The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

117. Kaito Visiting Konoha and Mistaken As a Bastard Son.

After all the members agreed to his plan, as promised, Kaito quickly teleported into Aika's room after telling Sakuya what had happened. 

To be honest, Kaito didn't want to go at all, because he didn't like and care about politics, but his position as village leader made it impossible for him to escape from this problem.

Fortunately, Aika wants to take responsibility for the mess she indirectly caused, so this time he will just show his face and let her negotiate with Konoha. Kaito believes Aika can do this without any problems because, in SAO, she was the one who overcame all the political problems that existed when their guild was in power.


"Good afternoon, Aika. I am here to pick you up." 

"You are quite fast to be here, Kaito." 

Aika greeted back and then spun herself to show her current appearance, "Too bad, I just finished wearing this Kimono. If I was a few seconds late, you would see me half naked when you came here."


"...Stop playing, Aika." 

Kaito who knows Aika is just joking quickly diverts the topic, "Kimono? Quite fancy... That's something unusual for you to wear."

"It does look good on me, right?" Aika asked while leaning toward him, which made Kaito look away from her a little bit.

Seeing Aika wearing a purple floral Kimono that matched the color of her eyes, Kaito admitted that she was really beautiful now and he felt captivated. 

Coupled with her appearance which looks 'fragile' and elegant like a classic Yamato Nadeshiko, it cannot be denied that right now Aika is really making Kaito attracted to her as a man.

"Umm... Yeah. It looks gorgeous on you... and pretty good...I admit." 

Kaito nodded in agreement, trying his best to hide his blushing, "...You still haven't answered my question though."

Satisfied with Kaito's answer, Aika chuckled a little bit and then explained, "Anyway, we are going to establish a good relationship with Konoha, right? Obviously, I should make myself look good to make a better first impression."

"I see. That's make sense." 

After that, Kaito looks at his attire which looks lame compared to Aika's current appearance.

"Should I do that too?"

"Too? What do you mean, Kaito?" 

"I mean, making myself look good to Konoha." 

Kaito then pointed at himself, showing his casual attire which consisted of a plain white T-shirt and black jeans. 

Although it's not particularly bad looking, it's certainly not fitting his current image as the leader of the ninja village... or even out of place.

"That's a good idea. You are our village leader, after all, so you also need to make a good impression." 

"What do you want to wear, Kaito?"

"I have a cool black suit in my inventory, but I don't think that's suitable to wear in this world."

"Yeah, that's a big no." Aika shook her head and then suggested, "How about a kimono like me?"

"That's... I don't think I have one in my inventory." 

Hearing Kaito's dejected answer, Aika stared at him with a deadpanned look and commented, "...Kaito, you literally have a creation ability to make one, and if that doesn't work for you, you have a chat group system too." 

"...I swear I forget about that completely." 


Hearing Aika's chuckle, Kaito smiled wryly and asked, "Then Aika, Can you help me design a good-looking kimono for me to wear then?"

"I would gladly help you. In fact, how about we match a color to show our current relationship status with other villages?" Aika suggested with excitement.


"In this way, it would give an impression that I am not only just a secretary but also someone with a special relationship with you which makes my identity a bit more special."


"Umm... With that identity, no one would underestimate me and give me more leverage during the negotiation since I am directly connected to you and take my words seriously."

"...I swear you are good at taking advantage of situations Aika, but your reasoning does make sense." Kaito quickly accepted her reasoning and shrugged, "Well, I guess we can do that."

"Pfft... it's not like we are lying in the first place." Aika followed, "You are my king after all."

After that, with the help of Aika, Kaito quickly created a kimono for himself based on Aika's design before both of them quickly teleported to Erina's location with the help of Erina's broadcast from the chat group.



While Kaito and Aika still prepared themselves a little bit, Erina, Hisako, and Saitama on the other hand currently being held inside of Hokage room in Konoha. There are also a dozen Anbu and some upper echelons of Konoha like Konoha advisor and Danzo himself inside the room, making the atmosphere kinda tense all the time.


"Does your village leader agree to meet us?" Tsunade asked calmly.

"Yes." Erina nodded and also answered calmly, "He agreed to negotiate and pay compensation for the destruction we have caused in the training ground."

"Once again, I am sorry..." Saitama dejectedly apologizes.

"That's good to hear." Tsunade nodded with a sigh of relief, "I believe in you, but until your leader comes to us, we can't let any of you go."

"Please understand our position." Tsunade added.

"We have no problem with that, it's our mistake to begin with." Erina nodded in agreement, "Although it seems there are so many people in here?"


Normally there is no need for so many people just looking for 3 people, but after a proper observation and investigation, they found something that made them curious about their identity.

With the help of sensor ninja and hyuga clan members, the Konoha upper echelon found out that none of the people from the Erina group had a normal chakra pathway as the ninja does. All of them have a bunch of different kinds of energy inside them-- but none of them seems to be chakra they all know

According to common knowledge, humans can't be alive without chakra yet the proof against that theory is standing in front of them. Yet, despite without having chakra in their body, their strength on the other hand made Konoha feel very anxious and afraid.

Although they didn't know about Erina/Hisako's strength, Konoha already witnessed how Saitama easily destroyed a huge landmass of area with a single punch

Danzo is especially really interested in Saitama's secret of strength, wondering what kind of bloodline this man has. If it's not because Tsunade and other Konoha upper echelon/clan leaders are also in the room, Danzo probably already tried to capture Saitama and co already with his 'root' ninja.



"About that..." 

