The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

70. Paperwork and Fate Request.


In the early morning when Kaito just woke up, he found himself sleeping alone in his own room without any girls in sight. Kaito is confused about what is happening since usually either Miya or Sakuya would wake him up every morning. 

However, shortly after he found a piece of paper on the desk beside his bed, which tell Kaito that the girls are going shopping together-- and Kaito immediately understood what they are doing. It's no need to be smart to guess what the girls wanted to do probably wanted to find presents for him since his birthday would come in 3 days.

Knowing his girls should be fine, Kaito decide to go wash and went to the dining room for breakfast. He just hope Sakuya or Miya still remember his breakfast though, otherwise, Kaito might need to go to Totsuki Chef Restaurant in the early morning.

The moment he opened the door to the dining room (which is about the same size as their meeting room in the home base world), Kaito quickly greeted by Nanoha and Fate who seems already started breakfast on their own. "Ah, the Owner is here, Fate-chan. Good morning!" 

"Umm... Good morning, Owner."

After 2 years of living in this world, Obviously, both of them also growing in this world. Their appearance getting close to their teenage appearance, their innocence and childish have been reduced a lot and giving an aura of someone who is responsible. Both of them even almost the same 'development' as Misaka Mikoto despite 5 years younger than herself... Which shows how much beautiful they would turn out to be in the future.

"Hello, Nanoha-chan, Fate-chan. It's rare to see both of you here." Kaito greets them back with a smile. 

"Umm! Aika-san told us your birthday is coming soon so today we want to pick your birthday present!" 

"Nanoha! That supposed to be a secret!" 

"Oops! Owner, forget what I just said!"

"Pffft." Kaito who is holding his laugh quickly replied, "Don't worry, I will pretend to not hear anything just now."

"Ah, that's good! See, everything is going to be alright!" Nanoha said, believing Kaito's bluff on her.

"Nanoha..." Looking at her oblivious friend, Fate wanted to scold Nanoha but living with her for years made her understand that won't do anything for her beloved friend.

Because of that Fate decides to bow to Kaito and apologize, "I am sorry for Nanoha, Owner."

"Don't worry, she did nothing wrong." Kaito shrugged and then asked, "Did Sakuya or Miya leave me something that I could eat for breakfast?"

Fate shook her head and replied, "Emmm... I don't know. How about you, Nanoha?"

"I don't know either." Nanoha also shook her head.

"If you don't mind, I can try to cook for you, Owner." Fate offered herself.

"Hmm... It's okay." Kaito refused and then said, "Perhaps I should just ask Aika, she should know something."

At that moment, Aika's voice suddenly come behind him as she answered, "Yes, your breakfast is with me, Owner."


Kaito quickly turn around, realizing Aika might have been waiting for him for a while since he blocked the door, "Ah, Aika-san Good morning."

"Aika nee-san. Good morning!"

"Group leader, Good morning."

"Good morning, Kaito, Nanoha, and Fate." Aika greet them back and looked at Kaito who seems to be alone, "Hmm... it's rare to see you alone. Where is your harem?" 

"Everyone went to do their own routine and I am here perhaps going to be stuck with paperwork" Kaito responded with a troubled smile.

"Pufufufu... I don't think you have the right to say that." Aika then suddenly give Kaito a malicious stare and grudgingly said, "Guess who mostly spends their time working on someone else paperwork because he is too busy adventuring for years with his harem?"


"I-I am sorry, please forgive me. I promise to pay you back later." Kaito quickly apologizes, aware that he is indeed wrong in this matter.

Hearing his promise, Aika quickly changed her tone to normal and answered, "Is that so? I guess that's fine. An owes to the leader of the chat group are quite priceless." 


Kaito suddenly has a bad feeling about this, but since he's already said it to Aika he can't really take it back. 

Didn't he know that this particular promise would give Kaito a lot of trouble in the future.


