The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

71. Finding Present for Kaito.


While Kaito and Fate working very hard on headquarter today, almost every chat group member currently went out in order to find Kaito's birthday present. In fact, Not only chat group members but every player that knows Kaito personally like the leader of the top guilds or his friend frantically finds their presents too in order to not embarrass themselves.

It's because Kaito's birthday is one of the biggest events in SAO even though it's not coming from the game itself. Most players also anticipated and looked forward to this event, so the closer the day to the event day, the livelier the atmosphere in the SAO world has become. Only at this event that the players were able to witness the Uta concert using a free broadcasting channel and have a chance to taste the famous Totsuki Chef restaurant dishes for free.


[1st Floor, Town of The Beginning]

Following Aika's advice, group 3 decides to return to the 1st floor as a place to look for Kaito's birthday present. The reason behind that was that the 1st-floor marketplace was the largest marketplace in the world so they would have many options to choose from. 


"This white sweater looks great, did you craft it yourself, Mister?" Mikoto asked the clothes stall owner. 

Like other group members, Mikoto is also currently finding a present for Kaito and she found the sweater might be a good choice, considering she had never seen Kaito wearing one.

"Obviously, Miss! I sew it myself using my own skill and that's one of my proudest results!" The stall owner, which is a player who has maximum sewing skill answered. 

"I could tell. Do you think this sweater would look good on a male?"

"Of course! Although, I suggest changing the color to red or black if it's for a man. White is kind of... more fit to woman, ya know?" The stall owner suggested.

"No..." Mikoto shook her head and answered, "I know this guy usually wears a casual white t-shirt in his free day so he must like wearing white color."

"I see."

"If you don't mind a question, Is it for your boyfriend, miss?" The stall owner curiously asked.

"N-No! We are just friends! I am just indebted to him!" Mikoto quickly denied his question and then continue said, "Anyway, I will take this one!"

"Sure! Wait for a second miss." 

The stall owner nodded and then both he and Misaka opened their menu to do transactions... since both of them are players. There is no need to hand the money and the goods directly through the hand, as they could do that using the SAO player menu.

"Thank you for your order, miss... Misaka? Wait... Isn't that the name of one of the DSA guild members?" The stall owner asked since he could see the nickname of Misaka in the trade menu window. He also quickly recognized her appearance similar to the description he know about Misaka, which made him suspicious to her even further.

"I am not! We are just having the same name!" Mikoto quickly denied it but her response made the stall owner even more suspicious.

"Ah, I see. Although, isn't this game prevent an ID with the same name..."

"No, I am not her! My hair is pink!" Mikoto yelled while pointing at her hair, in an attempt to hide her own identity but obviously the stall owner is not stupid.

"But the hair color could be changed with the item..."

"I am not...!"

"Are you sure...?"

"No, you are getting the wrong person!"

"...A-Aright, you are not missing Misaka."

"Very good."


Even though the stall owner said it, what Misaka Mikoto behaved basically did confirmed his suspicion that the little girl in front of him is a real deal. After all, the information of DSA group members related is not limited to their name and appearance, but also their behavior and their skill set-- as Crocodile sold their information for more funds to the guild in the underworld. Misaka Mikoto's behavior is especially told to be a tsundere, and sometimes childish-- which is something that Mikoto did in front of him just now. 

Thankfully the stall Owner decides to stop pursuing the matter since nothing good has bad enmity with frontliners, although he can't help but feel a bit proud to meet one of the frontliners and have stories to tell with his friends.


After finding the right present, Mikoto went to the Totsuki Chef restaurant's first-floor branch on the second floor to meet the others as they promised before start hunting the presents. When she arrived at the location, Mikoto quickly notices that everyone is already waiting for her which means Mikoto is the last one to come. They also put off their disguise already, so Mikoto also pulled off her disguise and quickly greeted them all.

"Good afternoon, Everyone! I am sorry if I took a bit too long time." Mikoto said while clapping her hand in an apologetic tone.

"Don't worry. Besides, waiting for you while eating delicious food is hardly trouble." Aika replied while stirring the parfait in front of her. 

"Umm! Don't worry! Besides, all dishes made with Erina nee-san's recipe are really good!" Nanoha added.

Hearing their positive answer, Mikoto then quickly sit down beside Aika and then ordered dishes from the waiter. Looking at others who enjoy eating their dish made her feel hungry, not to mention she is also somewhat tired herself.

"Are you okay, Misaka-san? You seem not looking good." Silica asked with a concerned tone, noticing Mikoto seems looks very tired.

"Don't worry, I am okay Silica-san." Mikoto looked stumped in her seat and then asked, "Do you all already find your presents for Kaito?"

"Yeah, I found something interesting but it will be a surprise for everyone. Pufufufu..." Aika replied.


