The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

69. Change of the Initial Plan.


After finishing the 74th boss, Kaito and his group went back to Crocodile tavern before returning to their headquarters... since it's something they always do after traveling for years.  The moment they appeared on the second floor, Crocodile, and Robin quickly greet them and call their work to serve them immediately. It's not the first time Kaito appeared here without notice on the 2nd floor, thus everyone is not surprised about their sudden appearance.

While everyone ordered their drink, Kaito asked Crocodile to talk privately with him to talk about something important. Before coming here, Kaito already told his girls about this, and they agree to give their leader time to be alone since he barely has it nowadays.

Crocodile who doesn't mind quickly agrees and invites him to his private room-- so they could talk without anyone bothering them together.


"So what do you want to talk about? It must be something important that you need to hide this in front of everyone and without prior notice." Crocodile asked immediately the moment Kaito sit on the chair.

"Directly jump to the gun, huh?" 

Crocodile lit up his cigar and muttered, "Well, for a businessman... Wasting a time isn't my taste, Owner." 

Knowing there is no use in chattering, Kaito nodded and begin to ask, "Alright, then. What do you think about our initial plan to make the protagonist discover Kayaba's identity like what happened in the memories?"

"Hmm... Let me say, the plan would be impossible to achieve after everything that happen in these 2 years. " Crocodile answered with an unpleasant face and then explained, "Knight of Blood and Heathcliff exist in this world, but the main heroine isn't affiliated with them by any means. Both Kirito and Asuna are part of our guild now-- which made the protagonist won't have any conflict with that guild either."

"Well... You got all of them right, Crocodile. With our situation, there is no way the protagonist would figure it out himself." Kaito confirmed his explanation.

Thanks to the first optional task to make an ally with Kirito, Kaito had no choice but to invite him to the guild in order to complete the task. Asuna is also a bit of a lost case, as she already have a good relationship with the second group long before the guild was even established. It's no surprise Erina's group asked Kaito to invite Asuna too and he couldn't even refuse 


"Since you realize it too, Actually, I am here to tell you my new plan."

"So you are here to ask my opinion about your new plan before telling it to others?" 

Kaito didn't respond to his assumption and continued said, "Do you remember how Kirito was sure about Heathcliff's identity in the first place, Crocodile?"

"It was... During the 75th-floor boss raid, right? The protagonist realizes his identity from observing Heathcliff's HP bar that never goes into the red during the boss battle. Added to the fact about their previous duel weirdness, the protagonist is sure about his assumption." Crocodile explained.

"Then my new plan is simple, we just to make a similar situation or worse during the 75th boss raid so the protagonist or any players outside our group members could notice Heathcliff's perfect performance." Kaito proposed his plan with confidence. 


"By making the 75th boss mutate and forcing Heathcliff to confront the boss directly in front of everyone. In the memories, he was discovered by Kirito because Heathcliff put a such 'good' performance in front of a very hard boss, and if he fights against the mutated boss..."

"He would have more chance to be discovered by other players." Crocodile followed, quickly understanding what Kaito wanted to do. Basically, instead of relying on the protagonist to discover Heathcliff, this plan would widen the scope of all the participants.

"...This plan, sounds really unreliable. There are so many things that could go wrong. Kirito first clue about his identity was during his duel conflict with Kirito, and in this world-- it doesn't happen." Crocodile stared at him and asked, "Why are you sure that the 75th boss would mutate, Owner?"

Kaito who anticipated this question then explained, "A few weeks ago I asked the system whether the number of players participating in the raid boss does become a factor in the mutation, and the system did confirm my question with yes."


Out of 74 bosses he has been fighting against, only 17 of them turn out to be mutated-- and he also notices at least 80% of this mutation happens when there are a lot more players participating during the raids. Using this info, He asked the system for confirmation about his idea. At first, the system refused to answer-- but when he asked how many points it require to answer his question, the system asked him 10000 points which Kaito quickly give in.

Even though the system still refused to answer his old question about the reason behind all of the mutation (and need a ridiculous amount of points when he asked), what it just did basically confirm Kaito's suspicion about the system behind all of this. Not does it helps Kaito by any means, but he learn to not trust the system from now on.


"Interesting information." Crocodile smoke his cigar and then said, "So, your plan is..."

"We just need to multiply the participant in the 75th-floor boss raid to make the mutation on the boss happen. It shouldn't be hard since we have more than 1000 clearers in reserve nowadays." Kaito explained his plan.

"...But then potentially a lot of players would get killed--


Before Crocodile was able to complete his sentence, he quickly realizes Kaito obviously aware of that consequence and that's probably the reason why he wants to privately talk with him.  Because of that, shortly after Crocodile ended up bursting out laughing and then said, "Hahahaha!! You are insane, Owner! I thought you are trying your best to keep your good reputation in the chat group."

"I do still want to keep my reputation." Kaito shook his head and continue said, "Even I hide this plan from my girls and only told you here." 

"Ohh? Why did you trust me? I thought I was one of the members that couldn't be trusted in the chat group." 

