The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

21. Persuading the Protagonist.


Later that night after Kaito meet Itachi, Minato was back at Izumo Inn with his Sekirei including the new ones.

"Welcome back." Kaito greets them, as he currently sitting in the main lobby eating oranges.

Kaito takes a look at Minato, and he quickly notices behind him, beside Minato's old Sekirei, there is an arrogant-looking long-haired blonde girl who looked vigilantly at Kaito. 

Kaito quickly recognizes her as Tsukiumi, the water Sekirei, and concludes that It seems the plot really moving ahead of the schedule. 

Still, the result is still about the same as the plotline. And his initial plan should be not changed.

Minato quickly greet him back and asked, "Uh, hey Kaito-san... how the meeting goes?"

"It goes very well. But I can't explain it here. If you wanted, we can move into my room so I can begin to explain the result." Kaito explained.

"Uh, I am sorry for today..." Minato apologized.

"No problem." Kaito shook his head and then looked at the new girl behind him, "Anyway, Minato nii-san, the girl behind you..." Kaito pretended to be curious.

Minato quickly realizes what Kaito means, wants to explain, "Ah, this is--" 

"Husband, Is this the ashikabi of that ice Sekirei?" Tsukiumi who has been quiet behind Minato suddenly asked and cut in their conversation.

"Y-Yes. His name is Kaito." Minato introduced.

"Husband?" Kaito 'curiously' asked again.

Minato looked embarrassed and answered, "She is my Sekirei, Tsukiumi. For some reason, he called me her husband... although we are not married or anything by the way!"

Kaito who actually knows all of this still pretended to be curious and teased, "Ohoo... A new girl, Minato nii-san?" 

"Y-Yes, Kaito-san." Minato gets even more embarrassed.

"Congratulation! Your harem is getting bigger!" Kaito congratulates him sincerely.

Minato getting even more embarrassed, scratch his head and responded, "N-No! It's also thanks to you for sending Akitsu-san to help me. I am probably going to be seriously injured if not her protecting me at a critical moment."

"No problem. You are my allies anyway!" Kaito shrugged.

He did remember Tsukiumi is used to almost killing Minato in their first meeting, and that's the true reason for him to send Akitsu. It was within Kaito's consideration to help him, as from this Minato gets a better impression of him, and a bigger chance for Minato to agree to his actual plan.

 "By the way, where is Akitsu, Minato-san?" Kaito asked, wondering where his Sekirei goes.

"I-I don't know... She went with Itachi-san when we back to Izumo Inn." Minato answered.

Hearing Minato answer, Kaito can't help but think, why did Akitsu follow Itachi? It was not part of the plan at all, although he did have no plan for Akitsu for time being.

Earlier, Kaito told Itachi to explore the east faction to collect information about Higa Izumi, as he might be another unstable factor need to consider before executing their plan. Not to mention Kaito does not have a good impression of him.

Higa Izumi was one of the antagonists in the story, Ashikabi who forced a lot of Sekirei to be winged by him and treat them badly. He owned the big hospital on the east, and in that hospital, there is Ashikabi of Uzume, one of the tenants on this building currently getting treatment on there. Using her Ashikabi as a bargaining chip, he blackmailed Uzume to do things for him, even against her own friend in Izumi inn.

Kaito has got along pretty well with all the tenants here despite only staying for a few days and already considering them as friends. And, while Kaito did not consider himself a hot-blooded protagonist who believes in friendship power, he is also not the kind of person who treats his friend badly.

Still... Back to the topic again, Kaito wondered why Itachi need Akitsu? With his ability, it should be easy to do his request... so Kaito feels suspicious about this. 

Kaito feels that he needs to ask Itachi again later, But for now...

"Alright, Minato nii-san, let's go to my room quickly." Kaito stand up and urged Minato to follow him.

Minato awkwardly scratch his head and asked, "Uh, Kaito-san, Can you wait for a bit? I want to clean myself first."

Looking at Minato who looks dirty after the event with Tsukiumi, Kaito nodded in understanding and answered, "I will wait in my room. You might as well bring Musubi and Kusano with you."



After Minato cleaned his own duty (with an ecchi scene with his own Sekirei), he visited Kaito's room with his Sekirei and Kaito begin to explain the true purpose of the Sekirei Plan and his own 'identity', the same content he told in the alliance meeting.


After the short explanation...

"I can't believe it that Miya-san is the perpetrator of this whole Sekirei plan. And you are here, sent by your organization to stop the whole plan by making Miya-san officially become your Sekirei, right?" Minato summarizes his explanation.

"Yes." Kaito nodded and then asked, "Do you really believe me?" 

Minato shook his head and replied, "Really sounds like a fantasy, but after witnessing yesterday's battle I know you must be not joking. Besides, I don't think you really need to lie to us."

"Umm! Kaito-san really strong!" Musubi added, followed by a nod from Kusano too.

"But... Do you think this is really okay? I mean... Miya was married even though the organization informed me that she has been not touched or their relationship legally approved either." Kaito said as he pretended to feel bad in front of Minato. 

The purpose of this is to get sympathy from Minato and make sure the protagonist did not hinder his plan. Kaito didn't know whether the protagonist's action could possibly affect his plan to destroy the plot itself in this world, but he just doesn't want to take a risk. He won't underestimate the role of the protagonist of the world, specifically when the task itself required him to be in the same camp as him.

Minato who hears what Kaito said quickly become embarrassed for a while but then he quickly responded to Kaito, "I think as the destined Ashikabi, you need to try your best to convince her, Kaito-san."

