The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

101. Unexpected Meeting and Discussion with Serafall.


With the consensus from the chat group, it was decided that Sakuya going to Kaito's location in order to help and take care of their leader. At first, Kaito refused to have any of them here but the members forced him to agree considering his world is really dangerous and the main problem is that Kaito tendency to not ask for help and rarely opens the chat group.

So... shortly after he closed the chat group, In front of Kaito, a bright light appeared and then Sakuya appeared in front of him.

"Welcome to high school DxD world, Sakuya." 

Kaito greeted her politely but there is a bitter smile on his face. He knows the reason why chat group members picked Sakuya must be their bad taste, considering her appearance is similar to Grayfia. Soon or later, Kaito would meet Serafall and surely it would cause a sensation later.

"Thank you Kaito-sama. According to the agreement, I am here to take care of you." Sakuya nodded with a graceful smile and then glanced at Est who stood beside her master quietly, "Also, hello Est-san."

"Hello, Sakuya." Est greeted back politely. As a person who belongs to Kaito together (as a character coming from the system), naturally, she has a good impression of Sakuya.

"It seems master does say the truth and hasn't touched you yet." Sakuya said with a playful smile, but Kaito who heard it quickly retorted, "Of course not! There is no way I would do that to a little girl like her, I still have morals!"

"She is not exactly a little girl. She might be even older than me, Kaito-sama." Sakuya rebuked.

"Uhh... But her body is... I swear I haven't touched her!" 



"But master, you did have to touch me a lot." Hearing Kaito's statement, Est suddenly interrupted with a confused tone. In her opinion, every time she was summoned, Kaito often wanted to pat, hug or even cuddle her in sleep and everything about them is about 'touching' each other.

Upon hearing what Est said, Sakuya stared at him sharply which made him sweat on his back, "Kaito-sama?" 

"...It's not what you think. She probably means a head pat and hug." Kaito quickly corrected her words in panic and then glanced at Est with a hopeful look, "Isn't that right, Est?"

"Umm." Est nodded which made Kaito relieved for a second but then she said something even more dangerous, "We also always sleep together and master often requests it to me."


"Master, should I open the broadcast and let everyone judge you now?" 

Sakuya summoned her knife which made Kaito unconsciously step back afraid of getting hacked. The PTSD getting stabbed by her knives for months suddenly appeared and made him shudder. 

"Listen, Sakuya. There is nothing sexual about our activities, I swear!" 

Sakuya clearly not convinced just raised her eyebrow and said, "Really? Then, why do you just keep doing it with Est? Are you a lolicon, Kaito-sama?"

"Of course not! I prefer a beautiful one-chan like you, Sakuya!" Kaito retorted although the truth is he doesn't have any preference when it comes to woman's appearance. For him, the more important things are connection and sincerity in their relationship. As a person who grows up without a proper family, Kaito always finds a sincere relationship precious to have.

Once again, Kaito tries his best to clear the misunderstanding about his relationship with Est-- though it ended up futile. He still got reprimanded by Sakuya until Ravel came, at least Kaito was happy because Sakuya decided not to report what she found to the chat group.

Kaito still didn't realize that the reason why the girls are mad at him is that jealousy, and he also seems to forget his promise in the Sekirei world, to 'sleep' with each of the girls after Ravel matter is over.

This would backslash quite hard later in the future.


After getting reprimanded for a half hour, the room was back to calm again with Kaito currently getting served by Sakuya gracefully. As for Est, she decides to go back to inventory to avoid Sakuya's reprimand earlier, while also resting together-- since she is still quite tired after the battle in the evening.

"Here is your tea, master." Even though the hotel room does not provide her with tea and the device to make it, she always brought one with her so Sakuya had no problem serving Kaito with it.

Kaito accepted the cup, take a sip of it, and commented, "Ah, This is really good. You are really good at making tea, aren't you, Sakuya?" 

"Of course, After all, I used to serve Remilia-sama with tea for hundred years." Sakuya stated the obvious fact, "Do you like it, my master?"

"Yes, I like it. Thank you, Sakuya."

Kaito knows that Sakuya is not bragging at all, since it's a fact. He won't be surprised if her tea-making technique alone surpassed that Totsuki student level, thanks to her experience for many years.

After that, both Kaito and Sakuya bantered with each other in a leisurely manner, until both noticed a sudden magic fluctuation appeared in the room.

"There is a magic circle on the floor, it should be Ravel coming."Kaito quickly stood up and urge Sakuya to follow him, "Let's go."

"Yes, Kaito-sama."

Both of them then quickly approached and then watch the magic circle in order to welcome Ravel who come to pick them up, according to the plan. However, a few seconds later both Kaito and Sakuya got shocked instead, because Ravel doesn't come alone and bring a surprise with her.

"Hello, Hello, Hello, fellow magical girl! Here I am, the Maou Shoujo, Serafall-chan!"


A girl looks in her late teens with black hair, tied into twin tails and blue eyes-- dressed in magical girl's clothing complete with the wand and other accessories step out from the magic circle before Ravel even said anything. Obviously, who comes with Ravel is Serafall- the satan herself.

"You are..." Kaito raised his eyebrow in confusion, "Serafall-sama?"

"Yes, yes!" Serafall excitedly nodded, jumped out in front of him, and introduce herself, "I am Serafall Leviathan, one of the four satan. Nice to meet you!"

"You are Kaito-chan, right?" Serafall pointed to him with her 'wand' in a cute manner. Kaito glanced at Ravel who stood behind her, looking at him with an apologetic look-- and immediately understand that it seems Ravel also didn't expect this development to happen.

