The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

115. Established New Village and Erina Group Visiting Konoha.


Several days have passed since the chat group members arrived in Naruto world, and the village they wanted to create has already been completed, thanks to all the hard work from everyone. This village has also begun to be inhabited by people who need a place to live, especially those tempted by the promise of security and comfort offered here.

Of course, because of their role in building the village, all chat group members are respected by all the residents here, giving a sense of satisfaction to everyone.


"Sakuya... I will say it again. You are really amazing. The fact you singlehandedly created a hundred of modern type houses alone alongside some other important building in just 3 days."

Looking at the "village" which started to get inhabited by the locals, Kaito couldn't help but feel touched. Not only that but the fact these people also respected and gratitude to all of them wherever they went just shows that his idea is correct.

"No problem, Master. That's my duty as the headmaid of the chat group." 

Sakuya replied with a slight smile, satisfied with her master's compliment, and then reminded, "But other members also contribute a lot to this village."

"Without them, it would take much longer to finish this village."

"Indeed. I won't deny that." Kaito nodded in agreement, "Everyone in the chat group is really amazing and reliable."

Even though Sakuya built most of the buildings in the village alone, Kaito knew that the other members contributed no less and even exceeded what Sakuya did so he really agreed with Sakuya's statement.

For example, Misaka Mikoto is the person who understands electricity the most, who built sister power lines throughout the village and generators using natural energy. Crocodile, who understands water systems and waste management, was assisted by Nico Robin in designing all the waste channels in the village, otherwise, this place would be stinky as hell. Erina and Hisako built gardens, fields, and livestock with their knowledge, especially for high-processing food, which ensures the population will feed quite well. Finally, Aika and Yuu, the smartest people in the chat group, managed the commandments, and tasks for all matters relating to village laws, governance, and regulations assisted which assisted by Ravel.

As for Miya and Akitsu, they were responsible for filtering people who wanted to enter this village, which was still under the direct command of Aika.

All chat group members have an important role in the creation of this village, and to be honest, Kaito really didn't expect it to be this difficult to build a village. Fortunately, the members are willing to help and they are very good at this, otherwise, it would be impossible for this wonderful village to be made with its own limited capabilities.


"If we talk about Kaito-sama's contribution, it cannot be denied that you did the most in the development of this village."

"After all, you have been working nonstop providing a lot of material and fulfilling Aika-san order, right?"

"Ugh. I guess that's true. But I am not happy at all!"

"Pfft... Considering how hard you have been working, it's understandable for you to complain a little bit, Kaito-sama."


It's not exaggerated to say that 90% of the material, especially important ones in this village was created by his ability alone, especially things that come from the industrial era or above and are troublesome to make from scratch-- like electric cable or monitoring system camera.

Kaito complained with a resigned look, "In my entire life, this is the first time I've worked so hard that I fainted many times a day."

Although his 'Creation Cheat' ability was the easiest ability to use, the energy needed to create complex modern tools or just simple organic creatures is huge, often resulting in him fainting after creation. 

"Do you want me to tell Aika-san to give you a break for a day, master?" Sakuya suggested.

Kaito shook his head, and refused her kindness, "No... I really can't complain since I brought up this idea myself. Besides, her work is probably much harder than mine, since Aika works as governor much busier than me in the long term."

Kaito didn't know how economy or politic work, but he was sure it must be headache inducing for him. He would do anything but that (as he afraid to mess everything up), even if it mean he become a hard labor.

"I see..." Sakuya nodded in agreement, knowing Aika worked quite hard herself, "...Well, at least your idea was approved by everyone, master." 

"I guess it's just my stupidity for deciding to do something very troublesome." Kaito sighed, lamenting his situation, "And bring trouble to everyone with my idea."

"I am glad you are learning from your mistake, master."

As the only person who worked with Kaito the most these days, Sakuya knows what her master did basically not far from slavery, and she herself is really against it. However, Aika convinced her that this is important to do so that Kaito can be a little more aware and responsible about what he does, and become a more mature leader in the future... which seems to be proven correct.

