The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

114. The Reason Behind the Idea and Arriving at Naruto World.


After Sakuya did what Kaito ordered, not long after that all the chat group members appeared in the meeting room one by one, including members who had not previously planned to take part in this mission. This made Kaito confused and surprised at what was happening.

"Uhh... It seems everyone is here. Does it mean everyone wants to come?" Kaito asked curiously.

Kaito honestly felt that it would be better if that was the case, because the more people who participated, the more people who could help to help Itachi.

"No, master." Miya shook her head and replied, "They are probably coming because they are curious about your plan to build a village."

"Umm! Are you serious, Kaito?" (Uta)

"Everyone was really curious." (Misaka)

"So it can't help if everyone here attends the meeting to find out." (Hisako)


Hearing their answer, Kaito understood what was happening and answered, "I was serious about it though."

"Really?" Aika raised her eyebrow and asked, "Does the system issue a task for you to create a village in the Naruto world?"

"Nope. Although it would be great if it was the case." 

Although Kaito doesn't care much about the point reward after completing the group task nowadays, he still cares about it since it's one of the requirements in order to raise the chat group level. Too bad, the system doesn't issue anything to them.

"Then, you are doing this to fulfill your craving of playing SIM in real life?" Aika continued asking with a sarcastic tone.

Hearing her spicy comment, Kaito smiled and replied, "Of course not. My idea might sound crazy but I actually have 3 reasons to do this. Since everyone is here, I will explain it one by one."


Everyone immediately pays attention to Kaito seriously as he begins to explain the details.

"The reason I want to do this... First! we need to find a place to stay for a few weeks waiting for Sasuke to come to meet Itachi."

Kaito then put 1 finger above and explained, "With our identity as people from another world, getting into a ninja village might be too much risk of getting exposed and invite a lot of trouble for everyone."

"However, I also don't want us to sleep in the wild. So the best choice is to create our own place, a village made by everyone!"


Hearing Kaito's first reason, some nodded in agreement while some stayed quiet. None of them show any objection though, since they know Kaito is actually telling the truth-- as everyone also understands how dangerous Naruto's world is. 

Trying to live inside a ninja village as a person without background is already dangerous enough, forget about the fact they are coming from another world and don't even have any chakra unless they bought it from the system. 


"How about your second reason, Master?" Miya continues to inquire.

"As for why I choose to create a village is because a village can be used to establish our base in that world, and the place to stay after Sasuke and Itachi are done with their business killing Danzo for revenge and quitting Akatsuki."

Kaito then turned to Itachi and stated, "After all, there is no way for you and Sasuke to stay at Konoha after killing him, right?"

"Yes, Owner." 

"I admit. So far, all of your reasoning is quite convincing. But there's still no need to build a village, Kaito."

"A normal house for us is enough, right? Like this mansion."  Aika suggested as she looked around.

"Of course, you are right about that, Aika." 

Kaito nodded, appreciated her suggestion, and then continued to explain, "However, I still want to build a village.

Kaito then wryly smiled and confessed, "Even though this may sound stupid and selfish, the third reason why I want to create a village is that I want to create a place where we can protect people who need help in that cruel world."

"Changing the whole world for the better might be impossible during our stay at least in the short term, but creating a better place should be doable for us."

"What do you guys think?"

Hearing his final reason, this time many members agreed with him. In this chat group, there are still many good people who like to help others, and Kaito's idea of building a village to protect people is something that is in line with their principles.


"I think it's a good idea." (Saitama)

"I agree. I don't mind to exercise my ability in order to protect others." (Misaka)

"Me too!" (Nanoha)

"Is this the time for DSA establishment again?" (Yuu)

"Pfft... Yuu, That's a good idea! Maybe, I can sing to save the world again." (Uta)

"It's not a bad idea, Uta-san. Maybe I also should cook in that world." (Erina)

"You and your savior complex, Kaito. Do you know building a village isn't easy at all? Not to mention you also don't know anything about economy and politics." (Aika)

"I am sorry..."

Hearing Aika complain, Kaito feels ashamed since he really doesn't count those things in his ideas. Of course, he knew building a village would be difficult otherwise he wouldn't tell anyone in the chat group and create the village by himself.

Even so, Kaito is really serious about wanting to create his own village, because apart from the 3 reasons above--- the fourth reason he did this was because he knew that in the future the village could be used as a base where the portal to the base world was placed (during the feature it is opened later in the next group chat level).

Looking at Kaito who felt sorry, Aika just sighed and replied,"But I guess there is a truth to your reasoning. Also helping others who need help isn't a bad thing." 

