The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

27. Allies Gather Together.


While Kaito racks his brain in his own room, both Akitsu and Itachi are on their way to do what Kaito told them. Akitsu went to find Seo, while Itachi went to Mikogami's place, as he has known their side better than Akitsu. The first who meet their target is Seo, since he was closer to reach.


After running around for a while, Akitsu finally spotted Seo with his twin Sekirei, Hikari, and Hibiki walking together. It seems Seo was just back from his construction work and was about way to back their apartment.

Confirming that it's her target, Akitsu quickly approaches them and jumps in front of them from the sky... startled both Seo and his Sekirei.


"Enemy?!" The twin lightning Sekirei quickly reacted by pulling back their Ashikabi, however, they shortly realize it was just Akitsu.


Still, Seo already falls to the ground miserably because of what his Sekirei just did.


Akitsu greets them with her expressionless face as always, not even feeling remorse.

Seo quickly stood up and said, "You... You are that devil boy Sekirei, right? You are here to tell us that boy plan?" 

Akitsu nodded and quickly answered, "Master said, creating chaos tomorrow noon."


Hearing Akitsu's instruction, Seo and his twin Sekirei are confused as they don't really get what she means.

"Creating chaos. Attention." Akitsu added more detail, but Seo still finds it confusing. Seo turned to his Sekirei and asked, "Do you understand, Hikari, Hibiki?" 


"I have no idea."


Seo turned around again to Akitsu again and said, "Miss, We don't really understand what you mean."


Realizing there is a problem with the communication, Akitsu changed her approach and instead tell them, "...Come to the Inn tomorrow morning."

"That's something I could understand." Seo nodded in agreement.


After that, Akitsu simply leaves, back to Kaito's room, and apologized for her lack of communication skills. Kaito of course easily forgives her, for simply the fact he knows that it wasn't her fault, to begin with.


On the other side of Tokyo, Itachi finally arrived where Mikogami Hayato resides in his apartment. There are some Sekirei of him on guards like No.43 Yomi and No.38 Mitsuha, but they let Itachi in as their master already informed Itachi identity before as their allies.

*Knock* *Knock*


"Yess..." Mikogami who currently laying on the sofa watching TV, turned his head around and asked, "Mutsu, can you open the door? It's probably the hotel service or pizza delivery."


Mutsu shook his head in dissatisfaction but still did what his master asked of him. When he opened the door though, Mutsu was surprised that it was Itachi who visited them.

"Good evening." Itachi greeted.

Mutsu smiled and replied, "Come in."

Itachi comes inside, which is then quickly noticed by Mikogami. Like his Sekirei, he was surprised about Itachi's sudden appearance and then excitedly asked, "You are... Kaito lackey! You are here, meaning he is already sorting out the plan, right?"

Itachi ignore being called a lackey and quickly explained, "Owner has decided to do the plan tomorrow, and he asked you to attract M.B.I attention by making chaos and blow of fireworks, but make sure it's far away from Izumo Inn location at noon."

"Making chaos? Blowing fireworks? Can you explain the detail a bit more?" Mikogami becomes interested and he sits properly on the sofa.

"I agree. I would like to listen to what is this plan about and why we need to attract M.B.I attention." Mutsu added.

Itachi begins to unfold what just happened in the Izumo Inn, about Haruka and his Sekirei wanting to escape which Kaito look at it as an opportunity to execute his plan. Mikogami quickly agrees to follow Kaito's plan after listening to Itachi, and also praised him for his very indigenous plan.



On the next day morning... Everyone including the new guest, Haruka, and his Sekirei already sitting together, listening to Kaito's plan in detail. Every tenant is here including Seo and his Sekirei, who surround the table together, the only exception is Miya who stood beside the door for no reason.

"My plan is quite simple, we are going to make a lot of distractions for M.B.I in this city to make sure they got lack manpower before they realize someone tried to escape." 

"Sounds like quite a simple plan" Homura commented.

"Will it work? Who is going to be the distraction? There are a lot of M.B.I armies stationed everywhere from the terminals station, the airport, and highways. Not to mention there are helicopters swept across the city every once in a while!" Haruka explained.

"Don't worry, there is no such thing as 'Perfect Defense'." Kaito proudly answered and then pull out a map of the city, and lay it on the table.

"Here... In the northern area of this city..." Kaito pointed out and explained, "there is a large river called the Araha river running across this area. If you cross this river, M.B.I won't be able to pursue you."


"As expected of Kaito-san!" Minato excitedly commented.

"This... could really work. There is also a bridge there, all you need to do is just to cross it and you will be safe." Homura added.

"Devil boy, you seem really do your homework. Great escape route choice." Seo praised in agreement which just make Kaito smile wryly at him. After all, this is the route that Seo picked in the Original plot and Kaito just reused it.

"Seo-san, why you are here? Free breakfast?" Miya who did not realize Seo was here asked.

Seo repeatedly shook his head to deny it and said, "M-Miya-chan, we are allies you know? Of course, I am here to help!"

"So you don't need to have breakfast?" Miya teased.

"Please give us mercy, Miya-chan!"

Both Seo and his Sekirei dogeza together, while Miya just chuckled out of amusement.


Ignore Seo's antic in the background, Haruka seems convinced with Kaito's plan but then he muttered, "But there should be a guard in there..."

