The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

85. Back to the Base World.


After submitting the task completion, Kaito and the rest of the chat group members immediately leave the world together at the same time. The only exception is Lisbeth-- because it would be weird for her if she is not wake up like other players in the game.



The moment they come back to the base world, all of them have appeared in the meeting room, the location before they were gone from this world.

"We are back...!!"

Mikoto quickly exclaimed, and then quickly discharge her electromagnetic ability as she happily said, "I love sword fighting but I still love my original ability more!"

"Indeed." Crocodile nodded, also utilizing his sand ability, "It's great to come back to be able to use my devil fruit ability again."


Other members also tried their ability back and expressed their joy to use it again. It seems that being trapped inside SAO without using any ability was taking a mental toll on some members, although there are also some members who express their sadness that the special tasks already ended. 

For example, Yuu, who gets her ability back now can't talk again without getting a headache. Now, she just quietly sit down with a sad expression, but fortunately for her, her group of friends noticed it and were ready to support her.


"Yuu-san... Don't be sad, no matter what we will be your friend." Uta said, comforting her friend. 

After spending 2 years with her group of friends, for Uta, the importance of Yuu and other friends in the group is no less than her own father, Shanks. After all, her dream to bring happiness to the world with her singing was technically achieved in the SAO world.

"Yeah, Like Uta-san just said. We won't leave you" Erina added

"Umm, Erina-sama. I just wondering... Perhaps, Yuu-san could ask the system about that? With the help of the system, there should be a way to make you talk without getting a headache?" Hisako suggested.


"Good idea, Hisako!" (Erina)

"That's right. The system should have the answer for Yuu's situation!" (Uta)

Hearing the suggestion, Yuu's eyes quickly lit up as she got excited, and immediately asked the system in her head. Shortly after, she immediately got the answer from the system-- and quickly wrote it in the notebook so her friend can see it.

'It requires me to pay 300.000 Points' Yuu writes in her notebook.


Looking at the answer provided by Yuu, Uta, Erina, and Hisako eyes widened in surprise... Since the cost is much cheaper than they initially thought. It may sound like a lot, but everyone in the chat group currently has 150.000 points on their account... So it's not an amount that they couldn't afford.

"It's still manageable." Erina first reacted.

""Um."" Uta and Hisako nodded.

Looking at her secretary and Uta, Erina with a serious look quickly bring out an idea, "I think each of us could send Yuu-san 50000 points to help her, so 3 of us would make 150000 points. And since Yuu should also have 150000 points with her..." Hisako followed.

"Then, Yuu-san could talk again without getting burdened!" Uta and Hisako exclaimed together.


Realizing what Erina implied, both Hisako and Uta quickly agree without hesitation... After all, for them, friendship is much more important than getting stronger, and it's especially true for Uta.

"I don't mind Erina-sama" Hisako answered.

"Me too! Anyway, I just want to get haki ability from the store and it wasn't expensive at all." Uta added.

"You don't mind our idea, right? Yuu-san." Erina kindly asked.

Yuu shook her head and quickly write her response in the notebook. 'Yes! I promise to pay all of it back in the future'


Agreeing to be helped, Erina, Uta, and Hisako swiftly send their points to Yuu according to their plan. After that, Yuu without hesitation bought the ability to control her speaking ability at will on the system... so she could speak freely without any side effects from now on.

After all, after hundreds of years of life, Yuu finally was able to talk freely and now have a lot of good friends that she could rely upon... Which made her very grateful for joining the chat group. Also, Yuu is genuinely touched by her close friend's help and vows to protect them forever from now on.

Not even death would harm them, and Yuu will make sure of it.



After doing a quick farewell speech about the group task completion, Kaito who can see the enthusiasm of the chat group members tell them to do whatever they want as he excuse himself wanted to sleep.

While other chat group members talked and discussed what they would do with their reward points, as he promised, Kaito just slip away to go back to his own room, and then release Est from his inventory, since he really misses her after not seeing Est for 2 years in the SAO world.

The moment she appeared in front of Kaito, he quickly embraced her and said, "Est! I really miss you!"



"Huh? Master?"

Est who gets embraced tightly the moment she appeared just tilted her head, quite confused about what is happening to her master's sudden action. She could tell that her master feel happy to see her though, so naturally, Est let Kaito do whatever he want.

"Kaito, the task... Is it done?" 

Kaito rubbed Est's head and answered, "Yes it is. Did you wait for long?"

Est shook her head, "No... Master only disappeared for a few seconds from this world."



Hearing her answer Kaito is actually surprised. Even though the system already said the time outside the world would be frozen, he still didn't fully believe it. Now, it's already proved, made Kaito think the system is really powerful to freeze the time a lot of members world at the same time.

He really needs to figure out what is the purpose of the system behind him during his time in high school DxD and perhaps discover his own identity in that world.

