The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

84. Finishing the Special Group Task.


Confirmed that they actually defeat the boss, screams of joy could be heard by everyone in this boss room. The players who were already prepared to put their life on the line still can't believe they survived this raid, especially after remembering how fearsome the boss was earlier. 

At this moment, every player in this area feels really thankful for the DSA guild who organize the raid in the first place, especially for Kaito who play a lot of crucial roles during the battle.

In fact, at the moment the players in the whole world know that the raids were successful and also celebrated in joy together, thanks to a message system that players on the raid could send outside the boss room.


"Sigh... We finally beat the game." 

Kaito quickly release his sword from his hand, and then he slumped down to the ground. The intense fight was naturally very consuming mentally and physically, and now the fight is done-- he could take a break. While Kaito is happy that his plan worked well, he actually not very happy with the result. After all, there were some unnecessary casualties back then, and wondered if he could do better.

"I still have a lot to learn" Kaito muttered, pumping a fist toward the ground in frustration.



"I am sorry."

Kaito quickly stood up and bow his head toward Lisbeth to apologize. After all, the casualties still happened even though Kaito know that he could stop it. 

'It seems I still have a human heart in the end' Kaito thought. 

"No... I know you did your best. It's not your fault at all." Lisbeth shook her head, denying his self-deprecating, and continue said, "I think everyone here could agree we probably won't make it without your lead."

"Right, everyone?"

The moment Lisbeth turned back and asked the crowd behind her, the players who paid attention to them nodded to each other and shortly after also provided their answer.


"You really doing a great job, Commander!"

""Thank you, Kaito-san!""

""You are our hero!""

 "Long Live Kaito!"

""Long Live Kaito!!""


Hearing everyone's praise and appreciation of him, Kaito who didn't expect people to like him teared up quite a bit. He thought that he was really hated here, especially after many bad things he did in this world. He even lied to his comrade in the chat group, betraying his own principle for the sake of task completion. 

He doesn't feel deserve the praise at all but Kaito know he still needs to respond to their feeling.

"Everyone... Thank you." Kaito muttered, hiding his embarrassment, "Thank you, Lis."

"No, It's me who needs to say that, Kai."

Lisbeth lift up his head slightly, and muttered, "Thank you."


After that, Lisbeth quickly pressed her face toward Kaito and then kissed him on the lips. Obviously, Kaito who didn't expect Lisbeth would blatantly kiss him in public isn't prepared at all and at this moment can't do anything else except accepted it.

It was not his first kiss so Kaito didn't panic at all, since in the Sekirei world, he did kiss his Sekirei a lot. Heck, he even solved Miya's situation by forcefully kissing her back then in the Sekirei world.

However, while kissing her in the public, not far away behind Lisbeth, his 'group of harem' send a 'ambiguity smile' toward him... making Kaito realize he might be in trouble after this. 


After all, now that the task is complete... he can't use it as an excuse anymore to get away from their advancement, and his underage reason is invalid since technically, he is already 18 years old now. 

He also knows the girls already waiting for him for a long time and believes him, but right now what he did essentially betray their trust-- which is flirting with Lisbeth who is the newest girl in the group.

Naturally, Kaito could tell that the girls would be pissed off at him... And the thought of it alone scared him.

'How I should face this situation? Why a woman is so troublesome?!' Kaito thought.


While Kaito racks his brain hard on how to escape his predicament, the crowds on the other side congratulate and wish the best for them, thinking they just witnessed the born of a couple.




"Call us whenever your wedding happened."

"Of course, we would attend the wedding of our hero!"



"It seems everything is going well for Kaito-san." 

Kirito commented watching Lisbeth and Kaito's public confession from afar. Like Kaito who actively moves during the raid, obviously, he is also exhausted after the raid.

"Then, how about us, Kirito-kun?" Asuna asked, sitting side by side with Kirito.

"Errr... Maybe after we meet on another side?" Kirito vaguely replied, not sure how to answer her. After all, marrying her inside the game and in real life is two different things.

"I mean..." Asuna shook her head, blushes a bit, and muttered, "Our kiss..."


After that, due to the atmosphere and situation, their faces slowly got closer, and before long, they also kissed with a bit of embarrassment... following what Lisbeth and Kaito did in public. In fact, they are not alone in doing this, some couples also do the same after seeing Kaito's public act so their act doesn't become a spotlight.


"It seems we don't really need to be concerned about their relationship at all." Uta said as she watch Kirito and Asuna also kissing together from another side. 