"Umm." Understanding the situation, Kaito quickly adapted to the situation and introduced himself, "My name is Kaito, and this is my maid, Sakuya--"

"...Grayfia-chan??!! What are you doing here? Did Sirzech already notice Kaito-chan's existence?" 

Serafall who just noticed Sakuya after Kaito introduce her, mistaken her identity for Grayfia-- who are really similar in appearance to each other. Naturally, none of them were surprised by her reaction, and Sakuya already prepared an answer to this question.

"I am sorry, Serafall-sama. But my name is not Grayfia." Sakuya denied her accusation politely.

In fact, Sakuya herself is also kind of curious to meet Grayfia who has a similar appearance as herself, especially after knowing the other side is also a maid like herself but right now she knows that the misunderstanding needs to be solved.

"As my master said, my name is Sakuya Izayoi and I am Kaito-sama head maid." Sakuya continue to introduce herself to clear the misunderstanding but alas, Serafall just ignored it and even took her own conclusion confidently.

"...The voice, the temperament, the appearance is really similar. But I believe you!" Serafall clapped her hand and exclaimed, "This mean... Are you Grayfia's lost twin sister?!"


Hearing her own conclusion, both Kaito, Sakuya, and Ravel couldn't help but facepalm themselves-- because her reply is so far-fetched.

After that, it took them a while to explain Sakuya's identity to Serafall... albeit she still doesn't fully believe them in the end.


"Very good tea. It's even better than Grayfia did." Serafall praised after getting served tea from Sakuya and turned around at Kaito, "Are you sure she is not Grayfia's twin sister or her close relative?"

""I am not!/She is not!""

Both Kaito and Sakuya answered at the same time, annoyed by Serafall's persistence. On the other hand, Ravel is just silent watching the discussion from the side, trying her best not to disturb the discussion. (In fact, she opened the broadcast in the chat group).

"Anyway, Serafall-sama. Pardon my rudeness, but should we talk more important matter, right? Both of us have a purpose to meet with each other as soon as possible tonight, right?"

Kaito already feels hungry and very tired and obviously doesn't want to waste any more time, decides to be blunt and get into the main topic.

"Ah yes, I forget about that!" Serafall nodded in agreement, quickly become serious and suggested and suggested, "Let's hear what you want to say first, Kaito-chan. After that, I will do the same."  

Despite her look and childish demeanor, she is still one of satan who handles Foreign affairs for the devil race for a long time and knows when she needs to be serious.

"Understood. The reason why I want to meet Satan is because I have a request that Satan could fulfill it." Kaito closes his eye for a second to construct words and then stated, "I want to make a request to promote myself into a high-class devil and then have my own set of evil pieces."

"Hmm... It's indeed something I can help with." Hearing his request, Serafall doesn't seem to be disturbed and instead asked him curiously, "But, First off... For what reason, Kaito-chan?"

"Umm... a secret, but my primary reasons would be that I don't want to become a Riser-sama peerage member."

Kaito wasn't lying when he said this, since he know that a year later Riser would confront Issei and be destined to be a stepping stone for him. He doesn't want to do such roles, and if possible he would rather have a friendly relationship with the protagonist of this world. Even Kaito could see that system always trying to assist the protagonist of the world whenever he traveled, proving that going against the protagonist was not something he should do.

At this time, Kaito didn't realize what he did later on in helping Aika plan would put him as a main antagonist of the world-- but that's a talk for the future.

"Ah, I heard your first meeting with Riser Phenex wasn't pleasant at all" Serafall stated, obviously knowing there must be some sort of discord or even hatred between him and Riser based on how they meet.

"That's the part of it..." Kaito admitted and then continue to explain, "His peerage members also... mostly his harem. As the only man on the peerage, I am not comfortable being within his peerage and wish to be independent."

This is also not a lie, obviously. It doesn't need to be smart to know that Riser dislikes him otherwise why he would try to beat him after a day of becoming his peerage?

"I see." 

After hearing his reasoning, Serafall does not have any suspicion of whether he is lying since the reason itself is very convincing. 

"Actually, even if you have your own evil pieces set, you are still part of Riser peerage... so getting a higher rank won't solve your situation at all." Serafall stated bluntly, which made Kaito suddenly get a headache-- realize he just made a grave mistake.


He really forgets about such a setting exists and now it become a new problem that needs to be solved later. (in his defense, his thought was occupied by planning how to get evil piece himself). However, before Kaito manages to come up with something to bluff his own mistake, Serafall quickly stood up, spins around, and then pointed her wand excitedly at him.

"But, fortunately for you, Kaito-chan! My purpose coming here would help you to achieve your purpose!"

"Your purpose?" Kaito looked at Serafall with confusion, "Can you tell me, Serafall-sama?"

"Of course!" Serafall nodded repeatedly, delighted at his question, and excitedly answered, "As a satan, I will help you fulfill your request as long you become my pawn!"

"If you agree, You will become part of my peerage instead of Riser Phenex peerage which directly solves one of your problems. And don't worry, Riser himself agree with this matter!"

"What is your answer, Kaito-chan?!"


At this moment, Kaito is not sure whether the offer from Serafall is a fortune or bad luck. If he agrees, it allows him to be freed from Riser's peerage and free from the 'villain' position but on the other hand, become Serafall peerage's like escaping out of a crocodile mouth only to jump into a tiger mouth.

Despite that, the answer is obvious-- and it's not like he has a better option at the moment.

Another long chapter... I was planning to cut this into 2 parts but eh... I decided to just do it.

Anyway, please help me answer the poll. At some point, I probably want mc to go to Fate World and the only problem is which one is better to go with. (if you read one of my replies in previous chapter, you know what is the purpose). This plan may be changed in the future if I find a better alternative, but for now, this is one of my future plans for the plot.

Also, thanks for reading by the way.


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