The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1017

Ⅱ 104. Kyodai did not stop.

“… what are you going to do with this?”

The fourth night in tune.

When I went to school with Dios, I felt like I was losing my mind.

Dios himself, who had been excited since he started talking, seems to have forgotten it already. Well, I guess so. Cedric and Omelette are more impressive to Dios than that. Dios was always like that before he got in tune.

Cedric was a very good person, and he ate Omelette and it was delicious. I can’t remember anything about last night. I was so tired in the middle of the conversation that I was prompted to synchronize quickly.

I said, “Huh?” He replied, astonished by Dios who leaned his neck, and exhaled.

“You’re completely suspicious of Cedric, aren’t you? It’s too early in the morning.”

“Oh, no, but! That’s it…..”

Dios, who just remembered, burst out in a hurry.

Hold your mouth tight and exhale one more time as Dios can see your eyes swimming with butterflies. Speaking of which, he pulled his shoulders away from me and turned his chin against me. The irritation became too obvious and the face became red. They found out about the upset even in the room with only the moonlight.

Dios dared to tie his mouth and stick his cheek cane on his knee until he reflected. Remember the memory of a synchronized dios in your head as you keep piercing your gaze with cold eyes.

This morning, just after Dios picked up Cedric at the entrance to the High School Department and left his bag. I dared to blame Dios, but I couldn’t help but wonder.

“Good morning,” said Mr. Cedric. “He was kind enough to return it to me, and he made me wait. He laughed and asked me to say hello again today. There is nothing strange about me looking back like this. [M]

However, Cedric looked back and said to Dios. “By the way,” he said, “it’s as casual as if your hair has garbage on it.

“Hello, Dios Farnham? I’ve heard of Croy’s brother. It’s very similar.”


Besides, it’s too strange to say it without hesitation. I suppose you’re guessing, and I think you’re just kidding us.

It’s one-half possible, and even if I heard that Jeanne was going to school to replace me, I wouldn’t be able to tell us apart. If you keep quiet without hair pins, you can’t even tell the family apart. Cedric knows nothing but our existence.

Immediately after Dios was told, his consciousness was even sparse and frozen. I know that shock was natural. [M] Turn it off and we won’t be seen.

“… eh… Let me, Cedric, what did you say…?

“? Didn’t I?

The dead voice was distorted, and I was too bad at fixing it, but I couldn’t help it.

I’m sure I can’t give it back so suddenly. [M] Because there was nothing wrong with Dios. The behavior may have been a little more suspicious than mine, but it would have been normal to get that much attention before the royal family. It’s not like you can understand all about me in just one day…. it’s impossible to tell. Besides…

‘No… no. I…. ”

I see. Sorry about that. I still don’t know who you are. ”

Dios convinced me as soon as he denied it.

Then he must have just guessed if he really made fun of us. Cedric didn’t feel like exploring, and if he was seriously looking for Dios, he couldn’t have pursued it when he was upset.

I was so upset that I didn’t even care about Dios, who was too late to walk. “What’s wrong? He laughed at me.

It’s a corner morning. Let me hear from you again today, Croy. ”

… but it’s also possible that it’s all a lie.

Dios was also confused by the boulder, and he was scared and worried that he might find out a lie. He also reminded me of my advice and warned Cedric. I replied in a word, but I still didn’t feel anything.

Looking back this way, it may be useful to confirm that emotions are synchronized…. is that it?

“… I’m…”

“What are you going to say by accident? You wanted to say,” It’s actually Dios. ”

“No… I didn’t… but I didn’t tell you.”

“You don’t have to tell me. You know what happens when they find out you’re switching to school, Dios? And now we’re fooling the royal family.”

“…… yeah”

I was depressed again.

But it’s true. Only students who have completed the admission process can attend school. External humans can be stopped in front of the gate. Especially now that the royal family is passing through, the security is extra tight. A knight stands in front of the gate, not a guard, and Cedric brings two knights, and a real knight comes to the knight’s class as a lecturer for only a month.

There may be severe penalties if it is known that outside people infiltrated the classroom in the first month of royal involvement. Moreover, it is the royal family that we are involved in. For Cedric, who emigrated to the Kingdom of Freesia, for a month, if he knew that we were… the violators.

