird but whatever.

“Apis form is actually my personal favorite. I have a lot of fun in the form. Though, it's not very good in a fight. At least not compared to Ursa and Tigris. It doesn’t come with claws or other natural weapons. And so far bare handed fighting hasn’t really been an option. But things might change down the road. It just needs some more time in the oven in my opinion.” I chuckled. “Heck, I’ve gotten more battle experience with Gremlin form, and it's not as strong.”

“Are there rankings among the forms?” Fennel asked.

I nodded. “From what I can tell. They each have a cooldown, and the stronger forms have a longer one. Tigris takes two hours.”

“Is that the only difference?” Fennel asked.

“No, each of the forms change my stats.”

“Change your stats? What do you mean? Like a buff?”

I shook my head. “Nah, take my Tigris form. I get a hefty increase to all of the physical stats aside from Constitution. It, along with the mental stats, go down. Except for Charisma, it gets buffed as well.”

Fennel’s mouth opened slightly. “How does that work? What do the percentages look like on the changes?”

“No percentages, just flat addition and subtraction.”

“But what of your detrimental stats, do they go below zero. Surely not.”

Detrimental. Right. Don’t have those.

“I don’t have detrimental stats, or…what was the word for the other one? P something.”

Fennel looked at me in disbelief. “Primary.”

“That’s it. I don’t have those. I get an even increase on all of my stats each level up. Or I have so far.”

As Fennel’s bewilderment continued, I took the liberty to view my HUD. Health and all were filled up. I’m not sure if it was the sleep or the floor. Probably floor. I doubt a power nap would heal me up like that. I looked at the Tigris timer. It showed 1:34. He was right about the thirty minutes. My eyes widened. Then I palmed my face and then slowly wiped my hand down my face. I can use the cooldown timers to tell the time. God, why didn’t I think of that until now.

Fennel’s confused look disappeared when he noticed me smack myself in the face. “You alright, am I asking too many questions?”

“No, I just realized how stupid I am. Keeping track of time has been an issue with me since I got to Kniyas. I just now thought about using those timers to help me.”

Fennel chuckled. “Yeah, that's the common practice. Doesn’t work for everyone, however. I’m one of those such people. Only one of my abilities even has a cooldown, ten minutes. Hardly worth keeping track of. The others just have stamina requirements and are turned on and off at will.” He stopped talking abruptly, his face filling with confusion. “Wait, what do you mean got to Kniyas?”

Craaaaaap. Me and my damn mouth. “Umm. Uh.” Way to go, you dumbass. “Nothing, I meant to say Laurel, head’s still kind of jumbled. I wonder whose fault that is?” I said, crossing my arms and turning my head.

He nodded hesitantly. “Sure.”

Don’t worry, it sounds like bullshit to me as well, but it's the best I got.

“My last two forms are Gremlin and Squirrel.” I said hurriedly, trying to drive the conversation away from my mishap. “But now that I think about it, they don’t really affect my thoughts at all. And their cooldowns are the shortest. Wonder why?”

“Are they weak?” Fennel asked.

“Well Squirrel is for certain, has no combat abilities whatsoever, just really good at climbing trees. But Gremlin can fight, I need weapons in that form and it actually has a really strong ability. Takes a boatload of stamina to use that’s only worthwhile if someone keeps me topped off. I actually used Gremlin form in the battle yesterday. All the others were down after training with Jaren in the morning.”

Fennel wrinkled his forehead. “Do you remember everything that happens when in a form?”

“Yep. I’m still very much me when I’m in a form. I just think differently. And that sometimes manifests if I don’t consciously think about controlling them.”

A serious look grew on Fennel’s face. “Do you ever lose con…”

“Hello Boys! Slumber party over? Hahaha! Looks like you’ve made yourselves at home in the training room.” The booming voice made me jump.

Fennel and I turned to see the loud man who stomped inside the room. Jaren wore a big smile and munched on some of that tough jerky he gave me yesterday.

Fennel rose to his feet quickly and did the strange shoulder salute. Jaren waved him off. “How many times do I have to tell you to quit that when we’re in private?”

The dwarf’s eyes moved to me for a second. Jaren understood the look and sighed. “No matter.” He walked up to us and patted us both on the back. “Hell of a tiff you both had there. Looks like that bloodlust ability you gained was a smart choice. Poor Fennel had no choice but to knock you right the hell out or keep bleeding.”

“Thanks?” I wasn’t positive about what he was talking about. When did I use Predator’s Bloodlust in that match? I looked at Fennel’s clothes now that we were standing and saw some blood stains. Then I peered down at my hands. For a brief moment, I imagined blood pooling in my palm. And then a flash of recollection about the match entered my mind.

After replaying the fight in my mind, I turned to Fennel. “Wow, sorry about that. Are those cuts alright?”

“He’s fine, ain't ya Fen?” He gave Fennel another hearty smack. “My boy Fen here is tough as they come. But you will be seeing that for yourself in the coming weeks.”

It was my turn to tilt my head. “Why?”

“He’s gonna be your commanding officer, that's why.”




Ingrid shifted uncomfortably in her chair. She looked around the backroom of Gran’s shop. It hadn't changed at all since she was last back here. Gran was in the kitchen pouring two cups of tea.

Gran sat down in the chair next to Ingrid. “How are you, dear? It's been months since you last visited. And don’t say you haven't been around. I know you’ve been visiting my back porch. You’re sneaky, but not nearly sneaky enough to get by this old bird.” She chortled.

Ingrid grinned awkwardly and took a sip from the cup Gran passed to her. “Been busy.”

Gran slowly shook her head. “Been busy. I’d say you have to be living in that filthy place. I don’t understand why you don’t move out into the Residential District, you’ve talent and strength oozing out of your ear, girl. Sure, you might not be legion material but there are plenty who see the value in your skill set. And it would be much less dangerous than pilfering from thugs and brigands.”

She smiled at Ingrid. “And you’re a beauty to boot. Though not quite as ravishing as I was back in the day.” Gran cooed and laughed. Ingrid just smiled back, instinctively fiddling with her lowered hood. She knew the elderly woman meant well, but she had too many people relying on her back in the Gloom.

“If it were only that simple, Gran. Where’s Loreli? Did you close up shop for the day?” Ingrid knew the answer already. She watched as the green bitch left the shop earlier with Loreli in tow. She just didn’t want to talk about herself anymore.

Ingrid only came into the house when the other person, a younger guy, left as well. She wasn’t in the mood for any more introductions. This week had plenty for her alone. And she was going to have to meet with one of those new people tonight.

“She’s been kidnapped! Oh my poor, sweet Loreli.” She placed the backside of her hand on forehead to keep up with pantomime. “By dirty brigands no doubt. You must help me find her?” She said in an obviously sarcastic tone.
“Whatever you say, Gran.” Ingrid sipped more tea.

Gran giggled to herself, before she exhaled a big breath. A somber expression filled her face. “She got taken to the Capitol Building this morning. It might be tough for the next month without her. But I at least won’t be lonely.”

“Why is that?” Does she know what I’m going to ask about? The woman was good, but not a mind reader.

“I have a guest in the basement. Wonderful lad. Very sweet. Penchant for trouble. But it’s not his fault. He just came to this town at the worst time for his kind.”

“His kind?” Ingrid asked.

“Oh maybe I shouldn’t have said it like that. But it should be fine to talk about. Liam, the young man staying here is a Feral.”

Ingrid dropped her cup.

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