After having breakfast with others, as he already planned Kaito is now stuck in his office room working on the paperwork that he needs to personally deal with. Thankfully Fate chooses to help Kaito while others also leave the headquarters, including Aika and Nanoha who just stay breakfast with them earlier. Basically, they are the only ones left in the whole building aside from NPC.

"Owner, here." Fate delivers a stack of paper to Kaito's table. After that, she quietly stood beside Kaito, acting like Sakuya usually does when she is with him.

"Thank you for helping, Fate. Are you sure you are okay not going out with Nanoha?" 

Fate shook her head and answered, "It's fine. She went outside with Silica nee-san, for your present. I already get your present on other day so there is no use to follow her, Owner." 

"I see..." 

Knowing the paper won't solve on its own, Kaito begin to look at the paper as he read out the content, "Let's see... First off... Uta is requesting more funds for concert costumes... Huh?"

Kaito who was dumbfounded at what he just read can't help but said, "What kind of stupid request is this?"

"Uta nee-san should be the richest person among us, why she asked for more funds?" Fate who stood beside Kaito also commented in confusion.

"Either she truly broke or the costume that she wanted to get is truly expensive. No way, I would accept this." Kaito replied and then quickly throw Uta's requested paper into the trash bin.

"Owner, would you like me to filter and read the content of the paperwork for you?" Fate offered which made Kaito confused.

"U-Uh... Why?" 

"I want to help." Fate answered with a convincing tone.


"Thank you!"

"No, it's me who should say that, Fate... Well, let's keep moving."


Since Kaito feel there is nothing wrong with trying to help, obviously Kaito accepted her offer. It doesn't help that Fate is also kind of a similar blonde girl to Ravel-- also sharing a bit trait of a personality being caring, smart, and attentive to her surrounding.

Hearing Kaito's confirmation, Fate quickly drags a chair into his table and sits beside him. After that, she quickly filtered which request is necessary and unnecessary for Kaito to check and then begin to read the paper for Kaito to listen.

"Here... Erina nee-san wanted to request to open more branches of her restaurant on other floors. The purpose of this is to spread more influence while also reaching more players in this world to become happier." 

"That's... not a bad idea at all." Kaito quickly gives his opinion.

"Indeed. But Erina nee-san needs to be careful with players she is going to trust with the business." Fate suggested.

"You are right." Kaito agreed by nodding at her and then continue said, "But I will still accept her request because I believe in Erina's capabilities."

"Here, Owner." Fate gives the Erina request paper to Kaito after hearing his confirmation, which Kaito quickly receives and stamps with approval.

"Here is the next paper..." Fate continue picked up the next paper and read it again, "Itachi nii-san wanted to borrow money from the guild to buy a house on the 35th floor. The purpose is to make his new wife happy, which is not good because it doesn't benefit the guild itself."

Fate smiled and continued, "But I am aware the Owner really cares about Itachi nii-san so I'm not filtering it off." 

"Good job, Indeed you are right I really care about Itachi." Kaito sincerely praised Fate for her careful observation.

"Was it the place for Christmas event a year ago? The town on that floor was a really good location." Kaito said while remembering his old memories.

"Yes, Owner." Fate nodded and continue to explain, "It was the floor where the Christmas event happened. That event gives the player an item where you can revive someone who just died in under one hour." 

"Was the item is on our warehouse? I think you guys won that event back then." 

"Yes. It was our group that win the event and has been unused since then." Fate answered with a bit of pride.

"I see" Kaito nodded and muttered, "It would be great if it stays unused though, we don't want anyone to die in this world." 

"You are right, Owner."


After thinking for a while, Kaito crumpled the Itachi request paper in his hand and throw it into the trash bin which surprised Fate. 

However, before she was able to ask, Kaito quickly explain his answer, "I will reject this request since he doesn't need to borrow from the guild. I will personally send my own money later to help Itachi and Kazehana buy their new house.