Looking at the couple around him, it wouldn't be a lie if she is not envious. However, Uta is also quite satisfied with her current situation. After all, compared to her old life, her current life was much better than before and she is just fine to stay like this forever.

"How shameless... But it must be nice." Erina added.

"Agree... Everyone's love is blooming." Yuu followed.

Both Erina and Yuu have envious looks on their faces, but Uta who saw their reaction sighs and wants to complain.

"Well... It's not like you guys would not experience it later..." Uta jump in front of both of them and replied, "Soon, both of you will meet all of the protagonists who belong to your world and experience 'romance' with them."

'Not like me where I originally would die' Uta sadly thought.

Hearing what Uta said, Hisako who has been quiet suddenly interjected, "I will not allow Erina to get close to that boy like in the memories." 

"Eh..." Hearing that, Uta sweated a bit and replied, "Erina is the heroine, right?!"

"Yes. But why I should follow my original fate when the chat group is here? For me, together with everyone here is much more fun than playing chef in my world." Erina answered her instead, looking at Uta weirdly.


"I also didn't plan to follow my original fate" Yuu added, also having the same plan.


Hearing both of their unexpected answers, Uta is dumbfounded and didn't know how to answer. Unlike Uta who is not that important in her original world, Yuu and Erina are literally the main heroines-- the most supporting character for the protagonist to achieve their goal. So, she could imagine what kind of consequence it could have for the world if they didn't do their job.

However, as much as she wanted to tell them to do their roles, Uta know that she has no right to say that-- especially when she also having fun with them. After all, Uta has known them for 2 years by now, and for her, their existence is as close as a real family to her.

After a bit of thought, Uta decides to not say anything and leave it to Kaito later.


After making some small group activities, the scenes where everyone escape from this game finally arrived. Glowing in golden light, every player quickly disappeared from this world one by one. 

A farewell and promise to meet with each other could be heard anywhere-- including in the outside boss room. 


"It seems we are going to leave first, Kaito-san." Kirito offered a handshake and continue said, "Let's meet on the other side. After all, we haven't celebrated our win properly."

"If there is a chance." 

Kaito just smiled and didn't give any concrete promise. He knows that it's unlikely they would meet in the outside world, especially since there is no need for Kaito to do so.

"You too, Heathcliff-san." Kirito also offered a handshake toward Kayaba, which made him feel complicated. After all, in their original memories, he is the one who is the main antagonist of Kirito. On other hand, Kirito in this world is now completely unaware of his real identity and just sees him as a good colleague.

"U-Uh. You too."


Confirming Kirito and Asuna are gone together, only chat group members were still staying in this room. The world around them slowly faded into glowing light-- indicating the game probably would close very soon. 

However, before getting out of this world by confirming the task completion, Kaito who remembers an important thing suddenly calls Kayaba beside him, "Kayaba, with your administrator, can you help wake up Asuna before we get out?"

"What's wrong?" Kayaba glanced.

Kaito quickly explained what happened to Asuna after this game finished, and the struggle that Kirito going to face later on. As a good friend, how could Kaito let him suffer from those experiences like in the original memories... Especially when he remembers the villain Kirito going to face was someone he also hates.

"You really know the continuation of the memories of this world, Owner." After listening to Kaito, Kayaba hummed in understanding and curiously asked, "But why you didn't share it?"

"Because I think there is no need to do that." Kaito shook his head, thinking it was unnecessary to do that during the task. He can't make the chat group members distracted from the main task, after all.

"Well... With my privilege as administrator, it should be possible." Kayaba answered positively and then stated, "But you share the memories with me later."

"Agree. I plan to do that anyway." 


Now, everything has been settled Kaito immediately ask the system in his head to submit the task progress in order to receive their reward and leave this world for good with other chat group members.




[All the assigned group task has been completed!]

Task Difficulty: Special (Hard).

Optional Task: 3/3 completed.

Task Evaluation Rank Result: Good.

Reward: 150000 Points to all participants. (Extra 50% points on the main task reward to all the participants for optional task completion)

[Note: The reward will only be delivered when the participant wanted to take it. The equipment would be automatically rolled and points would be added .]




[Due to Group Owner Privilege 'Salted Fish Earner Lv.2', a total of 900000 points has been added to your account!]

[World Fragment (SAO) has been received as the reward of Conditional Task!]



Back to the old schedule eh?

Well... I just wanted to finish this arc lol. Now, I also need to think about what kind of power mc could have for the next world.

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