The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

118. Visiting Ichiraku Ramen and Befriend the Protagonist.


After completing the negotiation and alliance with Konoha, Kaito and Aika leave the Hokage building with Erina's team who has been 'freed' from being a hostage. Kaito wanted to explore Konoha as he was curious about this village but both Uta and Robin's side also needed his help.

Fortunately for him, Aika who also felt the same then quickly suggested Kaito buy a shadow clone jutsu from the dimensional store, which is currently showcased inside the store today, costing 12000 points. After that, Aika told him to make a clone and then send them away with her clone to both Robin and Uta's locations simultaneously. This way, it's now possible for the original body to enjoy Konoha while assuring their problematic situation in another village also gets solved.


"Thanks for the good idea. I hope our clone doing the job well." 

As he walked into Konoha Street, Kaito muttered in concern, "Although it seems we are quite popular here."

Due to their guest status and the rumor about Kaito being the 4th Hokage son, almost every ninja and civilian pays attention to him. 

"Pfft... just enjoy it." 

Aika shrugged and then added, "As for the clones, we can always teleport to replace them to handle the situation directly if anything happens to them so there is no need to worry."

"That's indeed true..." 

Kaito nodded in agreement, as he could 'feel' the presence of his clone regardless of the distance. Combined with his teleportation ability, Kaito really could be anywhere at any time regardless of the distance.

"Speaking of which, I am also ready to help if something happens." Saitama pointed himself and confidently said, "You guys saved me today, and helping you out is the best I can do from now on."

"Just call me on the chat group if you need my help, everyone."


Hearing his promise, Kaito quickly brightened up as he realized he just made a bloody profit out of this ordeal, "Thanks Saitama-sensei, I will count you up in the future if I do need any help."

"Umm." Saitama nodded, "I never break my promise."

With Saitama willing to help, now Kaito feeling a bit lot calmer than before. This emergency trip was unexpectedly very profitable for Kaito despite the circumstances, with him gaining Erina and Saitama's goodwill at the same time.

Both people who probably have more influence than Kaito himself in the chat group now favor him more always a good thing in his book.

Not to mention Saitama's help, although he wasn't sure if he was strong enough to deal with being like Ophis or Great Red, Kaito was quite sure that Saitama could handle Sirzech or Rizevim quite easily.


Kaito who was currently in a good mood, suddenly remembered something, "Uh... Speaking of which, Aika." 


"I almost forgot to ask but... What's the deal of our village having a name already?" 

Hearing his question, Aika giggled a bit and explained, "Pfft... Kaito... It's obvious that the village was named after your name."

"Uh..." Kaito scratched his cheek while blushing, "Of course, I realize that... But my question is... why use my name?"


"Why not?" (Aika)

"Yep, I think Kaitogakure is a good name." (Saitama)

"I agree with Saitama sensei." (Erina)


"B-But... It's just embarrassing, you know?" 

Kaito looked at everyone while scratching his head, "And it was decided without me despite my status as a leader..."

"So you are upset that the chat group hiding it from you?" Aika asked.

"Saying it upset is a bit too much... but I hope you guys didn't hide any secret from me." Kaito answered with a bit frown.

As he genuinely sees the chat group members as a family, he really doesn't want to have anyone hiding a secret or conspiracy behind him. Kaito himself still hasn't figured out the reason behind his bad luck and his rebirth.


Aika noticed his expression, and then answered, "Well, we are sorry... It was Ravel-chan who suggested the name, and everyone just happened to like it." 

"Wait, Ravel-sama did?" Kaito asked for confirmation, genuinely surprised.

"She is also the one who want to hide it from you, wanted to make it a surprise." Aika added.


Kaito reacted in surprise, but everyone quickly nodded at him which confirmed his question.

Out of all possible options, Kaito didn't expect Ravel to be the one who suggested the name idea. He thought that the name was the result of Aika's bad jokes, but knowing Ravel who did it made him feel happy and grateful.

"So~ if you want to blame someone for putting your name into the village, tell that to your favorite Ravel-chan~" Aika teased.

"Ravel-sama, huh... I mean she has a good intention toward me." 

Kaito who was aware there's no way he would do that quickly looked away from Aika and muttered, "Well, I guess I can only accept it then."