"Yeah, but still better than other escape routes in this city. The bridge is narrow, and M.B.I couldn't really be sent a lot of people to stop you there." Kaito explained and then added shocking information that made everyone speechless, "Besides, we are going to try to attack the M.B.I building to attract their attention."


As if it seems not enough of a surprise, Kaito turn around at Uzume and continue said, "We are also going to attack Higa Izumi headquarters and Mikogami promised they will also create havoc in the southern part of this city, which is his area."

Kaito turns around again to everyone's eyes, open wide his arm, and proudly announced like a madman, "With 3 distractions available, I am sure that was enough to make M.B.I in chaos, and effectively made your escape smoother."


Everyone widened their eyes listening to Kaito's proposal, especially Homura who seems really hate the M.B.I, and Uzume who know his Ashikabi was hospitalized there. Although it sounds crazy, no one here couldn't deny the effectiveness of Kaito's plan and wondered if the boy in front of him is a devil.

Well, he is in fact a devil so their accusation wasn't wrong.

"Attacking the M.B.I headquarter, are you crazy?" Homura asked with a disbelief tone.

"But that could work, right? There is no way they would let their headquarters be attacked so this is the best way to gather their attention." Kaito boasted and then continue said, "Don't worry, we definitely have enough manpower for that. Itachi and Kazehana will do that, while Seo and I are going to attack Higa Izumi's headquarter."


"Anyone else has a question?" Kaito asked.

"I will stay here, preparing every dinner after hard work. but for now, I will prepare the breakfast so excuse me, everyone" Miya said while smiling at everyone, and then quickly leave the room. Kaito thought there is something off behind that smile, but he can't think about something else now.


"I have no objection" Seo stated.

"I will follow the master command" Akitsu added.

"I believe in owner plan" Itachi followed.

"Then, I will believe in this boy plan too" Haruka also followed.

Looking at his allies' positive response, Kaito knows the plan should work well as long everyone followed his plan. The unknown factor is Uzume and Homura, but Kaito also has a way to deal with them.

"...Why do you want to attack that hospital?" Uzume asked while raising her hand and staring at Kaito seriously.

Kaito who anticipated this question coming just smiled and answered, "Of course to save your Ashikabi, Uzume-san."


Kaito's answer almost surprised everyone in here except for Itachi, Akitsu, Kazehana, and Uzume herself as they already know about this fact.

The other did not expect Uzume is a Sekirei, but before the other want to about it, Uzume quickly asked Kaito, "So.. you know. Did Sekirei of the wind tell you?"

Kaito shrugged and explained, "Nope. Never underestimated our information network. Besides..." Kaito stared at Uzume confidently and replied, "I have a way to save your Ashikabi and made sure to cure her."



"Really? You are not lying?" Uzume reacted violently as she slam the table out of surprise.

"Stop underestimating people from another world. Why couldn't cure a simple illness when we are literally able to travel to another world?" Kaito casually answered with confidence.

Last night Kaito find that he can do anything he wanted as long he got enough points, so he asked about how many points to cure Chiho, Ashikabi of Uzume. The answer given by his system is 4000 points, which is not cheap but not too expensive either. For his friend and as a righteous person, he does not mind spending a little point to do that.

"Then, what I will do?" Uzume asked seriously.

"You will help us save your Ashikabi from Higa Izumi. You already know he got an army of Sekirei under him." Kaito answered, which Uzume quickly acknowledged, "I agree."

As a Sekirei who work under Higa Izumi for a while, Uzume know how many forces were below him and the safest route to reach her Ashikabi. She decided to believe in Kaito as she know Kaito was usually really smart... Although his luck is really bad.


The ones who did not react yet are Minato (along with his Sekirei) and Homura. Homura decided to keep quiet and secretly go to follow the team that went to the M.B.I headquarter. Homura is also sure that Kaito should know his secret as a Sekirei, yet decide to not say anything which speaks to the amount of trust that Kaito gives in. 

Minato on other hand raised his hand at the end and asked, "Ano... Kaito-san, I wonder where I should do?"


Kaito quickly apologized, "Ah, I forget about that." Kaito pointed to Haruka who sit beside Minato and said, "You are going to assist Haruka-san directly in case something is going wrong which is the core plan. Haruka-san would definitely need someone to protect him, as his Sekirei is not strong enough to do that. But, your Sekirei is a strong force in this place."

"Umm. I will do my best!" Minato nodded seriously, knowing that his task is probably the most important here.

"Dont worry, with me here, my husband should have no problem." Tsukiumi arrogantly said.

"I will also be going along to find out the best route" Matsu added.

"Umm! I am fired!" Musubi pumped her fist, followed by Kusano who sit beside her.


Looking that everyone is basically sorted (Homura did not count since he does ask so his current identity is a normal human in front of others), Kaito who start to become hungry quickly announced, "Alright... Since the plan is clear, now we just need to wait for a good time to execute the plan. Now, let's enjoy breakfast together."

"I forget to ask this but... When does the plan start?" Haruka asked.

"Lunchtime, when M.B.I guard should also have their break. Just to make sure we have lunch early today." Kaito answered as he begin to lay down on the floor. The other quickly followed suit, either leaving the room or talking with others about random stuff.


Completely setting out all the plans that need to be discussed, everyone enjoyed the breakfast and getting to know each other until the time to execute their plan arrives at noon. (After lunch).


Late update, sorry. Playing eroge instead of writing, it will probably still be like this until I am done with it xD


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