Hearing his answer, Fate quickly commented with a surprised tone, "Owner, you are so kind." 

"This is nothing. In my opinion, Itachi deserves to be happy after everything he has been experiencing... Including you... Fate-chan."


"Obviously I am aware you should be here for something. Why do you want to help me today, Fate? Just tell me, you don't need to do all of this to request from me." Kaito asked her seriously.

Knowing Kaito has seen her motive through and believes Kaito is a good person, she nodded and answered, "...I heard from Aika-san you probably have a way to revive a dead person back to live." 

Before Kaito was able to respond, Fate then quickly prostrate on the floor,  grab Kaito's right hand, and with a desperate tone requested, "Owner... Can you help me revive my mother back?"


Hearing Fate's request, Kaito immediately understands what is happening and the reason why Fate's unusual behavior around him today. 

According to Nanoha, everything that happened in her world still following to what actually happened in the memories with only a small difference-- which means the end of Fate's mother, Precia still ended the same. 

From what he could remember from Magical Lyrical Nanoha, at the end of the plot Precia used Jewel seed that has been collected by Fate to open an unstable dimensional portal to go into Al-Hazard the ancient capital of the magical world, in order to retrieve tools that could resurrect her real daughter, Alicia Testarossa. It was never stated whether Precia successfully passed there or not, although most of the fans agree Precia shouldn't survive the whole ordeal.

Understanding the problem, Kaito can't help but stare at Fate with pity. Kaito knows that in the plot, Precia never looks at Fate like her actual daughter. For her mother, Fate is just a replacement and a tool to achieve her goal since she is just a clone of Alicia, her actual biological daughter. Despite all of that, it seems She still wants to find her mother and thought Kaito could help her. Although The problem is... he doesn't know how to help her situation with his own ability.

...Actually, he can only think to ask the system to help solve her problem, but Kaito expects it would require a massive amount of points to be consumed even if it just asking for the location of her mother... Which at the moment is not feasible at all.


"I will do anything to make it happen, Owner! I will even sell myself to you!" Fate said in clear distraught and almost crying, noticing he seems troubled at her request. 

Kaito who can't see a girl that shares a bit similar appearance to Ravel crying in front of him quickly tries to appease her and said, "No... Listen to me, Fate! First off, We still don't know if your mother is truly dead!"

"I promise I will help you to find your mother later." Kaito said with a convincing tone.


"Yes, I promise. Now please calm down, okay?" Kaito said with a reassuring tone. 


"Owner... Thank you. You are so kind like Nanoha said." Fate's eyes brightly lit up with admiration and then continued said, "Now I understand why there are a lot of people trying to get close to you in the chat group... You are really kind. Owner.."

"You're welcome." Kaito just shrugged off her praise although honestly, it was hard for him to ignore Fate who looks like mini Ravel. Thankfully, Kaito isn't a lolicon and always remembers his position as a leader, so he was able to keep his face straight.

"Anyway, let's go back to work... Fate."

"Yes, Owner." Fate nodded and then pulled in 100% effort in order to repay Kaito's kindness from now. After that, they continue to review all the paperwork until they got nothing left to check. In fact, Fate does even better than Sakuya in some aspects such as giving suggestions and more conservative behavior, which made Kaito appreciate her help furthermore.

To be honest... Even though he already promised Fate, Kaito didn't know whether he actually could help her but still decide to give it a serious try later since Fate genuinely helped him today.

Kaito didn't know the system would actually give him a hand to help later, albeit in an unexpected way later on.


Another late update, sorry sorry SORRY. I probably will repay all of these late updates later when I am finally free. The end of the year really makes me busy lol.

Also, in this chapter, I explain the goal of Nanoha and Fate, as I haven't covered them yet (I am basically growing up watching this series). Almost every character in the chat group has some sort of goal on their own, and I will try to cover them one by one before the end of this arc. (and foreshadow their future mini-arc).



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