The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

127. Rescuing Asuma While Casually Taking Care Kakuzu and Hidan.


A few days later after meeting the Raikage in the village, Kaito who is busy doing his creation duty as always suddenly got notified from the chat group. Regarding their plan to save Hidan and Kakuzu, they didn't know exactly when it would happen and ordered Akitsu to be on standby at the location and inform Kaito that Asuma's fight had started.

Even though Kaito could have stopped Akatsuki before Konoha arrived to reduce the risk to 0, to maximize the effect of Konoha's gratitude toward their village, Aika ordered him to appear when Asuma was in a dire situation


[Sekirei Number 7: "@Owner Master, Hidan and Kakuzu is here."

[Owner]: "Good work, Akitsu. I will go to your location, right now."

[God Tongue]: "Oh, it's time for the Owner to act!"

[SAO Top Blacksmith]: "Kaito, be careful!"

[Mage of Exodus]: "Make sure you open the broadcast, Kaito. In case something wrong happens."

[Owner]: "Good idea."

[Mage of Exodus]: "Also, make sure to go back to work after you finish your business. You need to finish the quota of today."

[Owner]: "Can you at least give me a break for today?"

[Mage of Exodus]: "Pfft... No! Anyway, with Yuu, you can finish this mission anytime you want."

[Necromancer]: "I am ready."

[Owner]: "...Okay."


Hearing Aika's answer, Kaito became sullen but still followed her request because he knew how many things he needed to create to fulfill the Raikage's request-- their new partner. After that, Kaito swiftly changed clothes, called Yuu to his location, and immediately teleported to Akitsu, a few hundred meters away from the fight between Konoha and Kakuzu with Hidan.

"Good work, Akitsu." Kaito praised and then looked at the battle that just entered the climax where Hidan already got the blood of Asuma, "It seems despite our presence, the Original still going to happen if we do not directly interfere with it."

"Plot correction is going strong as always." Yuu also commented and then asked, "What should we do?"

"Now, we just wait. I just need to make sure appears before Hidan can kill Asuma, according to Aika's plan." Kaito answered which Yuu frowned and questioned, "Isn't this bit too despicable?"

"Blame Aika for that." Kaito shrugged at his reaction and commented, "She believed it was important to do this, either she was serious or just wanted to do this for a giggle."


Hearing Kaito's complaint, Yuu couldn't help but laugh. Not because Kaito's words were funny, but because Kaito didn't realize that Yuu had already opened the broadcast with all the members watching them-- including Aika who promised to give Kaito more assignments when they were done.

After that, both Yuu and Kaito formulate a simple plan to finish the task, while watching the progress of battle quietly.


After Kaito and the chat group watch for a while, the Konoha team with Shikamaru's plan manages to stop Hidan and even cut off his head-- indicating that the event is about to enter the climax.

Realizing that his partner needs help, Kakuzu finally moves to face Konoha... and allows Hidan to reconnect his separated head with his body.

Like in the Original, after being helped by Kakuzu, Hidan plans to immediately continue his ritual to kill Asuma. Realizing this, Asuma himself, Kotetsu, and Izumo immediately rush towards Hidan, but with Kakuzu's help, he quickly stops Kotetsu and Izumo with a grip on his neck.

Fortunately, when Hidan is about to stab himself to complete his ritual, Kaito suddenly appears in front of Hidan-- punching him hard in the face.




With Kaito's current physique and armament Haki, his punch sent Hidan flying far into the building... Making everyone from the Konoha and Akatsuki side surprised.

Funnily enough, because Asuma and Hidan's physiques were connected at that time, Kaito's punch was also felt by Asuma, making him pass out instantly. Realizing what he did, Kaito turned towards Konoha and said, "Oops. Sorry about that, but at least I managed to save him."


Hearing Kaito apologize, everyone became speechless... but Shikamaru who had recognized Kaito's identity made everyone even more surprised, "That teleportation jutsu... You are the famous 4th Hokage bastard son, the leader of the new ninja village?"

"..." (Kaito)

"Crap." (Kakuzu)

"Really?" (Kotetsu)

"Doesn't it mean we are safe now? A kage ninja come forward to help us!" (Izumo)

"I thought people were joking, but his similarity to Yondaime is uncanny." Shikamaru added and then quickly took Asuma's unconscious body away from the battle, "Thank you for saving my sensei... Um... your name."

"Kaito, my name is Kaito."

Ignoring people's remarks about him being the 4th Hokage son, Kaito introduced himself and then turned to Hidan who already stood up from the rubble of the building, "It's not time to talk, let's continue after I finish both of them."

On the other, Hidan who gets thrashed away is pissed earlier and throws a tantrum while pointing at Kaito, "What was that!? You blonde kid come out of nowhere and interrupt my sacred ritual!"

