The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

72. Proposal to Kirito and Party Preparation.


[24th Floor, Panareze, DSA headquarter]

On the next day, everything went back to normal since the girls around Kaito already find the present for his birthday. Naturally, Fate is also back to help her own group who are currently busy controlling the safety of the newly opened floor. 


"So, do you guys have fun yesterday?" Kaito asked while eating his breakfast. Their breakfast for today is a cereal with milk invented by Erina not long ago and has been popular with players ever since.

Unlike yesterday, the only people who are in headquarters are his group members, including Kirito who finally come back to the group. 

The other group members were too busy doing their own responsibility, such as Group 3 who basically ensure the safety of players, Group 2 who literally ran a business every day and the main source of the guild funds and Group 1 who ran an information broker company while also maintain their guild influence to this world from the shadow.

Because of that, the DSA guild headquarters is usually empty every day and rarely has guild members staying for a long time.

"I admit spending most of my time on hunting spots really tired me out mentally so I do enjoy my short vacation yesterday." Lisbeth first commented.

"We have enough fun." Miya followed.

"It's alright." Sakuya added.

"...It wouldn't be a lie if I said that I am not having fun." Kirito also answered.

Hearing Kirito answer, Kaito quickly retorts him, "Of course you do, you went away from our group for 3 days to date Asuna." 

"I-I am sorry, Kaito." Kirito replied with a remorseful tone

"Don't worry, no one bothered what you are doing." Kaito shrugged and  then continue asked with a curious tone, "Now I am curious, how is the progress between you and Asuna?"


"...We are getting along pretty well." Kirito quickly answered and continue to eat his breakfast.  It's not the first time someone asked about his relationship, so he was not flustered by this question.

"Of course you are. Everyone in the guild could tell about that." Kaito retorted again and then continue asking with a teasing tone, "So... When do you two plan to get married?"


Hearing Kaito's sudden question, Kirito can't but be very surprised which made him chocked on his cereal.

*Cough* *Cough*

"Why has this suddenly become a marriage topic, Kaito?!" 

"You don't want to marry Asuna, Kirito?"


Despite his initial panic, Kirito knows that he actually really likes Asuna and can't refute back what Kaito just said. A few weeks ago, Kirito also witnessed one of their guild members married to each another (Itachi x Kazehana) and can't help imagining himself with Asuna in their place-- so the answer to this question is obvious.

"I do..." Kirito slowly nodded but then he continues said to Kaito, "But I don't know how to say it to Asuna."


Kaito and the other girls can't help but be surprised at his answer but then he quickly realized that in this world, the incident that happen to be the catalyst to solidify the relationship between Asuna and Kirito never happened in this world since 'laughing coffin' group doesn't even exist to harm them thanks to Group 1 effort to hunt them down. (A/N: refer to Kurabel incident episode 10 in anime). 

Without that even happening, the relationship progress between Kirito and Asuna won't progress to the next level... Especially Kirito who used to be a loner has no idea how to ask her out. It was even a miracle that they managed to become a couple in the first place without all the important events that happened in the original.


"What I should do?" Kirito asked for suggestions.

"I don't think you need to think about it deeply, Kirito-san. Just do it." Miya, who is experienced in this matter quickly answered.

"Do it?"

Miya nodded and explained, "It's no doubt both you and Asuna love each other. All you need to do is ask, and I believe she would answer you positively."

"I see..."

As Kirito still wondered about Miya's suggestion, Kaito suddenly called him out, "Actually, Kirito. I have a proposal for you."


"How about you perform a duel at my birthday party that would happen 3 days later? You know everyone in here is usually busy on that day to make sure everything goes fine, but I know you are free." Kaito proposed.


Kaito nodded and then explained, "Just the other day, I have a bit of talk with Crocodile. He proposed to add a sub-event 'Duel against the player from another guild' during my birthday event in order to increase our prestige and influence in this world by showcasing one of the guild member skills... Which is not a bad plan at all."

"Indeed. That does not sound too bad." Kirito shows his agreement, aware that most players in this world respect a person based on their strength and skill.

"If you agree to participate, the guild will help to promote your relationship to the next level with Asuna plus I will make sure to fund your marriage with Asuna later for free" Kaito added.


"For free...? I don't think Crocodile-san will allow it..." Kirito said in a confused tone.

"It's Crocodile himself who proposed this plan, why do you think he won't agree to this?" Kaito snorted and then said, "Don't worry, he will agree. After all, I am the leader of this guild, not him."

"I-I see."

Hearing Kaito's proposal in detail, Kirito can't help but be tempted to accept since the deal was too good for him. Showing his combat skill to the whole world might put a bit too much pressure on Kirito who doesn't like to be in limelight, but besides that, there is no reason for him to reject the proposal.

