The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

28. The Plan with Full of Deception.


In the southern area station where a lot of M.B.I guards are currently guarding the location, Mikogami and his army of Sekirei currently staring below from the top of the nearest building, waiting for the moment to make chaos according to plan.

"11.50 AM" 

Confirming the time as he looked at his watch, Mikogami turned to his Sekirei No.5. Mutsu and asked, "Nee... Mutsu, we should do it right now, right?"

"10 minutes too early." Mutsu answered.

"But isn't that good? Getting early is a good thing."

Knowing that persuading his master is a useless act, Mutsu just sighed and replied, "Whatever. I think Kaito and Itachi already accounted for your behavior. So just go for it if you want."


Mikogami then turned back, looking at his Sekirei army who stand by behind him, waiting for his command.

"Everyone! This is the time! Make chaos as much as you can!"

""Yes, Master""

Mikogami then wear a clown mask while grinning and yelled, "Time to chaos!"

At that moment, Ignoring his Ashikabi antics, Mutsu launched a very big firework toward the sky, while other Mikogami Sekirei rush to the station to attack the M.B.I guard and their facilities. Certainly, their act attracted the M.B.I to deal with them which is a good thing for Kaito's overall plan... to divide M.B.I attention.


"Kaito, you owe me a big time here!" Mikogami excitedly yelled.

"Hayato, stop standing around and follow me!"

"Don't worry, I believe Mutsu will protect me, right?"

"That required me to close with you, damn it!"


The big fireworks were able to hear and seen across the city, including Izumo Inn where everyone waiting for the signal.



At the same time in Izumo Inn...

"Is it too early?" Seo commented, looking at the big firework in the sky. 

"It's indeed 10 minutes too early." Haruka commented as he look at the time on his phone, "What we should do, Kaito?"

Everyone looks at him from behind, waiting for Kaito idea's about starting too early. Actually, Kaito actually kind of expected this happened, and the time doesn't really matter for the plan, to begin with.

Kaito turned around and answered, "Still... That's the signal. " Kaito then looked at Minato and said, "Minato-niisan, Haruka-san, go north immediately as we have planned."

"I will make sure Haruka-san and his Sekirei will be safe!" Minato stated.

"I will go stick with the plan." Haruka followed.

Their Sekirei also stand up behind their Ashikabi quietly, knowing how important their mission is. A total of 7 people are going to the north.

Kaito then look at Itachi and explained, "Itachi, Kazehana, go to M.B.I headquarter"

Itachi silently nodded while his Sekirei, Kazehana answered, "We will do our best~"

Kaito then takes a peek at the roof and finds Homura in his costume silently observing them. Kaito guesses that he will follow Itachi in this plan, which is a good thing for him. 

It would ruin Kaito's whole plan if Homura stayed in Izumo Inn.

And lastly, Kaito turn around to Akitsu who in his right, and stated, "Seo, Akitsu, Uzume, and me, we are going to Higa Izumi hospital in the east to save Uzume-san Ashikabi."

"Yes, Master." Akitsu answered.

"Our team is packed!" Seo excitedly yelled.

"I will make sure to safe Chiho!" Uzume said with a fiery look in her eyes, but also looks grateful at Kaito.


Kaito back turn to everyone again and asked, "Is there any question?"

Everyone shook their head together quietly, which mean they understood each of their respective roles. Kaito who knows there is no need for more speech turns around and leads the team while commanding, "Let's go!"


"Have a safe trip. Be careful and make sure you will come back safely." Miya stood at the door alone, waving her hand at everyone.

"Don't worry landlord, I will protect Minato-san!" Musubi enthusiastically answered.

"Ahahah... We will do our best." Minato added.

"Miya-san... I will come back with one more person." Uzume followed.

"I will wait." Miya smiled.


Everyone quickly answered enthusiastically, trying to reassure Miya by saying that they will be fine. Some did not answer such as Kaito co and Seo, because they know the Inn is the actual center stage of this plan.



Shortly after, Everyone leaves the Izumi Inn together toward their respective destination and goal.