"I guess the time stop was true... Huh? We have spent more than 2 years in that world after all."

"2 years? But Master doesn't seem to get any older?"

"Etto... It was the setting made by the system." Kaito explained and then continue to rub her hair, "I could go back to my appearance 2 years later if you want?" He suggested.

"No. Current Kaito is the best." Est shook her head. "Although your eyes, getting firmer, like an experienced swordsman."

"During that time, I also got stronger. I can't wait to show my skill to you, Est." Kaito replied.


"Now, let me tell you what happened during the special group task..."


After that, Kaito started to talk to Est about his experiences in the world of SAO, spending some time alone while relaxing on the bed. After that, both of them decide to sleep together like usual-- after all, Kaito's purpose to come back into his room was to sleep.

That night, Kaito does really have a very nice sleep... Until the girls in his group broke into his room.


"Master... Wake up." (Sakuya)


Kaito who gets disturbed at night quickly opened his eyes and found that Sakuya, Akitsu, and Miya has surrounded the bed where he and Est sleeping together... inside his room.


"Good morning...? Why you girls are here...?" 

"Of course, we are waiting for you to wake up. While you were asleep, some of the members already go back to their own world while other also fall asleep as you do." Sakuya reported.

"I see..." Kaito who listened to the report carefully and then looked at them said, "Well... you girls are here, there must be something you want to talk about, right?"

He thought it was impossible for the girls to disturb his sleep for just a mere report, especially when the report content isn't that important.

"Master, Your next plan should be... come back to your original world, right?" Miya suddenly asked.

Hearing her question, Kaito immediately get the idea of what the girls wanted to talk about and become serious. He didn't intend to hide it anyway and quickly answered, "That's true."

"...Can we follow you go there? We are afraid of losing you, master." Sakuya requested.

"No." Kaito quickly rejected and explained, "My world wasn't that dangerous, but if you appeared with me... The situation might be getting complicated. You all should be aware of my situation on there, right?"

Kaito remember that the last thing he was doing in high school DxD world was about to sleep in the private room at the Phenex mansion. It would be okay if Kaito was somewhere else, but to have multiple girls with unknown identities appeared with him in a place where they would likely get exposed real quick.

That's a big NO for him who doesn't like to get in trouble. The only one that could follow him to go there is Est, and even that, she probably spend most of her time inside the inventory.

"But... We can't help but worry. After all, your goal was to get the evil pieces on your own." Miya replied.

"Don't worry! I have said before, I do really have the plan to get it." Kaito reassured Miya and said, "Even if my situation sort of becomes dangerous, I will make sure to call all of you."

"I swear."

Kaito said as he pat his chest in an upright manner to convince them. After the girls look at each other for a while and send an eye signal, they finally choose to believe their master.

"Well, we believe in you master." (Sakuya)

"We will wait for you." (Sakuya)

"Umm." (Akitsu)

"Thank you." 

Kaito bowed his head slightly, genuinely thankful for their care. He understands they are just concerned about his situation in another world, and Kaito feels the same about them. That's the primary reason why Kaito can't allow any girls to follow him back too, afraid he would cause them harm more than good... at least until he got a somewhat stable position in that world.


"Now, we are done with business. Let's talk about your kiss with Lisbeth, master?" Miya boldly asked out of nowhere.

Hearing what Miya said, Kaito just sighed, knowing the girls would come for him soon or later.

"Umm... So this is the time?"

Didn't expect Kaito's positive response, Miya slightly revealed her shoulder in her kimono and sweetly muttered, "So you finally accepted us."

Sakuya and Akitsu also looked at him with expectant looks, however, Kaito didn't intend to let them go with him tonight since it would be inappropriate to do it with Est sleeping on his waist.

"I accepted you all a long time ago." Kaito replied but then quickly warn Miya, "However... Est is sleeping with me tonight. I don't need to say anything about this, right?" 

Hearing Kaito's reason, Miya becomes slightly disappointed but still fixes her kimono back. She knows her master was right about this, however now they know Kaito didn't reject their advancement, and it's only a matter of time before that happens.

"But you don't mind if we sleep with you, right master?" Miya asked again.

"Sure. Only strictly sleeping for tonight." Kaito nodded.

"For another night?" Akitsu added.

"...Let's talk about that later."



As he promised, Kaito finally allowed his girls to sleep with him that night without any kind of rejection. Nothing indecent happened, though... every one of Kaito's arms and legs was being hugged by girls right and left.


...I just gonna implied there is something that happened between the girls whenever they do that kind of activity, but not in detail as this story isn't tagged as smut.

To be honest, I am really tempted to write one though... I might do it privately and see if I actually could write them lol.

Anyway, the next chapter... practically, it's going back to the beginning.

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