In fact, all the chat group members and residents were very impressed and respected the sacrifices Kaito had made over the last few days and decided to name this village after his name, Kaitogakure, even though Kaito himself didn't know this fact yet.


Kaito wryly smiled and then quickly changed the depressing subject, "Speaking of which, I haven't seen a lot of chat group members recently, where are they?"

"Currently, members who have finished contributing are traveling to other areas in the world, gathering information and at the same time introducing our village to the world." Sakuya explained.

Hearing other members currently enjoying this world, Kaito can't help but curse, "I am envious... I also want to travel in this world..."

"Pfft... They are still kinda working though... Bringing task from Aika to introduce our village to create a diplomatic relationship." Sakuya corrected him and added, "But I think you can travel in this world as long you finished all your assigned tasks, master."

"Hopefully so." Kaito nodded and turned at Sakuya, "When the time comes, hopefully, you can come with me, Sakuya."

"It would be my pleasure, master." Sakuya also nodded, agreeing with her master's request easily.

After that, Kaito decided to continue his work accompanied by Sakuya in order to finish his work faster with the hope that Aika would let him go.


However, it won't be long before Kaito will travel to many places in the world with his teleportation ability to members' locations later on-- as most of them cause trouble within this world and need him to solve.


While Kaito was enthusiastically back to working to build the chat group village, one of the member groups who is currently traveling in this world finally arrived at their destination. 

The first group that arrived at their destination was the Erina group, which consisted of Erina, Hisako, and Saitama. Aside from carrying the task of introducing the Kaitogakure village existence (assigned by Aika), their real purpose here was to taste all of the famous dishes in Naruto world, especially the famous Ichiraku Ramen.

With Konoha well known as the best ninja village in this world, naturally the best location choice for them to start with.


"Is it really okay, Erina-sama? Isn't Konoha the most dangerous location in this world for us to visit?" Hisako whispered in a concerned tone.

"It's okay, Hisako. I mean, we passed the entrance without any problem, right?" 

"But someone monitoring us, is it really okay? I asked the system and a lot of ninjas currently observe all of our movement." 

"I understand your concern but don't worry, It does make sense the village would alerted by our visit with our current identity as the visitor from the new village."

"I guess it does make sense..."


Although Erina's group manages to enter the village without much problem, the Anbu actually currently observe their group closely under the order of Tsunade. 

As one of the biggest ninja villages in the world and also closest to the location, Konoha was already aware of the existence of the new village, and the fact Erina introduced themselves as one of the founders naturally gained attention from the upper echelon of Konoha.


"Even if the situation becomes worse, I am sure none of us have a problem to escape. With Saitama sensei here, I think we will be fine, right?" 

Erina then turned to Saitama who walked behind them, currently looking bored at the scenery-- didn't care at all about others who followed them or people who were attracted to their unique appearance.

However,  Saitama still paid attention to their talk, promising confidently as he pointed himself,  "Don't worry, I will protect both of you."  

"See, Hisako?"


Hearing Saitama's promise, Hisako finally calmed down and didn't feel worried-- realizing that what Erina said was very true.

In fact, even without Aika asking him, Saitama still wants to go to Konoha since he is also curious about the taste of the best ramen. For him who was already invincible, the only thing that excited him a little bit would be good food and a method to grow his hair.


After asking a lot of people for directions, a few minutes later Erina, Hisako, and Saitama finally arrived at their destination, the famous Ramen Ichiraku establishment, which seemed to be deserted at the moment because there were no visitors.

"Here is... the famous Ichiraku Ramen. I hope it tastes good as it shows in the memories!" (Erina)

"The smell is good. That's the first sign of a good dish." (Hisako)

"It made me salivating a bit. Let's try it." (Saitama)


Realizing that there were visitors coming, Teuchi as the Ramen owner immediately welcomed them, "Welcome...!!" 

The moment he saw Erina's group's unique appearance, Teuchi immediately smiled and asked, "You guys are new, here? A tourist from outside the village?"

"Yes. We heard about the famous Ichiraku Ramen news circulating around the world, so we are here to find out if it was true." Hisako first responded.