Tsunade sweating a little bit answered, "You can't blame us. Once again, please be understanding, everyone just wants to find out what kind of village you came from and wondering if you are for war, consider what you did earlier in our land."

"...Uh, that makes sense."

After that, Tsunade and Erina kept making small talk about their respective village to fill the time and others just listened (especially Hisako and Saitama weren't good in political discussions), until Erina finally got notification from Kaito himself to get prepared.


"What's wrong?" Tsunade noticed Erina weirdly silent during the conversation.

"Hokage-sama, pardon the interruption but our leader just said that he is going to teleport in front of me, so prepare a bit of empty area in front of us."

Hearing what Erina said, everyone in the room is immediately confused about what she means and can't help but voice their opinion.


"What... teleport?" 

"What nonsense you are talking about, girl?"

"I think we didn't hear it wrong. She did say a teleport." 

"Then, someone from the new village mastered Hiraishin jutsu that 4th Hokage use!" 

"What do you mean teleport, Erina? So he is going to appear in front of us?" Tsunade asked for confirmation.


Erina nodded slightly, followed by Hisako and Saitama also nodding to make it a convincing argument.

Obviously, Tsunade and the other ninja raised their eyebrow in confusion and doubt, however, they still followed her demand to make a space in front of her by stepping backward. 



Shortly after that, 2 figures with matching Kimono immediately appeared in front of Erina which made Konoha surprised, especially when they noticed Kaito's figure very similar to their previous leader-- both in appearance and confidence. (A/N: mc appearance is the same as the cover of this fanfic)


"Hiraishin?! It is real!?"

"It's truly a space jutsu!?"

"He is a yellow-haired boy... Did Minato leave a bastard son somewhere?!"

"He is very similar to 4th Hokage, even more than his biological son in this village!"

"That does make sense! And I think they are about the same age!"


Hearing their absurd comments, Kaito who just arrived at the location quickly refuted it by yelling at them, "What?! Are you all drunk?! I am not 4th Hokage son!"

"But your hairstyle and eye color is similar. And you have the same hairstyle too..."

"...I am not! C'mon, it's just coincidence we are frickin similar!" 

"But that ninjutsu, it's surely Hiraishin...!!"

"No, This is not even a Hiraishin jutsu or even a jutsu!!"

"But only Hirashin jutsu who able to teleport people..."

"Who stated that?! I swear I am not 4th Hokage bastard or using Hiraishin!"


Kaito who getting impatient (he is a teenager) quickly activated his haki to intimidate everyone in the room out of anger, but this actually made konoha upper echelon even more convinced that he was the bastard son since he seemed to be as talented and intimidating as their 4th Hokage when they are at the same age.


Still, the atmosphere quickly becomes heated as Kaito tries to be aggressive in the Hokage office, and even Anbu is ready to strike back whenever their Hokage orders. Fortunately, Tsunade is aware being aggressive isn't the right thing to do right now (with Saitama in the room) and quickly takes control of the situation.


"I am sorry about the ruckus... Are you the leader of the newly established village, Kaitogakure? Introduce myself, I am the 5th Hokage of Konohagakure, Senju Tsunade."

"Ah, yeah... My name is Kaito. I am the leader of---" Kaito nodded but then frowned after catching up with Tsunade's last word, "Wait, what do you mean Kaitogakure?"

Tsunade tilted her head a bit and asked in confusion, "Your village name is Kaitogakure, right?" 

"...Does our village already have a name? Why I didn't know that?"

Hearing her question, Kaito who didn't know that their village already had a name quickly glared at Aika, since he had a hunch Aika was probably the one who proposed such a name.

Sure enough, at this moment Aika does her best to hold her laugh, puffing her cheeks. Even Erina's team also held their laughter in the back, telling him that he was the only one who didn't know this information.


"Pfft... Kaito-sama, I think this is the time for me to speak."

Although Kaito wants to ask about this, he knows that it's not the time to ask her. He then quickly walks back with Erina's team, to let Aika face the Hokage for the negotiation talk.

"...You owe me an explanation, Aika." 

"Sure, I will explain later." Aika chuckled and then walked up front to replace Kaito's position, "But for now, let me handle the negotiation on Kaito-sama's behalf, Hokage-sama."

"Who are you?" Tsunade asked.

"I am Kaito-sama's secretary, his spokesperson, and who manages the governance of Kaitogakure." Aika answered and then added, "...I am also one of his wives."

Hearing her answer, everyone now looked at her more seriously, especially admitting her status as a wife. Some of them looking at Kaito weirdly though, since Kaito and Aika look pretty young to be here.

"With that said, I think we can start from Konoha's side demand of compensation for the destruction of property," Aika suggested, which made everyone get into the main topic directly.

Tsunade nodded and quickly replied, "That's a good start."


After that, Aika start negotiates with Hokage for hours until both of them meet a satisfying conclusion with each other side-- while everyone act as witness during the process.

Aika promised Konoha to fix their training ground and offer some compensation in form of material and monetary gain, while Konoha offer an alliance and acknowledge the presence of their newfound village. Everything end well for both side, except for Kaito himself.

Probably thanks to his bad luck, the rumor that Kaito is the 4th Hokage bastard son who is the leader of the new village is still widespreading quickly despite his deny the accusation. This makes Kaito suddenly become famous figure in Konoha-- and for some extent, the whole ninja world.


Not a significant plot progression here, but it's the only thing I can write so far with all my free time across the week. 

I want to at least have 1 chapter every week, but with my RL situation, I probably can only do that in March when the project should be due early next month. So, until then, thank you for reading!

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