The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1018

II105.Kyodai exposed.

“Croy! Sorry to keep you waiting. You’re early today.

The next morning. At the entrance of the high school building, I bowed to Mr. Cedric, who seemed to be the same as the day before and returned the greeting by saying “Good morning.

When I greet him, he replies in the same friendly manner as he did yesterday.

So far, things have not changed at all. I’m able to respond in the same way that Dios did yesterday. Thanks to the increased synchronization, I’ve become even better at pretending to be “Dios playing Croy”.

We exchange greetings and I am allowed to hold my bag. I continue on to Cedric’s back, just like Dios did yesterday.

“Hmm? What, you’re still a different person. Which is it, yesterday or today, Croy?

To ……?

It’s the same as yesterday, but without any warning.

Same as yesterday, without any warning at all. My facial muscles were not moving well, tensed up. I would have been able to do it a little more flawlessly, but Dios was pulling me along.

“What do I do?” “I’ve been found out,” came over me, and for a few seconds, I couldn’t say anything. After a few beats, my head caught up with me and I mended with my stopped breathing.

…… no. It’s me yesterday, it’s me today, and I’m Croy.

You were two days ago and today. Then you’re still Dios or …… as he was yesterday. I see the resemblance.

Yesterday, you passed it off, but today you are not convinced.

There was conviction in Master Cedric’s eyes, as if he knew it all along. I was seared out, unable to even let the words stagnate any longer in his burning eyes. No matter what lies you tell here and now, you can’t hide them. You’re going to be able to find out what is going on in the world.

And not only do they know that I’m not the same person as yesterday, they know that I’m the same person as I was two days ago. How did you know that? The questions keep coming up, but they won’t come out of my mouth. Of course, if I told you, that would be the last time I would ever admit that I was deceitful. If I get caught, I’ll have to go to ……

“Law”, “royalty”, “fraud”, “punishment”.

I’m horrified by more than just expulsion, I have hairs on my head.

I’m cheating on royalty, violating the school, and I’m only an “accomplice” to the crime, and the one who’s most at fault is not the student, but Dios.

I’m going to be able to endure the desire to escape right now with all the strength I have in my legs. It’s not a good idea to run away when you haven’t even done your work for the day, that would be disrespectful. There is still some time left in the lunch break.

Besides, Master Cedric has neither caught me here nor is he going to punish me. So maybe I’m just guessing.

Well, good. Let’s go, Croy. Let’s hear some more of your stories today!

Yes, and.

I’m going to follow Cedric’s back this time. I’m not going to be able to escape here with the knight in tow. I’ve been chasing after the golden back, feeling as if I were being taken to the executioner’s table.

I’m sure Cedric-sama doesn’t seem to care about anything right now, but I don’t know when he’s going to change his mind. It’s a little bit of hope that maybe he’s just teasing you the same way he did yesterday. It’s better to let it slide than to just fall in love with it.

It’s better to let it go than to continue to fall in love with it. I keep hoping that Cedric will not pursue us any further.

Cedric doesn’t ask me much more than I need to know, and he doesn’t ask me much more than that. It’s a good day this morning, isn’t it? It’s really the same everyday conversation as it was two days ago or yesterday. After talking with Cedric until the warning bell rang, I was relieved to return to the classroom.

The same is true for Dios yesterday, but I’m aware that I really don’t care about the way people look at me because I have so many other things on my mind. I’m sure you’ll be able to find a way to make it work. …… No, it was Dios, not me, yesterday morning.

I’m sure you’ll be able to find out more about this in the future.

That’s right, Croy. Dios had an omelet yesterday. Did you hear that?

…… was not a joke.

It was lunchtime, and Master Cedric said that as a matter of course while looking at the menu.

This morning’s remarks didn’t end there, and he was already talking to me after being completely divided between Dios and Croy. Moreover, it wasn’t even in a testing manner, but rather as if they were making small talk while staring at the menu list. It’s not even a trick, it’s just a matter of course, and I couldn’t even find the words for Cedric at first.

I freeze with my mouth open, unable to say anything, Cedric-sama muttered, “Will this be the one for today?” and then turned around. His burning eyes lit up the liar’s me red.

‘I didn’t know my brothers were all favorites. What do you want to do today? You can have an omelet again.

“Yeah, …… its, …………

A dazzling smile reveals my filth and stupidity.

I’m a stinker and a liar, and even now I can’t confess or confess. If I don’t say something, I need to apologize, but I can’t say anything until the decision is made, I’m definitely not Dios, I’m Croy. I’m a weak and cunning Croy who doesn’t have the courage to apologize or the integrity to ask for forgiveness.

What shall I do, I must apologize: ……

Dios in my head says, and my mouth opens to follow the same as my own voice.

My gaze falls first to Cedric, who waits for me to speak with a powerful smile on his face, and I look away. The pain rises in my throat as if I’m about to cry, because I want to say, well, I’m sorry. It’s not me, it’s Dios.

The thought of it makes me want to reject the urge, and I swallow my mouth to defy it. I grip it so tightly that my fingernails dig into it, forcing my tongue to twist and turn.