Kakuzu who seemed to be aware of how dangerous their situation is right now, quickly approached his partner and warned, "...Hidan, let's retreat."


"Remember what Zetsu, Tobi, and Deidara told us, they are dangerous." Kakuzu stared at Kaito vigilantly, "Especially this kid, according to Zetsu has more mastery of Hiraishin than his dad the 4th Hokage"


"Tch. I know I know, we are outnumbered here." Hidan complained but he quickly pulled off his weapon to his back, "I hate to escape but I guess we do have no choice."

"I am sorry, but I can't let you two escape. I have left a 'mark' on Hidan, so no matter where you go, I can confidently chase you anywhere, even to Akatsuki's secret base." Kaito said a bluff to them, to prevent them escaping.

"God damn it, Hidan. You are giving us trouble." (Kakuzu)

"It's not my fault, bastard!" (Hidan)

Fortunately, with the ability that he has been showing off so far, both Akatsuki members completely believe his bluff. Kakuzu who knew Hiraishin personally believed Kaito's words that he could teleport wherever they were... making it like a time bomb that was better to be resolved as soon as possible.

"You are the leader of that new village, right?"


"Your dead body should be worth of money."

Kakuzu asked while revealing his back, which consisted of 5 different masks attached to it. Kaito, who already knew his information and ability, wasn't surprised about it, but Konoha, currently watching from the side, was shocked at the moment.

"What was that?" Shikamaru muttered."

"It's part of his ability. This guy, Kakuzu does have 5 masks or hearts. Need to destroy all of them if you want to defeat him." Kaito explained flatly.

"Oh, to be known by the leader of the new village, I am flattered," Kakuzu commented, "It seems that you know me."

"You're welcome." Kaito nodded and casually asked, "It seems you are going to take me seriously, huh?"

"You are strong, it would be stupid for me to not take you seriously."

After that, Kakuzu opened various parts of his body forming a tentacle consisting of hundreds of thick grey tendrils, making him look more vicious. 

While on it, Hidan also quietly put his weapon back and secretly did a circle ritual again where he stood, but Kaito with his Observation Haki noticed it.




Hearing Kaito's calling her, Yuu, who had been hiding finally came out and faced Hidan, who wanted to continue his ritual to kill Asuma. 


Using the iconic scythe she owned, Yuu swiftly slashed Hidan from the side, forcing Hidan to block instead to continue his ritual.



"Where do you come from?! Damn it, stop interrupting my ritual!" (Hidan)

However, Yuu doesn't stop attacking him, forcing Hidan to continue engaging in a scythe battle with her. Naturally, fighting against Yuu who has experience of a hundred years using the same type of weapon, Hidan falls into a disadvantage despite the unique shape of his weapon.




"Hidan, retreat--"


Realizing his partner needed help as he could tell Hidan was getting oppressed, Kakuzu wanted to offer him some help. Unfortunately, Kaito won't let him do that as he immediately appears in front of Kakuzu and delivers a punch to his face.

Luckily, as a ninja who has lived more than 90 years, his battle instinct allows him to react and block it using his 'tendrils'.



Even then, Kaito devil's innate strength + haki proved a bit too much for Kakuzu to block, as Kakuzu still got knocked away several meters from impact.

"Damn, that's hurt!"

Still, Kakuzu managed to land safely and continue launching his Earth Grudge Fear back to counterattack-- but Kaito with teleportation ability just simply too cheating to fight against.

No matter how many times he trusted his tendrils at him, Kaito always teleported around to avoid them as if playing with him. With teleport and Observation Haki combined, he has been the most 'mobile' member in the chat group-- only surpassed by Sakuya.

This made Kakuzu get irritated, while the Konoha team who watched the fight got dumbfounded. Not to mention Hidan who is also oppressed by Yuu, they feel like their struggle earlier against Hidan and Kakuzu seems like a joke.

After a while, Kaito getting bored of avoiding decided to fight back, by teleporting a bit far away behind Kakuzu. Kaito then proceeded to throw several special 'knives' at him which Kakuzu was able to react and able to block with his huge amount of tendrils.

Unfortunately for Kakuzu, it turns out to be a bad decision, since upon impact, those knives immediately turn some part of his tendrils into a stone!


"What?!" (Kakuzu)

"Stone?!" (Konoha)

Realizing the danger of the situation, Kakuzu decides to stop attacking and then cut all parts of the petrified tendrils. Fortunately, this time, Kakuzu made a correct decision, as it stopped the spreading of the petrifying effect on his whole body. 


Such a phenomenon shocked everyone who witnessed it, especially Kakuzu who directly affected it. Kakuzu can't help but feel hopeless right now since he can't think of any way to defeat/escape from Kaito.