"Even though she is a widow?" Kaito raised his eyebrow and asked for confirmation whether Minato really feel okay or not about this.

Minato firmly nodded and awkwardly answered, "Uh-huh. I mean, I almost get killed by Tsukiumi but in the end, she still accepted me."

"I am sorry for that husband." Tsukiumi said with remorse.

"I see. Thanks for supporting the plan, Minato nii-san." Kaito said gratefully. 

Knowing Minato won't go against him because of moral, Kaito feels a bit better and think there is a high chance that his plan would succeed.

As Minato also seems to believe his lie 100% and really has a good impression of him, Kaito proceeds to tell the next part of his plan to Minato, "Anyway, since I have been convinced by you that my plan is okay, I will need your extra help Minato-niisan."

"You need my help?" Minato was surprised to hear Kaito's request.

"Yes, each world has the protagonist aka son of destiny and you, actually the protagonist of this world." Kaito explained.


"W-What? I don't believe it! What son of destiny, I just a normal teenager who has failed to enter university repeatedly!" Minato quickly denied it.

"Minato-san amazing!" Musubi commented.

"As expected of my husband." Tsukiumi followed.

"I don't understand but Onii-chan sounds amazing!" Kusano added.

Kaito knows the iron is currently hot as Minato Sekirei seems to support him so Kaito decisively said, "The organization never told wrong info, so this must be true. Because of that, please! Help me Minato-niisan!"

Kaito quickly prostrates on the floor, begging Minato to help him to show his sincerity. Kaito knows that on the day of the plan, Minato needs to take the attention of the Disciplinary squad so they won't disturb Kaito's core plan later.

On other hand, Looking at Kaito begging at him on the floor, Minato feels bad. Kaito has done a lot of things to help them from inviting to Izumo Inn, helping him with rescuing Kusano, and now he even told all of this secret to him. Even though Minato got a feeling Kaito has a purpose for getting close to him, his guts tell him that it was for a good reason.

"Please raise your head, Kaito-san." Minato urged. Noticed Kaito quickly raised his head, Minato answered, "I don't what's the deal about me being the protagonist, but I decided to help you."

Kaito pretended to look astonished and replied, "Thank you, Minato-niisan!"

"Umm." Minato averted his eyes in embarrassment and then asked, "What I should help with?

"Nothing for now. But I will call you later when the organization informs me of the plan... which should be very soon. What I am sure is your role should be important in this plan, and your help is going to be needed." Kaito explained. 

Kaito decided to not tell Minato the core plan yet as he did with Seo and Mikogami. He decides to tell him on the day when the plan is executed, in case he needs to change their plan.

"Also make sure to hide all of this from Miya-san, please." Kaito added and then bowed his head.

Minato nodded and answered, "Don't worry about it." He looks at all the girls behind her, "I will also make sure my Sekirei won't say anything either."


"If Onii-chan said so."

"I will follow the husband's will."


Kaito smiled as he know the foundation of his plan was now fully realized. "Anyway, since we are fully trusting allies now, let me tell you a good piece of information that I got from the organization prophet." Kaito responded to Minato's goodwill.

"What kind of information?" Minato reacted with confusion.

Kaito quickly grinned and replied, "I believe your harem is not completed yet, Minato-niisan."

"W-What? Husband will get another girl again?" Tsukiumi was shocked and there is a clear unwillingness on her face.

Meanwhile, Musubi become enthusiastic and hold Minato's arm with her breast, "Amazing, Minato-san!"

"I am not sure if I should be happy or not, Kaito-san. Is the information really credible?" Minato asked in disbelief.

"Yes. In fact, that's how I know that you will need Akitsu's help today, as we know Tsukiumi would try to kill you during the first meeting."


"Your organization is amazing, Kaito-san!" Musubi applauded.

"Thank you, Kaito-san." Minato sincerely thanked the blonde teenager in front of him. 

Now hearing the reason, Minato feels that everything does make sense. No wonder he feels that Kaito seems to know everything, the reason was because of the organization behind him! Now Minato is more determined to help Kaito with his plan, to end the Sekirei plan and ended this whole bloody battleroyal.

Which is already within Kaito expectation.

Kaito just smiled and added, "Don't worry, your next Sekirei should be really close here and you don't need to walk a far like finding Tsukiumi-san."

Knowing the plot, Matsu the Sekirei Number 2 should be watching Minato right now. Kaito won't even be surprised if Matsu also heard about the contest of alliance meeting at noon. While the soundproof barrier seems to work from the outside, it probably does not prevent anyone to listen from the inside. 

"Anyway, that's all to it. I think both of us are tired, so let's end this meeting."

Kaito actually feel a bit tired of holding this facade against Minato so as soon as his objective was achieved, he wanted to end this as quickly as possible.

"Once again, thank you for sending Akitsu, Kaito-san!" Minato bowed his head to Kaito.

Kaito wave his hand and said, "No problem."


After that, Minato leaves the room, leaving alone Kaito who frowned as he wonders why Itachi needs the help of Akitsu. Getting no idea what is the reason, Kaito decides to ask Itachi from the chat group as he aware none of Itachi or Akitsu got a phone.

He is also curious about what happened these days in the chat group. Lately, Kaito was avoiding opening it nowadays due to Misaka Mikoto having a heyday from mocking him for being slow doing the task.

One day, Kaito promised to pay back all of it later to that girl.


Sorry for the late update, was quite busy irl.


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