The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

86. Suggestion From the System.


After spending some 'sleeping' time with the girls last night, Kaito becomes more determined to become stronger so he could protect his loved ones. Right now, Kaito is alone sitting on the bed inside his room... While the girls already leave doing their own stuff. The reason for doing it is that he's currently thinking about his plan in high school DxD world.

"I am going to solve my problem real quick that has plagued me since I was born for my second life." 

"Which is my bad luck situation" Kaito concluded.

Knowing what he want to do, Kaito quickly asked the system in his head whether there is a way to solve his bad luck situation. However, the answer he got from the system is quite confusing.



...Requesting Permission




Bewildered at the system response, Kaito tried to ask the same question again but no matter how many tries he does, the system always give him a *beep* error response in his head.



...Requesting Permission




'It seems my privilege still wasn't enough, or the water behind my bad luck is too deep' Kaito come to conclusion after several tries. Since he can't really fix his bad luck, he can only temporarily give up on finding out and focus on using his point somewhere else. For now, his second priority would be improving his strength. Kaito quickly checked the balance point he owed and thought about what kind of ability he does need to get. 



[Point Amount: 1.073.450]


'I have 1.073.450 Points on my hand... Well, technically I owe Crocodile 50000 Points and I still need points to invite Ravel later, so I only have 1.000.000 that I could use freely' Kaito thought.

According to the system, 1.000.000 points were enough to give him any ability in the range of 5* low to mid, which sounds amazing... But after thinking about it carefully, doing so wouldn't help them achieve his goal.

One of his goals was to make every girl in his 'harem' become part of his peerage, and unfortunately, he need to become stronger than them in order to change their race into a devil. For that reason, Kaito needs to become stronger than Sakuya, who according to the system is low 6* in strength evaluation.

Honestly, he should be able to get around that specific rules with the help of the system... However, Kaito insists to do it in a legit way. After all, in the end, he needs strength to protect his beloved one-- also, it's a bit embarrassing for him to get protected by the girls all the time as a man.

After a long time of thinking, in the end, Kaito still can't decide what kind of ability he should get to achieve his goal. Fortunately, Kaito still could rely on the system in his head and decided to ask for its suggestion... which surprisingly give a really good one. The system also didn't ask for any points which raise his suspiciousness to the system but Kaito decide to not think about it for now.



[First, I suggest the Owner upgrade his privilege to get more possible income and use the rest of the points to solidify the position as the owner of this world.]



Kaito who listened to the system advice understand that it was a really good suggestion considering upgrading his group privilege would help him get more points in the future, but then Kaito also realizes that he never asked what is the requirement to upgrade his Owner Privilege.

He remembers that it seems increasing the level of group chat won't level up his Privilege, thus Kaito is curious about what is going on.

'System, what is the requirement for upgrading my Owner Privilege to the next level?'



Next level Group Owner Privilege upgrade requirement :

  • Owner Strength Evaluation at least needs to be 4* (1/1)
  • Next level Group Owner Privilege upgrade cost: 500.000

[Note: Group Owner Privilege Lv.3 would upgrade Salted Fish Earner effectivity to 50% and Rent Member Ability Feature]


Looking at the requirement to upgrade his Privilege, Kaito can't help but be surprised because of how expensive the cost was. However, he also quickly recognized the benefit from upgrade his privilege, which make her passive income 50%

In a long run, it's worth it for him to upgrade his Group Owner Privilege and so Kaito didn't hesitate to do it.




[500000 points have been deduced]

Group Owner Privilege Lv.3 

[Salted Fish Earner Upgrade]

  • You get 50% of all of the points earned by all group members.

[Immunity feature]

  • You are immune from any attack that comes from your group members. This feature could be turned off/on anytime the user wants.

[Rent Member Ability]

  • As the group owner, You have the ability to use all of your member ability-- as long you get their approval and pay the corresponding price to the system. 

Next level upgrade: Increase the level of the salted fish earner and True Owner of the World feature.


[Point Amount: 573.450]



Looking at all the notifications that he got, it would be a lie if Kaito didn't feel a bit of pain after losing a huge amount of points. However, Kaito also quickly realized a new feature was added beside his salted fish earner upgrade. When Kaito read what it does, all of his pain quickly disappeared and become happiness-- as he realizes how useful this new feature is for him.



[Rent Member Ability List: ]

  • None

[Note: To add any ability to the list, ask members of the chat group to agree to rent their ability first!]


Kaito who read the notes quickly understands how this feature is going work. Basically, Kaito could use any ability of a member in the chat group as long they approve his request to use it. What makes him surprised was that seems no limit to this feature, so it was possible for him to rent Saitama's limitless ability or Erina's cooking skills.

This feature is going to be a great trump card for Kaito in case he faces an enemy with unprecedented threat and naturally, he is happy about it.

Anyway, since the system has proved his ability to give suggestions to Kaito, he decides to ask for more suggestions from the system about what he should do next. 



Here is the list of things that the Owner should pay attention to :

  • [Developed Life-Saving means]. (Owner is still very weak and this would help in the case facing an un-escapable situation)
  • [Improve your physical strength]. (Most ability usages consume physical strength as the root, also you need it to satisfy your girl in night activity)
  • [Save some points in the case of an emergency]. (There is no need to rush to get any ability using points, as salted fish earners should provide more income in the future. Remember, using points to achieve your 'wish' is also your main ability!)



Looking at all the suggestions the system provided toward him, Kaito 100% agree with all of them, especially number 2 was really great suggestion for him (*cough). However, the last suggestion raised alarm toward his suspiciousness of the system, since it would cause Kaito to depend on the system more using points.

He understand that the points usage was his strongest trump card at the moment, but in the end, it wasn't his real strength at the end of the day which made him really dislike that idea. Now he thinks about it, the rent ability members is also a feature that going to consume his points to use. There is also the possibility that renting powerful ability from the member would cost him a huge amount of points... but Kaito won't know that until he tried it for real.

...Should he follow the system's suggestion even though there seems to be an intention behind it? Kaito is not sure but he can't really deny that all the suggestions were great for him to follow now.



"Well, let's just save it for now. The only time I need to get to 6* strength evaluation is when I finally got the evil pieces on my hand, otherwise, there is no need to hurry." Kaito muttered, feeling hungry after thinking a lot for a long time.

He remembers that back in the High school DxD world, he still has 1 year's time to wait before the plot started-- and Kaito believe 1 year's time was enough for him to gather the astronomical amount of points with his new level of group owner privilege.

Although at this moment, Kaito didn't realize there is no way to keep his points balanced without getting consumed for a year since a lot of group members have problems that he need to help to solve.


After deciding to keep his points, Kaito then leaves his room to get some food since his stomach seems already protested. 

Sorry for the late update, on these few days I tried to write smut on my own and the result was... disappointing since I realize my English writing skill wasn't great, to begin with. So yeah, no smut... for now (I won't give up lol)

Next chapter I will just go to time skip a bit to high school DxD world.

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