Even if he released all mask entities in his back, Kakuzu knew it would be no use at all.

After all, no matter how strong his attack was, it would be useless if it didn't hit. And no matter where you go, it will be useless, since this boy could find you as neither he nor Hidan know how to delete Hiraishin's mark. (Bluff) 

Adding his strange knife that was able to turn anything it attacked into a stone, Kakuzu desperately wanted to escape but still couldn't do that. At this moment, Kakuzu began to hate the teleportation jutsu and understand why the 4th Hokage was so feared back in the day. 

If Kakuzu knew that Kaito still could dispel any jutsu with his right hand or could improve further his physical ability using Eight Gate, he probably wouldn't hesitate to raise a white flag now.


"What was that?" Kakuzu asked cautiously.

"A special knife with various attributes, a product of our village." Kaito perfunctorily answered and then turned at Konoha as he asked, "What do you guys think, Are you guys interested in buying it from us?"

Although promoting his product wasn't part of the earlier plan, Kaito thinks it's a good idea to entice Konoha with their village product-- hence it can be used as some kind of ploy to make them cooperate with their idea.

After all, in his opinion, it worked on Kumogakure, so it should be working too on every other ninja village out there.

"...Kaito-san, I find it amazing but right now it's not the time to promote your product." Shikamaru can't help but complain albeit secretly thinking how those knives work.

Knives that could petrify people upon touch would be more deadly than a poisoned weapon, especially unlike with poison, there is practically no cure to stoned body parts.


"Don't worry, these guys don't pose any threat to us," Kaito said casually which made Kakuzu feel offended.

"Are you looking down at us?"


Kaito nodded at Kakuzu and added, "I thought I needed to be careful fighting against you, but it seems I overestimated you guys."

Compared to his training with Sakuya and Miya, the fighting between him and Kakuzu is like playing around. Of course, Kaito never underestimates his enemy, but at this point, Kaito just feels tired and wants to end this 'useless' fight.

His ability and skillset completely suppress Kakuzu-- as he doesn't have any way to attack him. At this moment, Kaito realizes how strong he has become-- and the only reason he didn't realize this sooner was because his sparring partners were people far stronger than him like Sakuya.


"Anyway, that's enough for an impression of today." Kaito who felt they had wasted too much time and had enough gaining Konoha's favor decided to end this facade as he called his partner, "Yuu-san, it's the time."

Hearing what Kaito said, Yuu finally stopped continuously attacking (torturing) Hidan, which confused everyone.  

However, just shortly after that, a feeling of dread comes out of Yuu (release of magic power) and affects everyone in the area--- like they were getting affected by conquerer haki.


Kaito, who knows what will happen, didn't hesitate to immediately use his teleportation + system assist using points to bring the Konoha team out of there. At first, Kaito thought to capture these Akatsuki members, but when he heard from Raikage that Deidara managed to escape from Kumo, Aika suggested they should kill them off instead.

Anyway, they don't need information from prisoners nowadays, as there's Obito and Itachi as the spy on their rank.



Looking at Kaito and Konoha disappeared instantly, Both Kakuzu and Hidan realized they might be in danger. Obviously, they also attempted to escape as fast as possible using reverse summoning, but unfortunately, it was too late for them--- since it only took Yuu a single syllable word to finish them off.



At that moment, the area surrounding Yuu instantly changed from a fragrant nature full of life into a lifeless land.

The trees immediately lost all of their leaves, withered and leaving a hollow thin dark bark, all the grasses became shriveled and darkened and the wind instantly stagnated in the area. Even birds and insects within the area also fall to the ground and become lifeless with their eye open-- as if something sucked the soul from all of them.

Affected by it, Both Hidan and Kakuzu don't even have a chance to scream before die-- and just fall off to the ground with a look of horror on their faces. In front of the buggy ability of reality warping, even an immortal would get killed.

Kaito admitted that in terms of flexibility, Yuu is the number one in the chat group, easily surpassing anyone in the group including him since her main ability is literally like making a wish.

"...What was that ability?" Shikamaru muttered with clear fear in his eyes.

"...Yuu ability." Kaito answered calmly, "She is one of our strongest members, and that ability is the reason for that."

On the other hand, Konoha who was teleported by Kaito is currently experiencing shock, horror, fear, and confusion about what just happened--- as they look in the direction where Yuu stands alone wearing her knight armor in the center of the dark lifeless land.

At this moment, Shikamaru, who felt how absurd Yuu's power was to kill everything around her with a single word vowed to report to the Hokage later and asked her to never make enemies of Kaitogakure. 

1 chapter update per week will be my schedule for now until I slowly readjust back to my old schedule.

Also, my action writing scene is not the best so I apologize if something is confusing. Another long chapter with 2.6k+ words here by the way.


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