Absolutely not. It can be regarded as disrespectful to the royal family, and it is no different that you are deceiving Cedric. If only I knew that Dios and I had switched schools while deceiving Cedric, and even though we were not students in violation…

Wow, my hands and feet are trembling like numbness at the same time as the cold.

Reflectively embraced his arms with a cold caressed sensation.

I stopped breathing and looked at Dios with my eyes that stopped blinking, and Dios was just as hard as I was rubbing his arms. Her complexion is the same color as her hair. I had dinner today, and when I came home, I had good blood color, but now it’s pure white. It seems that Dios of the boulder came up with it without saying as much as I did.

Breathe consciously while deceiving and reassembling the tremors of your feet. I wonder if this is the last way Jeanne thought of us. The more you think about it, the more dread is soaking up at your feet. From the soles of your feet to the tips of your fingers, it feels cold and paralyzed.

I recall the law class I learned in class yesterday. A person who commits a felony is permanently imprisoned or executed. Light sentences certainly don’t end well after school. Fines or whipping, burning, exposure, or body damage…. it’s better not to fall into slavery like in other countries.

But it doesn’t change how dangerous it is to cross that bridge. Well, of course, not Jeanne, but today, Master Cedric…

“But, Master Cedric… he was such a good man…”

Yeah, I know.

Even though Cedric was a good person… that’s exactly what Dios thinks.

She hugged her shoulders and trembled, staring back at Dios, who appealed to me with a crying face. I chewed my lower lip when I said, “I know.”

I know. Even today, Cedric was so happy to have done so much to Dios. It makes me happy and want to cry when I remember the words that Dios said to me through his eyes.

Me too…. you think that’s weird?

I was glad you told us that.

Maybe it’s a fabrication, or maybe it’s to trick us or get in. But after all, Cedric’s story was straightforward and… incredibly calm.

He told me to comfort a depressed Chloe. Besides, it was because of me that Dios was depressed at that time. I thought about that because Dios knew my emotions with my memory. I didn’t mean that, and that’s why I didn’t tell Dios. No, but if you don’t like Croy, you should have said you don’t like him. Me and my sister are not gonna let Chloe in trouble… is that it?



At the same time, words overflowed our mouths.

I kept my mouth shut until now, but at the same time. When I looked at him with my eyelids convulsing, a man with the same face and the same expression sat on his knees.

For a moment, his thoughts were drowning in his head, and he didn’t really know who he was. If you think calmly with your mouth open, you can certainly understand. He’s Dios, I’m Croy. Why did you worry about such a thing? Hold your head with one hand and think hard between your eyes. In those moments,

My thoughts swayed.

Moaning without feeling like falling off the stairs, he holds his head with both hands again.

He overlapped with Dios until he moaned, and closed his eyes strongly thinking that he must have the same head. What is this disgusting? What’s going on?

“What’s going on… is that weird…?”

It’s not mine, it’s Dios’ voice.

Dios squeezes out what I thought. [M]… oh, Dios, did you talk like this?

I don’t understand the meaning. So what, I’m Dios? No, I’m Dios and Chloe’s Chloe.

When I traced my memory to make sure, I had two memories. Both memorize their emotions and don’t know much. That’s right. Yesterday, the emotions were all in harmony, so there’s no way to tell.

Besides, my memory is stronger than yesterday. I don’t know, but I don’t know the difference between my memory and that of Dios much longer than yesterday. No, I don’t even know if it’s my memory anymore.

When I first moved to this castle, I was nervous about what would happen to my next life, but Dios had half the loneliness and half the expectations in his memory. I was looking forward to my future life, and I missed my friends in the old town… leaving our house where I had always lived. I didn’t think anything of it with my family, but Dios lived in the house from the time he was born, and the marks of the pillars that measured his height were important.

The day my father and mother died, Crowe was sad and sad. However, in Dios’ memory, sadness is mixed with determination, fear, anxiety, and other emotions. Because I decided to protect it. Your sister and Chloe will protect you. I decided to protect my father and mother when they grow up. I wasn’t sure if I could protect you, and I knew my sister and Chloe were stronger than I was, but I decided to do whatever I could. The eldest son of the Farnham family is Dios.