Looking at Kaito's awkward and embarrassed response, everyone couldn't help but giggle and wanted to tease their leader. 

"As expected of your favorite girl."

"Well... After all, it's Ravel-sama. No way I would be mad at her." 

Despite being teased by other members for his softness to Ravel, Kaito was honestly really happy about it. 

Apart from proving that Ravel cares about him a lot, this also shows that even though she has just joined the chat group, Ravel can blend in with other chat group members without any problems-- and this makes her feel very relieved, considering her typical tsundere nature.

'As expected, Ravel is a good girl. There is no way I would let her go to Issei harem as the original plot happened' Kaito thought seriously.

With his newfound confidence, Kaito becomes more ambitious to stop what happens to Ravel later, even though he has to face the protagonist later or possibly fight against 'fate' itself. He knows that fate isn't absolute and could be changed, like what happened with Miya and Lisbeth who joined the chat group.


After coming out from the Hokage office and walking on the street for a while, their first destination is Ichiraku Ramen which Erina's team originally planned. Even though Erina's team had visited this establishment earlier, all of them hadn't tasted any dishes yet--- thanks to Saitama and Might Guy fight. Naturally, Kaito and Aika are also curious with Ichiraku Ramen, and agree to follow their plan.



Upon their arrival at the stall (again), Mr. Teuchi, the owner of Ichiraku Ramen immediately noticed their presence and quickly greeted them. Fortunately, there is no other customer beside them at the moment, so 5 of them could easily fit in in the stall.


"Ohhh!!! You guys are coming back? Unfortunately, I already served you guys order to another customer so I need to make a new one."

"Sorry about that. Same order, please." Erina replied politely with an awkward smile as she sat down.

Teuchi flexed his arm muscle and replied with confidence, "Sure! Leave it to me, guest from the new village! I will show you the taste of the famous Ichiraku Ramen from Konoha."

"Everyone in Konoha already knows who we are, huh?" Kaito inquired.

"Well, the news spreading fast here." Teuchi nodded and looked at Kaito while holding his chin, "Especially when the news is about the 4th Hokage son as the leader of the new village."

""Pfft..."" (Everyone)

"Uhh... But I am not his son." Kaito grudgingly commented.

"Indeed, there is some minor difference. But, undoubtedly you look so similar to him." Teuchi replied seriously, "You can't blame anyone for being that similar."

"That's true." Aika followed and teased, "Maybe, both you and 4th Hokage come from the same ancestor."


Kaito who was quite already tired of dealing with the stupid rumor, decided to let it go and asked, "Whatever... Can we start ordering too? I want to test whether your craftsmanship lives up to the reputation."

"Ah, yes. I am sorry for bothering you, yes please!" Teuchi quickly apologized and then started picking orders.

After getting the order list, Teuchi quickly prepared their dishes, leaving everyone talking with each other while waiting for their order to get ready.


While everyone talked with each other about a lot of topics, their discussion suddenly stopped the moment they heard a very recognizable voice coming from outside of the stall.


"Kakashi-sensei, why you are dragging me here? I am currently trying hard to figure out how to make my Rasengan work." (???)

"While I like your enthusiasm, getting enough rest is important too, Naruto. Don't worry, I will treat you."(???) 


"Huh... It seems this place is quite crowded." 

After entering the curtain of the stall, Kakashi looked at everyone there wondering if there was any space left to sit for him and his student. However, he quickly realized that everyone here seemed to be the rumored guest of Konoha-- especially after Kakashi noticed Kaito's appearance which is similar to his sensei.

"Umm, hello there?" 

Kaito greets Kakashi warmly, trying to act naturally as much as he can to make a good impression. Although they don't have a plan for how to treat the protagonist group of this world, the chat group agrees that at least they don't want to be their enemy-- so no matter what, Kaito thinks they should establish a good relationship with them.


 "Good afternoon, You guys... should be the guest from the new ninja village, right?" Kakashi quickly inquired.

Kaito nodded and commented, "Yes. The news is spreading fast in Konoha, huh?"

"And as the rumor stated, your appearance is similar to 4th Hokage," Kakashi added.

"Guest from the new ninja village?!" 