Hearing Aika answer, the other girls suddenly feel a chill on their back as they were remembers what kind of present Aika give to Kaito in the last 2 years. Last year, what she gave to him are super rare big blue cockroach ingredients that ended up causing a bit of trauma to Kaito since it looks so gross. He ended up throwing it, as no one wanted to cook such ingredients-- not even Erina and Arato.


"H-How about you, Nanoha, Silica?" Mikoto turns around at 2 other girls, refusing to learn what kind of present Aika has this year for her own sanity.

"O-Of course we did. Both me and Silica nee-san also got the same kind of present for the Owner." Nanoha excitedly answered which was followed by a nod from Silica.

"Heee... What is it?"

"It is--"

"Nanoha?!" Silica quickly cut her out, preventing Nanoha from telling Mikoto their present.

"N-No! I already promise Silica nee-san to not tell anyone until the birthday party!" Nanoha quickly apologized, knowing she almost made a mistake.


Both Mikoto and Aika can't help but laugh at Nanoha's innocent response. As expected of a magical girl protagonist, her innocence and clumsiness are very high and fun to play with.

After getting enough laugh, Mikoto quickly start another conversation again considering her order is not arrived yet, "Speaking of which, Did Saitama sensei and Agil also already prepare their present? I mean... They refused our invitation today." 

"Agil-san going to gift Kaito some high-quality wine since technically, he could drink this year" Aika quickly answered.

"Ahh... He is turning 18 this year, huh? Sometimes I still can't believe he is actually older than me." Mikoto commented.

Aika nodded and then continue to answer, "While Saitama-sensei... I believe he is going to give the owner hair growth product again so basically he won't have a worry about this."

Hearing her answer, Mikoto can't help but exclaimed, "Perhaps it would be different this year? I mean, does he also give Kaito the same present as last year?" 

"Well... Saitama-sensei got a bunch variation of hair growth items, and still nothing work to grow his hair back." Aika shook her head denying Mikoto's claim and then explained, Even right now, Saitama-sensei currently checking the newly opened 75th floor alongside the clearers team whether it has any item that could grow his hair back."


"Poor Saitama-sensei."

"I feel bad for Saitama sensei..."


The girls of group 3 continued having fun talking together until Mikoto finished the dish she ordered. After that, they decide to come back to the highest floor to do their duty-- following Saitama who had already been there since morning. 

All of them are aware of their commitments still to save players as much as possible and they shouldn't take a long break. Especially, when the new floor just opened, it was usually followed by a lot of players curiously exploring around and often ended in a dangerous situation.


[75th floor, Collinia]


During the time that Mikoto and the other girls gather together, Saitama currently stood firmly with a serious expression at the gate of Collinia, the main settlement on the 75th floor. As someone who came from the DSA guild, Saitama is usually appointed as the floor explorer squad leader whose purpose is to find out information about this floor in its entirety. The reason why Saitama was standing at the city gate was obviously because he was waiting for information on the results of the clearers' exploration regarding the city and the area surrounding.

"Saitama-sensei! We already scanned the whole area!"

After waiting for a while, one of the clearers that he seems to be familiar with come back to the entrance to report the result. Hoping for good news, Saitama quickly turned at him seriously and asked, "How is the result of the investigation?! Is there any item that could grow my hair on this floor?"

"This city is definitely safe to visit and there is quite a moderate difficulty quest everywhere that could be taken by high-level players. The city seems to be modeled after ancient roman architecture. There is also a complete colosseum in the middle of this settlement... although we haven't tested the content of the colosseum since it might be dangerous" 

"I see... Aika and others could test it later. Good job." Saitama praised the player in front of him and then with a more serious look, he continue asking, "Then what is the answer to my second question?"

"...We haven't checked all the quest NPC would offer on this floor but there are barber NPC in the city."

Since Saitama often leads this operation, this player is also very aware of his level of hair-growing obsession and has prepared information about it. Not that he can't understand, as he is aware of Saitama's problem about can't grow any hair or even equipping any wig.

Hearing his answer, Saitama's eyes suddenly light up as he exclaims, "Barber! That's hopeful! Ano..."

"My name is Toon, Saitama-sensei. Sigh... when you will remember me, Saitama-san. This has happened 81 times by now." The player, Toon answered with an exasperated tone. 

"Ah I am sorry, Toon." Saitama scratched his head in an apologetic tone and then beg, "Please show me the way, we need to check that NPC whether it's dangerous or not." 


'Toon' who was aware of his superior's behavior had anticipated this question and then guided him to the location Saitama was looking for... although shortly after it would end in disappointment since the item that NPC sold to him was still unable to grow his hair back.

This just proves that Aika's prediction was correct-- as Saitama later ended up giving the item to Kaito since he can't use it anyway.


A bit of filler, but I guess I just want to show what group 3 usually does a little bit-- considering I covered group 2 too few chapters ago.
I probably had said enough sorry in the last chapter for the late update, I am really busy on rl job...


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