The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

102. Suffering from Success.


"I agree with your offer to join your peerage. As long you fulfill your promise, Serafall-sama." Kaito answered her offer deal positively.


Even though joining Serafall's peerage wasn't part of his plan at all, Kaito still decides to accept it since doing so basically makes things easier.

In his opinion, even though Serafall is a bat-shit-crazy Satan, at least she won't try to kill him as Riser did. He also knows that Serafall probably only took him only because he does have a magical girl transformation. The fact that in the original, she also wanted to recruit Mil-tan to her peerage just because he is also a magical girl enthusiasm like her (cosplayer).

Well, of course, Kaito also know this stuff only applied as long he didn't touch her beloved sister, Sona Sitriotherwise she might freeze him to death.


"Very good! Don't worry, You won't regret it, Kaito-chan. Welcome to my peerage!"

Hearing his answer, Serafall obviously becomes very excited since her goal to come here has been achieved.

"Umm, Thank you, Serafall-sama..." 

Kaito just plainly nodded and then asked, "When we are going to trade my peerage position? Would I meet other members of your peerage?" 

"Tomorrow! After all, it's already late night and it would be rude to disturb Riser's rest time."


"You might don't like him, but he is still Ravel-chan's brother after all." Serafall reprimanded him.

"Indeed. I am sorry." 

Kaito nodded while scratching his head, acknowledging his mistake. Even though he doesn't like Riser, there's no reason for him to rush the 'trade' immediately tonight.

"Besides of that, I have a more important matter for you to do right now." 


At this moment, Kaito suddenly has a bad feeling about this which is proven absolutely right a second later.

"Listen! Now, my first order as your new king, show me your magical girl device, Kaito-chan!"


Hearing her sudden order, all the people inside the room were shocked including a chat group member who currently watching through a broadcast from Sakuya. To be fair, this kind of request is already expected to come soon or later by everyone, but none of the people here expect to happen immediately.

"Kaito-chan? Moshi, Moshi, What is your answer?"

"...Understood, Serafall-sama."

After a small break moment adjusting himself from being shocked, Kaito answered with a resigned tone. Since it's part of the deal, Kaito knows there is no use to hesitate and quickly executes her order by putting 'it' out of inventory.



[Mysltetainn (* * * *) has been retrieved from the inventory]


Upon the appearance of the weapon, Serafall then takes a closer look at the pink chainsaw in his hand, admiring it closely as Kaito had expected.


"Ohh! It's certainly not as cute as my wand, but a pink chainsaw wasn't bad at all for a magical girl!"

"I wonder how the mechanism works! I can't believe such sacred gear exists in this world!" 

"I can touch it, right? Kaito-chan?"


Holding an urge to retort all of her statement, Kaito slowly nodded and said, "...Sure, Serafall-sama."

"Yay! I love you, Kaito-chan!"

Hearing his confirmation, Serafall continues to inspect it with high curiosity, as if she just found an amusing toy in front of her. She even snatches it from Kaito, posing with it, and weirdly enough, even tasting it.

'I really underestimated how fanatic Serafall was to magical girl subject' Kaito thought in confusion and he was right.

Sure enough... Not done with her antics, Serafall who has done inspecting the chainsaw a few minutes later quickly stood up and give him another order as she give the chainsaw back to him. 

"Now I have done inspecting your sacred gear, Now please transform! I want to see a real-deal magical girl transformation, Kaito-chan!"


Just wanting to be done with this, Kaito quickly followed her order and muttered the 'recite' to activate the transformation. Like what happened when he first time activated it, While Kaito recite the triggering words, a bright pink light slowly enveloped him, transforming Kaito into a magical girl with a classic transforming sequence that was witnessed by everyone.


"Nice! It's really cute!" (Serafall)

"Pffft...Amazing." (Sakuya)

"Kaito-san... Is really cute now. Pffft..." (Ravel)


'What kind of torturous activity is this?!' Kaito complained in his head.

Despite hearing the compliments, Kaito wasn't feeling happy at all-- obviously, in his ears, they are currently making fun of him.

"Now pose! Like me! Posing like a magical girl" Serafall then proceed to give a few examples of her pose in order for Kaito to follow... which he refused to do.

"But I am a boy Serafall-sama..."

"Still about the same to me! Everyone can become a magical girl as long they have the heart to do it!"

"As your king, I will do my best to train you to become a qualified magical girl!"

"...Can I refuse?"

"No! Now, go spin with me!"

""Pfft!"" (Sakuya/Ravel)

Hearing her forcing order, Kaito's mouth twitched violently, wanting to complain. However, remember the deal, he can only follow Serafall's order-- and thinks that he only needs to hold the embarrassment feeling only for tonight.

Unfortunately, his suffering doesn't end tonight as Serafall wanted to do this at least 3 times a week, in order to train Kaito to become an ideal magical girl in her eyes.