"To be honest, we are also a chef." Erina folded her hand and then explained with a bit arrogant tone, "We are expecting something that could surprise us here."

"True." Saitama added.

Even though Erina looked arrogant, Teuchi, who always has high pride in his ramen creation became excited instead, "Ohh! Then, as a fellow chef, I will show you the best ramen I could offer, Ojou-chan! Any order you want?"

"I will leave it to you. Give me a surprise" 

Erina replied with a smile and then turned at Saitama and Hisako, "How about you two?"

"I will have Tonkotsu ramen with seaweed topping," Saitama answered seriously, followed by Hisako who also replied, "I will have the same as you, Erina-sama."

Confirming the orders from the three members, Teuchi nodded and raised his arm, flexing his biceps as he said, "Alright! None of you mind waiting for  a bit, right?" 


"Great! Ayane! Please help me a little bit! We have a serious order here!"

After that, Teuchi left them in front of them chatting as he gave his best effort to make their orders.


"What we should do next, Erina-sama? Should we go straight to Hokage building?" Hisako suggested their next move.

"That would be the best since we still carrying Aika-san's task." Erina nodded in agreement, "What do you think, Saitama-sensei?"

"I will leave it to both of you." 

"Then, Erina-sama, Saitama-sensei, I think we should prepare how to introduce ourselves first to Hokage..."


After that, the three of them continued chatting with each other while waiting for their orders, until they heard a familiar voice in their ears which made them panicked.

"I told you Lee, we need to work harder and surpass our limit! For youth!" 

"Yes, Guy sensei!"

"Good answer! Because of that, I will treat you a ramen, Lee!"


"This voice...!" 

Hisako who is the most concerned as always quickly turns to her master, "Erina-sama... What we should do?"

"Pssst. Be quiet and calm, just like Saitama sensei." 

Erina calmly answered and put an expressionless look on her face, "We just need to pretend to be nobody in order to not cause any problems."


Before leaving for the trip, Aika had advised them to avoid excessive contact with important characters unless necessary, for fear that their actions would cause an invisible butterfly effect and might affect Itachi's plans later. 

Of course, Erina and Hisako agreed with her advice to do so, but unfortunately, Saitama didn't care about it.

When Guy and Lee entered the Ramen Ichiraku Establishment, their and Saitama's eyes immediately looked at each other with interest. 


One side is attracted by the aura and 'strong body' appearance that can be felt from Saitama... and the other side is attracted by the thick hair and thick shiny eyebrows that Guy and Lee have.

"Guy sensei! This man, I feel he is so strong!" Lee first exclaimed.

"Indeed I feel the youthness radiated from his body, even stronger than us. I can't help but really impressed, Lee!" Guy solemnly nodded and then sincerely asked while being excited, "Ano... Mr. Bald? May I ask who you are?"

"My name is Saitama not Mr. Bald, I am just a hero for fun." Saitama quickly answered, also feeling the same.

"Saitama-san, you seem to be very strong and youthful! I can't help but get excited!" Guy tensed up and then offered with a fire in his eyes, "If you don't mind, can you teach me or perhaps... fight me?!"

"Yes!" Saitama quickly nodded, and then replied excitedly, "But if I won, Can you tell us how you two managed to grow your thick hair and eyebrows?!"

"Sure! Alright, Follow me, Saitama-san!"


Hearing confirmation from each other, Saitama and Guy alongside Lee then left for the training area-- leaving Erina and Hisako who were confused about what just happening (and Anbu who followed them). 

"...Maybe we should follow them?"

"Good idea, Erina-sama."

Of course, the two of them couldn't leave Saitama alone and had no other choice but to follow them shortly after too since they were traveling in a group.


"Huh?! Where is the customer?!"

Everyone forgot that they were waiting for Ichiraku's ramen and when Teuchi finished making their orders, he was confused because his customers had disappeared.

Sorry for the very late update. This chapter is quite long and hard to write... double size than usual and it takes me a while to figure out how to connect every scene here.

Other than that, I was recently able to write again after my mom's successful surgery a few days ago, which I hope will make her health a bit better from now on.

Anyway, thanks for reading and all of your support. I hope you all have a nice day!



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