First, there is an M.B.I raid team consisting of Itachi and Kazehana moving together. From the discussion earlier in the morning, it was said that their target was to attack the M.B.I headquarter in order to gain their attention. However, their actual target was not to do that M.B.I but to steal their Jinki to complete the group task.

"Ashikabi-kun, we are seems getting followed." Kazehana said to Itachi as they are jumping roof to roof.

"I know. But don't worry, she is not an enemy." Itachi calmly answered. Watching the memories of this world from the chat group, Itachi himself of course aware of Homura's hatred toward the M.B.I and choose not to do anything about it.


Kazehana who believed his Ashikabi words nodded in agreement and did not say anything either, quietly following him from behind.

On other hand, Homura who followed them did not know that he is already discovered. Homura's plan was to observe their act on M.B.I headquarter first, depending on what is their goal, Homura either will help or interfere with their task.



At the same time in the northern area, Minato and Haruka have arrived at the bridge because they are closer compared to another team destination. (Izumo Inn is already in the north). However, both of them find a problem here where there are still a lot of guards stationed in the bridge because it is not still exactly lunch break yet.


"There is still a lot of guards close to the bridge..." Minato muttered as he take a peek at the bridge from far. There are more than 10 guards standing on the bridge, followed by multiple military cars.

"It seems we can only go until they leave for a lunch break or just go?" Haruka suggested.

"I want to wait, but let's ask other opinions first." Minato answered, and then he turned around to his Sekirei, "What do you guys think?"

"I will follow Onii-chan's decision," Kusano replied.

"I will have the same!" Musubi followed.

"Well... Both have their own advantage, I will follow what do you want, husband." Tsukiumi added.

Looking at his Sekirei pretty much followed him except for Matsu who strangely become quiet, Minato turned at her and asked, "How about you, Matsu-san?"

Matsu who knows the truth of this plan and realizes this was far enough from Izumo Inn, denied Minato's ideas and then seriously said, "Everyone, listen."


Everyone including Haruka and his timid Sekirei pays attention to Matsu immediately, as she quickly explains, "Actually... We don't really need to escape this city at all."

"What do you mean Matsu?"

Haruka knows there is no way his Sekirei would survive against other Sekirei so he frowned and is confused at what just Matsu stated. Minato and others also feel the same, but they choose to be silent, believing Matsu got a reason for that.

Matsu solemnly nodded and explained, "Kaito's plan was never been about to help you to escape. The real plan was about to give Kaito the opportunity to end the Sekirei Plan." 


"Stopping the entire Sekirei plan? Is that possible? There is literally an army of M.B.I everywhere here." Haruka was taken aback by the revelation. Minato and his Sekirei have a general idea of what is all about nodded in understanding, they just did not expect the plan was for today so he actually equally as shocked as Haruka.

"You do not need to provoke M.B.I to stop Sekirei Plan. We just need to stop the mastermind behind this plan."


After that, Matsu then quickly explained the identity of Miya the queen of Sekirei, Her relation with the Sekirei Plan, Her history, and what Kaito need to do to achieve that... Which is persuading Miya to be winged by him despite her being in fact a widow.


After listening to all Matsu's explanations, everyone was really surprised at the revelation. Minato especially feels stupid for not realizing it earlier, while Haruka never expects Kaito's plan was so complicated and full of layers of deception.

"Why you did not tell me earlier, Matsu-san?" Minato asked with a bit of frustration.

"Umm, you should tell us something this important earlier." Tsukiumi also followed.

Matsu just smiled hearing the accusations and answered, "It is to make sure the plan worked well. Kaito said that we need to cheat our allies before we were able to cheat our enemies."

"Well... It's clearly worked very well. So, Kaito will confront Miya-san today..." Minato muttered but also sighed in relief. After listening to Matsu's answer, He now understands why Kaito told no one told him about this. After all, if he knows about this earlier... Minato himself was not sure if he was able to pretend to act normally in front of others.

He is bad at lying, and Minato knows it very well.

"Can we help him?" Musubi suddenly suggested, looking seriously at Matsu.

Matsu quickly reject her idea and replied, "No, it's his own battle. All we need right now actually to make sure the M.B.I is occupied with all of us so they don't disturb the communication between Miya-san and Kaito."