...Now Kaito completely understands why he was so lucky earlier to get a 6* ability out of reward.


After spending almost all night until 2 am playing with Serafall, last night both Kaito and Sakuya decide to go back to his home as Sakuya requested. Although he was expecting his house would blow up by Hero Faction members, surprisingly nothing seems to happen to his home-- since there's not even a trace of supernatural activity detected with the system scan in the last few hours.

After that, Kaito who has been very tired mentally and physically last night decides to get sleep again while Sakuya chooses to clean the house by herself while guarding him in case the Hero Faction comes back for revenge.

Fortunately, still nothing happened until the morning arrives.


"Master, wake up." Sakuya pulled Kaito's blanket and stated, "It's already morning, Kaito-sama."

"Uggh... Good morning, Sakuya." 

Kaito who got woken up by her, quickly greeted back while rubbing his eyes, "Uhh... What time is it? Damn, last night was one of the worst things I have ever experienced."

"Pfft... My condolences, master." Sakuya said while chuckling a little bit, clearly enjoying what happened to his master last night. 

In fact, the topic is really popular in the chat group, and she is very curious what is Kaito's reaction when he realizes that everyone watching him last night.

"You are clearly not sincere while saying that... Oh well." Kaito retorted while sighing to himself, lamenting his bad luck which seems never to end.

Now he thinks about it, Kaito even forgets to reveal the base world existence to Serafall last night, as part of his plan. However, considering his goal had already been achieved, Kaito doesn't really think too much about it. The revelation and cooperation could happen anytime in the future, and it would be better if he could do it in front of all of 4 satan.

"Anyway, Please wake up and wash your face, master. I have prepared the breakfast in the dining room." Sakuya quickly changes the topic and reminds him.

"Thanks... It's really nice to have a maid taking care of me." Kaito replied, appreciating her effort. 

Unlike the maid, his 'parent' provided to take care of him in this world, Sakuya was much better than her in terms of attitude and service of conduct.

Speaking of which, he still hasn't figured out a lot thing about the identity of his supposed 'parents'. Should he use the base world as a negotiation chip in order for Satan to help him figure that out? Kaito seriously considering this option right now.


"Also, master. I suggested you visit the chat group as soon as possible this morning." Sakuya added, interrupting him from thinking.

Kaito raised his eyebrow and asked seriously, "What happened? Did someone need help when I was asleep? Did any new task got triggered by the system?"

"No." Sakuya shook her head and suggested, "It's just... there are a lot of members currently online at the moment. As the leader, you should come more often to the chat group... And you already promised that yesterday." 

"Ah, I will do that in a second. Thanks for reminding me, Sakuya." Kaito nodded, pretty much agree what she suggested.

"You are welcome." Sakuya smiled and then bow her head slightly to excuse herself, "Now you already wake up, I will be back to clean this house, master."

"Sure. I will take the breakfast after I am done with the chat group." 

After that, Sakuya leave him alone and as he promised, he quickly opened the chat group to see what is going on in it. As Sakuya told him earlier, almost everyone is currently online at the same time-- leaving only a few people that do seem to be missing.



[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "Good morning, everyone! Sorry, I am rarely opening the chat group these days."

[Sekirei Number 3]: "It seems the chat group is very lively now tonight."

[Railgun Girl]: "Indeed, it has been a while since a lot of members online on the chat group at the same time!"

[Baroque Works Leader]: "That's true. Usually, Everyone is busy doing their own thing."

Looking at the sentiment of the members just described, Kaito nodded in agreement with them. Whether trying to figure out the identity of his parent or sorting out a plan to get an evil piece set, both of them already made him quite busy. (Not to mention getting attacked by the hero faction).


[God Tongue]: "I'm just busy with school. Even though I am already better than the first seat of Totsuki Academy, I still need to work on studying academic material!"

[Magician of Exodus]: "Ah, I can understand that. I obviously also very smart compared to others in the same generation, but my brother doesn't let me skip a grade and told me to enjoy school. What a hassle."

[Railgun Girl]: "Same here. But in my case, the scientist just did not allow me since there are procedures that I need to follow here."

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "I am not particularly smart but I like in school better than doing a fight with others!"

[God Tongue]: "Nanoha-chan is a primary example of a good student."

[Magician of Exodus]: "You mean, a student with a good attitude. I am sure despite my attitude, I am also a good student."

[Railgun Girl]: "Me too. I can't become Lv.5 if I am not smart enough since esper ability is heavily dependent on it.."

[God Tongue]: "Well, I am already on ten seats during my first year, so I am definitely a very good student."


Reading most of the 'students' members comparing their performance, Kaito can't help but be depressed. To be honest, his performance in school was pretty much mediocre and average despite his identity as a traveler. Although he also thinks that he is not wrong since doing academic stuff in this world is a pointless thing compared to thinking of a way of surviving this dangerous world.