"Because I know you won't be against this plan. Besides, I am here to make a deal with you, Crocodile." 

"A deal?"

"Yes. I am willing to pay you another 50000 points if you agree to persuade the chat group to execute this plan on my behalf."

Hearing Kaito's proposal, Crocodile immediately understands what he wants to do with him. Basically, Kaito wanted Crocodile to be the one who proposed to increase the participants of the 75th-floor boss raid and lead this plan, not Kaito himself in order to keep his good name among the chat group members.

All members will be suspicious of Kaito of the mutation that occurred in the 75th-floor boss because Kaito's position as Owner makes him easy for others to suspect. Plus Kaito has a history of hiding things from the other members (like during live streaming features), no doubt coming up with a plan like this would tarnish his reputation. However, if Crocodile proposed this plan, no one can blame him since he is just like every other member who doesn't know anything. Even if some members get suspicious about him, nothing will actually happen since everyone knows Crocodile has never been a good guy, to begin with.


"Tempting. I see, being an owner gives you a lot of income." Crocodile said but there is clear excitement in his tone. Obviously, he won't refuse this deal, especially when Crocodile himself is eager to get stronger by any means.

"So, what it's your answer?" Kaito asked again, neither admitting nor denying his accusation. 50000 points might be a lot, but compared to all the points he would get after this task-- Kaito would still reap a lot of benefits from it-- if he was able to make every optional task completed.

"It's a great plan. Although, let me ask first... how do you plan to make Heathcliff go all-out fight against the boss directly during the battle? He might be a frontliner but he is not stupid to confront the boss alone in front of everyone." Crocodile asked.

"I am sure he will... I think. The last time mutation happened on the boss raid, Heathcliff asked me whether I have clue about what is happening, with a frowning face, which means he is also clueless about this situation and eager to find out."


Kaito take a sip of his drink and continue to explain, "If Kayaba was forced into a situation where everyone in the boss room could be wiped out including his own guild members-- I am sure he doesn't have any choice but put out some tricks or even better-- reveal his own identity in front of others." Kaito answered with confidence.

"It is uncertain, Owner." Crocodile scoffed.

Kaito nodded and replied, "Yeah, but I am willing to bet on that uncertainty."

"Did you forget your bad luck?"



Crocodile laughs very hard looking at Kaito who has a troubled smile reacting to his question. After 2 years, every chat group member is already aware of their owner's bad luck and sometimes they make fun of him-- like now. Kaito can't even retort back, he knows betting is something he shouldn't do at any cost.

"Let me change the question, Owner. Are you 100% sure your plan would work?"

Kaito shook his head and answered, "I am not, but if you have a better plan I am willing to listen."

"If I have a better plan, I would already propose it to you instead of your crazy plan." Crocodile snorted.

"That's true."


After that, Crocodile asked Kaito to give him more time to consider, to which Kaito quickly agree. Kaito is aware that his plan would possibly worsen Crocodile's reputation among the chat group so he might really need to think about it. To be honest, Kaito probably won't execute the plan if Crocodile disagrees-- and perhaps simply reveal Kayaba's identity later on.

While this action would fail their last optional task, Kaito know they didn't have enough time to finish 100 floors in less than a half year, and who know if the game would become even more dangerous later on. They would still get a portion of the optional task reward anyway since they already completed the first and second optional tasks a long time ago.


"Well, enough about your crazy plan, Owner. Do you have anything more to say?" Crocodile asked, changing the topic.

"Not really... You know I am so busy that I also barely opened the chat group nowadays..." Kaito shook his head and said, "Perhaps talking about my birthday party... but I know you are not interested in attending like last year."

"Who knows? If it got a good wine and outstanding dishes, I will consider attending."

"Really? Well... I will talk to Erina about your proposal." Kaito smiled

Since living here, the members have always wanted to celebrate Kaito's birthday even though he never celebrated it in Highschool DxD. Kaito actually doesn't really like it since others never celebrate their birthday the way he did (big party), but Aika explained that with his position as a guild leader-- celebrating his birthdays would keep the guild's influence and prestige maintained.

Well, for compensation Kaito left all his birthday matters to groups 2 and 3 (Erina and Aika's group), because he didn't have time to take care of things like that. Through the chat group this morning, they announced that this year the event would be held at the same location as last year. Kaito is looking forward to what they have prepared this year because last year's birthday event was quite interesting.

"Ah... Speaking of your birthday party event, Suddenly I have an idea, Owner." 


"We can ask Kirito and Heathcliff put out a duel performance during your birthday party in the name of celebration to replace the missing event in the memories. With that happening, perhaps we don't need to execute your plan." 


Hearing Crocodile's brilliant idea, Kaito then grabbed his shoulder and excitedly said, "Damn, that's a really good idea!"

After that, Crocodile and Kaito started discussing his birthday event as well as planning how to execute Crocodile's idea until Sakuya call Kaito out to go back to the headquarter-- as apparently, they didn't realize they were talking until late at night.


Late update, I am just busy in real life working my ass before the holiday. I also ended up rewriting this chapter 2 times before I give up to make this chapter a bit more fun and just wing it.


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