“Eeeeee, ………… I want to eat the same thing as Mr. Cedric ……

Cedric responded to my words with a single word.

It’s not long before the trays of food were brought out for us to order the same plate for two people. I had never eaten anything like it before, and just getting close enough to bring it in made my mouth water with saliva and I swallowed. I closed my mouth tightly and carried the two trays, trying not to breathe too much.

It’s much lighter than the luggage I usually carry, but I’m even more nervous, and I’m much more scared to carry it than I was yesterday …… or even two days ago.

I’m afraid. There is no doubt that with each passing hour since the morning, Dios has been mixed in with me. I don’t know what kind of person I was, or what kind of guy Dios was, because I have both memories and thoughts. Because I have both memories and thoughts, there is no way to distinguish between them.

─ Or Croy: ……! You may not be a Dios ministry anymore. ……

Dios moans in my head again.

And now there’s me, …… creepily, trying to accept it much more than last night. Well, okay, if I can go to school instead.

Even if it’s not Dios or Croy anymore, we’re already in tune and sharing everything anyway. It’s only going to be two bodies for one. Croy was jealous of Dios, and Dios was jealous of Croy. Then if you are together, you won’t be in pain anymore and you won’t be as suspicious as you were this morning.

The moment I started to accept Dios inside myself, I seriously don’t know if I’m Croy or Dios pretending to be Croy.

I take my place at the table and sit down next to Master Cedric. I pretend to be dazzled by the delicious food and turn away from the royalty and knights. You’ll be reminded not to notice them, and point your fork at the food after the venom. Cedric said, “Yes, it tastes good,” and I took that as my cue to bring it to my mouth.

It was delicious, and I woke up for a moment, my tongue reacting to the first delicious meal I’d had in two days. I’m sure you’ll like it too,” Cedric said happily.

The Kingdom of Freesia has a wide variety of cuisines. You’ll be able to see that the cuisines of various regions have developed due to the fact that it’s a large country, but also due to the presence of its neighbors, especially the Anemone Kingdom. Especially the Kingdom of Anemone, despite being the largest trader ……

We don’t know much about other countries, …… yet.

Maybe in a class soon, but for us it’s an unknown world. We’ve never even left the country before.

But when Cedric talks about it, it really makes me think that it would be fun to travel to a foreign country as well. I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know that I’m not the only one. And the United Kingdom of Hanazoo, which is located in a far, far away land. …… Cedric, the country of his birth and upbringing.

It’s not just a simple matter of a few words.

I remember the memory of yesterday’s Dios.

At that time, Cedric’s eyes were filled with nostalgia and nostalgia, but above all, he was proud of himself. The fact that he moved to the Kingdom of Freesia on purpose, I thought that the original country must not have been so comfortable, but the more I asked, the more I heard it was not so. In fact, the more I listen to him, the more proud he is of his country.

“By the way Croy. Dios.

“I’ve been in the ministry for a while now. …… Mr. Cedric! Why have you left your country? ……⁈

After raising my voice, I immediately thought I’d put it away.

I was so afraid of being talked about by Dios that I tried to digress poorly. “If it had been Croy,” she said, “I could have deflected it better!

I interrupted the royalty without hearing the last of their words, and I hurriedly turned to the knight at my side to see if I was being profane. I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to be a good fit, but I’m sure it’s a good idea to be a good fit. I’m sure you’ll be able to find the best way to get the most out of it.

Then I quickly turned to Cedric, who was also looking back at me with round eyes, his mouth knotted shut. The only thing shining in the round, open depths are the flaming eyes. This time I need to apologize for this one,” I said, putting down my fork, moving my tongue ahead of me and bowing my head, still not even in a sentence.

I’m sorry …… ministry, I’m very, very sorry ……!

As if bowing your head wasn’t enough, stand up from your seat.

As it is, I bowed my head more, conscious of the fact that my back is stretched out as much as possible. I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to find a way to make it to the top of the list or not.

I know with my own skin that the entire cafeteria froze at my bowing motion. I guess I knew from a distance that I had done something to the royalty. You can’t blame them for this, though, as it would make Croy stand out again. I’m more afraid that Cedric-sama will hate me, and if the royals disrespect me and kill me, I’ll be in trouble.

My throat suddenly became dry and my heart raced with every second of Cedric’s silence. Dying, dying, being killed here and there, I even think about the unpleasant things I’ve been preoccupied with. Just when I was beginning to feel damp to my forehead, I wondered if I should just lie down flat, rather than look up

“Phew …… hahaha! Hahahahahahahahahaha …… ministry.

Cedric’s laughter rang out earlier in the quenched dining room.

It was neither dry nor mocking. The laughter wasn’t loud enough to sound like something really pleasant, but it still resonated. It was such a light, gut-wrenching laugh.

I didn’t know what it meant, and I looked up and forgot how to even blink, let alone breathe. I looked up, feeling the taut muscles in my face relax.

Was it really that much fun for me to bow my head in fright, or was it still the goal from the beginning to frighten me and tease me? In the seconds before I looked up, all I could think about was the unpleasantness of the situation, and then my burning eyes saw it clearly.