Surprised at Kakashi's statement, Naruto looked at Kaito immediately and then stated, "...Then, you are the rumored bastard son of 4th Hokage?!"

"Oh... For the fuck sake..."

Kaito can't help but facepalm after hearing such an accusation again. Especially, since it's coming from 4th an actual biological son and student is quite ironic. 

Even Kakashi who was looking from the side twitched his eyes, probably also feeling very irritated with what Naruto just said.


"Uh, I am sure I am not 4th Hokage son since I honestly don't even know who is my parent." 

Kaito who didn't want to offend Naruto just sighed and explained sincerely, "We just happen to have similar eyes, hairstyle, and color. I am not even from Konoha."

"Ehh? You are not?"

"Yeah. Because of that for some reason upper echelon of Konoha assumes I am his relative because of our shared facial features." Kaito continue to explain patiently and then cursed, "I don't even know who the fuck is my parent." 

The identity of his biological parent or his adoptive parent is one of the things that Kaito wanted to discover, but unfortunately, thanks to the fact he only spent a very short time in high school DxD back then, he hadn't made any progress on it.


Naruto who heard Kaito's last complaint immediately felt bad, as he also didn't know his parent (yet) quickly apologized, "Um, I am sorry if I remind you something bad."

"Don't worry." Kaito shook his head and smiled wryly, "I am not bothered by it at all."

The only thing that bothered him was the constant accusations of him being the 4th Hokage son but with his striking similar appearance, it's really hard to convince the masses.


"Anyway, May I sit beside you?"


After listening to the fact that Kaito's also growing alone like him, Naruto currently has a very good impression of Kaito. Although in the ninja world, an orphan isn't a rare occasion, the fact Kaito seems to be friendly despite being accused as a bastard son.

He quickly sits down beside Kaito who is currently empty, followed by Kakashi who is also curious about him.

"Anyway, I heard you guys are the guest from the New Ninja village?"

"Yes."Kaito nodded and explained, "In fact, I am actually the leader of the new village." 

Hearing Kaito answer, Naruto widened his eyes in surprise and pointed, "W-Wait, so you are a kage?!"

"Technically, yes." Kaito nodded and then took this chance to introduce himself to Naruto, "Speaking of which, I haven't introduced myself yet. Let's become a friend."

"My name is Kaito and I am the leader of the newest ninja village Kaitogakure." 

Kaito continued to stretch his hand to him, offering a handshake and a sign of friendship. 

Naruto quickly took his hand and also introduced himself confidently, "Nice to meet you, Kaito. My name is Uzumaki Naruto, A ninja of Konoha, and one day I will become a Hokage of Konohagakure!"

"I believe you will achieve that goal, Naruto-san."

"Really?! Why do you think so?!" 

Naruto exclaimed, really surprised at Kaito's response. Most people would ignore or mock Naruto's goal, but Kaito believes in him despite they just met each other. On the other hand, Erina's team who watch him from the side secretly praise Kaito for his 'act' in the chat group, especially Aika who agrees with his decision to befriend Naruto.

"I don't know... I just have a feeling you are special?" 

Kaito continued to pretend to be vague, trying his best to keep making a better impression on Naruto, "Umm, as a leader, I always have a good eye for promising people and I think you are one of them, Naruto."

Really? I feel a bit embarrassed if you tell me like that..."

"Pfft... well, I just said what I thought, no need to be embarrassed." Kaito jokingly said and added, "Let's see if my prediction will come true in the future."

"Then, I will do my best to meet your expectations!"

After that, Kaito and the other chat group members talked about various things with Naruto and Kakashi to establish a good relationship while waiting for their Ramen. Everything went smoothly without any problems until Kaito and Aika suddenly got a memory because their clone in Kumogakure was destroyed.

The two of them suddenly panicked as their presence proved to cause an unknown butterfly effect to this world, because from the memory they had gained from the clone--- Killer Bee, Misaka, and Uta were currently under attack by Tobi and Deidara who were supposed to be busy capturing Isobu in Original memory.


Rough month, but yeah I finally updated this story. I spent a long time figure out how to end this chapter but in the end I just ball it lol. 

Also, it took a while because I want to update my other story too at the same time... so yeah.

One more thing to say, Editing is pain.

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