At the same time, the girls in the room do not believe Kaito doesn't have hidden intention behind the proposal-- knowing how their leader usually act with purpose. They have no slightest idea what he planned thought, as Kaito hasn't talked his plan to the girls yet about it--- but the girls choose to be quiet and let him do whatever he wanted.

It's not the first time Kaito hiding something from them, and they believe Kaito would tell them soon. Only Lisbeth who kind of dying to ask, but even she understands Kaito won't make any unnecessary deal. 


"Can you give me time to consider?" Kirito requested, thinking he can't decide this willy-nilly. 

"Sure." Kaito nodded and replied, "We are going to hunt on the 75th floor together anyway while also finding the boss room as always. I will wait for the answer on the night."

"Thank you." Kirito replied and murmured, "Newly opened floor, huh?" 

"Group 3 must be busy now. Poor Aika-san, she really can't catch a break." Lisbeth commented.

"I heard Erina-san also planned to open a new branch on the 75th floor so group 2 is probably also busy." Sakuya added.

"So only group 1 who are not busy?" 

"You are wrong, Lis." Kaito shook his head and replied, "They are probably the busiest among us... You know, my birthday party event... They are the ones who set up the whole event and the coordinator."

"Ah... I forget about that. Shouldn't we help them?" 

"As much I want to say yes, we really can't." Kaito rejected her suggestion as he explained, "We still have the title 'strongest party' that I need to maintain, and the only way to do so is to keep grinding our experience."

"Then, we must hurry to finish our breakfast. We have wasted so much time in here." Sakuya reminded, and everyone quickly agree with her suggestion. After they finished breakfast together, the Kaito group quickly went to the 75th floor together as they have planned-- leaving the headquarter empty once again.



[48th Floor, Lindarth]

While Kaito and his group members doing their routine hunting on the highest floor, In the afternoon, Crocodile and Nico Robin on other hand currently busy handling all of Kaito's birthday event preparation directly in the location

The location chosen to be the place for the party is the 48th floor, Lindarth-- inside one of the concert stadiums usually used by Uta to perform. The floor itself was well known for having a rural and tranquil atmosphere, but right now what everyone on the floor could hear are loud noises of construction work under the guidance of Crocodile himself.


"Set the stage decoration properly, otherwise if I found a problem during the event... I will personally punish you all!" Crocodile said while glaring to his subordinates.



Affected by Crocodile intimidation, the subordinates (players) carefully build the stage and some of the lighting and firework props. It's not the first time they are doing this, so the players know what they are doing which made Crocodile satisfied with their performance.


Knowing there is only one person who called him by that nickname, he turned around and answered, "Ah, Miss All Sunday. How is your mission?"

Earlier in the morning Crocodile got a message inside the chat group from Kaito telling he already went invite the protagonist to perform a duel at his birthday event, which mean his plan was possible to do. Kaito then asked Crocodile to contact Heathcliff (Kayaba) to invite him too, which is why he quickly told Nico Robin to go the Knight Blood for negotiation.

"I already send a message to Knight Blood guild about the upcoming duel event" Robin answered.

"What is his response?"

"Positive. He agrees to perform as long the reward you promised to him is delivered."

"That's good news."

Hearing her answer, Crocodile can't help but smiled as the plan seems to be working very well. Now all he needs to do is to set the time and schedule for the said duel during the party-- which should be easily done after the stage is set up by his subordinates.

"He also wants to meet you face to face, but Heathcliff said he was a busy person so it can't be helped," Robin added.

"That's another good news. I am also not exactly free either." Crocodile snorted.

"That's true." Nico Robin chuckled, knowing how busy Crocodiles are going to be these days, especially without Itachi and Kazehana around in the group.

"Speaking of which, It still feels weird to have a concert stadium exist when I believe we don't see it in the memories." Robin muttered, looking at the majestic stadium made of limestone around them. It is shaped similarly to a football stadium, with a big stage in the middle-- and the focus of the party is going to happen in the middle of the stage. 

Crocodile nodded and replied, "It must be Kayaba. There is no other explanation." 

"So, he is actually a fan of Uta?"

"No, I believe he just likes what Uta doing to this world... And what we are doing in general." 

Crocodile himself have to meet Heathcliff several times and is aware of how genuinely impressed he seems to be by their guild. For a gamemaster like him, it's easy for him to build a concert stage to support them-- especially when the purpose of their guild was to make his 'world' better.

...Although, both Nico Robin nor Crocodile didn't realize that the fact Kayaba was able to help them with the concert stage indicated that Kayaba himself already monitoring and pay the attention to the guild itself a long time ago. 


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