I’m sorry, I’m sorry, …… haha. …… No, I thought you were pretty much Dios-like in your exaggeration, or rather, …… that you could get flustered at times.

…… and then ruffled my head, which I hadn’t yet raised.

I’m sure you’ll be able to find a way to make the most of your time with us.

That. I’m not sure which one I was just going to be ……?

You’re a brother after all. But your seriousness is typical of you, Croy. You can’t change that much just because you interrupted me. You’re going to have to take a seat.

The food is getting cold,” he said. With that, he touched my head to my shoulder and slowly and forcefully sat me down …… “Croy Farnham” in a chair.

I’m sorry, I messed up your hair again,” he said, stroking his head and arranging it so that I was speechless and frozen. Is your hairpiece safe? I’m not sure if it’s a good idea, but I’m sure it’s a good idea. …… Surely this person doesn’t know how shocked I am right now.

Without a proper response, I move my fork and take another one to my mouth. The rich flavor, not just a sprinkle of salt, fills my mouth with that alone. Master Cedric eats faster than I do, eating silently with my slow hands, and he begins to speak one way, telling me to listen while he eats.

‘Why did you leave the country, was it? I’m sorry I didn’t return it sooner. I’m sorry I didn’t return it sooner, but it was a story that reminded me of a lot of things. It’s a long story, but you’ll just have to listen to it.

As soon as I was told, I realized that the question itself was too intrusive to the royal Mr. Cedric in the first place.

I couldn’t even taste the food as it passed down my throat. Still, Cedric didn’t mind telling me stories that a commoner like me wouldn’t normally be able to hear.

He told me that he owed a debt of gratitude to the Kingdom of Freesia from about two years ago, that the United Kingdom of Hanazoo had been closed and had no trading partners except for the Kingdom of Anemone, that the United Kingdom of Hanazoo was governed by two wonderful kings without any problems even without him, that he told me how good the international postal service was that connected the countries He wanted to do this for the sake of Hanazoo’s connection with Freesia and for the sake of his loved ones. Truly, I was talking to me and I was talking to a crowd of ordinary people about things that I didn’t need to talk about. I’m not sure it’s really real, Cedric’s eyes are still shining as he talks to me long after I’ve finished eating.

…… It’s not me, it’s probably Dios who’s about to cry.

It’s a good idea to be able to have a good time with them.

It’s not Dios to cry in a place like this.

The time passed like a lie as I found myself listening to Cedric-sama’s story. Immediately after the pre-bell, Cedric, who laughed and said, “Sorry, I’ve talked too much,” left with the same leisurely gait as before. I’m sure I’ve responded to a number of things during that time, but I don’t remember much. I think I said something like, “Not at all,” or “I’m glad to hear that,” or some other words that were not my style. Every time I said that, Cedric said happily, “Don’t talk like Dios,” and I got into it again.

I kept my head down until I couldn’t see his back as he was leaving, and right after he finally lifted it. …… I immediately ran out to the front gate.

It’s a good idea to be able to have a good time with your friends and family.

Still, I gritted my teeth and ran away, following the impulse that was closing in on me. A mixture of frustration and fear left me with no choice but to flee.

I was going to go to Dios now, and I knew that Dios had already found out completely, and I was going to stop the replacement as soon as possible, and I was going to tell him that I was good at my job and that I would never do it again.

I’m afraid of expulsion, of punishment, of getting my sister in trouble, of Dios being accused of a crime, of being disillusioned with Master Cedric. But most of all

I still want to be “me”.

Dios is good, Dios is good.

I don’t think we can be proud of ourselves as individuals. But I have no doubt that Cedric has recognized us, and he has recognized us.

Dios and I were almost mixed up inside of me, but after those words from Cedric, we were definitely split in two. I could remember what kind of person I am and what kind of person Dios is.

I am me. Dios is Dios. No, one of us is no good, one of us is good, and that’s how I want to live with my sister and the three of us.

If there is someone who can tell the difference, I hope you will continue to do so. Dios, who is totally different from me, is good. It’s good to be different from Dios. We are proud of that, and we want to be together.

I’m so happy that they recognized me, and I’m scared to death that we might become one in the future. I am tremendously afraid that I will disappear and that Dios will disappear.

If Cedric-sama knows, there’s no point in sympathizing with him anymore.

Even though we’re so united, it’s only a matter of time before someone else notices us if Cedric, whom we’ve barely met, recognizes us. Cedric is not special. One day, everyone will know, everyone will recognize him. Then it’s pointless to sympathize with him. You can’t switch places with them. So let’s stop this now, while we can turn back.

It’s time to stop now while we can turn back, and I’m desperate to convince Dios in my head to do so. Dios can go to school. But I can’t go to school with him anymore. Cedric-sama has already found out, and the school might be informed or even expelled. Then just make sure that only one of you goes through the school before that.

I escaped, from the school and from Mr. Cedric.

I don’t want to expose myself to any more shame, I don’t want to cheat or betray Master Cedric. I don’t want to betray Master Cedric.

I don’t want to enjoy the disappearance of me and Dios.

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