[Musician of Red Hair Pirate]: "...How envious... I also want to go to school."

[Necromancer]: "I also have the same idea..."

[Sekirei Number 7]: "School. Very interested."

Thanks to some members boasting about their academic experience, some of the members who never experience school seem to become jealous. Naturally, most of the members notice it and as friends who spend years with each other, they quickly suggested their ideas.


[Magician of Exodus]: "Then how about this, member who wants to enter a school, you can go to one of the member worlds and experience it too."

[God Tongue]: "Good idea!"

[Caped Baldy]: "That's a good idea. Education is important, after all."

[Ohara Survivor]: "Indeed. If I am not too old, I would like to experience having a school too."

[Musician of Red Hair Pirate]: "Then, you will allow us to go to your world, Aika-san?"

[Magician of Exodus]: "Not here. I am going to die soon here. Even if you exclude that factor, my world would experience a world-scale disaster' after a year wouldn't really be convenient."

[Musician of Red Hair Pirate]: "Then... Erina world? Erina also living in a normal world, right?"

[God Tongue]: "Indeed. But, unfortunately, my school isn't exactly normal so I won't suggest coming here... After all, it's a school for chefs, and the world itself is kind of revolving around the concept of it."

[Railgun Girl]: "My world could be a choice, but with Aleister monitoring me, I wouldn't suggest anyone come here otherwise it would be very dangerous."

[Ohara Survivor]: "There's no normal school in One Piece. And both me and Uta's identity kinda problematic to help everyone to settle."

[Queen of Sekirei]: "My world is kind of normal and definitely safe. But no members are currently living there, since Minaka is not a member of the chat group."

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "My world is normal! But I am just an elementary-grade student and my world is not exactly peaceful."

[Magician of Exodus]: "Is there any world where members could have a normal school experience?"

[Owner]: "...How about going to my world? Although there is a lot of supernatural element, the school here is at least quite normal."

Kaito who can't bear to join the conversation any longer, finally shows up and immediately suggested to come to his world. Besides that, it would be nice if he could get potential new peerage members from the chat group since he probably going to get his evil piece set today.

[God Tongue]: "Owner, You are here!"

[Owner]: "Hello everyone."

[Queen of Sekirei]: "Master, good morning."

[Baroque Works Leader]: "Good morning."

[Uchiha Prodigy]: "Hello, Owner."

[Owner]: "Itachi, you are also here. Now, that's a surprise."

[Musician of Red Hair Pirate]: "No, no, no. In fact, Itachi still shows up in the chat group way more than you did, Kaito-kun."

[Necromancer]: "I can attest to that."

[Sekirei Number 7]: "Master is lazy."

[Magician of Exodus]: "I bet you are here because Sakuya-san told you, right?"

[Owner]: "Uh, I am sorry."

Looking at their reaction, Kaito knows he is the one who did wrong here. He didn't expect even a seclusive person like Itachi would be online in the chat group more than him. And as always, Aika managed to predict what happened just based on his behavior, what a scary woman.

[Owner]: "Anyway, back to the topic. Uta, Yuu, and Akitsu. How about going to my world? I will guarantee you can experience a normal school life here."

[Magician of Exodus]: "Indeed. Now, with your new status as a Serafall peerage member, ensure a such thing would be just a piece of cake."

[Owner]: "Yes, that was my plan. As expected of Aika."

[Owner]: "..."

[Owner]: "Wait, how did you know it, Aika? Did Sakuya tell you last night or you are using points to get my information from the system?"

[Magician of Exodus]: "Nope. We watch it last night."

[Caped Baldy]: "Everyone knows what happened last night since Sakuya was broadcasting it. It was fun."

[God Tongue]: "We also have a record from last night, if you are interested in watching yourself, Owner.."

[Owner]: "uo wupx'apiztptif'ea"

[Magician of Exodus]: "Ah, it seems Owner smashed his head to the chat group interface."

[God Tongue]: "Pffft."

Realizing that his black history last night was watched by all the members in the chat group, Kaito becomes frustrated and panics because this time, it is undeniable that last night's events will last forever in the chat group-- and will be witnessed by future chat group members.

It seemed Kaito had completely underestimated how bad his luck had gotten after getting 6* abilities last night.

If you read my status in my SH profile, you know what happen this time. 2023 may be the worst year ever for me.

Short story, my mom got hospitalized and got a stroke-- thus it has been very rough for me as the oldest son.

So yeah, the update may be more sporadic, depending on my mood and situation. The schedule probably would stay like this until she made a recovery which apparently take at least a half year. (if everything is okay).

Also, this is the longest chapter, even if you don't count this author's notes (2.7k). Usually, I would split this chapter in half, but I am too lazy to make further edits (the edit of this chapter, I admit its the bare minimum).

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.