"However! You owe me again, Kaito. I am sure you probably also don't understand how to do the work so I will need you to listen to my order whenever I want on that world."

"Of course. Thank you, A-Aika. I will count on you." Kaito promised her but honestly, he had a very bad feeling after looking at Aika's smile, which proved to be correct.

"Don't worry, I will make sure to make you work really hard." Aika nodded and then asked, "Nee... I heard you have an interesting ability to create anything you imagine out of thin air, right?"


"Then, can you create a short-growing plant for food or a creature that could be used as a lifestock using that ability?"


Hearing Aika's suggestion, Kaito couldn't help but become speechless while other members were pretty much excited with her idea. None of the members are stupid, and immediately understand what Aika wants him to do.


"Ohh... That's a good idea, Aika-chan!" (Uta)

"An ingredient made by Owner ability, I wonder how it would taste?" (Erina)

"Don't forget to ask Kaito to make a tool to generate water." (Kayaba)

"That's true, as long food and water are secured, it should be easy to make a settlement." (Crocodile)

"Also material! To build a village we need a lot of material!" (Misaka)

"Could you create a medicine that is able to grow my hair, Kaito?" (Saitama)


Listening to the crowd's excitement, Kaito sighed and commented, "...I don't have a choice, don't I?"

"Of course, you are the one who wants to do this. It's obvious you are also going to be the one who needs to work hardest." Aika said with a big grin on her face.

Realizing that in the Naruto world, he might be made into a 'tool man', for the first time Kaito thought that his 'Creation Cheat' ability was not as great as he thought, and actually a part of his bad luck instead.

After the meeting was over, Kaito gathered all the members who wanted to take part in this trip and told them to pay 10,000 points to freeze their world time (except Ravel because her world was the same as Kaito's).

After all, even though they may have only stayed a few weeks in Naruto world, that was still quite a long time to disappear and may concern people who care about them in their respective world.


After completing the procedures before the transfer, all participating members then took part in the transfer to Naruto World together-- following the location where Itachi was transferred.

"We have transferred... This is... Inside of a cave?" 

Seeing the damp cave walls and dim lighting, Kaito quickly recognized where he was currently.

"I am sorry, Owner. To avoid Akatsuki members finding out my transfer location, I could only transfer in this cave." Itachi commented.

"Don't worry. Everyone understands your situation." Kaito replied.

While Kaito talking with Itachi trying to reassure him, The other members really don't care where they are and are even enthusiastic that they are now in Naruto world.


"Hmm... So this is Naruto world. I can feel a weird energy in the air... Is this a natural energy?" (Nico Robin)

"I can't wait to try the ingredients available in this world." (Erina)

"Um, I hope there is a method to grow my hair. Jiraiya seems to know a jutsu to grow his hair." (Saitama)

"I am going to learn to move on Kirigakure to learn better lightning moves!" (Misaka)

"Meanwhile I am going to Sunagakure. As a sand devil fruit user, I am really interested in a sand-based move that would help increase my arsenal." (Crocodile)


"I guess everyone really excited with your world, Itachi."

"Yes, Owner."

Seeing all the members who were so enthusiastic, Kaito felt like they might not be here to help, but on vacation. In fact, almost all the members came to the world except Nanoha, Fate, Lisbeth, and Kayaba which makes the group quite lively.

"Kaito, should we start moving now?" Aika asked him.

Kaito nodded and then turned at Itachi again, "Itachi, since none of us know where is the best place potentially to build a village in this world, I will ask you to guide us."

"This is too sudden... but I understand."

Anyway, Itachi already expects Kaito would ask for his help so he has been prepared to guide the chat group members. After that, the chat group member quickly followed Itachi to his suggested location, which turned out not far away from the cave itself. (since the reason why Itachi chose to transfer here is because it's far away from any other settlement and pretty safe)

The members then spent several busy days building the village following Kaito's ideas, especially for Kaito himself who was working insanely hard using his creation cheat ability-- so busy that he fainted many times in the process.

While there may have been unlucky factors that led to the situation, it cannot be denied that Kaito himself was at fault and literally shot himself in the foot so he really can't complain about it.


Looking at the comments on the previous chapter, I honestly feel touched by your kind words and I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Honestly, I was afraid to write in a mood like this (because the quality of my writing is obviously affected) but I got motivated little by little just remembering there are people waiting for me to update.

Well... even though the updates are still slow once a week... oof, sorry. Well, I don't want to keep complaining about my situation on this author's note lol.



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