When we found out about the school system, Crowe was interested… but still very interested. I’ve never seen Chloe so interested in this in the last few years. I’ve been working with Dios all my life to support my sister, and I spend almost nothing every day indifferently, but I finally felt hopeful for the future if I thought our future might open up. So, I had a lot of interest and fun, and I was desperate immediately afterwards. I really, really wanted to go, but I didn’t think I’d work to get Chloe and my sister to school. I decided to work hard for my sister and Chloe…. eh?

Which way am I?

“Nh… wait a minute. This… to the boulder first…”

My fingertips tremble when I hold my head.

I don’t have to think about it, I’m Chloe. But there’s another one in my memory. It’s not just memories, it’s not just emotions. I follow all memories to the thinking of the time, and I don’t know which one is Dios’ idea anymore. Why, absolutely strange, I thought this would work. I mean, what am I supposed to do? I’ll go crazy like me if I stay like this. I’m my brother, and yet I’m making you crazy because of me…?

“Shut up, Dios! I already told you!

“Ha, Dios is that way! I’m Croix!

It resounds in a room with few things, such as a futile argument.

As soon as we heard the noise from outside the room, we simultaneously pressed our mouths against our heads with both hands. I accidentally shouted too much. I wish my sister had seen this place.

Hold your mouth down, lean down, and bend your forehead until it hits the floor. Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting, similar thoughts are there, just like me. Right here, in front of me and inside me.

It’s hard to breathe, so use your whole body to help you breathe. No, I think it’s impossible, but tears accumulate in my eyes. The tremors are getting worse, and I’m afraid I’m going to die like this.

Help me find my hands in a selfless fashion with only the floor visible. I don’t know if it’s Dios or Crowe, and I don’t know how to call it.

As soon as I stretched it in the direction of my voice, one crack was there. Grasp each other’s arms simultaneously, 36384; squeeze, and pull.

The moment I grabbed it, the moment I raised my face, we were all at the same time. Make sure he’s there, with his fingertips trembling like he’s rising out of the pond. He had the same face, the same hair, the same eye color.

“Heh heh. Hair clasp… that’s one of them… Dios…”

One hair clasp. Dios.

After we got back from work, we put our hair back on before we went into the house. One for Dios and two for Croix. To prevent my sister from noticing that I replaced it.

I didn’t expect to be saved in this way.

Good, I’m Chloe after all. I thought I wouldn’t really know why.

When I finally understood my scaffold, my breathing calmed down naturally. Hah, hah, you’re finally losing your strength as you breathe together. When Dios with tearful eyes put his hand on the front of his eyes, he felt two hairpins on his forehead. Yeah, I’m Chloe.

I think I will cut my hair and change it thoroughly while I am at it. If we do that, we will no longer be able to switch places and go to school.

It’ll be mixed up and you won’t come back.

Jeanne’s voice roared again as her head began to chill.

Words like prophets are disgusting. Now you know from the beginning that we’re suffering like this and you’re laughing at us. After thinking so much, I realize that the memory of this week is already blurred as to which one.

I know it in my head. The entrance ceremony was Chloe, which means I was Dios on the first day of school and then alternated. [M] But I don’t feel it. Both your memories and your emotions… even your thoughts are in sync. I don’t know either because it’s not just me or Dios.

“Hey, Chloe…. maybe this, too, Chloe”

“Yeah… I’m in tune. I know exactly what Dios has been thinking…. and Dios.”

It’s not just memory. I even know what I’ve been thinking. [M] It’s embarrassing and terrible. Now Dios knows something he doesn’t want to know, and I know it. But the worst part is…

“… Dios. I told you I was Chloe.”

“… I didn’t say…”

It’s mixed.

Jeanne was right. It’s not just memory, it’s because I synchronized my thoughts that I don’t know which one.

Memories were originally something Dios and I shared, and what we thought was something we both knew and the same thing. Originally, the appearance was exactly the same. We both knew what was inside and understood each other, so if we mixed our memories and emotions with our thoughts… we wouldn’t know which one was which.

“Don’t lie,” he said, but Dios refused. Unlike me who wiped my eyes with my arms, I chewed my lips while still dropping my tears on the floor.

─ No, I still want to be Croix and go to school.

… it’s not me. Dios’ thoughts.

Because I’ve already synchronized Dios’ thoughts for the rest of my life, I could have predicted that Dios’ thoughts were much clearer than before. Probably Dios too. I know what I’m thinking.