"Damn, I admit it now, that boy is really scary. I wonder what is going on with his brain." Haruka muttered with admiration. After thinking it for a while, Haruka decides to agree with Matsu's idea. Compared to leaving the city to escape with his Sekirei, it is better for them to end the Sekirei Plan... which should be good for everyone.

"So, the conclusion, we are attacking? Pretend to want to cross the bridge." Tsukiumi raised her hand and asked.

Minato who pretty much agree with Matsu's ideas nodded and answered, "Let's gather attention. I believe in Kaito-san plan."

The rest of the team also choose to believe in Minato's words and immediately choose to show themselves on the bridge, to gain M.B.I attention. They pretended to want to cross the bridge and attacked M.B.I personnel, which make M.B.I ask for reinforcement... making M.B.I attention centered on them.


Minato does not know what he did going to make his mother very angry at him later. (He does not know that his parent worked on M.B.I yet unlike the original plot-- hell, his real parent is Minaka Hiroto, the madman).


At the same time after Matsu just explains the truth about Kaito's plan, In the eastern area of the city, Uzume, Akitsu, and Seo run together to Higa Izumi hospital. Well... except Seo and his Sekirei, because he is much slower than running Sekirei or an elite ninja-like Itachi so he pretty much was left behind.


"Kaito-san, are you sure this plan will work? Higa Izumi has a lot of people behind him you know" Uzume asked curiously while running behind him.

Looking at the surroundings and thinking that they should be already far enough, 'Kaito' suddenly stop running and answered Uzume, "It's already far enough from Izumo Inn..."

"What do you mean, Kaito?" Uzume was confused about what Kaito just said to her. Kaito did not say anything to her, and Akitsu who know the truth also choose to be quiet. Well, Akitsu knows her communication skill suck and it's better for Itachi to explain.



A cloud of white smoke appeared from where 'Kaito' stood, and when it was clear... there is Itachi who stands beside Uzume.  

Uzume who was shocked and confused about what happened asked, "Itachi? Where is Kaito? What is going on?"

Itachi turned at Uzume and explained, "It is a shadow clone jutsu. My real self still going to M.B.I headquarter along with Kazehana. Basically, this is just my real clone that pretended to be owner using transformation jutsu."

Kaito was never going to the east with Akitsu, to begin with, he asked Itachi to disguise himself as himself with a shadow clone and at the right time, Kaito switched with the clone and hide until Kaito was sure there is no one around anymore in the Inn... which the time when Kaito will confront Miya without any disturb from an outsider.

Listening to Itachi, Uzume who got an idea about what happened become frowned and asked, "Kaito was lying to me? Where he is?"

"Owner is never going with us in the first place. We still going to rescue your Ashikabi as we already planned in the morning."

Uzume who hears that they will still be going to rescue Chiho feels relieved, but then she curiously asked, "If Kaito is not going with us, where he is? Why does he need to lie to me in the first place?"

"It's because the owner is going to confront the real mastermind behind of the Sekirei plan alone and to make sure she was not suspicious about this, the owner needs to make sure there are much fewer people know about this truth." Itachi explained.

"The real planner of Sekirei? Minaka Hiroto?"

Itachi shook his head and answered, "The landlord of Izumo Inn, Asama Miya."


Hearing the revelation, Uzume was really surprised. She has been living in Izumo Inn for a very long time and didn't even aware of this. Uzume also did not doubt what Itachi just told her, after all, their organization was also discovering the truth of her identity as Sekirei and the circumstances in the detail.

Uzume also quickly make guessed that their organization plan was to stop the Sekirei plan but before she was able to ask, Itachi continue said, "Let's keep moving. I will explain what is going on and I hope you will cooperate with us."

While moving together, Itachi begins to explain shortly about Miya's identity and her history as Matsu did explain with Minato and Haruka about the northern area. Akitsu still slowly followed and listened to them from behind without saying anything, while Seo was still left behind and still unable to catch up.


Did not want to end the chapter here, but the chapter is already too long lol. Next is the fight scene... god please bless me, I am never good at writing them lmao.


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