I think we should stop synchronizing.

I don’t mind if I just keep replacing it. Indeed, it is difficult to share details with your mouth every day. But it’s not something I can’t do. If they find out, I’ll finish the roll, and if that happens, I’ll work for them.

Dios should go to school. I wish I could work. I always suffered from all the hard eyes of Dios, and… the more I shared my memories, the better I knew Dios was suffering.

I chose from myself what I wanted to be painful, and instead of hiding it from my sister, why should I encounter Dios like this even though he is the same twin as me?

“Hey, Dios…. let’s not do the same thing.”

“…… no……”

It was not topped this time.

It’s the best evidence I’ve ever seen. [M] After that, I still had a few words to say, but my mouth remained tied. [M]

Because it’s more dangerous. Dios is going to school. Because I work.

I wanted to say the words one by one, but I didn’t get out of my throat first. I’m sure Dios knows what I’m trying to say.

Without saying it, it was as if we were having a conversation in our minds.

The silence continued, and after nearly thirty minutes of silence, he simultaneously moved his hands and feet back to bed. Instead of speaking up, I couldn’t even keep my eyes open, and I couldn’t be surprised that they were moving in the same way. I roll down the stairs and Dios climbs up the ladder. Good night, I closed my eyes without a word. [M]

… I’m afraid to sleep.

Yesterday and two days ago, I was pretty familiar with my head the day after I got in tune.

The tone seeped in and I didn’t get confused. So I was still relieved when I came in the morning, and I could spend the day without worrying about my sister or anyone. But now…

What happens when you wake up?

I’m too familiar. If I wake up and I’m Dios. [M]

Wake up and Dios will be me.

The only way to distinguish it is by fastening the hair. If you have special abilities, Dios, but I’m the only one using them. Besides, what happens to me and Dios when I use my special abilities anymore? Can I stay with you? Dios is Dios.

─ That’s fine with me. I can be like Chloe….


It’s Dios again.

Dios’ thoughts really resonate in my head, as if Dios were talking to me. The real Dios is on the bed, but he’s got one in his head.

Why do you think that? It’s strange to want to be like me. Dios is more popular with people, and you’ve been doing well around him till Dad and Mom died.

I can see it in my head. Why would Dios think that? You want to be as calm and grown up as I am, and it’s pathetic that my brother always helps me. [M] Why do you think I’ve always been saved? [M]… or…

Is that how hard it was to be a Dios?

“… tell me…”

The words disappeared in the mouth held by the back of my hand.

Why do I have to suffer just like Dios?

I hate it when Dios suffers any harder. What are you going to do now that you’re like me to Dios?

You’re honest and gentle, and you’re stronger than me at crying. Dios is much better. Dios, Dios, me, Dios, me.

Are you trying to turn it off?

Don’t do that.

I only appeal to Dios inside me. [M]

Dios is good for Dios, right? What are you gonna do with two twisted guys like me? [M]

With that in mind, Dios in his head won’t answer. Instead, Dios appeared round with a blanket over his head on the bed. He’s killing his voice and trembling so that I don’t even notice him down there. I can say that with certainty.

I can only hope that I can persuade Dios to do something about it.

If we stay in tune, really, tomorrow and the day after, sooner or later, we’ll be as Jeanne said. And I can’t stop anymore.

As soon as I thought so, Dios inside me moaned, “I don’t want to stop,” “I want to continue,” and “I can be Cloy.” No matter how many times I said no, Dios was moaning and crying.

Somebody, stop.

The last thing I want is for you to really leave it to someone else.

We can’t stop anymore. Among me is Dios, who realizes that even if he finds out it’s broken, he won’t be able to stop at the cliff anymore. [M]

If I want to stop being in tune, I don’t want to… I don’t want to hurt Dios any more.

Close your eyes tightly and wait for the sleeper to eat you. I’m afraid of sleeping, but I can’t stand to stop thinking about it now.

It’s a warning. Stop using the “synchronization” special abilities…. one day, I won’t be able to mix it up again. ”

… while regretting that Jeanne at that time might have been a real warning rather than a threat.

A sinner who cheated on the royal family. Or will Dios or Chloe disappear like this? There must be only two ways we can choose.

I can’t go back.

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